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Matthew White

Ms. Knight

AP Statistics

February 5, 2017

Chapter 9 - Investigative Task

Alligators can pose risks to humans that live in the vicinity of their habitats. This is the

case in central Florida which consequently requires researchers to gather information on the

species to protect citizens that live in the same proximity of the gators .Tracking the sizes of the

gators are extremely important. The length of an alligator can be accurately estimated, but it can

be a difficult task to estimate the weight of an alligator because of the inability to put them on

scales. The wildlife researches had to create a way to safely estimate the weight of the alligators

by their length. The intelligent researches used captured alligators that they weighed to

successfully create a model to measure the weight of the gators without endangering the lives of

humans. The data used to displays some interesting information that helps determine if it is an

appropriate model to use.

The model prediction that the researches used for determining the weight of the alligator

is non-linear. This is one key condition that shows the data is not sufficient enough to estimate

alligator's weight. The model has a noticeable curve and a bad residual plot which ultimately

proves the model's inaccuracy. The residual plot demonstrates a clear bell curve. The model and

residual plot below in the graphs demonstrates conditions that would not satisfy what the

Wildlife experts are trying to achieve.

Re-expressing the model in this case with log provides a significant change to the data

which makes it appropriate to use this model. Without re-expressing the data, the officials will
not be able to acquire good estimates for the weight of the alligators. The re-expressed model is

positive, linear, has no outliers and a good residual plot. This can successfully satisfy the

researchers goal in determining the weight. The r-square is .96 which means the length accounts

for the weight 96% of the time. Researches can now protect humans from gators that possibly

pose a risk to humans with this model and determine the weight of the gators in central Florida.

Model & Residual Plot:

Re-Expressed Model & Residual Plot:

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