Apu Carc 03 LMC

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Computer Architecture Page 1 of 5

Little Man Computer

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following keeps track of the location where the Little Man must look for the
next instruction in Little Man Computer?
a) Hand Counter
b) Calculator
c) Mail Box
d) Input-tray

2. The LMC code 556 means to ____________.

a) Load the value in address 56 into the calculator
b) add the value in address 56 into the value already in the calculator
c) Store the value in the calculator into address 56
d) add the value in the calculator to the number in address 56

3. The LMC instruction code format "ABC", is defined as ____________.

a) A is the operation code and BC is the address
b) AB is the operation code and C is the address
c) C is the operation code and AB is the address
d) A is the operation code, B is the address offset and C is the MAILBOX

4. The concept that instructions and data are indistinguishable, except in how they are
used, provides ____________.
a) for more program simplicity and is widely adopted
b) for more program complexity and is not widely adopted
c) for programmers to modify instructions and then execute them
d) for programmers to test program efficiency independent of the contents of the

5. In all cases, the first thing the Little Man does is ____________.
a) read the INBOX
b) increment the value in the calculator
c) fetch the value in the calculator
d) fetch the value in the location counter

6. The numbers used to hold the mailbox values in the LMC are what data type and range?
a) integer -999 to +999
b) whole numbers from 000 to 999
c) excess-500, ranges from 000 to 999
d) excess-100, ranges from -999 to 999

7. The numbers used in the mailbox addresses in the LMC are what data type and range?
a) integer -99 to +99
b) whole numbers from 00 to 99
c) excess-50, ranges from 00 to 99
d) excess-100, ranges from -99 to 99

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8. What component is NOT part of the LMC?

a) instruction counter
d) Op Code

9. The ways to communicate with the LMC are ____________.

c) IN BASKET / OUT BASKET and the reset button
d) three-digit numbers placed in the IN BASKET

10. The LOAD instruction is defined as op-code ____________.

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

11. The STORE instruction is defined as op-code ____________.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

12. The ADD instruction is defined as op-code ____________.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

13. The COFFEE BREAK or HALT instruction is defined as op-code ____________.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 0

14. The INPUT instruction is defined as op-code ____________.

a) 9
b) 8
c) 7
d) 6

15. The OUTPUT instruction is defined as op-code ____________.

a) 9
b) 8
c) 7
d) 6

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16. The SUBTRACT instruction is defined as op-code ____________.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

17. The code to store the value in the calculator to the address 56 one uses LMC code _____
a) 456
b) 356
c) 956
d) 856

18. The code to load the value into the calculator from address 33 one uses LMC code _____
a) 433
b) 333
c) 533
d) 833

19. The value 278 in address 42 means ____________.

a) just the value 278
b) SUBTRACT the value located in address 78
c) SUBTRACT the value located in address 42
d) SUBTRACT the value located in the calculator

20. If the value 323, stored at address 89, is being executed, then I know ____________.
a) to STORE the value in the calculator into address 23
b) to STORE the value in the calculator into address 89
c) to STORE the value into the calculator
d) to BRANCH to address 23 and resume execution

21. What instruction code(s) replace (overwrite) the old value in the mailbox?
a) 1, 2, 3, and 5
b) 2, 3, and 5
c) 1,2, and 3
d) just 3

22. What instruction code(s) replace (overwrite) the old value in the calculator?
a) 1, 2, 3, and 5
b) 1, 2, and 5
c) 3 and 5
d) 1,2, and 3

23. The LMC instruction code(s) to branch or loop are ____________.

a) just 7
b) just 8
c) 7 and 8
d) 6, 7 and 8

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24. The last step of the Little Man is to ____________.

a) increment the program counter
b) decode the next instruction
c) store the results of a computation unless it is an I/O operation
d) store the results of a computation

25. Memory containing the instructions is accessed ____________.

a) by efficiency of program execution
b) by both priority evaluation and efficiency of program execution
c) sequentially starting at the first address 00
d) sequentially starting at the first address of execution

26. Von Neumann defined the functional organization of the computer to be ____________.
a) made up of a control unit, instruction pointer, and instructions stored as data
b) made up of a arithmetic unit, memory, and instructions stored as data
c) made up of a control unit, arithmetic unit and memory
d) made up of a CPU and memory

27. Mnemonics are used in program listings to ____________.

a) help make a program listing easier to read
b) help the computer understand exactly what the instruction is
c) help desk check the program for errors
d) help the programmer make a flow diagram

28. If the value in the calculator is 46, and the instruction being executed is 877, the Little Man
a) jump to address 77 and continue to execute instructions
b) continue to next executable instruction
c) continue to next instruction regardless if it is an instruction or not
d) read the IN BOX

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29. Write LMC program to produce the sum of three input values.

30. Write a LMC program that able to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle, based on two
input values.

31. Write a LMC program, enter two input value and find out the largest among the two
input number.

32. Write a program to stop at 100, and restoring (Loop) the value each time after checking the
count. The output of the program is 2,4,6,8,10.98 (even numbers from to 100)

33. A complete Little Man Computer (LMC) program is shown below. Carefully trace
through the program find out the task performed by this program and provide suitable
working steps indicating clearly how you arrived at the solution.

00 LDA 09 509
01 OUT 902
02 ADD 10 110
03 STO 12 312
04 SUB 11 211
05 BRP 08 808
06 LDA 12 512
07 BR 01 601
08 HLT 000
09 DAT 02 002
10 DAT 02 002
11 DAT 100 100

34. List and explain five (5) guidelines of Von Neumann architecture.

Level 1 Asia Pacific University of Information Technology Tutorial

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