Little Boy Lost in The Crowd - Story

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Little Boy Lost in the Crowd

by Vaman Acharya
(Bengaluru, Karntaka, India)

A four year old boy was searching for his parents in the annual fair of
Pavanpur, a small town on the bank of river Triveni. He was separated from
his parents in the crowd. The child was continuously weeping for not finding
his beloved.

Every year thousands of people used to gather in the fair. There were about
one hundred stalls of clothes, electronics, cosmetics, books, grocery,
medicines, toys and restaurant in the fair. The annual fair was organized by
the authorities of Town Municipal council, Pavanpur. Besides locals, People
from surrounding villages also used to attend the fair.

Vijay, a 12 year old boy of Pavanpur, was with his parents and watching the
items from one stall to another and reached the same spot, where the lost
child was present.

Dad, can you see the child moving alone in search of his parents? Vijay
became curious.

Yes! Vijay, such things are common in the fair. It is the duty of parents to
take care of their children. Do not take it seriously and continue your

Vijay was surprised at his dad's response.

Dad, what is wrong in helping a child, who is in trouble?

Why do you want to invite trouble? Please keep quite, warned his mom.

Vijay couldn't shut his mouth. He was adamant to help the lost child.

Do you think helping the needy is inviting trouble?

Certainly, your anxiety to help the needy may land you in trouble. The
beggars have devised a new method to earn easy money. They leave their
little children in the crowd and train them to act as if they have separated
from parents. Sympathizers among the crowd donate both in cash and kind,
explained his dad.

Dad, I dont think this child is a beggar by appearance. I'm sure he belongs
to a respectable family, said Vijay glancing at the child.
Mom intervened, Vijay, it is better to think twice and listen to the advice of
your dad.

I still remember a past incidence happened to me. When I was three year
old, I was lost in the same fair without your notice. You had lodged a
complaint with the police furnishing my identity and photo. It took more than
three hours for the police to trace me. I was in the grip of petty criminals.
They wanted to snatch my gold ring and the locket presented to me on the
occasion of my third birth day. When I refused to part with the ornaments,
one of them showed me a knife. I was bold enough to face the situation by
entertaining them."

"Luckily," he continued, "one constable was passing through that way and
had noticed this and arrested those culprits. I was asked to sit in the police
station till your arrival. I dont want any other children suffer like me. Hence,
dad, please permit me to talk to the child. If we go on argue like this, there is
no end for this. By then, the child will disappear from our sight and will
become impossible to trace him.

Ultimately his parents allowed him to meet the child, and they followed him.

The child was sitting on an elevated platform from the ground having few
steps to climb. The other people were taking rest on the same platform.
Nobody bothered to enquire about this child.

Vijay went nearer to the child.

What is your name, my dear boy? asked Vijay affectionately.

The child was weeping and unable to give a reply. Even after consoling and
requesting him repeatedly, he did not respond. Vijay even thought that the
child was a dumb.

His dad advised him to wait for some time. After five minutes, the child
started talking, as though he felt he can trust him.

Where are my mom and dad? asked the child.

You need not worry. I'm here to help you to find your parents. Please tell me
your name. said Vijay.

I am Veer Kumar, replied the boy.

Can you tell me your parents' names and the place you belong to? Vijay
came more closer to him.
Ramnath is my dad and Rukmini is my mom. We are from Shivpur village,
replied the boy in between his sobs.

How did you get separated from your parents?

I was firmly holding the hands of my mom. Suddenly some people were
running towards us and to make way for them I left my mom's hand and got
separated. I didnt know who they were? I am unable to find my parents even
after an hour. Veer said in tears, rolling over his cheek.

Veer, can you show me the spot, from where you got separated.

Yes, let us go there.

Veer moved to the right.

Within five minutes, they reached the spot. Veer became happy to see his
parents, who were standing at some distance. He introduced them to Vijay
by showing his finger towards them. His dad Ramnath was busy in making
enquiries to the people by showing his photo. He had already lodged a
complaint with the police. They were on the job.

Veer walked towards his dad and mom and as soon as he saw them he
embraced them with tears of joy. Ramnath was briefed about the efforts
made by Vijay to get back Veer. He expressed his gratitude to Vijay.

It was revealed that Ramnath was working as a scientific research officer at

Washington DC. Rukmini was employed as a software engineer in the same
place. Veer was admitted to a school as a baby sitter in the same
neighborhood, where they were residing. The family was enjoying holiday for
one month in India. Since their native place Shivpur village was just 20
kilometers away from Pavanpur, they had come to see the fair.

They went to the police station and informed about the getting back of their
son. Sub-Inspector of Police was very much impressed to know the adventure
of Vijay to trace out Veer. He too expressed thanks to Vijay.

Ramnath told Police officer about the preventive steps initiated at USA in
case of a child lost in mall, movie, museum, theme park or fair. He added,
Finding a lost child in large crowds is not difficult in USA. When we take our
children to a busy crowded place at USA, its important to familiarize your
children with the environment youre in. If you loose the child in a crowded
place, you get immediate assistance. If youre in a mall, find security, if
youre in a large store, find store management. In addition to this, there will
be an announcement in the mike. Your child must always be within eyesight
of one another.
Sir, now youre in India. We are in no way behind USA. We do have a
number of preventive measures to avoid such incidences. Who should follow
the rules? Obviously, it is the people who should learn how to face such
situation!" snapped the Police Officer.

Ramnath and others came out of the police station. He once again praised
Vijay for his adventure and wished him to become a famous person of the
country. On hearing the news of his heroic act, President of Town Municipal
Council personally met Vijay and congratulated him.

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