Individualrightsnotes 1

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Individual Rights Notes

LGBTQ community
Race - desc. against Muslims & Hispanics
Women's Rights
POC -#blacklivesmatter
Mal Demo
ENZa ES Dis COlor
Camille is this color

Black lives matter-mal
Women's rights-enza emily

Somewhere in america video-


Muslim Discrimination Video -
Women's right:


- Body rights (abortions, birth control, etc.)
- Compare and contrast 1920s and 2017s
- Donald Trumps acts
- The truth about how feminists think
- Movement in the United States

- It was passed by congress in 1919 and then on August

18,1920 the 19 amendment was passed for women to vote
- Women's right movement: 1848-1920
- First movement was in 1848 held in Seneca Falls about
100 people attended the convention and about were
women.One of the women there said We hold these truths to be self-
evident: that all men and women are created equal.
- There main problems were that including family responsibilities, a lack of
educational and economic opportunities, and the absence of a voice in political
- In 1869 the women's suffrage association was created(NWSA)
- Women only make 78% of what men make (research
equal pay)
- 7) "Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are
already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives
that strength." G.D. Anderson
- August 18, 1920
- Donald
- trump:
- "Men making decisions about women's bodies"
- A woman radiates off power, control and ability to take up any
challenge in the world. Beyond hatred comments, women push past
limitations and form global, passionate movements.
- d "some form of punishment" should be in place for women who
have abortions, if the practice is banned.
- Trump reinstated the Mexico City policy, also
known as the global gag rule, which was first put in
place by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. It prohibits
giving U.S. funding to international nongovernmental
organizations that offer or advise on a wide range of
family planning and reproductive health options if they
include abortion even if U.S. dollars are not
specifically used for abortion-related services.
What is it? It is an international activist movement in the African-American
community, that campaigns against violence and systemic racism toward
african americans
Campaign Zero- is a police reform campaign proposed by activists associated
with Black Lives Matter, The plan consists of ten proposals, all of which are
aimed at reducing police violence(join campaign zero)
History of Black lives matter movement- This phenomenon went viral on
twitter with about June of 2014-May of 2015 and was the third most popular
keyword search on twitter
What started it? In february of 2012, 17 year old Trayvon Martin was shot by
George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch captain, the two had an
altercation ending in the fatal shot ending Trayvon Martins life.
Michael Brown (Ferguson)-Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot
and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo., a
suburb of St. Louis.(Ny Times)
In his own testimony, Officer Wilson said that Mr. Brown reached into the vehicle and
fought for his gun. (Ny Times)

Ferguson Riots-The US town of Ferguson has seen rioting and looting after a jury
decided not to bring charges over the killing of a black teenager.Many in the African-
American community had called for Mr Wilson to be charged with murder, but after three
months of deliberation a Missouri grand jury - of nine white and three black members -
made no recommendation of charges.(
Freddie Gray- A court document says that Gray had "fled unprovoked upon noticing
police presence". It also said that Gray "was arrested without force or incident".But state
prosecutor Marilyn Mosby said that Gray was illegally arrested, assaulted and falsely
accused of carrying an illegal switchblade(
Gray had repeatedly requested his inhaler after being handcuffed and police put him into a
tactical hold before he was put in the back of a van. Once he was on his stomach head first
into the wagon, according to Mosby, he was not restrained with a seat belt and despite
repeatedly requesting medical attention, his pleas were denied. He fell into a coma and died
later in hospital with 80 percent of injuries to his spine.
Eric Garner-
Footage filmed by onlookers showed 43-year-old father Eric Garner being tackled to the
ground by police in New York City and could be heard repeatedly gasping, I cant breathe,
while officers put him in a chokehold. Once Garner lost consciousness, police turned him
onto his side to help him breathe, but it was too late. He died in hospital an hour
Tamir Rice- The officers were responding to a 911 call that a man was wielding a gun
and pointing at people at a nearby park. However, the emergency dispatcher failed to
relay to the officers that the caller added that the individual could be a juvenile and the
gun might be a "fake."(nbcnews)

Walter Scott- Slager shot Scott in the back as the unarmed man was running away
from Slager after a traffic stop. In a reversal from his previous account, Slager admitted
in court Tuesday that he did not shoot Scott in self-defense and said that his use of
force was unreasonable.
Scott's death sparked renewed "Black Lives Matter" protests after the 50-year-old
became the latest in a series of unarmed black men killed by police.(cnn)
Camille LGBTQ xew 89 NyE
Throughout the month of May, HRC will be celebrating National
Foster Care Month to raise awareness around children and youth in
foster care. Research has shown that LGBTQ youth are
overrepresented in the foster care system many having faced
family rejection around their sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression. We also know that while in care, LGBTQ youth face
higher rates of harassment, disruptive placements and trauma than
their non-LGBTQ peers.Affirming foster families can make a world of
difference for LGBTQ youth who need and deserve support. LGBTQ
foster parents are in a unique position to provide that affirmation.
Unfortunately, many agencies arent yet intentionally welcoming
qualified LGBTQ applicants through their doors. We already know
that LGBTQ people are successfully raising children all across the
U.S. many having adopted through foster care but the LGBTQ
community can be engaged even more.


President-elect Donald Trump released his "Contract With the

American Voter" in October. Also known as his "100-day action
plan to Make America Great Again," it is an overview of what the
administration will begin to implement in his first months in
office. Many of the points in the document, however, have caused
ripples of panic among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and
queer advocates and fears about whether his administration
could reverse eight years of progress for the community under
President Obama

Overturning Marriage Equality

In a Facebook Live video posted on Thursday afternoon, the staff

at Human Rights Campaign (HRC) addressed post-election
concerns from members of the LGBTQ community. The HRC
policy experts said they had received a flood of questions from
the community in the days following the election, starting with
concerns about whether same-sex marriage might be overturned.

While nothing in Trump's 100-day play explicitly states he'll try to

roll back same-sex marriage rights, it does state he will "begin the
process of selecting a replacement for [Supreme Court] Justice
Scalia who will uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution." In the
past, Trump has also said he would "strongly consider"
appointing Supreme Court justices committed to overturning the
ruling that legalized same-sex marriage.

So, could we see the overturning of Obergefell v. Hodges, the

2015 Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage

"Virtually nothing is impossible in the United States, but it's not

likely," HRC Legal Director Sarah Warbelow said. "Congress and
President-elect Trump do not have the power to unilaterally undo
marriage equality."

Some of the Obama administration's major protections for the

LGBTQ community have taken the form of memorandums and
final rulessuch as this spring's double whammy memos for the
Department of Education (DOE) and Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), which clarified that gender identity is a
protected class in terms of health care coverage and equal
access to education facilities.

Could Trump undo those rulings, causing insurance companies

to drop transgender patients and forcing trans students to use
bathrooms and showers based on their assigned sex at birth?

"There have been wild claims by some critics of the Obama

administration that many policies and actions taken by agencies
and the White House have been unconstitutional. That's simply
not true," Pizer said. "In the 'contract,' this stated promise is only
to cancel 'unconstitutional' actions. If that promise is kept, the
Trump administration will not be withdrawing much at all."

"We must recognize that in a post-marriage-equality America, the

rights of LGBT Americans must be balanced against the religious
liberties of conservatives. This is how a civilized society works,"
Murray said. "I look for the president to protect LGBT Americans from
discrimination, while respecting the religious liberties of other
Americans, and that is not a bad thing."
Race Discrimination - Muslims

- A full 73 percent of Americans believe Muslims face a

great deal or a fair amount of discrimination.

- The American Muslim Poll 2017, conducted by the

Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, indicated that
the majority of Muslims, 60 percent, have faced some level of
religious discrimination over the past year. That figure is far in
excess of that reported by other religious groups, for which
the figures range from 38 percent for Jews to 11 percent for
Catholics. The discrimination also stretched to children. Forty-
two percent of Muslims reported bullying among their school-
age children, which is four times higher than the general

- Discriminatory national security profiling

- Sharia Law is an important feature of this
- Muslims disagree on how sharia should be
applied in the modern world.
- A majority 52 percent of Americans said Islam is
more likely than other religions to encourage violence

- co-workers calling them terrorist or Osama to

employers barring them from wearing headscarves or taking
prayer breaks.

Race Discrimination - Hispanics

- Studies have found that nearly three in every ten
Hispanic workers feel they have been discriminated against in
their employment. Some report being referred to with racial
slurs at work while one in four feel they are paid less and have
reduced career advancement prospects than their Caucasian

- Median household income for whites is $134, 230 and for

hispanics is $13,730



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