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Identify the critical factors that influence the online shopping pattern for
consumers of Apparel products in Bangladesh.

Prepared for:

Md. Iftekharul Amin


Course Instructor (M609 - Market Research)

Prepared by:

Monamee Afroze Ishika (Roll: 119, MBA 46 D)

Priyom Mozumdar (Roll: 124, MBA 46 D)

Mohammad Zulqar Nayen (Roll: 126, MBA 46 D)

Mir Zahidur Reza (Roll: 160, MBA 46 D)

Institute of Business Administration

University of Dhaka

April 21, 2013


Introduction 1

Statement of Problem: 2

Objectives of the Research: 2

Scope: 3

Methodology: 3

Quality Control Plan: 5

Literature Review 7

What is Online Shopping? 7

What infuence the Consumers? : 8

Online shopping pattern for Apparel Products: 10

Online Shopping in Bangladesh: 11

Data Analysis Plan 13

Hypothesis on consumers demographic and psychographic

characteristics 13

Hypothesis on the consumers relationship with e-commerce sites


Time Plan for Research Work 15

Budget 16

Researcher Profile 18

Reference and Bibliography 22


Online purchasing is not entirely a new concept in the market. It has
been persistent in the background ever since the Internet was
commercially available to the public. Many companies have utilized the
Internet as a channel for fashion retail marketing (Murphy,
1998). The significance for retailers to having a web site is
that a web site is
informational and transactional in nature (Murphy, 1998). The top
categories of Online
Sales according to ComScore Networks,
(Freedman, 2002) are:

Computer Hardware and Software

Apparel and Accessories

Ofice Supplies

Books, Music and Movies

Consumer Electronics

Home and Garden

Health and Beauty


Sporting Goods

Toys and Games



In a general view most consumers are still in heavy favor to shopping in

stores. There are a number of reasons why consumers are discouraged
to shop for clothing online. But the percentage of people purchasing
clothing online is rising and it shows no signs of stopping. The factors
that are influencing the online shopping pattern for Bangladeshi
consumers can also be the determinant factors for the apparel
shopping through online. A structured researched can be conducted to
identify the critical factors that influence the online shopping pattern
for consumers of apparel in Bangladesh.
Statement of
The internet has revolutionized the lives of millions of its users since its
inception. Our research explores one aspect of this revolution that is
the growing use by businesses and individuals as a retail channel for
apparel shopping in Bangladesh. Apparel Shopping is special in a sense
that many predicted it would be difficult to sell online. There are
several critical factors that influence the buyers to go for online
shopping for apparel product through diferent websites. Thus this
descriptive research intends to identify these influential factors on
Bangladeshi consumers for online apparel shopping.

So the problem statement for this research is Identify the critical

factors that influence the online shopping pattern for consumers of
apparel products in Bangladesh.

Objectives of the
This research work on online shopping pattern for apparel products
for Bangladeshi consumers will be conducted based on two
categories of objectives. They are,

Broad Objective: This research will be conducted to identify and

analyze several important factors which influence the online
shoppers in Bangladesh who do apparel shopping online.

Specifc Objective: The specific objectives of this

study includes,

o To identify if demographic factors of consumer has any

influence on online apparel shopping

o To identify if psychographic factors of consumer has any

influence on online apparel shopping

o To know about aspects most and least enjoyed by the

consumers while using the online shopping facility

o To identify the relationship between web site design and

facilities and online apparel shopping pattern

o To gain information on reasons and motivations for not

shopping online for apparel products

o To know what are the personal concerns regarding online

apparel shopping for consumers
o To examine the relationship between customers trusts and
online shopping activity.
o To examine the relationship between website quality and
online shopping activity.

o To examine the relationship between consumers level of

internet knowledge and online shopping activity.

o To examine the relationship between internet

advertising and online shopping activity.

o To determine which of the above factors contribute most to

online shopping.

The scope of the research will be limited to the demographic,
psychographic factors of consumers that are influencing online
shopping pattern in Bangladesh. The scope of the study will also
include the web site characteristics that can influence the pattern. The
population of the research will be limited to urban residents who have
internet access and do frequent online activities throughout the day.
The sampling method, data collection technique and sample size will
be selected considering time and budget constraints.

Research Design: This will be a cross-sectional descriptive research
which will work with several qualitative and quantitative methods to
come up with findings. While conducting this research, the team will
follow systematic steps for efective execution of the work. Different
variables will be described and relationship among them will be
measured throughout the research.

Sources of Data: The data will be collected from diferent

qualitative and quantitative sources which in a broad sense can be
divided into two categories,

Primary Source: These will be the first hand information sources

from which both qualitative and quantitative data will be
collected. For getting understanding and insights the qualitative
data will be collected and for this the research team will conduct
a focused group discussion. Survey will be conducted among
specified sample to get the quantitative data for the study.

o Focused Group Discussion (FGD): The focused group will

consist eight (8) undergraduate university students, who are
frequent online browsers, very fashion sensitive and aged
between 18-23. Questions will be generated by the researchers
and posed in a consistent manner to the focus group. The
topics in the focus group discussion will include prior
experience with shopping online, satisfaction with shopping
online, fashion orientation, and general behaviors
with respect to shopping for apparel. The discussion will last for
1.5 hours and remuneration and refreshment will be provided to
the focused group member. This group is selected as the focus
group as people of this age group are the most internet savvy
and conscious with fashion and style. Based on focus group
responses, specific benefits and risks related to online apparel
shopping will be identified and included in the survey instrument.

o Survey Design: From the target population, sample will be

drawn to conduct the survey with the structured questionnaire
set. The survey will be conducted by the four researchers
through the personal interview method. The respondents will be
interviewed with the combination of two personal interview
one is face to face interview done by the researchers and also
computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI). The CAPI method
will be administered through the Google Doc application.

Target Population: The target population for this survey will

be the people residing in urban areas with internet access
and frequent online activities. Estimating the size of the
population is difficult as the team has yet to find valid
information on active and potential online shoppers in
urban areas.

Sampling Frame: The sampling frame is divided

according to the occupational characteristics of the
population. The frames are,

Undergraduate students in different institutions in

cities in

Post graduate students in different institutions in cities


Employees working in different local and

multinational companies in Bangladesh

Housewives residing in urban areas in Bangladesh

with internet access at home

Sampling Unit: Individual person who has internet access

and frequent online activities and who fits with the sample
frame. Respondents will not be limited with age and gender
Sample Size: As the research is of descriptive type, the
more the number of sample element will ensure more
precision of data. In this type research for factors
identification the minimum size required is 500
respondents as a sample. From the related literature
review, it was found out the researchers for other related
researches considered sample size
ranged from 400 to 1000. We have a time constraint for
this study, thus we will fulfill the minimum requirement and
survey 500 sample elements from the population.

Sampling Method: Non probability sampling technique will

be chosen as sampling method. We will be taking samples
from online panels. These panels are composed by
individuals who have expressed interest in participating in
surveys, leaving out individuals who may be part of the
target population, but are not available for interviewing
through the panel. Since we will be posting a link to our
survey on social network
sites, it may not be representative of the target population.
Here what we are doing is convenience sampling, not
random sampling. So the
statistical accuracy cannot be measured. However, we will
try to incorporate judgmental sampling. It is a form of
convenience sampling but the researcher team will use
their judgment to increase the representativeness of the
sample. The elements will be selected on the judgment
criteria, such as education, occupation, internet usage,
fashion sense etc.

Secondary Source: We will collect data from the following

secondary sources:

1. Literary publications (e.g.: Conference papers, journals)

2. Research Reports on related topics

3. Online shopping websites

Quality Control Plan:

It is very important for the findings of the research to be accurate to
control the quality of the data gathered from different sources. The
research team will make sure both focused group discussion and
survey will be conducted professionally and reliably. For this quality
control purpose,

o The judgmental sampling method will be conducted very

professionally for better representation of the population.

o Focused group discussion will be moderated to ensure

right type of data accumulation in the short time.

o Questionnaire will be simply written which will be clear and

understandable by the respondents.
o Close periodical supervision of the automated survey
entries will be maintained.
o Data entered manually in SPSS by one member will be
checked by other members for accuracy purpose.

What is Online
Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce that gives consumers
opportunity to directly buy goods or services from over the Internet
using a web browser. The first World Wide Web server and browser,
created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, opened for commercial use in
1991. These days, the largest of these online retailing corporations
are eBay and, both based in the United States.
Immediately after, launched its online shopping site in
1995 and eBay was introduced in 1996. In recent years as e-
commerce sales have increased compared to traditional stores,
many businesses and individuals have turned to online shops.
Electronic commerce is now a means for business growth and
expansion in relation to both small and large firms irrespective of their
geographical locations.

The popularity of online shopping largely depends on the accessibility

of internet over different countries. At the closing of 2008 almost
1,596 million people or 23.8 % of overall populations of the global
had access to the Internet. Asian countries news report for 474.9 %
increase, it has overall internet user stands at 657 million or 41.2%
of worlds full internet user. Only in China more than 420 million people
are using the internet (Internet Usage and Population Statistics 2010).
The internet population style of Bangladesh is also contributing to the
development of Asian countries which assured
450% development in the period of 2000-2007. Bangladesh has
launched high-velocity
internet connectivity through submarine superhighway in 2005.
Establishing the internet procedure in 1993 it is still in its primary level.

The growth of online shopping is increasing at a high rate over time.

Online shopping for B2C product sales totaled $142.5 billion,
representing about 8% of retail product sales in the United States in
2012. The $26 billion worth of clothes sold online represented about
13% of the domestic market, and with 72% of women looking online
for apparel, it has become one of the most popular cross-shopping
categories. Forrester Research estimates that the United States online
retail industry will be worth $279 billion in 2015. There were 242 million
people shopping on-line in China in 2012. On the other hand, for
developing countries and low-income households in developed
countries, adoption of online shopping along with conventional
methods is limited by lack of affordable internet access.
What influence the
Consumers? :
Freedman (2000) points out that there are different types of shoppers.
The four types of
Online Shoppers she has pointed out are
as follows:

Online Aggressors: The characteristics of this type of shopper is

that they are online daily; a technology embracer and buy most
items online where and when possible.

Online Adopters: This type of shopper pre-plans purchases; tend

to or likely be a catalogue shopper; Shop online where it fits neatly
into their life. Purchases mostly commodity products online; Utilizes
Web as price and product comparison engine, Embraces gift giving
where tools are available from trusted merchants.

Online Opportunists: This shopper shops from both catalogue

and stores, based on convenience. Evaluates shopping options and
varies behavior by category. Typically buys in-store with limited
catalogue purchasing. Normally researches product information

Online Alienate/Agitated: This type of shopper tends to prefer to

shop in-store. May shop from catalogues on an infrequent basis.
Normally a technophobe by nature. Security central to their
resistance to shop online. May test online shopping to keep up with
the world.

Cheung, et al. (2000) pointed out framework of online consumer

purchase and showed that on line purchase intention, purchase
adaptation and purchase continuance depend on consumer
characteristics (life style, motivation, knowledge, innovativeness,
involvement, demographics), product/ service characteristics (product
knowledge, product type, layout, frequency of purchase, tangibility,
differentiation, price),medium characteristics (web design, navigation,
ease of use, interface usefulness, reliability, security),merchant and
intermediary characteristics (service quality, privacy and security
control, brand reputation, delivery /logistics, after sale service,
incentive) and environmental influences (culture , subjective norm,
exposure , attention, image).
The main reasons why consumers prefer to buy online are cited below:

Reasons Shoppers Cite for Buying Online

Save time by not going to store 70%
Can shop when stores are closed 69%
Avoid the holiday crowds 68%
Might be able to find better prices 59%
Can find products online more easily 52%
Find products not available in stores 50%
Easier to compare prices 47%
Have gifts sent directly to recipient 36%
Can avoid wrapping gifts 13%
Can earn loyalty points 13%
Purchase from wish list 10%

Table 1 Reasons Shoppers Cite for Buying Online

Source: Jupiter Research/IPSOS (Greenspan, 2003)

A successful web store cannot just be a good looking website with

dynamic technical features it should also be concerned about building a
relationship with customers and making money. Customers are
attracted to online shopping not only because of high levels of
convenience, but also because of broader selections, competitive
pricing, and greater access to information.

Customers attitude towards online shopping also depends on his or her

perception about the benefits, consequences, privacy, security and
willingness of interactions (Limeyem, et al. 2000; Shih, 2004; Wu,
2003). The life style and personality also afect the attitude of
customers attitude towards online shopping (Wu, 2003). Business
organizations need to focus on this issue of customers. The activities
and services of the organization and security and privacy condition of
online transaction will motivate customers for online shopping. Out of
personal privacy considerations, a great portion of the consumers has
reluctant attitude towards online shopping (Wang 2008).

Customer needs and expectations are different according to individual

customers as age, gender; experience and culture are all important
factors. For example, Japanese cultural norms may lead users there to
feel privacy is especially critical on shopping sites and emotional
involvement is highly important on financial pensions sites. Generally,
higher levels of education, and personal income, correspond to more
favorable perceptions of shopping online. Although external factors
affected the personal conduct to some extent, the purchase would
ultimately depend on the individual. These needs and
desires must be satisfied by consume. Once consumers faced the
appropriate context, consumer decision-making process would be
initiated. (Wang, 2008). To increase online purchases, businesses
must expend significant time and money to define, design, develop,
test, implement, and maintain the web store.

Role of social culture and media is important for developing positive

intention for online shopping (Limayem et al., 2000). Advertisement,
focus group discussion and role playing by socially respected and
accepted person can be influential for developing social support for
online shopping that ultimately motivate people. (Howladar,
2012). Financial risk is significant for developing online shopping plan
(Koyuncu & Bhattacharya,
2004; Swinyard & Smith; Shankar, et al. 2003). Security and privacy
are also influencial variables that influencing the customers preference
for online shopping (Miyazaki & Fernandez,2001;Vdo,2001,Shankar, et
al. 2003;Zhou, et al. 2007). Product and services are also very
important for motivating customers intention to purchase through
online (Chiang & Dholakia, 2003).

Online shopping pattern for

Apparel Products:
The Internet has emerged as a compelling channel for sale of apparel
products (Beck,
2000). Online sales of apparel and accessories are now growing faster
than any other ecommerce product segment. The category is
reponsible to help US retail ecommerce sales grow 15.4% to $224.2
billion in 2012, after stronger-than-expected sales took the market to
$194.3 billion last year. Measurement from Nielsen//NetRatings
indicated that shopping sites were amongst the most popular
destinations for women Internet users, particularly for clothing web
sites. In Europe, more than a third, 35 per cent, of shoppers bought
their clothes online in the last 12 months, up from 26 per cent the
previous year, according to the report by Mintel, the market research
company. In Western Europe sales are expected to reach 14 billion
euros ($155.7 billion), a growth of
11% percent annually. Apparel, computers and consumer electronics
will continue to be dominant purchases; these three areas make up
40% of the current online sales which won't change in the near future.

A recent survey by Google India and TNS has found that online
shopping more than doubled in India in 2012. Lifestyle products,
including apparel, accessories, home decor, beauty and cosmetics
account for the highest search volumes on Google. Apparel and
accessories are expected to overtake the online search for
electronic goods in
2013. During 2013, eight of 10 people purchased apparels and
accessories while seven out of 10 purchased electronic goods.

Although online apparel shopping continues to grow worldwide, there

are problems why consumers hesitate to shop for clothing online. There
are a number of reasons why consumers are discouraged to shop for
clothing online. Table 2 highlights some of the reasons consumers are
unenthusiastic of Online Apparel Shopping.
Problems with Shopping for Clothes Online
Unable to try on clothes for fit 81%
Unable to feel clothes for quality of material 45%
Concerned about return difficulties 44%
Concerned about privacy of personal 32%
Total cost of purchasing products is more
expensive than 25%
Difficult to browse 14%
Like to shop with friends/family 11%
Difficult to get customer service 8%

Table 2 Problems with Shopping for

Clothes Online

PricewaterhouseCoopers 2000
(Pastore, 2000)

Online Shopping in
The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh is a developing country in South
Asia. It's an over populated country in the global village, people living
in small physical size, social homogeneousness, forward-looking
infrastructure and banking, the logistics, communications, and payment
costs linked with ordinary and Internet-based shopping tend to
downstairs and similar (Bhowmik, 2012). The Modern act allows people
to apply local currency credit cards for online transactions within the
country. Bangladesh government has announced information
technology as a thirst sector of the country and launched countrys
vision to build digital Bangladesh by 2021. The political government
has also realized some changes in the national ICT policy
1999 which restates establishing ecommerce by 2012 and e-
governance 2014. (Bhowmik, 2012)

Among the contextual factors medium characteristics and merchant &

intermediary characteristics are the primary considerations to develop
the online shopping culture in Bangladesh (Howladar, et al. 2012). The
telecommunication technology and internet technology is not
developing in Bangladesh with satisfactory pace. Though Internet in
Bangladesh has grown rapidly in the last few years but still the access
to the internet is very limited for several reasons. Parvin et al.,
(2007) also mentioned that the commercial use of internet is
limited due to the band width limitation. Wood (2004) also specified
that growth in internet use in several developing nations in the Asia
pacific region (e.g. Bangladesh) has been stalled by lack of sufficient
telecommunications infrastructure, inexperience, indifferent, and
bureaucratic government.
The Demographical characteristic in Bangladesh has mix of positive and
negative feelings and also a critical factor for influencing online
purchases. But young generation accounting for more than 35% of the
total population gives Bangladesh an edge to choose online shopping
(Laisuzzaman, et. al., 2010). The high income and educated people
who are the major customers of online shopping live in major
town in Bangladesh where network infrastructure is comparatively

Physical, economic, educational and social cultural factors also

influence the individuals access to and use of ICTs in Bangladesh
(Parvin et al., 2007). These constitute environmental factors that
influence online shopping behavior. Legislation is one of the important
obstructions in our country to develop online shopping culture. Again,
currently e-commerce vendors are not providing suficiently reliable
level of service to meet the expectations of their consumers, and this is
leading to negative perception of the e -commerce shopping
experience (Dey et al., 2009). In Bangladesh, suficient IT experts are
available, but need coordinated effort by the government, private and
public organizations, and financial institutions to develop secured and
efective internet infrastructure for better environment of online
shopping. (Howladar, 2012).
Exploratory Study was done for the literature review part to get initial
insight of overall scenario. For further research work Descriptive study
combining both qualitative and quantitative methods will be done.
Information gained from Focus group discussion will be analyzed and
interpret in such a manner that will help us to get insight on present
scenario and thereby help us construct the survey questionnaire.

From the self administered questionnaire resided in Google Docs Survey

data will be automatically entered into an excel spreadsheet. With
Excel, initial statistical information will be gained along with basic
graphical representation. After that, the data will be entered into SPSS
software for further analysis. The following hypothesis will be tested
with the software. The hypotheses have been classified into two types:

Hypothesis on consumers demographic

and psychographic characteristics

Hypothesis Technique Used

Perceive ease of use, personal awareness Multiple Linear
of security, Regression
perceived usefulness, perceived risk and
trust has no significant impact on attitude
towards online
There is no shopping.
difference in attitude towards Independent t-Test
shopping when
There is no segmented
difference by gender
in attitude towards Analysis of
online Variance(ANOVA)
shopping when segmented by age
There is no difference in attitude towards Analysis of
online Variance(ANOVA)
shopping when segmented by education
There is no relationship between attitude correlation
online shopping and online shopping
Hypothesis on the consumers relationship with
This part of the study aims to identify factors influencing consumers
towards online shopping. It seeks to examine and understand whether
factors such as customer trust, website quality, internet knowledge
and internet advertising influence consumer choice
of online shopping.

Hypothesis Technique Used

There is no significant relationship Correlation
customer trust and attitude
There online
is no shopping
significant relationship Correlation
between website
There isand attitude towards
no significant online
relationship Correlation
between level of
Internet knowledge and attitude
towards online
There is no shopping
significant relationship Correlation
interactive internet advertising and
attitude towards online shopping

From the result of the hypothesis tests along with other statistical
information gained from data analysis findings will be drawn and

Task Start Date Duration

Proposal Submission 20-Apr- (Day) 1
Focus Group Discussion 13
24-Apr- 1
Data Analysis (FGD) 13
25-Apr- 1
Questionnaire Planning 13
27-Apr- 2
Online Survey 13
29-Apr- 7
Offline Survey 13
3-May- 4
Data Entry into SPSS 13
8-May- 2
Data Analysis 13
10-May- 5
Report Writing 13
15-May- 5
Printing and Binding 13
20-May- 1
Report Submission 13
21-May- 1


In the course of conducting the research and eventually preparing the

report it, there is a need to set and determine an estimate for the
budget required for such an undertaking. It has come to light that the
costs associated with such a research may vary in magnitude.

Focus Group Discussion:

Focus group discussion will be held for one day to gather qualitative
data from representative people. The discussion will require a
substantial amount of expenditure. An overall estimated cost is
2300tk, including remuneration and refreshment.

Printing and Binding:

The need to print the questionnaire for ofline survey and distribute it
to people who might not fall into the online survey panel that would use
a computer on regular basis to answer our online based questionnaire
will need additional expenditure. Again after the completion of report
writing, the printing and banding will also cost some fund. The budget
for this is estimated around 400tk.

Transport Expenses:

In order to reach the desired locations necessary for the data collection
for our research, transportation costs is a major part of the whole
process. The amount needed for it will depend on the urgency for the
journey and the distance travelled. The amount can be estimated to be
around 1000tk for all the researchers over the research period.

Internet and Phone Bills:

Since most of the work will be done through collaboration through

online tools, it will be necessary for internet connection and the bill
associated with it. Even though not all the amount will for the internet
use regarding the research, it still can be estimated that for the
researchers, the average internet cost will be around 300tk. The phone
bills are also
a crucial part of the budget and have been estimated to be around
200tk as well.

Contingency Fund:
This will be needed if Google Doc becomes unavailable; the research
team may have to opt for alternative online survey provider and may
have to import survey data.
For this research work, the expenses need and the categories are can
be summarized as following,

Reason Fund Needed

Printing (Survey Questionnaire BDT 200 ( 100 @ BDT

Report Printing and Binding BDT 200

Remuneration (Focus Group Members) BDT 1800 ( 6person @

BDT 300)
Refreshment (Focus Group Discussion) BDT 500

Transport Expenses BDT 1000

Internet and Phone Bills BDT 500

Contingency Fund ( If Google Doc becomes BDT 1000

unavailable, we may have to opt for
alternative online survey provider. In case
that happens, we may have
to import survey data)
Total BDT 5200


Monamee Afroze Ishika

66, New Circular Road, Dhaka-1217.

Phone No: 88-02-9361387(Res), 88-

01913501060(Mob) E-mail:


Degre Institution Year Major Board CGPA/GPA

MBA IBA (Dhaka Ongoing Marketing 3.73
University) rd
(after 3
BBA BRAC 2010 Marketing 3.96 (out of 4.00)
University & Finance

H.S.C Viqarunnisa 2006 Science Dhaka 5.00 (out of 5.00)

Noon College

S.S.C YWCA Girls 2004 Science Dhaka 5.00 (out of 5.00)

High School


Worked as a Research Associate under the project
Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for
IFC Bangladesh on behalf of Associates for Development
th th
Services Limited (ADSL) from 20 September, 2012- 15
December, 2012.

Worked as a Survey Supervisor for data collection in connection

with Core Group Study under the project Implementation of
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for IFC Bangladesh on
behalf of Associates for Development Services Limited (ADSL) -
June, 2012.


Priyom Mozumdar
Contact: +88-01818-074889

Degree Institution Year Major Board CGPA/GPA

MBA IBA (Dhaka Ongoin Marketing 3.20

University) g
(after 3
B.Sc in Bangladesh 2011 3.06 (out of 4.00)
Chemical University of
Engineerin Science and
g Technology
H.S.C Chittagong 2005 Science Dhaka 5.00 (out of 5.00)
S.S.C Collegiate School, 2003 Science Dhaka 4.88 (out of 5.00)


Field Research Assistant Jan 2013 Ongoing

Nielsen Bangladesh

Senior Project Ofcer Mar 2011 July 2011

Renata Limited

Intern April 2010

Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Limited (CUFL)

Mohammad Zulqar Nayen
+88 01720 211




258/A, Flat: A3, New Elephant Road, Dhaka 1205


Degree Institution Year Major Boar CGPA/GPA

MBA IBA (Dhaka Ongoing Marketin 3.53
University) g
(after 3
B.Sc in Bangladesh 2011 3.53 (out of 4.00)
Electrical University of
Engineering Science and
H.S.C Notre Dame 2005 Science Dhaka 5.00 (out of 5.00)
S.S.C Government 2003 Science Dhaka 5.00 (out of 5.00)
Laboratory High
School, Dhaka


Chartered Accountants
Business IT Analyst


Mir Zahidur Reza





Apt: 5A, Lake Drive Road, Sector 7,

Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 1230.


Degree Institution Year Major Board CGPA/GPA

MBA IBA (Dhaka Ongoin Marketing 3.20

University) g (after 3

B.Sc in American 2011 3.3 (out of 4.00)
Electrical Internation
Engineering al
A Levels Banglades
International 2007 Dhaka 4 As (5.00/5.00)
O Levels Hope School
International 2005 Dhaka 7 As (5.00/5.00)
Hope School


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