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Annexure: Sales Promotion Strategy of Selected

Companies of FMCG Sector in Gujarat Region

Questionnaire: 1
Part-1: For Customers

Personal Particulars
Name :
Age : Sex:
Income : Low/Medium/High

Note: Tick ( ) the option of your choice.

1. Which branded FMCG products do you buy frequently?

(a) Toothpaste
(b) Bath Soap and Shampoos
(c) Washing Soaps & Detergents
(d) Food Products
(e) Beverages

2. Which promotion method does make you to buy your products?

(a) Advertising
(b) Sales Promotion
(c) Personal Selling
(d) Publicity by words of mouth
(e) Combination of above

3. Which method of sales promotions do companies use to push sales?

(a) Price off
(b) Discount
(c) Premium
(d) Extra Quantity
(e) Others

4. Which method of sales promotions is more effective to motivate customers to

(a) Price off or Discount
(b) Extra Quantity
(c) Contests
(d) Premium
(e) Others

5. Do you get timely information of sales promotion method from retailers,/dealers

and advertisement?
(a) Always

(b) Often
(c) Sometime
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

6. Do your shoppers provide you sales promotions benefits of scheme whenever you
buy a branded product?
(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

7. When do shoppers give you schemes/benefits for buying FMCG products?

(a) Always Willingly
(b) Sometimes Willingly
(c) Only on request
(d) Only when you insist
(e) Never give

8. Which company is more interested to offer sales promotions benefits to the

customers? (Rank them 1-10)

9. What time do companies bring schemes for sales promotion?

(a) During peak season
(b) During off season
(c) During fall in sales volume
(d) During tough competition in sales
(e) Any time

10. What is the objective of the company to launch sales promotion scheme?
(a) To increase sales
(b) To neutralize completion effect
(c) To push sales in off season
(d) To increase sales of product out of demand

11. Does the benefit of sales promotion scheme reach to you properly?
(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

Part2; For Salesmen

Personal Particulars :

Name :
Department :
Designation :
Experience : years

12. How does management consider the role of sales force in promotion of sales?
(a) Most Important
(b) Very Important
(c) Important
(e) Less Important

13. Does management take steps to motivate the salesman for better performance in
your company?
(a) Always
(b ) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

14. Which methods of motivation are being used for salesmen in your company?
(a) Traveling allowances
(b) Incentives
(c) Commission on Sales
(d) Recognition and awards
(e) All the above

15. Are the motivational methods implemented properly in your company?

(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

16. Did you find any unfair practices adopted by managers in implementation?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot Say
(d) Sometime
(e) Rarely

17. Since how long you are working at the present position?
(a) Less than one year

(b) 1-2 year
(c) 2-3 year
(d) 3 or more years

18. Are you planning to change your job in near future?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot say

19. Are you satisfied with the present motivational methods used by the company?
(a) Most Satisfied
(b) Highly Satisfied
(c) Satisfied
(d) Dissatisfied
(e) Highly dissatisfied

20. Which method is more effective for motivation of salesman from your point of
view in your company? Rank them (1 to 5)

(a) Traveling allowance

(b) Incentives
(c) Commission on Sales
(d) Sales Contests
(e) Recognition and awards

21. Which company in FMCG sector is leader in motivation of salesman as per your
knowledge and experience of the market? Rank them



22. What would you suggest to management to motivate sales force to push the sales
(a) Present methods must continue
(b) More human touch in implementation
(c) Financial incentives must be increased
(d) Total review of motivational methods

Part 3: For Dealers

Personal Particulars:

Name :
Type of Business : Retailer / Wholesaler
Location :

23. Do the companies supplying FMCG products to you give sales promotion benefits
to you?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot say

24. If yes in Q. No. 23, then which sales promotions methods do they use?
Rank them on the basis of effectiveness.(I to 6).

(a) Pop display

(b) Dealer sales contest

(c) Discount

(d) Trade allowances

(e) Deale gifts

(f) Cooperative advertisement

25. Do the companies supplying FMCG products to you give POP display items as
sales promotion benefits to you?

(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

26. Did you get opportunity in the past to participate in dealers sales contest or had
knowledge of it conducted by the FNCG supplying company?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot say

27. Do you get sufficient dealers discount form the company on sales of the product
(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

28. Do you get different types of trade allowances from the company
(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

29. Does your supplier company give dealer gift on occasions to improve dealer
(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

30. Does your supplier company support dealers in joint or cooperative advertisement
for improvement of sales?
(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

Part4: For Managers

Personal Particulars:
Name :
Designation :
Experience : Department:

31. Do you feel the need for sales promotion scheme to increase the sales of your
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Cannot say

32. What is the reason for using more sales promotion in your company?
(a) Increasing Competition
(b) Easy to measure effects
(c) Standardizes products need non-price factor support
(d) Customers number increase marginally only
(e) All the above

33. What is the objective for using sales promotion method when advertising as a
very effective promotional method is available?
(a) To increase sales of slow moving products.
(b) To identity and attract new customers
(c) To neutralize competition effect
(d) To increase sales in off-season
(e) To develop better relationship with salesman and dealers
(f) All the above

34. Who are targeted in implementation of sales promotion schemes?

(a) Customers
(b) Dealers
(d) Sales force
(e) All the above

35. What is the impact of sales promotion methods on sales of the company?
(a) Immediate
(b) Delayed
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) No impact

36. Who is responsible for planning and implementation of sales promotion schemes
in your company?
(a) Top management
(b) Head of sales department

(c) Territory managers
(d) All the above

37. Which party is most important under sales promotion schemes in increasing
(a) Customer
(b) Dealer
(c) Salesmen
(d) All the above

38. Are the sales promotion schemes implemented properly in your company?
(a) Always
(b) Often
(c) Sometimes
(d) Rarely
(e) Never

39. What reason did you find when sales promotion scheme misfire?
(a) Faulty administration
(b) Lack of proper planning
(c) Poor dealer relationship
(d) Lack of interest
(e) All the above

40. On the basis of your knowledge and experience in the market which company is
leader in implementation of the schemes? Rank them (1 to 5).

41. Would you like to suggest out of given options for effective working of sales
promotion schemes for your company?
(a) Proper timing of launching scheme
(b) Involvement of middle and lower level of sales manager in planning an
(c) Proper and timely communication to all concerned parties
(d) Transparency in dealings
(e) All the above


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