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Quezada 1

Esther Quezada

Dr. Iliana Reyes

TLS 312

9 May 2017

Benchmark Documentation

Play Interaction: Episode 1

(This interaction was done the same day in one episode. We were playing with his train

tracks in the living room.)


Me: Are we going to put the tracks together Miguel?

Miguel: Yes

Me: How does this work? Like that?

Miguel: Uhuh

Me: This way Miguel, or do you want it to go this way?

Miguel: Tha..This way. Here.

Me: Okay. Ill give them to you, and you put them down

Miguel: That makes an oval.

Me: Its an oval?

Miguel: Yeah. Here, you grab it.

Me: Oh, thank you. Whats this?

Miguel: Thats the stopper.

Me: The stopper?

Miguel: Yeah.
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Me: Why are these different Miguel?

Miguel: Huh?

Me: Why are they different?

Miguel: Yeah, both together make a square.

Me: They make a square.

Miguel: These two make an oval.

Me: Thats it Miguel, no more?

garage door opens

Me: Ya llego alguien.

Manuel: S, es mi esposa. Est llegando de trabajar.

Miguel: Whats that?

Me: Whos that Miguel?

Miguel: Its my mommy. Mommy is back!

Me: Its your mom.

Manuel and Miguel greet Susy as she walks in

Me: Where are the cars Miguel?

Miguel: Its the oval.

Me: Thomas?

Miguel: Yeah, Thomas.

Me: What do I do Miguel? Ahhh, we crashed! Oh, theyre magnets.

Miguel: Thomas train! That goes with Thomas.

Me: Where are the trains Miguel?

Miguel: Crash!
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Me: Oh no! Its off the tracks.

Miguel: What? (parents speaking in the background)

Me: Oh, this is birdy. Whats this ones name?

Miguel: Thats Annie.

Me: So, this one is?

Miguel: Thats Frankie.

Me: Harvey, it starts with an H.

Miguel: Harvey, and this ones Frankie.

Me: And whats this one?

Miguel. That one, that one is Gold Thomas.

Me: Is that the same as Thomas, but just gold?

Miguel: Mmhmm. Yeah.

Me: And Thomas is the original. How about this one Miguel?

Miguel: That is brown.

Me: Its Max.

Miguel: Max!

Me: Look it! Max. M, A, X. Max.

Miguel: What!

Me: Yeah Max

Manuel: Maestra te dijo? Maestra le dijo.

Susy: Maestra o teacher?

Me: I dont know

Susy: Ms. Esther

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Manuel: Yo le entend maestra.

Miguel: Her name is Ms. Esther.

Susy: Its Ms. Esther

Me: Ohh, Ms. Esther

Manuel: Aaaa Ms. Esther

Miguel: Hey, scoot back mom.

Me: You want to make it bigger. Lets make it bigger. Thats what Im here for Miguel, to play

with you.

Miguel: Woah, woah, woah. Back up, back up. Hey look! Its two stoppers.

Me: Two stoppers?

Miguel: Thats a street!

Me: It doesnt go there?

Miguel: Thats a street.

Susy: Show Ms. Esther, say, This is a street.

Miguel: That ones a street

Susy: and this one is a

Miguel: track

Me: This is a street and thats a track. I was wondering what the difference was.

Miguel: Thats a street. Ms. Esther lets go over here.

Susy: No, dont go into the kitchen, go the other way.

Miguel throws a gumball

Susy: Umm, excuse me. Go pick that up and put it in the trash can.

End of Transcription
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Literacy Documentation

Miguel writing his name

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The end-product (what his written name looks like)

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