Model Position Paper

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Model Position Paper

Country: Germany

Committee: General Assembly #4

Delegate: Samantha Magpusao

Six years of the Syrian conflict driving 4 million to exile and another 6.5 million
displaced within their country. This has been marked the biggest humanitarian and refugee crisis
of our time since, World War Two. According to UNHCR 33,972 people a day are forced to flee
their homes because of conflict or persecution and majority are harboring to neighboring
countries in the EU union. Some refugees are taking dangerous voyages across the
Mediterranean sea or are walking by foot. Syria has been dealing with a war against its own
people and it's affecting millions of lives of innocent civilians.
In 1948 the right to asylum was made Germany's first basic law as a reaction of
Germany's infamous past of the Holocaust. Germany believes that it is our moral obligation to
fulfill this humanitarian task and that we shouldnt turn our back to those who need our help
most. Germany opened its doors to refugees traveling from Syria, with 1.1 million asylum
seekers arriving in 2015. Germany has been the most generous out of its European neighbors and
has accepted more than 57,000 applicants who applied from Syria. Germany's acceptance rate
towards Syrians is 93% and 88.6% to those who are applying from Iraq. 476,649 was the total
number of whom were able to file for asylum in Germany but, with the recent influx of refugees,
Germany has been more restrictive on legislative asylum cases. Germany recognizes the
concerns of an open door policy and despite recent attacks we will not lose sight on the
humanitarian crisis, and will not let it divide our unity or advise our political decisions.
Germany has been the third largest bilateral donor, spending over $1.4 billion US dollars
to humanitarian and development aid in Syria since the beginning of the conflict. Germany is
also providing emergency shelters, food, healthcare and education in direct aid of the crisis areas.
Chancellor Angela Merkel further donated another 2.3 billion Euros at the Supporting Syria and
the Region conference for the 2016-2018 period.
Despite complications on Germany's open door policy, Germany will not back down and
will continue to stand by their refugee policy. Germany encourages their fellow European
neighbors to accept refugees as well and to work together in solidarity. Our recommended
solution for this crisis is to come up with a more efficient system for the repatriation of asylum
applications that were rejected and to relocate them to a safe country. We hope to do this by
doing rigorous screening and background checks, in the process of determining asylum cases. In
hopes to control the influx we encourage our other EU countries, even the United States to
accept bigger proportion so that we could control the influx.

Works Cited

Anderson, Emma. "Five Way the Syrian Conflict Has Changed Germany." The Local.
N.p., 15 Mar. 2016. Web.

Bershidsky, Leonid. "German Response to Refugees Puts U.S. to Shame." Bloomberg, 17 Nov. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2017.

Dewan, Angela, and Jason Hanna. "Germany's Merkel Stands by Refugee Policy
despite 'terrifying' Attacks." CNN. Cable News Network, 28 July 2016. Web. 28
Apr. 2017.

"Germany." Supporting Syria 2016. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2017.

Mayers, Mathiass, Dr. "Germany's Response to the Refugee Situation: Remarkable

Leadership or Fait Accompli?" Germany's Response to the Refugee Situation:
Remarkable Leadership or Fait Accompli? | Bertelsmann Foundation. Bertelsmann
Foundation, May 2016. Web. 27 Apr. 2017.

"Refugee and Migration Issues - What German Foreign Policy Is Doing." Auswrtiges
Amt. Federal Foreign Office, 3 July 2017. Web. 28 Apr. 2017.

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