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(Please use this format for report preparation)

BBA (Hons)/B.Ent (Hons)

Part 1 (Information on organization)

a) Introduction
a) History/Background
b) Vision and Mission
c) Objectives
d) Products/services offered
e) Structure of the organization
f) Organizations culture
g) Brief description of the practicum program organized by the organization.

Part 2 (Body of the Report)

You need to identify the problems (from the management aspects), that occur in the
organization where you are currently undergoing the practicum training.
Based on the obtained information, you need to prepare the following reports:
a) The identified problems/issues(internally/externally)
b) The sources of the problems/issues
c) The impacts of the problems/issues to the organizations operations.
d) The application of SWOT analysis on the identified problems/issues
e) The suggestions to solve the problems/to gain benefits from the issues
f) The magnitude of your suggestions to the organizations
(Note: You can observe these problems from various aspects such as human resource,
marketing, finance, production/operation etc.)

Part 3 (Self-experience/Conclusion)
In this part you need to;
a) describe how the theories and practices that you have gained being incorporated in the given
b) briefly describe about your new experience in undertaking the practicum throughout the
period of four months.
c) explain how this practicum program could help in developing/preparing yourself to enter the
workforce in the future
d) explain the constraints that you faced while undergoing the practicum training (i.e in
performing the given tasks), and how you cope those constraints by using the appropriate
management approaches/tools.

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