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IPTV Crash Course Book « HCUX3XRKQP

IPTV Crash Course

By Joseph M Weber, Tom Newberry

McGraw-Hill Education - Europe. Paperback. Book Condition:

new. BRAND NEW, IPTV Crash Course, Joseph M Weber, Tom
Newberry, Get up to speed on this billion-dollar technology
IPTV Crash Course offers an accessible overview of this rapidly
evolving technology that is radically impacting the landscape
of television distribution and broadcasting services. This
practical resource offers straightforward, easy-to-follow
explanations of the fundamentals of digital television as well as
basic and advanced IPTV technology. You'll also find in-depth
coverage of IP network client devices including hardware and
software, allowing for an enriched entertainment experience.
The Latest Innovations This book delves into new
advancements in the field, examining both the technological
layers of digital television and Internet service offerings, and
how they are converging to create new business models. Soon,
the integration of television entertainment into daily life will
change, and IPTV Crash Course is an essential read for anyone
interested in this groundbreaking technology. Full coverage of
IPTV including: Overview of the Television Services Business *
IPTV System Architecture * Digital Compression Process *
Digital Television Technology * Digital Home Networking * IP
Client Device Architectures (HW & SW) * Copy Protection
and Digital Rights Management * IPTV Standardization Efforts.

[ 5.89 MB ]

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