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3.1 Research Design

As stated by the writer before that this research was carried out through

action research by using Kurt Lewins model in which it consists of four steps in

each cycle; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Those four steps are

integrated. Each step was conducted based on the previous one and the next. It

means that before doing an action research, the writer plan the facilities in

conducting teaching learning process then applied into the action steps. The writer

then observed the students response during the teaching learning process so that

the writer could reflect to determine the next cycle.

The procedure steps of the writers action research in conducting research

were like this:

1. Planning

The first step is planning. This step was about the activity of problem

identification. It was the most important step in conducting action research as

by knowing the problems the writer could find a solution to solve the problem.

2. Acting

The second step is acting. It is the implementation of planning. The

purpose was tried to find out the solution to solve the problem faced by

the students during the teaching learning process.


3 Observing

In this session, the writer tried to observe the students response during the

teaching learning process whether they made some progress while teaching

learning process.

4 Reflecting

In the last step, the writer was evaluating the steps of the teaching learning

process whether needed should be improved or not in order the result was


3.2 Subject of the Study

The writer held the classroom action research at SMK Syed Alwi which

involved on 25 students of Form 1.

3.2.1 Population

The population as stated in Johnson (1989:110) is the group of entities or

persons to whom the results of a study are intended to apply. The population

might be a set of school. According to Arikunto (2006:130) population is the

entire of the subject of the study.

In this case, the subject of the study is the form one students of SMK Syed


3.2.2 Sample

After defining the population of interest, the writer must take the sample in

order to make the population more representative. According to Arikunto

(2006:131) sample is half of the population that was being observed. There are
several ways to take sample. Arikunto (2006:134) writes that we may take the

entire subjects if the subject is less than 100, but if the subject is too big we may

take 10% - 15% or 20% - 25%.

In this research, the writer chose the convenient sampling. It is based on

the groups or level. In this case, the sample was a class.


3.3. Procedure of the Study

The action classroom research was conducting in two cycles that was

consisted of four steps in each cycle; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

The purpose was to give some activities and observe students progress. The

activities that were carried out below:

3.3.1 Pre-test

The writer conducted a pre-test about simple past tense with aimed at

knowing the students problem in mastering simple past tense. The students have

to complete the reading session that emphasized on regular verb of past tense.

( Appendices 1)

3.3.2. Cycle 1

Here the procedure of cycle I: Planning

After identifying the students problem, the writer then made some steps to

help the writer in conducting the teaching learning process. The steps as the


1). Choosing the teaching material

2). Arranging lesson plan

3). Preparing test instruments and facilities Acting

This step was the implementation of planning. The purpose of the step was

to give some activities to the students.


In the first cycle, the writer applied the type of Task-Based Learning

method to teach simple past tense to eight students of junior high school students.

The type of TBL method was in the form of classifying (included in ordering and

sorting type). The students were asked to classify regular and irregular verb. The

consideration of doing such a treatment is to know the students ability in

recognizing past verb. In knowing the students progress, the writer then gave the

students an assessment test. Observing

In this session, the writer observed the teaching learning process in the

first cycle. There were some events that should be observed by the writer:

1). The condition of the class.

2). The students activity. Reflecting

In the last step, the writer evaluated the steps of the teaching learning

process in which it included:

1). The writers ability in conducting teaching learning process.

2). The effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching learning process.

3). The students result.

3.3.3 Cycle 2

The step of the second cycle as the following:

27 Planning

Before conducting the second cycle, the writer made correction of the step

in the first cycle then she improved the teaching learning process in the second

cycle. The planning as the following:

1). Preparing and choosing the material.

2). Making some notes in leading the writer in conducting the second cycle in

order the writer manage the teaching learning process well. Acting

The writer then applied another type of Task-Based Learning in the second

cycle. A problem solving in the form of analyzing hypothetical situation would be

applied in this activity. The writer asked the students to analyse affirmative,

negative, and interrogative past sentences. The consideration of choosing the task

is to engage students to be able to recognize the characteristics of each sentence

(affirmative, negative, and interrogative) so that they can applied it to the real-life

communication. In knowing the students progress, the writer then gave them an

assessment test. Observing

In this session, the writer observed the teaching learning process in the

second cycle. There were some events that should be observed by the writer:

1). The classroom condition.

2). The level of students proficiency.

28 Reflecting

In the last step, the writer evaluated the steps of the teaching learning

process as the following:

1). The writers ability in conducting teaching learning process.

2). The effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching learning process.

3.3.4 Post-test

The writer gave the post-test to the students to know the students progress

after teaching learning process. The students should answer 30 items in the form

of completion test. The test was the same as pre-test.

3.3.5 Questionnaire

In this activity, the writer distributed questionnaire to the students. There

are 5 questions. The students only answer yes or no for each question.

3.4 Data Collection

In carrying out the classroom action research, the writer needs a data to

support her study. In the study, the writer used a pre-test, some assessment test, a

post-test, and questionnaire. The aims of using these techniques are to know the

students response during the teaching learning activities and to see their progress

and mastery in achieving the lesson given by the teacher.

3.5 Instrument of the Study

The writer gathers the data by using tests, questionnaire, and field notes.

3.5.1 Test

The tests used in the research were a pre-test, some assessment tests, and a

post-test. The purpose of giving the test is to measure students mastery in Simple

Past Tense. There would be 30 items of pre-test and post-test. The assessment test

will be given in the end of the teaching learning process (Cycle I and Cycle II).

The consideration in giving the students assessment test was to measure the

students progress.

3.5.2 Questionnaire

A questionnaire also distributed to support the primary data. It used to find

the students response during teaching learning process.

The aspect that the writer wanted to observe were:

1 The students interest in using TBL as a method to teach Simple Past Tense.

2 The advantages that the students gained after learning Simple Past Tense

through TBL.

3 The students motivation in learning English.

4 The relevancy between the material given with the students daily need.

5 The sustainability of the program given.

3.5.3 Field notes

The last instrument used in the study is field notes. The aim was to have

the document about the class situation where the writer was conducting the action

research. The writer observed the students activity during the teaching learning

process then the writer wrote her observation into the field notes.

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