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Semester 2, Session 2016/2017

Students Details
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Students Name Students Number
Introduction D20162075685
The Malaysian Smart School is a learning progresses that has been systemically
reinvented in terms of teaching and learning as well as the improvement of the school
management processes in order to help students cope and leverage on the Information Age.
Smart School is not just about ICT intervention in teaching and learning. Teaching and
learning process were included Lecture Groups Details
the process of curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and
teaching-learning materials in mutually reinforcing. Smart School Lecture
Lecturer is important
Groupin Malaysian
education system in line with and in support of the nation drive to fulfil Vision 2020. At the
same time, the individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically
balanced and harmonious can be well produce.

In order to achieve developed country by the year 2020, our Ministry of Education
establish smart school to produce a generation that is more creative and innovative in
thinking skills and willing to adapt to new technology and able to receive and manage the
information technology. Smart school that starts in the year of 1999 has few stages. Smart
school referred to the school that opportunities and focuses on the use of interactive
information technologies in teaching and learning process. It is also one of the plans which
the goal is to realize the change in lesson content and method in delivery the content to the
students at the school. However, there is a lot of issues and challenges in integrating ICT in
teaching and learning in our Malaysian School and we cannot deny that there must be some
challenges in smart school implementation.

The goal of these smart schools is to encourage students to be more independent in the
process of acquiring knowledge and able to carry out learning process by its own and not
only depends on teachers. It also can proportion to access learning self and to evaluate his/her
self. Next goal is to provide a good student that effectively gets information and
communication technologies to compete and meet the challenges and to produce school
leavers are able to deal with challenges life in the era of information technology in the 21st
century. After that, to form a generation citizens who are knowledgeable, responsible,
competent, caring, family values and sensitive to environmental preservation. It is also
important for the generation to have critical and creative thinking. Therefore, in order to
achieve smart school all of the aspect need to gone through and have the responsibilities to
change and renew the management of the school system by the end of year before 2020.

Challenges of Smart Schools in Malaysia

There are some of the challenges faced since the inception of smart schools in
Malaysia. The challenges can be categorised in many ways and aspects to make sure that
schools and infrastructure can well-organized. First and foremost, in order to achieve the
smart school mission and vision which is to produce students of IT savvy the head of the
schools and the teachers must complete themselves with the knowledge and skills of
technologies and computing. The schools principal must have self-confidence, knowledge
and ability to communicate with others. The principal needs to collaborate with the teachers
to achieve good results. Intensive teachers training are to adapt with the environment.

The problem arise when the principal failed to provide high quality and relevant of
teaching and learning materials for the students. Although there are available packages but it
only suitable for Form 1 students. The difficulty to obtain software for Form 4 students give
trouble to the principal because the materials that have been provided by government is not
enough The training must focus on changing the teachers mind set. The programs also need
to involve the mobilization of expertise and they will promote self-directed learning. The
principal also responsible to convince students parent so that they believe and give support to
the school and their children.

Principals can use collaboration management for the success of the smart school
project. They are not only need to provide support in terms of money but also be a model and
made transformation in administration. In efforts to cultivate ICT culture in a smart school, a
written policy document should be drawn up. This policy will help to design and manage the
ICT program which enable teachers and students become master in ICT systematically and
progressive. Excellent and success of a school is heavily depends on the effectiveness of the
principal. As the smart school is related to computing system, so the principal has to
emphasis and gives more commitment on provide technology infrastructure such as
laboratory, smart whiteboard, and media mass material. It is quite challenging because the
principal has to plan the strategy wisely to ensure the procedure progress smoothly and in

The teachers must be able to think creatively and critically. The teachers need to use
computer intensively in their study, presentations, teaching process, and communication to
diversity the use and application of ICT. This is because teachers have a big responsible to
teach and deliver knowledge to the students. As the teachers are using technology equipment
and the infrastructure intensively in teaching process, there must be a problem when the
computers or equipment are damage or unable to use. This problem may cause teaching
process disrupted. Thus, this problem must be solved quickly to ensure teaching and learning
process progress smoothly. The best solution is always keep in maintenance. However, the
cost of maintenance is very high and this may cause the repairmen and maintenance process
delayed or take long time. The teachers have an important role which is educate their students
to master in using ICT. But the efforts in attract students and fostering their interest to ICT is
one of the smart school teachers challenges.

In Smart School system, most of students assessments are using a computer supported
by an internet. They have to learn how to gather information from the internet. Unfortunately
some student do not have an access to internet at home. The smart school students should
ensure all taught that given by the teachers is a useful knowledge. They need to give efforts to
master at all. For the sake of realize that, the smart school students should ready and
understand what teachers have taught. They must always practice and do revision
continuously in order to become expert in ICT.
Smart schools aims to have integrated ICT in education with many high technology
facilities. When the government has confidently provided the necessary ICT facilities in the
computer lab is certainly damage of facilities will occur. Therefore, each laboratory will need
at least a technologist if there is any problem. However, almost every school where there are
no skilled technician to solve this problem. The cost and maintenance fee for the facilities to
work efficiently are high. The smart school itself have to face the challenges in
implementation of smart school. The smart school also lack of facilities. The computer in labs
are not in adequate number.

There are also hardware problems related to LANs, PCs and servers. Limited internet
connection will affect the lesson plan of the teachers and students. Furthermore, the
breakdown of electricity supply also one of the challenges. This is due to inability of the
existing system in school to cope with the increase usage of electricity. Thus, the authorities
should play their roles in improving the management of smart school. Moreover, the smart
school software was not compatible with the national textbook. Thus, the school has to
upgrade the software in line with national text book. Each school need to have a system
integration engineer who has a broad range of skills including software and hardware
engineering and interface protocols.

Apart from that, there is another challenge which is students and teachers
engagement with a courseware. There is a need to make available a rapid and sustainable
supply of courseware in future and to have these constantly replenished and updated. The
used courseware have to be developed for all subjects in the curriculum. For the average and
slow students, the higher fliers should be provided. It will be the greatest challenge to prepare
this courseware for the students. The courseware should be exhibit with some features such as
interactive, cognitively challenging, self-assessment and built-in checkpoints for the teachers

This will ease the teachers to utilize the courseware well and enhance the learning and
teaching process. All these are different based on the school facilities and how the courseware
is used in the classroom. This is because some teachers are not keen on using the courseware.
They lack ICT knowledge and not comfortable with the use of hardware and courseware.
They prefer more traditional way than using technologies. They think that using courseware
is a waste of time so they rather pay more attention on parts that are related to exams.
The classroom environment appears to be an important factor influencing student
engagement with the courseware. Supporting these varying modes of use should therefore be
considered in future courseware design and development. However, it can also be stated at
this stage that not all the interface design components used in the existing interactive
courseware engaged students in learning, promoted student interaction, and motivated them
to use the courseware to the same degree, and that while the animation and video attracted
attention to a high degree, the courseware designers were not entirely successful in providing
an effective interface design in relation to the use of text, images and audio components.
Students therefore tended to deduce the key learning objectives primarily from the animation
and video components and the teachers.

The learning process requires student engagement with the subject matter, and it is
through this engagement that learning occurs. In the case of interactive courseware, this user
engagement with the learning materials depends on effective facilitation by the courseware
interaction capability and interface design which provides access to, and engagement with,
the content. As Bates (2005) has argued, high quality software that has been designed
specifically for education tends to be embraced by students and educators.

However, while it has the potential to enhance learning outcomes and provide users
with a great deal of convenience, accessibility is important to make the tools effective.
Accurate and abundant content is crucial and appropriate design that ensures suitability for
the teaching context is necessary. Moreover, students and teachers expectations and
concerns must be taken into consideration to ensure the uptake of the courseware in schools.

Next, the lack of technological infrastructures in school and mostly in rural area
school. As we can observe, not all of the schools have the complete ICT facilities in their
school. Most of these problems happened in rural area as they are a bit far from the city. This
problem will contribute limited internet access. The schools also do not have enough amounts
of computers for the students to explore the internet while learning session. Some of the
student might be left behind the lessons due to shortage of computers. This problem will lead
to another problem. As we all know, even though we had been living in the modern era
technology, whereby technologies had been worldwide use in this era nowadays, but we must
agree to the fact that not all of the people in this world know how to adapt themselves to the
use of these technologies.
Other than that, parents and society are also one of the failure of smart school. Family
factors play a role in a teachers ability to teach a single students. Principals and teachers
agree that what is going on at home will impact a students propensity to learn. Divorce,
single parents, poverty, violence and many other issues are all challenges a student brings to
school every day. While some teachers and administrators try to work with children in less
than ideal family environments, they can only do so much especially when parents are often
not willing to partner with the schools to provide for the children. Logically, technology are
advanced than many of the teachers today, putting instructors at a decided disadvantage in the

However, a students love of technology also tends to distract him from his learning
process and schoolwork. Many students, parents and teachers see No Child Left Behind as a
detriment to the public education environment today but what are actually happened are
opposite way. Often teachers find that there is no happy medium when it comes to parental
involvement, according to the Kids Health Guide. Some parents wont be seen for the entire
school year, no matter what sort of issues might arise. Others never seem to go away,
hovering over the child and teacher and interfering with the education process. There are
ways parents can become involved and support their childs education at the same time, but
teachers dont always get that level from parents.


In conclusion, Smart School concept is introduced in our country can be actually

become one the most important thing that can occurred in our educational system, by
replacing the existing education systems that we have here in Malaysia at the moment. ICT
use as an ingredient in the process of teaching and learning is the heart of the smart school.
This approach is not limited in curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, teaching and learning, but
also in school management. Even though there are many responds given out stating the
complications that had occurred towards the school, somehow we believed that all of these
problems will be solves and the system can be improvised from time to time. In a mean time,
students and teachers should think outside of the box meaning that they should come up with
an idea to deal with the difficulties at first to ensure that this brilliant project can work out
widely in our country. With the advanced of technologies used in this Smart School concept, I
believed Malaysian Smart School is important in Malaysian education system in line with
and in support of the nation drive to fulfil Vision 2020. At the same time, the individuals who
are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious can be
well produce.

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