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SUNY Canton Early Childhood Program

Lesson Activity Plan Template

Name: Danielle Griffin Date: November 10, 2016

Curriculum Theme: Turkeys
Age: ___I ___T _x_ PS ___K
Focus: Cognition

Title of Lesson: 5 Fat Turkeys

I. Concept Statement
The children will enhance counting skills by engaging in a storytelling experience and counting art activity.


___ Approaches to Learning
___ Social and Emotional Development
___ Language and Literacy ___Language and Communication ___Literacy
_x_ Cognition _x_ Mathematics Development ___Scientific Reasoning
___ Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

III. Sub-Domains
HSELOF Sub-Domain 1: Counting and Cardinality
HSELOF Goal: Child understands the relationship between numbers and quantities.

Objective 1:
The children will develop an understanding of numbers and quantities by engaging in a turkey counting

HSELOF Sub-Domain 2: Counting and Cardinality

HSELOF Goal: Child associates a quantity with written numerals up to 5 and begins to write numbers.

Objective 2:
The children will develop an understanding of the relationship between quantities and written numerals by
participating in a turkey counting activity.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 3: Counting and Cardinality

HSELOF Goal: Child knows number names and the count sequence.

Objective 3:
The children will enhance counting skills and number recognition skills by counting to five for a math activity.
IV. Materials Needed:

Book: 10 Fat Turkeys by Tony Johnston (a count-down book)

Many paper turkey cut-outs
Many strips of brown paper cut with a point at one end (fence posts)
Many smaller strips of brown paper (to connect the fence posts)

V. Directions / Steps / Process [Parts A, B C]:

A. Motivation

I will motivate the children by asking them what they learned about this week (turkeys). Then, I will tell them
that we are going to read about ten fat turkeys today.

B. Steps
1. I will ask the children what they have learned about this week.
2. I will tell the children that we are going to read a story about ten fat turkeys.
3. I will read the story, asking them what number comes next as I go.
4. When I have finished the story, I will tell the children that they will be putting their own fence together,
and placing some turkeys on it.
5. I will ask the children to go back to their seats and wait for my instructions.
6. I will give each child the pieces to build their fence and allow them to put it together however they like.
7. I will go around and apply glue where the children want it, as they cannot use the glue bottles on their
own. My mentor and the assistant teacher will probably assist me in doing this.
8. Once the fences are together, I will give each child 5 turkey cut-outs.
9. I will go around, adding glue to the fences so the children can place their turkeys on it.
10. I will encourage the children to count as they add the turkeys, and I will explain to them that five is half of
11. Once the children have all of their turkeys on their fence, I will number them 1-5, encouraging the
children to help me count.
12. As each child finishes their project, I will ask them to place it on the extra table to dry.
13. I will ask the children to wait at their seats to use the bathroom, wash their hands and go to free play.

C. Conclusion and Transition

The children will bring their projects to the extra table to dry.

The children will use the bathroom and wash their hands before going to their next activity.

VI. Supplemental Materials

08-12-2016 MM/CM

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