Janusz Korwin Mikke

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Janusz Korwin-Mikke

1) WARSAW, Poland (JTA) Polish politician Janusz Korwin-Mikke said the murder of
millions of people was not Adolf Hitlers goal, and that he probably did not know about the

Killing millions of people was not the purpose of Hitler. Show me even one sentence that will
prove the fact that he knew about the extermination of the Jews, Korwin-Mikke, the leader of
the Congress of the New Right Party, said in an interview published this week in Do Rzeczy
magazine. If he had to have a trial today he would have been acquitted. Hitler should be
hanged, but not for this.

Korwin-Mikke said the leader of a nation only knows what his subordinates tell him.

It is very likely that the Holocaust was organized by Himmler without the knowledge of Hitler,
he said.

Korwin-Mikke was a member of Polish Parliament from 1991 to 1993. Since then he has made
several unsuccessful bids for re-election to the Parliament.

Source: http://www.timesofisrael.com/polish-ex-mp-says-hitler-didnt-know-about-holocaust/

2) Giving Voigt a run for his money in the competition for Most Extreme European Politician
is Poland's Janusz Korwin-Mikke. Anti-government and anti-European Union, Korwin-Mikke
wants to turn Poland back into an absolute monarchy. Never one to mince words, he said that
"women are dumber than men and should not be allowed to vote." Among his campaign
pledges: a vow to turn the European Commission headquarters in Brussels into a brothel.

Women should not take it too personally. Korwin-Mikke is an equal-opportunity offender. He

had this to say about the 2012 London Paralympic Games, according to Visegrad Insight.

The Paralympics 'have little in common with sports," Korwin-Mikke wrote on his blog. "We
might as well organize chess matches for morons or bridge tournaments for people with
Down's Syndrome. European civilization, which dominated the world, stood up for the
smartest, strongest, most intelligent, and fastest people; but today's anti-civilization prefers the
poor, stupid, incapable, and also invalids. In effect we are not colonizing the world; it is
colonizing us."
Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/05/27/europes-new-

3) In comments calling for the standards of rape to be heightened, he said: Women usually
pretend that they dont want [sex]. The percentage of women who pretend that they dont
want to have sex, but they do want in fact, is about 30 or 40 per cent

He added in the Observer interview: Semen probably is not wasted, because nature usually
makes use of the material it has, and there is a hypothesis that the attitudes of men are passed
to women by way of the semen which penetrates the tissue.

It is not a political statement. There is a very strong argument for this hypothesis, that now
when contraceptives are much more in use, the women become much more independent.

Korwin-Mikke is no stranger to controversy having said in 2007: Women still should not have
the right to vote. Just choose any political meeting at random and see how many women are

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/11/09/janusz-korwin-mikke-ukips-eu-

4) There is no proof Hitler knew about the Holocaust, he has argued for
years, and he told the Observer that Mussolini, who stripped Jewish citizens
of property and civil rights, then sent thousands to German concentration
camps, was trying to protect Jews.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/nov/08/nigel-farage-

5) [ENG] Janusz Korwin-Mikke: Pinochet jedynym ratunkiem dla Grecji 08.07.2015

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20IzfxEFCic

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