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In the Jungle


By Eve Terra- 2, June 2050

On June 1 s t , 2050, at 12:59 pm, the last rhino on planet Earth, died. The Black Rhino, named
Sam, was 51 years old when he passed away. Sam was rescued from wildlife traffickers when
he was 40 years old, according to one his rescuers Aasim Vibaya, who was a former
poacher/trafficker himself. He was the hardest animal to rescue because his horns were the
biggest of all the rhinos- That means he was going to sell for big bucks, -the dealer had
him on round the clock watch as he waited for the highest bidder.

Rhino horns have been in high demand for the past 40 years, even more so when the rhinos were
becoming dangerously endangered.

Using an inside man and a strategic plan, Aasim and his team managed to get Sam and all the other
200+ animals out and shut down the trafficker who is currently being dealt with by the proper authorities.
Since then, the animals were distributed to sanctuaries all over the world to be cared for and live out the
rest of their lives. Sam and the other rhinos were sent to the Khama Rhino Sanctuary in Botswana. An
effort to breed within the sanctuary was made, but unfortunately, the trafficker had all the rhinos sterilized
to keep them from ruining their trades. That was personally very upsetting because we had perfectly
healthy males and females, and we easily could have repopulated or at least keep the species alive in here,
says one of the volunteers at the sanctuary. Most everyone loved the cause and took it personally when the
news was revealed.
In the Jungle

In 2040, all Rhinos but the ones in sanctuaries had died out due to poaching and dramatic climate changes.

We were in the final stretch. It wasnt before long when Sam was the only one left

Sam became sick two nights before his death and the who sanctuary panicked. They made all efforts to get
Sam well again and the night before he passed away, he was said to have gotten better. But alas, he lost his
fight early on June 1st.

What now?

Sams death put his whole species into extinction. Scientists fear that this is only the beginning.
Dramatic climate changes, poaching, deforestation, etc. has always been a problem and it was predicted
early on that because of this, 2050 was the year that we lost almost 50 percent of animal and plant species.
Hey world, wake up, its 2050 and its only just begun.
In the Jungle

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