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ITEM NO. 344 STAFF REPORT CITY OF OCEANSIDE DATE: October 12, 2016 To: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Development Services Department/Planning Division ‘SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS AND INTRODUCTION OF AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO A __58-UNIT TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT LOCATED WEST OF VINE STREET AND NORTH OF OCEANSIDE BOULEVARD - VINE STREET COLLECTION ~ APPLICANT: CITY VENTURES; APPELLANT: MICHAEL ODEGAARD. SYNOPSIS Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) adopt a resolution adopting the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and associated mitigation, monitoring, and reporting program (MMRP) for the Vine Street Collection; 2) adopt a resolution approving General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002) to change the land use designation of APN 152-320- 40-00 from General Commercial (GC) to Medium Density Residential — B (MDR-B); 3) introduce an ordinance for Zone Amendment (ZA15-00004) to change the zoning designation of APN 152-320-40-00 from Recreational Commercial (CR) to Planned Development (PD); 4) adopt a resolution approving Development Plan (D1-00010) adopting the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan and Development Plan; and 5) adopt a resolution upholding Planning Commission approval of a Tentative Map (T15-00005), and Conditional Use Permit (CUP15-00007) for a 58-unit townhome development located west of Vine Street and north of Oceanside Boulevard. BACKGROUND The subject property comprises 6.31 acres and is located on the west side of Vine Street just north of Oceanside Boulevard within the Townsite Neighborhood Planning Area. ‘Surrounding uses include multi-family and single family residential to the north, an existing vacant commercial building to the south, an existing hotel and multi-family senior apartment complex to the east across Vine Street, and single family residential to the west. The irregularly shaped parcel consists of one legal lot which is partially developed. The project site was originally graded in the mid-1980s. The grading activities resulted in a parcel defined by steep natural and manufactured slope areas along the northem and westem perimeters and relatively level upper and lower development pad areas. The upper development pad area is approximately 20 feet higher in elevation than the lower development pad. In 2008 a lot line adjustment was processed which reconfigured existing lot lines and resulted in the current lot configuration of both the project site and the 1 site of the former Fresh N Easy market, immediately south of the project site. In 2009 Administrative Development Permit ADP-4-2008 was approved which allowed the development of the 13,574 square foot grocery market building and an additional 3,000 square foot retail suite. Development of the grocery market building was completed in April of 2011. The 3,000 square foot retail suite was not constructed. As part of the development of the grocery market building and associated site improvements, a portion of the subject site was improved. The constructed improvements include underground utilities, a trash enclosure, and an intemal circulation road, providing access for the commercial development to both Vine Street and Oceanside Boulevard PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant is proposing a 58-unit townhome development at the project site. The proposed project requires five (5) separate actions consisting of a General Plan Amendment, Zone Amendment, Tentative Map, Development Plan, and Conditional Use Permit. The General Plan Amendment will change the site's land use designation from commercial to residential. The Zone Amendment will change the site’s zoning from commercial to planned development. The Development Plan allows for a residential project involving more than two dwelling units and for adoption of the Planned Development (PD) Plan. The Tentative Map allows for a one-lot subdivision of airspace for condominium purposes, which provides for separate ownership of the 58 townhome units proposed, and the Conditional Use Permit allows for residential development above the base density of the proposed General Plan land use designation. The Tentative Map and Conditional Use Permit were approved by the Planning Commission August 22, 2016. Implementation of the Tentative Map, Development Plan, and Conditional Use Permit are contingent on City Council adoption of the requisite General Plan Amendment and Zone Amendment. ANALYSIS KEY PLANNING ISSUES 1. Preliminary Screening In December 2013, the Development Services Department prepared a protocol for preliminary screening of requests for General Plan land use and zone amendments. Under this protocol, the subject application was evaluated by the Planning Commission on September 14, 2015 and the City Council on October 14, 2015. Both the Planning Commission and the City Council indicated conceptual support for residential development on the project site, with the City Council directing staff to continue working with the applicant to address concems with regard to traffic, storm water drainage, street width, and deterrents for trespassing in the canyon. Minutes from the City Council preliminary screening workshop are appended to this staff report within the Community Outreach Plan included in the Planning Commission staff report (Attachment 6). 2. General Plan The project site currently has a General Plan land use designation of General Commercial (GC). The applicant is proposing to amend the General Plan land use designation to Medium Density Residential - B (MDR-B), which allows residential development with a density range of 10 dwelling units per acre to 15 dwelling units per acre. The proposed development has a density of 10.6 dwelling units per acre, consistent with the allowable density of the proposed land use designation. As a comparison, density for existing surrounding residential development ranges from 6 dwelling units per acre for the single family residential neighborhood to the west to 58 dwelling units per acre for the senior apartment complex immediately to the east. The density of the proposed development is well within the range of densities of surrounding development and will serve as an appropriate transition from the existing high density residential development to the north and east to the low density single family residential development to the west. A detailed analysis of the proposal’s conformance with applicable plan and zoning regulations is provided in the Planning Commission staff report included as Attachment 6 for the City Council's reference. 3. Zoning Ordinance/Development Plan Article 17 of the Zoning Ordinance allows for Planned Developments to provide for flexibility in zoning standards to achieve a variety of purposes including: orderly and thorough planning and review procedures that result in quality urban design; visual variety through greater freedom in selecting the means to provide access, light, open space, and amenities; avoidance of speculative rezoning; and assembly of properties that might otherwise be developed in unrelated increments to the detriment of surrounding neighborhoods. The applicant is proposing to amend the site's current zoning from Recreational ‘Commercial (CR) to Planned Development (PD). As part of the change of zoning of the site to PD, a Planned Development (PD) Plan is required that establishes land use standards, development standards, and design guidelines for the project site. The Planned Development Plan is adopted through approval of the Development Plan (D15- 00010) application along with the site plan for the project. The proposed PD Plan and site plan are appended to the Planning Commission staff report (Attachment 6). Itis staff's position that the proposed PD Plan would achieve the above-noted purposes, as applicable, and hereby result in an organized, inclusive, and attractive community that is sensitive to adjacent land uses. The Planning Commission staff report includes a detailed analysis of the proposal's compliance with applicable zoning standards. 4. Public Outreach Since January of 2015, the applicant has engaged various community outreach efforts including meeting with the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce, City Economic Development Staff, the Oceanside Coastal Neighborhood Association (OCNA), and nearby residents. The applicant's outreach efforts comply with the requirements of City Council Policy 300-14. The details of the applicant's outreach efforts are contained in the Community Outreach Plan included in Attachment 6. 5. Appeal of Planning Commission's approval of project The Planning Commission approval of the Tentative Map and Conditional Use Permit was appealed by Oceanside resident Michael Odegaard on August 28, 2016. The appeal includes a petition signed by 26 residents of the 959 Vine Street Apartment Complex plus two additional residents who reside within the 1,500’ notification radius (thereby waiving the appeal fee). The Letter of Appeal is included as Attachment 7 for the City Council's reference. Pursuant to Section 4605(C) of the Zoning Ordinance, the City Council may consider only the issues that were raised in the appeal filed with the City. The following is a summary of the appellant's reasons, as understood by staff, for filing an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to approve the project. Each identified reason for filing the appeal is followed by a response from staff Issue 1 “...incapable of containing parking demand created by the development density of the approved plan.” City Response: The project, as proposed, has been designed with parking in excess of the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Ordinance requires multi-family residential projects provide two (2) parking spaces for each residential unit with two (2) or more bedrooms. Staff has interpreted this to allow for tandem parking in prior developments. At least one (1) of the spaces is required to be covered. In addition, guest parking is required to be provided at a ratio of one (1) space per development plus 20% total number of units for projects in excess of ten (10) dwelling units. The required parking calculation is as follows: (58 dwelling units*2 spaces)+(1 space+[58 dwelling units*.2])=128.6=129 spaces The project has been designed with 132 parking spaces. Each of the proposed units has been designed with a two (2) car garage, some tandem, for a total of 116 enclosed parking spaces, satisfying the Zoning Ordinance parking requirement for dwelling units with two (2) or more bedrooms. Sixteen (16) guest spaces, three (3) more spaces than the Zoning Ordinance requires, are provided in various locations throughout the project site. ‘As evidenced by the analysis of the parking outlined above, staff recommends that the City Council find that the appellant has not provided any basis to warrant overturning the Planning Commission's decision based on the issue of inadequate parking. Issue 2: existing provision of residential off-street parking at the rate of a minimum of one parking stall per bedroom...” City Response: In his letter of appeal, Mr. Odegaard makes a claim that the existing multi-family residential development in the “neighborhood” has been constructed with a parking standard of one (1) space per bedroom. Staff has reviewed the entitlement files and/or as-built grading plans for the four (4) existing multi-family developments along Vine Street. The following information identifies each existing multi-family project and the parking provided. * 615 Vine Street — This project is comprised of 34 one bedroom condominium units. 34 garage spaces and 11 surface spaces, for a total of 45 spaces, were provided for this project; * 854 Vine Street (Village North Apartments) — This project consists of 96 apartment units. Specifically 48 units are one (1) bedroom and 48 units are two (2) bedroom. The project was developed with 88 garage spaces and 76 surface spaces for a total of 164 parking spaces; * 959 Vine Street — This project consists of 18 two (2) bedroom apartment units. The as-built grading plan depicts 36 spaces provided in a combination of 19 covered spaces and 17 open surface spaces. * 960 Vine Street (Ocean Breeze Senior Village) — This project includes 127 one (1) bedroom and 3 three (3) studio apartments, for a total of 130 units, The project was approved with a parking ratio of 0.5 spaces per unit (65 spaces total) as part of an incentive request associated with the density bonus approved with the project entitlements. 26 of the spaces are covered and 39 spaces are open to the sky. As evidenced from the information outlined above, the multi-family developments in the immediate vicinity of the project site have developed with an average ratio of 1.14 spaces per bedroom. This average does not include the Ocean Breeze Senior Village, as that project was approved with a density bonus concession which requested a reduction in the required parking. As outlined in the City’s response to Issue 1, the Zoning Ordinance requires parking to be provided at a ratio of two (2) spaces per unit for units with two (2) or more bedrooms. Required guest parking for developments with ten (10) or more units is one (1) space plus 20% total number of units. The project has been designed to provide parking in excess of what the Zoning Ordinance requires Staff recommends that the City Council find that the appellant's assertion that the implemented “neighborhood” parking standard of one (1) space per bedroom is not in fact true and therefore does not constitute a basis to warrant overtuming the Planning 5 Commission's decision to approve the project. Issue 3: “We oppose the plotting of buildings so that garages and building sides face this important gateway to our Townsite neighborhood along Vine Street’. City Respons: The project site has an irregular shape with varying topography, which poses unique design challenges. The applicant has designed the site so as to work with the existing topography to minimize grading activities. Two (2) of the four (4) buildings adjacent to Vine Street, on the upper development pad, have their front elevations, which include front doors and their patio areas, oriented towards Vine Street. The other two (2) buildings adjacent to Vine Street have their side elevation oriented to the Vine Street frontage. These elevations have been designed with two (2) stories on the end units rather than three (3) to reduce massing on Vine Street. Both of these buildings have end units with their front doors oriented to Vine Street. Alll the buildings adjacent to Vine Street have front doors facing the street. All garage doors are oriented towards the intemal private road, with none accessible from Vine Street. The project represents a vast aesthetic improvement over existing conditions at the project site and will serve to improve the aesthetic quality of the surrounding neighborhood Staff recommends that the City Council find that the appellant's claim that the plotting of buildings so that garages and sides face Vine Street is inaccurate for the reasons outlined above and therefore does not constitute a basis to warrant overtuming the Planning Commission's decision to approve the project. Issue 4: "..We oppose the provision of tandem parking...” City Response: The Zoning Ordinance does contain any restrictions on the utilization of tandem parking for multi-family developments. As note above, Staff has interpreted the zoning code to allow tandem parking in prior multi-family developments. Further, staff researched the Zoning ordinances of various surrounding municipalities and was not able to find any restrictions or prohibitions on the utilization of tandem parking stalls for multi-family developments. Given the site’s in-fill location and inherent constraints, considering its configuration and existing topography, the use of tandem parking stalls on 40% of the units was necessary to be able to provide the necessary code required parking. A condition of approval has been included which requires all garages to be available for the parking of vehicles at all times. In addition, the applicant has indicated that the project Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) will also include language requiring garages to be available for the parking of vehicles at all times. Staff recommends that the City Council find that the appellant's claim that utilization of tandem parking stalls at the project site does not constitute a basis to warrant overturning the Planning Commissions decision to approve the project Issue 5: “...only the downhill vehicular lane of Vine Street requires traffic calming, and this is best addressed by 1) allowing on-street parking along both curbs of the Vine Street right-of-way as well as 2) providing a dedicated bike lane adjacent to the downhill on- street parking area, the north facing cross section showing 8’-4’-10'-10'-8' zones along with street signs and roadway painting that alerts cars to share the road with bicycles, 3) a stop sign at the end of Minnesota before the lane turns right as Vine Street, and 4) downhill speed bumps and a downhill speed monitor positioned north of 959 Vine Street that faces and monitors downhill traffic’. ci onsi Vine Street has a history of speeding and visual obstructions due to the roadway curvature and grade. To help increase visual sight lines, existing on-street parking was eliminated from the west side of Vine Street and the majority of the east side in 1985 when the City Council adopted Resolution No. 85-204. The removal of on-street parking on Vine Street also helped vehicles stay further away from the street center line and reduced the chance of head on collisions where the street is curved. The two proposed neighborhood traffic circles will reduce travel speeds in both directions as well as improve visual sight lines from the both the project driveway and the existing driveway serving the senior apartment complex immediately to the east. Vine Street is a collector roadway that provides access to a larger neighborhood area. The Oceanside Fire Department needs unimpeded access to this neighborhood area from Oceanside Boulevard. Speed humps are not preferred by the Fire Department due to the level of vertical deflection and associated travel delay. An on-site meeting was conducted with the Oceanside Fire Department on Vine Street on May 9th where a field test was conducted. The field test resulted in the recommendation to install neighborhood traffic circles as a more passive means to slow traffic and improve safety on Vine Street. Given the grade and curvature of Vine Street, the provision of both on-street parking and bicycle lanes is not feasible given the existing curb to curb distance available. The evaluation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Vine Street at Minnesota is not within the purview of the project. City staff can work with the neighborhood to evaluate the intersection and determine if it meets the traffic volume warrants required to justify the installation of an all-way stop at this location. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of Oceanside acting as Lead Agency had a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared for the project. The MND identifies potentially significant impacts related to traffic, and cultural resources and outlines mitigation measures designed to reduce these identified impacts to less than significant levels. On the basis of the entire record, staff finds that there is no substantial evidence that, with implementation of the proposed mitigation measures, the project will have a significant impact on the environment. The draft MND was circulated for public review between June 10, 2016 and July 11, 2016. Public comment is addressed in the Final MND, which was posted to the City's website on July 22, 2015. The Final MND shows that all potential significant environmental impacts (e.9., traffic, cultural resources,) have been mitigated to less- than-significant levels. The Planning Commission certified the Final MND for the Tentative Map, and Conditional Use Permit on August 22, 2016, in conjunction with its review and approval of these entitlements. Staff is requesting Council certify the Final MND in conjunction with the plan and zoning amendments and the Development Plan. FISCAL IMPACT As is typical of residential land uses, the proposed project would have a net negative fiscal impact on the City, with the estimated annual costs of public services exceeding projected property and sale tax revenues. According to a fiscal impact analysis prepared by RSG on behalf of the applicant, the project would annually generate approximately $95,000 in property and sales tax revenue while occasioning public service and facilities costs of roughly $116,000, resulting in a negative fiscal impact of about $21,000. This analysis of recurring annual revenues and costs does not account for the roughly $732,000 the project would pay in impact fees for public facilities, parks, roadway infrastructure, and inclusionary housing in-licu fees. COMMISSION OR COMMITTEE REPORT The Planning Commission reviewed the project on August 22, 2016. At the hearing the Planning Commission heard testimony by the applicant and the public and, on a 6-1 vote, voted to adopt Resolution No. 2016-P34 recommending the City Council approve the General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002), Zone Amendment (ZA15-00004), and Development Plan (D15-00010) and approving Tentative Map (T15-00005) and Conditional Use Permit (CUP15-00007) CITY ATTORNEY'S ANALYSIS The City Council is authorized to hold a public hearing in this matter. Consideration of the matter should be based on the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. After conducting the public hearing, the Council shall affirm, modify or deny the project. The supporting documents have been reviewed and approved as to form by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) adopt a resolution adopting the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and associated mitigation, monitoring, and reporting program (MMRP) for the Vine Street Collection; 2) adopt a resolution approving General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002) to change the land use designation of APN 152-320- 40-00 from General Commercial (GC) to Medium Density Residential — B (MDR-B); 3) introduce an ordinance for Zone Amendment (ZA15-00004) to change the zoning designation of APN 152-320-40-00 from Recreational Commercial (CR) to Planned Development (PD); 4) adopt a resolution approving Development Plan (D15-00010) adopting the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan and Development Plan; and 5) adopt a resolution upholding Planning Commission approval of a Tentative Map (T15-00005), and Conditional Use Permit (CUP15-00007) for a 58-unit townhome development located west of Vine Street and north of Oceanside Boulevard. PREPARED BY: SUBMITTED BY: oS Mh ‘Sergio Madera Michell Skaggs Lawrence Senior Planner City Manager REVIEWED BY: Deanna Lorson, Assistant City Manager Jane McPherson, Financial Services Director Rick Brown, Development Services Director Jeff Hunt, City Planner Attachments: City Council Resolution (MND) City Council Resolution (General Plan Amendment) City Council Ordinance (Zone Amendment) City Council Resolution (Development Plan) City Council Resolution (Appeal) Planning Commission Staff Report (August 22, 2016) Letter of Appeal Nogpena ATTACHMENT = 1. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND ASSOCIATED MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FOR A 58-UNIT. CONDOMINIUM TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE. (City Ventures ~ Applicant) WHEREAS, a Final Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared and circulated for public and agency review and proper notification was given in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and State Guidelines thereto; an initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration have been prepared stating that if the mitigation measures identified within the Initial Study are implemented there will not be an adverse impact upon the environment; WHEREAS, the Mitigated Negative Declaration together with any comments received, and Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) incorporated by reference and appended in the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration, were presented to the City Couneil, and the City Couneil reviewed and considered the information contained in these documents prior to making a decision on the project. WHEREAS, the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) have been determined to be accurate and adequate documents, which reflect the independent judgment and analysis of the City Council. On the basis of the entire record before it, the City Couneil finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project, with implementation of the mitigation measures proposed, will have a significant impact on the environment. WHEREAS, the City Council, on the 12" day of October, 2016, did conduct a public hearing to adopt the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration along with the Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program; and; WHEREAS, studies and investigations made by this Council and in its behalf reveal the following facts: For the Final Mitigated Negative Declaratior 1. The Final Program were completed in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). There are certain significant environmental effects detailed in the Mitigated Negative tigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program which have been avoided or substantially lessened by the establishment of measures which are detailed in Exhibit “A” Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program. ‘The Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program were presented to the City Council, and the City Council reviewed and considered the information contained in these documents prior to making a decision on the project. The Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program have been determined to be accurate and adequate documents which reflect the independent judgment of the City Council NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Oceanside does resolve as follows: 1. The Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation and Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Vine Street Collection project IS ADOPTED, effective as of this day. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 the City Council adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) attached as Exhibit “A” and finds and determines that said program is designed to ensure compliance with the mitigation measures during project implementation, Notice is HEREBY GIVEN that the time within which judicial review must be sought on this decision is governed by the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act., Public Resources Code Section 21167(b). Cor annren 10 ul 12 13 14 1S 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: City Clerk PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Oceanside, California this 12" day of October, 2016, by the following vote: Mayor of the City of Oceanside APPROYED AS TO FORM: L IAML ttorney EXHIBIT A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM AND GENERAL PROJECT CONDITIONS FOR THE VINE STREET COLLECTION PROJECT Mitigation Measures Responsibility ‘Schedule Mitigation Measure BI Prior to the issuance of a Notice to Proceed for a subdivision, or any construction permits, such as demolition, grading, or building, or beginning any construction-related activity, the City shall verify thatthe following project requirements regarding nesting and migratory birds, including raptors, are shown on the construction plans: ‘To avoid any direct impacts to nesting or migratory birds, including raptors, removal of habitat that has potential to support active nests should occur outside of the breeding season for these species (February 15 to September 15). If removal of habitat must occur during the breeding ‘season, a qualified biologist shall conduct a pre-construction survey to determine the presence ‘or absence of nesting birds within the proposed area within three calendar days prior to the start of construction activities, including the removal of vegetation, fnests of migratory birds or raptors are located, they shall be fenced with a protective buffer of at least 500 feet from active nests of listed species, and 300 feet from other sensitive bird species. All construction activity shall be prohibited within the protective buffer. City Staff and ‘Authorized Qualified Biologist Pre-Construction ‘Mitigation Measure PAI 1. Prior to start of construction, the qualified paleontologist (Paleontological Moriter) shall Conduct a site-specific records search from the San Diego Natural History Museum, 2. Prior to the start of any grading and excavation, the Paleontological Monitor shall submit an ‘exhibit based on the final construction documents that shall identify the areas to be monitored, including the delineation of gradinglexcavation limits, The exhibit shall be based ‘on the results of a site-specific records search, existing known soil conditions (native or formation), and the depth to which grading/excavation activities would occur. Prior to the start of any work, the Paleontological Monitor shall also develop a monitoring schedule consistent with the construction schedule, indicating when and where monitoring will occur. 3, During construction, in the event of a discovery, grading/trenching activities in the area of discovery will be temporarily diverted. The Paleontological Monitor shall evaluate the significance of the resource. The determination of significance for fossil discoveries shall be at the discretion of the Paleontological Monitor. City Staff and Authorized Qualified Paleontologist Pre-Construction and Construction MMRP-2 T Mitigation Measures Responsibility Schedule ‘a_i? the resource Is significant, a Paleontological Recovery Program shall then be submitted to the City. Impacts to significant resources must be mitigated before ground-disturbing activities in the area of discovery shall be allowed to resume, The Paleontological Monitor shall also: + Notify the City that fossil resources will be collected, curated, and documented. + Ensure that all fossil remains collected are cleaned and catalogued, | + Ensure that all fossil remains are analyzed to identify function and chronology as they relate to the geologic history of the area, that faunal material is identified as to ‘species, and that specialty studies are completed, as appropriate. + Ensure that all fossil remains associated with the monitoring for this project are permanently curated with an appropriate institution, 'b. Ifthe resource is not significant (e.g., small pieces of broken common shell fragments ‘or other scattered common fossils), the Paleontological Monitor shall note in the ‘monitoring reports and notify the Construction Manager that a non-significant discovery hhas been made, and work can continue. Following construction, the Paleontological Monitor shall submit a Monitoring Report to the City that describes the results, analysis, and conclusions of all phases of the Paleontological Monitoring Program. If significant paleontological resources are ‘encountered during monitoring, the Paleontological Recovery Program shall be included in the Monitoring Report. A copy of the final Monitoring Report shall be submitted to the San Diego Natural History Museum. Pier ta auance offal seupancy pei the poet roponert salina Cosea__| Pmt ranonnt ana Circuit Television (CCTV) camera at the intersection of Oceanside Boulevard and Vine Steet. | Traffic Management | Pre-Construction The speccatons and tain of he metaton shal be alec eve antaveearee ie | ame! yet atari Tae naragumant Sone MMRP-3 Ce IaH ewN 10 ae 12 13 14 a bl 16 17 18 19 20 21 ae 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTACHMENT 2. RESOLUTION NO. 16- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OCEANSIDE APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA15-00002) FOR CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF VINE STREET AND NORTH OF OCEANSIDE BOULEVARD (APN 152-320-40-00) (Applicant: City Ventures) WHEREAS, there was filed with this Council a verified petition on the forms prescribed by the Council requesting a General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002) under the provisions of Section 65356 of the Goverment Code for the following: a change in the General Plan Land Use designation from General Commercial (GC) to Medium. Density —B — Residential (MDB-R), as shown on the attached Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after giving the required notice, did on the 22 day of ‘August 2016 conduct a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said application; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Planning Commission Resolution Number 2016- P34 recommending approval of General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002); WHEREAS, on October 12, 2016, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing and heard and considered written evidence and oral testimony by all interested parties on the above identified GPA15-00002; WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); a Mitigated ‘Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared and circulated for this project; WHEREAS, the documents or other material which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the decision is based will be maintained by the City of Oceanside Planning Division, 300 North Coast Highway, Oceanside, California 92054, WHEREAS, based on such evidence and testimony, including but not limited to the report of the Planning Division, the City Council finds as follows: DINGS: For the General Plan Amendment: 1. The re-designation of the project site from General Commercial (GC) to Medium Density B Residential (MDB-R) will provide for a land use consistent with housing policies contained in the adopted General Plan. The proposed land use will be sensitive to and compatible with the adjoining residential neighborhood. The proposed designation of MDB-R is consistent with the Sowa anton a ll 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 a 20 21 22 7 24 25 26 27 28 prevailing development pattern in the immediate vicinity of the project site, where densities range from approximately 5 dwelling units per acre for the single family residential neighborhood to the west to approximately $8 dwelling units per acre at the senior apartment complex immediately east of the project site The proposed change in the land use designation of the subject property would provide for the expansion of the City’s housing supply consistent with policies of the Land Use Element of the General Plan that encourage development of housing opportunities for persons from all economic segments of the community. ‘The proposed change in the land use designation of the subject property would help to expand| the market for existing commercial land uses in the vicinity of the project site. Existing infrastructure and public facilities are available to serve the site consistent with City| standards, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve General Plan Amendment (GPAI5-00002) subject to the following conditions of approval: Planning: 1. This General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002) approves only the change in land use designation of the site as shown on the plans and exhibits presented to the City Council for review and approval. The applicant, permittee, or any successor-in-interest shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Oceanside, its agents, officers or employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City, its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul an approval of| the City, concerning General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002) and Zone Amendment (ZA15- 00004). The City will promptly notify the applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding against the City and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim action or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the applicant shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify or hold harmless the City. All entitlements and conditions of approval for the Vine Street Collection, including Tentative Map (T15-00004), Development Pian (D15-00010), and Conditional Use Permit (CUPIS- 00007), as identified in Planning Commission Resolution 2016-P34, shall remain in effect. The project shall be subject to all mitigation measures contained in the mitigation, monitoring, and reporting program for the project as referenced in the City Council Resolution pertaining to the MND. v eI Au een 10 u 12 13 14 1s 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Notice is hereby given that the time wit n which judicial review must be sought on this decision is governed by Govt. Code Section 6500%(¢)(1)(A). PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Oceanside, California, this 12" day of October, 2016, by the following vote: AYES NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: CITY CLERK MAYOR OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE APPROVED AS TO-FORM: Z EXHIBIT A GPA15-00002 - VINE STREET COLLECTION Legend ITI Project site Miccc BU MSC MEcc -= MOAR. sFOR THOR MP Ss UHR Logena (7) Projet Sto Miccc BIL MDB-R Mico = MOAR MM Sc = HOR MPI SFR Cy of Oceanside Development Services Departmant Planning Divsion a, re 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTACHMENT = 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE AMENDING THE ZONING DESIGNATION FOR CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF VINE STREET AND NORTH OF OCEANSIDE BOULEVARD — (APN _152-320-40-00) FROM RECREATIONAL COMMERCIAL (CR) TO PLANNED. DEVELOPMENT (PD) - VINE STREET COLLECTION ZONE AMENDMENT (ZA15-00004) (Applicant: City Ventures) WHEREAS, an application for Zone Amendment (Z.A15-00004) has been filed under the provisions of Article 45 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Oceans le and the provisions of Section 65356 of the Government Code for the following: to amend the zoning designation of certain real property west of Vine Street and north of Oceanside Boulevard (152-320-40-00) from Recreational Commercial (CR) to Planned Development (PD), as specified in Exhibits “A” and “B” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference thereto; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after giving the required notice, did on the 22 day of Avgust 2016, conduct a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law and adopt Resolution 2016-P3, recommending City Council approval of said Zone Amendment; WHEREAS, said Planning Commission recommendation was made in conjunction with approval of a General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002); WHEREAS, on the 12" day of October 2016, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing and heard and considered written evidence and oral testimony by all interested parties and | the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the above identified Zone Amendment (ZA 15-0004); WHEREAS, based upon such evidence and testimony and staff report, this Council finds as follows: For the Zone Amendment: 1. The proposed new zoning designation of Planned Development (PD) will: 2) Ensure orderly and thorough planning and review procedures that will result in quality urban design; Auk wD = Seer 12 B 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 b) Encourage variety and avoid monotony by allowing greater freedom in selecting the means to provide access, light, open space, and amenit ©) Provide for development consistent with the General Plan without inviting speculative rezoning applications; 4) Encourage allocation and improvement of common open space and provide for maintenance of the open space at the expense of those who will directly benefit from it; and 1) Provide for the development of land uses consistent with the policies of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, including those that encourage the development ofa variety of housing opportunities. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Oceanside DOES ORDAIN as follows: 1. The Zone Amendment application ZA15-00004 for certain real property described in Exhibit “A” (Legal Description)", and Exhibit “B (Zone Amendment Map) attached hereto is hereby approved, and the City Planner is directed to amend the appropriate Zoning Map to show the Zone Amendment. 2. This ordinance shall not be codified. 3. The City Clerk of the City of Oceanside is hereby directed to publish this ordinance once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Oceansid: 4, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth (30th) day from and after its final passage. 5. Notice is hereby given that the time period within which judicial review must be sought on this decision is governed by Government Code Section 65009(c)(1)(B). INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Oceanside, California held on the 12" day of October 2016, and, thereafter, MH mill Soe ee u 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PASSED, ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Oceanside, California, this eee day oles AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: ____, 2016 by the following vote: ‘Mayor of the City of Oceanside aa EXHIBIT A PRELIMINARY REPORT Fidelity National Tie Company ‘Your Reference: (Order No. 008-23050922-B-PP2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT “A” ‘THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1: (APN: 152-320-40) A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25 AND OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE 5 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, AND A PORTION OF TRACT 101 OF MAP OF SOUTH OCEANS IDE ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 622, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 7, 1850 ALL IN THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE LEAVING SAID CORNER NORTH 49°1325" EAST, 7617 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF VINE STREET (60.00 FEET WIDE) AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT TO THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE RECORDED JULY 7.1966 AS FILE. NO. 110753 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND A POINT IN THE ARC OF A 250,00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE. NORTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 49°13'25" WEST; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF $°2733" A DISTANCE OF 36.91 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 49°14'08" EAST, 108.11 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 250.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 49°39117" A DISTANCE OF 216.66 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 00°25'09" WEST, 216.53 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A ‘TANGENT 200.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH ‘A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 56°47'34" A DISTANCE OF 19824 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTH 56°22'25" EAST, 103.42 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OCEANS IDE BOULEVARD (60.00 FEET WIDE) AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE UNDER PARCEL 1, RECORDED APRIL 6,1955 IN BOOK $595, PAGE_443 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING IN THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 56°30'44" WEST; THENCE LEAVING ‘SAID CENTERLINE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG ‘THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01°23°22" A DISTANCE OF 49.47 FEET TO A POINT OF CUSP WITH A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH ‘SAID POINT OF CUSP BEARS NORTH 57°54'06" WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED VINE STREET, COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF $8°28'19" A DISTANCE OF 30.88 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SIDE LINE, NORTH 56°22'25" WEST, 84.15 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 230,00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SIDE LINE AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°20'04" A DISTANCE OF 85.64 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS SOUTH 54°57'39" WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID SIDELINE AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE SOUTH 54°36'S5" WEST, 91.55 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 32600 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE. SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10°44'05" 4 DISTANCE OF 61.08 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 65°21°00" WEST, 4522 FEET TO ‘THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 30.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE. (COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 94°24'43" A DISTANCE OF 49.43 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 29°03'43" EAST, 81.36 FEET TO ‘THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 86.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28°13'56" A CCLTA Preliminary Report Form ~ Modified (11/17/06) Page 3 EXHIBIT A (Continued) Fidelity National Tile Company Your Reference: ‘Onder No 008-23080922-24PP2 DISTANCE OF 4238 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH §7°17'39" EAST, 4591 FEET TO ‘THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 112.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03°52'03" A DISTANCE OF 7.56 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH $3°25'36" EAST, 65.49 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 40.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY; THENCE COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 99°50'Si" A DISTANCE OF 69.71 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED OCEANS IDE BOULEVARD AND A POINT OF CUSP WITH A 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE. SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT FROM SAID 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE BEARS NORTH 63°1627" WEST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE AND ‘THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°47°23" A DISTANCE OF 99.33 FEET TO A. POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 66°03'50" WEST; ‘THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE NORTH 42°04'19" WEST, 129.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54°39'S1" WEST, 24748 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF PUTERBAUGH'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF OCEANS IDE ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 418, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON OCTOBER 4, 1887 AND ‘THE EAST LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SECTION 26; THENCE ALONG SAID SECTION LINE NORTH 01°26'39" EAST, 548.17 FEET TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF TRACT 97 OF MAP OF SOUTH OCEANS IDE, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 622, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER ON JULY 7, 1890; THENCE LEAVING SAID SECTION LINE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 97 AND ITS NORTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 35°18'0S" WEST, 580.88, FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CALIFORNIA STREET (30.00 FEET WIDE) AS SHOWN ON ‘MAP OF WILSON'S SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 408, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER ON OCTOBER 14, 1887; THENCE LEAVING SAID PROLONGATION, ALONG ‘SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 89°33'09" EAST, 347.61 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: EASEMENTS AS CREATED IN THAT CERTAIN “RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS AGREEMENT ” RECORDED JUNE 10, 2009 AS INSTRUMENT NO, 2009-315654, OFFICIAL RECORDS. SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS MADE PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. PLA-7-2008, RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 2009, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2009. (0080229, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. (CLTA Preliminary Report Form ~ Modified (11/17/06) Page 4 ZA15-00004 - VINE STREET COLLECTION reject Sto 2 ML ME CSHO RRMA RS. DRH MMPS ie RHU PO. City of Oceanside Dovelopmont Sorvicos Depart Planning Dison CO Geo on BOE OES) 00 toh no po) SOR Oe Ohl ere 5) loo) ol) ol a oe ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT PLAN (D15-00010) TO ADOPT THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A 58-UNIT TOWNHOME PROJECT LOCATED WEST OF VINE STREET AND NORTH OF OCEANSIDE BOULEVARD (APN 152-320-40-00). (Applicant: City Ventures) WHEREAS, there was filed with this Council a verified application on the forms prescribed by the Couneil requesting a Development Plan under the provisions of Articles 17 and 43 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Oceanside to allow the development of a 58 unit townhome development on a 6.31 acre site on certain real property legally described as shown on Exhibit “A” attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference thereto; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after giving the required notice, did on the 22 day of August, 2016, conduct a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said application, and after holding a duly advertised public hearing adopted Resolution No, 2016-P34, recommending approval of said Development Plan (D15-00010); WHEREAS, on October 12, 2016, the City Council of the City of Oceanside held a duly noticed public hearing and heard and considered evidence and testimony by all interested parties and the recommendation of the Planning Commission conceming Development Plan (D1S- 00010); WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970, and State Guidelines thereto, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared and circulated for this project; WHEREAS, the documents or other material which constitute the record of proceedings | uupon which the decision is based will be maintained by the City of Oceanside Planning Department, 300 North Coast Highway, Oceanside, California 92054; and WHEREAS, based on such evidence and testimony, including but not limited to the report of the Planning Division, the City Council finds as follows: Findings for the Pianned Developme 1 ‘The proposed PD Plan is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element, as the Proposed development and associated land uses are allowed under the MDB-R land use designation. Proposed residential densities are within the allowable density range for the MDB-R land use designation (10 to 15 du/acre) and the total number of dwelling units in the PD Plan does not exceed the maximum number permitted for the total area of the PD Pian parcel. The land use and development standards articulated in the Planned Development Plan ensure that development and land use on the project site will both enhance the visual quality of, and be compatible with, the surrounding area, The PD Plan will result in a superior land use design in comparison with development permitted under the base district regulations. Relative to the base district regulations, implementation of the proposed development under the PD Plan will result in greater average building setbacks, preservation of open space and habitat, solar powered all- electric homes, installation of traffic calming measures along Vine Street, integration with the adjacent retail center, parking in excess of Zoning Ordinance requirements, as well as design feotures (e.g., Craftsman-style Architecture and photovoltaic solar systems) not specified by the Zoning Ordinance. The deviations from the base district regulations that otherwise would apply are justified } by compensating benefits of the PD Plan. The residential land use allowed under the PD Plan will create a physical environment that optimizes social interaction and organization. ‘The development standards and design guidelines will provide for a consistent architectural theme and a unified site design that emphasizes pedestrian activity and access to a well-appointed common recreation area as well as ample usable private open space for each unit. . The PD Plan and the Development Plan include adequate provisions for utilities, services, and emergency vehicle access. Furthermore, public service demands will not exceed the capacity of existing and planned services. As designed, all buildings and other site improvements will accommodate all necessary utilities and services and will provide adequate access for emergency vehicles and personnel. As demonstrated by water system and off-site sewer system analyses reviewed and accepted by the City’s Water Utilities Department, adequate water and sewer capacity exist to service the proposed development. As demonstrated by a traffic analysis reviewed and accepted by the City’s Transportation Engineering Division, the project would not result in categorical reductions in the level of service on Oceanside Boulevard or other roadways | Findings for the Development Plan: 1 in the vicinity. As indicated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the project will not, occasion the need for new or expanded public safety resousces. ‘The site plan and physical design of the project as proposed is consistent with the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance. The siting and architecture of the proposed housing would avoid potential adverse visual impacts on adjacent properties with high-quality architecture, adequate setbacks, abundant landscape, and context-appropriate walls and fencing. Ample on-site parking resources would avoid spillover parking impacts. The Development Plan as proposed conforms to the General Plan of the City, in that the residential unit type (i.e. multiple unit structures) is consistent with the associated General Plan land use designation of MDR-B. The area covered by the Development Plan can be adequately, reasonably, and conveniently served by existing and planned public services, utilities, and public facilities, The project site is located within an urbanized area served by existing public services, utilities, and public facilities. Environmental analysis has determined that the project would have no significant impacts on these services and facilities. The project as proposed is compatible with existing and potential development on adjoining properties or in the surrounding neighborhood. The project achieves an overall density (10.64 dwelling units per acre) consistent with other residential development in the immediate area. The project includes significant improvements to existing public streets in | the vicinity and provides a private street network with efficient linkages to these public streets. The PD Plan and the Development Plan are consistent with the adopted Land Use Element of the General Plan and other applicable policies and are compatible with surrounding development, in that the PD Plan and the Development Plan provide housing opportunities within an organized and attractive neighborhood. The PD Plan or Specific Plan and the Development Plan will enhance the potential for that would apply if they were not approved, in that the PD Plan and Development Plan provide a consolidated site plen for a property with unique topography and shape that might | | i | superior urban design in comparison with development under the base district regulations | | otherwise be developed to the detriment of surrounding neighborhoods, | Deviations from the base district regulations that otherwise would apply are justified by compensating benefits of the PD Plan and the Development Plan, including high-quality architecture, extensive open space, and a well appointed common recreation facility. ‘The PD Plan or Specific Plan and the Development Plan includes adequate provisions for utilities, services, and emergency vehicle access; and public service demands will not exceed the capacity of existing and planned systems. As demonstrated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the project does not necessitate the expansion of existing utilities or public services. Associated improvements to the public street network and an adjacent private access easement will enhance emergeney vehicle access to existing neighborhoods. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve Development Plan (D15-00010), subject to the following conditions: Planning: i ‘This Development Plan approves the Planned Development Plan and Development Plan for the Vine Street Collection residential development. Exhibit “B” contains the approved Planned Development Plan and Development Plan and is the regulating document which should be referred to when reviewing final construction documents fort the project site. No deviation from this approved exhibit shall occur without the City Planner’s approval Substantial deviations shall require a revision to the Development Plan or a new Development Plan in accordance with Article 17 of the Zoning Ordinance, The applicant, permittee, or any successor-in-interest shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Oceanside, its agents, officers or employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City, its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul an approval of the City, concerning Development Plan D15-00010. The City will promptly notify the applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding against the City and wiil cooperate fully in the defense, If the City fails to promptly notify the applicant | of any such claim action or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the applicant shail not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify or hold harmless the City, A covenant or other recordable document approved by the City Attomey shall be prepared by the applicant and recorded within 60 days of final approval. The covenant shall oN Oak ON = "1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 provide that the property is subject to this resolution, and shall generally list the conditions of approval. 4. Prior to the transfer of ownership and/or operation of the site the owner shall provide a written copy of the applications, staff report and resolutions for the project to the new ‘owner and/or operator. This notification provision shall run with the life of the project and shall be recorded as a covenant on the property. Unless expressly waived or superseded by the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan, all current zoning standards and City ordinances and policies in effect at the time building permits are issued are required to be met by this project. The approval of this project constitutes the applicant's agreement with all statements in the Description and Justification, Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan and other materials and information submitted with this application, unless specifically waived by an adopted condition of approval. 6. The Vine Street Collection Development Plan approved by this resolution shall be subject to the conditions of approval contained in Planning Commission resolution No. 2016-P34, adopted by the Planning Commission on August 22, 2016. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Oceanside DOES RESOLVE as follows: 1. Adoption of the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan and Development Plan as described in Exhibit “B” is hereby approved. 2. Notice is hereby given that the time within which judicial review must be sought on this decision is governed by CCP Section 1094.6.(b) as set in Oceanside City Code Section 1.10 ME ME HE AN full Mill Mill Wit wit PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Oceanside, California this 12! day of October 2016, by the following votes: AYES NAYES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor of the City of Oc aren AS Te ATTEST: City Clerk EXHIBIT A PRELIMINARY REPORT Fidelity National Tite Company ‘Your Reference: Order No: 008-23080922 B-PP2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT “A” ‘THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL I: (APN: 152-320-40) A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25 AND OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE S WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, AND A PORTION OF TRACT 101 OF MAP OF SOUTH OCEANS IDE ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO, 622, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 7, 1850 ALL IN THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE LEAVING SAID CORNER NORTH 49°13'25" EAST, 76.17 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF VINE STREET (60.00 FEET WIDE) AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT TO THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE RECORDED JULY 7,1966 AS FILE NO. 110783 QF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND A POINT IN THE ARC OF A 250.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 49°13'25" WEST; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8°27'33" A DISTANCE OF 36.91 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 49°14'08" EAST, 108.11 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT: 250.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 49°39'17" A DISTANCE OF 216.66 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 00°25'09" WEST, 216.53 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 200.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TAROUGH ‘A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 56°47'34" A DISTANCE OF 19824 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID (CENTERLINE, SOUTH 56°22'25" EAST, 103.42 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OCEANS IDE BOULEVARD (80.00 FEET WIDE) AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE UNDER PARCEL 1, RECORDED APRIL 6,1955 IN BOOK $595, PAGE 443 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING IN THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 56°30'44" WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTERLINE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG ‘THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01°23'22" A DISTANCE OF 49.47 FEET TO A. POINT OF CUSP WITH A.20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT OF CUSP BEARS NORTH 57°54'06" WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY SIDE. LINE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED VINE STREET, COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL, ANGLE OF 88°28'19" A DISTANCE OF 30.88 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SIDE LINE, ‘NORTH 56°22'25" WEST, 84.15 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 230.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SIDE LINE AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°20'04" A DISTANCE OF 85.64 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS SOUTH 54°57'39" WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID SIDELINE AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE SOUTH 54°36'Ss" WEST, 91.55 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 326.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE ’ NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10°44'05" A DISTANCE OF 61.08 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 65°21'00" WEST, 45.22 FEET TO. ‘THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 30.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 94°2443" A DISTANCE OF 49.43 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 29°03'43" EAST, $1.36 FEET TO ‘THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 86.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28°13'56" 4 CCLTA Preliminary Report Form ~ Modified (11/17/06) Page 3 -EXVIBIT A (Continued) Fidelity Notional Tile Company Your Reference (Order No 008-23080922-5-2P2 DISTANCE OF 42.38 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 57°17'39" EAST, 45.91 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 112.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03°52'03" A DISTANCE OF 7.56 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 53°25'36" EAST, 68.49 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 40.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY; THENCE COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 99°50'51" A DISTANCE OF 69.71 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED OCEANS IDE BOULEVARD AND A POINT OF CUSP WITH A 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT FROM SAID 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE BEARS NORTH 63°16'27" WEST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE AND ‘THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°4773" A DISTANCE OF 99.33 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 66°03'S0" WEST: ‘THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE NORTH 42°04'19" WEST, 129.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH. 54°39'51" WEST, 24748 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF PUTERBAUGH'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF OCEANS IDE ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 418, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON OCTOBER 4, 1887 AND ‘THE EAST LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SECTION 26; THENCE ALONG SAID SECTION LINE NORTH 01°26'39" EAST, 548.17 FEET TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF TRACT 97 OF MAP OF SOUTH OCEANS IDE, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 622, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY. RECORDER ON JULY 7, 1890; THENCE LEAVING SAID SECTION LINE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 97 AND ITS NORTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 35°18'0S" WEST, 580.88 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CALIFORNIA STREET (30.00 FEET WIDE) AS SHOWN ON MAP OF WILSON'S SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO, 408, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER ON OCTOBER 14, 1887; THENCE LEAVING SAID PROLONGATION, ALONG ‘SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 89°33'09" EAST, 347.61 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: EASEMENTS AS CREATED IN THAT CERTAIN “RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS AGREEMENT ” RECORDED JUNE 10, 2009 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2009-315654, OFFICIAL RECORDS, ‘SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS MADE PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. PLA~7-2008, RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 2009, AS INSTRUMENT NO, 2009” (0080229, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. CCLTA Preliminary Report Form ~ Modified (11/1715) Page Vine Street Collection Oceanside, CA PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAFT - June 1, 2016 Our Team: Developer: Architect/Planner: CITY VENTURES WILUAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. 3121 Michelson Drive, Suite 150-2850 Redhill Avenue, svite 200 vine, CA 92612 Santa Ana, CA 92705 CONTACT: Joe Oftelie CONTACT: kimberly Hankins PH: (949) 258-7531 PH: (749) 250-0607 www Civil Engineer: PASCO LARET SUITER & ASSOCIATES 535 N. Coast Highway 101, Suite A Solana Beach , CA 92075 CONTACT: Will Mack, PE PH: (858) 259-8212 wow. Landscape Architect: ‘STONE-GROVE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 200 N. Cedros Avenue Solana Beach, CA 92075 CONTACT: Brian Grove, ASLA PH: (858) 345-1499 wow stone-grove,co g4Ty%? TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1:_ INTRODUCTION Mw 12 13 Executive Summary Site Location, Context & History Current Zoning & General Plan Designation CHAPTER 2: PURPOSE AND INTENT 2.1 2.2 23 Proposed Zoning & General Plan Designation Purposes of the Planned Development (PD) District Purpose of This Planned Development Plan CHAPTER 3: _SITE DESIGN 3. 3.2 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Site Design Goals & Concept Sustainability Deterrence to Trespassing Setbacks & Building Envelope Pedestrian Circulation Wall Height Parking Open Space, Recreation Area & Landscaping Integration with Adjacent Retail Center CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN 41 42 43 Applicability of Codes Foor & Roof Plans Elevations IER 5:_ CONSISTENCY WIT} ‘GENERAL PLAN RDINANCE AND. 5.1 Permitted Uses 5.2 General Plan 5.3 Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 6: SUPERIOR URBAN DESIGN 6.1 Preservation of Open Space and Habitat 6.2 Solar Powered All-Electric Homes 63 High Quality Architecture 64 Vine Street Tratfic Calming 65 Integration with Adjacent Retail Center 6.6 Additional Parking APPENDICES: ‘Appendix A: Site Plan Appendix B: Open Space Plan ‘Appendix C: Landscape Plan ‘Appendix D: Architectural Plans CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Li Execs summary. The Vine Street Collection (the “Project”) is a proposed 58- unit townhome project located on an approximately 6.3 gross acre vacant site on the west side of Vine Street north of Oceanside Boulevard {the “Project Site") in Oceanside, California, The Project will be comprised of eight Crattsman-inspired fwo- and three-story townhome buldings with well arficulated front, rear and side elevations. Other site features wil include a recreation area with a swimming pool, a pedestrian circulation network that provides direct access to the retail development adjacent to the Project site (the “Retail Center"), and preservation of over two acres of existing open space. A homeowner's association (HOA) will maintain all common areas. The 58 two- and three-bedroom townhomes units include variants of four distinct floor plan types ranging from approximately 1,217 square feet to approximately 1,788 square feet. This community wil use sustainable design features and construction practices, including urban infill siting, high efficiency all-electric appliances, energy efficient building materials, pre-wiring for electric cor chargers in garages, and solar photovoltaic systems standard on each home. The purpose of this Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan ("PD Plan") is to establish architectural and site design regulations that will govern the development of the Project. It further seeks to demonstrate how the proposed Project complies with the City of Oceanside Zoning Ordinance and General Plan, and how it represents superior urban design. The proposed Planned Development (PD) zoning will replace the existing Commercial Recreation (CR) zoning, ‘and the proposed General Plan designation of Medium Density 8 — Residential (MDB-R) will replace the existing General Commercial land use designation. The new zoning and General Plan designation will permit the development of residential townhomes that are compatible in scale with existing residential development along Vine Street, while preserving substantial open space on the site. 12 Site Location, Context and History The Project site is an iregularly-shaped vacant parcel of approximately 6.3 gross acres located on the west side of Vine Street directly north of an existing retail center al the northwest comer of Oceanside Boulevard and Vine Street. It is in the Townsite area of Oceanside. It is less than one mile from the Pacific Ocean, and less than Y-mile west of the Interstate 5 / Oceanside Boulevard interchange. See Figure 1.1 fora map showing the location of the Project site. The Retail Center adjacent to the site consists of one single- story retail building that was most recently occupied by Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market, as well as a pad for a future 3,000-square foot retail building. Other existing nearby Uses include a two-story Best Wester motel, gas station and convenience store at the northeast comer of Oceanside Boulevard and Vine Street, a three-story senior housing community actoss Vine Street from the Project Site, and several three-story multifamily buildings on Vine Street north of the Project Site. See figure 1.2 for a map of adjacent/nearby uses. In addition to its iregular shape, the site is characterized by varied topography. Steep hillsides are present along both the northem and-westem edges of the site, and the rest of the site is split into an upper terrace to the north and a lower terrace to the south. The upper temrace sis approximately 20' above the lower terrace. A small canyon extends from the northwest comer of the Project Site up to the existing residential neighborhood above the Site. Coastal Sage Scrub habitat is present along the steep western hilside. The Project site and the adjacent retail center were formerly a single parcel. When the property was subdivided and the Retail Center was developed on the newly divided southern parcel, a private vehicular drive (the “Shared Drive”) with intersections at both Vine Steet and Oceanside was constructed along the boundary between the Retail Center parcel and the Project site. This Shared Drive comprises ‘approximately 0.6-acres and is actually located within the boundaries of the Project Site, with access and use of the Drive are given to both the Retail Center and the Project Site Via reciprocal easement. While the physical gross area of the Site is approximately 6.9 acres, for the purposes of this PD Plan the gross site area is considered to be 6.3 gross acres, as that is the currently undeveloped portion of the Project Site. See figure 1.3 for the location of the shared drive. 1,3 Current Zoning and General Plan Designation The site is currently zoned Commercial Recreation (CR) and carries a City of Oceanside General Plan designation of General Commercial. Due to its topography, location on a two-lane secondary street, poor visibility from Oceanside Boulevard, and the elevation of approximately half of its street frontage up to 20' above Vine Street, the site is poorly suited to commercial development. Consequently, the Developer has proposed amending both the zoning and General Plan to permit residential development on the site consistent with existing residential development along Vine Street. FIGURE 1.1 - LOCATOR MAP FIGURE 1.2 - ADJACENT / NEARBY USES PROJECT SITE FIGURE 1.3 ~ LOCATION OF SHARED DRIVE CHAPTER PURPOSE AND INTENT 2.1 Proposed Zoning and General Flan Designation The proposed zoning and General Plan land use designation are Planned Development (PD) and Medium Density B - Residential (MDB-R), respectively. Per the City of Oceanside Zoning Ordinance ("Zoning Ordinance"), residential density within a PD district shall not exceed the maximum der permitted by the General Plan. In the City of Oceanside General Plan, the MDB-R land use classification permits density of between 10.0 and 15.0 dwelling units per gross acre. The proposed Project has density of 10.6 homes per gross acre, subject to General Plan Policy 1.25 regarding Undevelopable Lands. Policy 1.25 specifies that certain lands considered undevelopable due to slopes and the presence of riparian areas or associated vegetated areas of rivers, streams or lakes. Per Section 330 of the Zoning Ordinance, which defines a “Gross Acre", such undevelopable lands are excluded from the calculation of residential density. If the General Plan is amended to designate a new land use of MDB, then the proposed Project is consistent with Section 1703.8 of the Zoning Ordinance. 2.2 Purposes of the Planned Development District Among the specific purposes of the Planned Development District stated in Section 1701 of the zoning ordinance are: A. Establish a procedure for the development of parcels of land in order to reduce or eliminate the rigidity, delays, and inequities that otherwise would result from application of zoning standards and procedures designed primarily for small parcels. B. Ensure orderly and thorough planning and review procedures that will result in quality urban design Planned Developments are a common tool to permit creative design and development of larger parcels of land that, due to a variety of circumstances including (but not led to) topography, size, shape, presence of habitat, wetlands or other sensitive natural features, do not lend themselves to application of zoning standards that are generally devised with a smaller, more regular lot in mind, In the case of the proposed Project, the presence of steep hilsides and existing Coastal Sage Scrub renders more than two of the 63 gross acres of the site unsuitable for development. The rest of the site is characterized by existing topography that would require a combination of mass grading and tall retaining walls in order to create a single level pad for development across the site. Furthermore, the property frontage along Vine Street is curvilinear. Thus, re- zoning the site to PD is consistent with purpose 1701.A of the Toning Ordinance. 2.3 Purpose of this Planned Development Plan Generally, the purposes of this PD Plan are to demonstrate how the Project: * Is consistent with the proposed MDB-R General Plan land use designation, + Achieves the purposes of orderly and thorough planning of the Project and quality urban design as stated in Section 1701.8 of the Zoning Ordinance. * Complies with the Land Use and Development Regulations in Sections 1702 and 1703 of the Zoning ‘Ordinance. + Satisfies the Required Findings as specified in Section 1706.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. More specifically, the following chapters and appendices will define and illustrate the Projects guidelines and standards for site and building design, demonstrate how the aforementioned standards are met, and illustrate the Project's superior urban design: Chapter 3 - Site Design Chapter 4 ~ Building Design Chapter 5 - Consistency with Zoning Ordinance and General Plan Chapter 6 - Superior Urban Design CHAPTER Site Design Goals and Concept The design of the Project site is based on achieving a set of goals established through careful evaluation of market conditions, site constraints and input from the local community, City staff and elected leaders obtained via extensive outreach to these parties. The key goals established through this evaluation and outreach process ore: * Create an attractive, sustainable residential ‘community that preserves the character of the neighborhood and is viewed as an asset by the surrounding community. * Integrate the project with the adjacent, portially- developed retail center to create the feel of a master-planned, mixed use community, and serve as @ catalyst for the long term viability of the existing commercial uses. * Give attention to the appearance of the project along Vine Street and create a condition that is pedestrion-triendly, conducive to calming trafic speed, and is consistent with existing development along Vine Street. + Plan the site in a way that deters trespassing across both the Project site and the private properties along the natural drainage "canyon" north and west of the site. ‘+ Preserve existing open space and habitat on site, as well as existing topography. Generally, the site design concept is to preserve the existing topography which consists of flat upper and lower terraces bisected by a dirt road that connects the upper terrace to Vine Street. Some, grading and road realignment will be fequired to prepare pads and optimize the developable area. Specifically, the aforementioned design goals are achieved in the following manner: * Use of high-quality “four-sided” architecture with photovoltaic solar power systems as a_ standard feature. + Providing a large centrally/ocated recreation area with a swimming pool and outdoor BBQ area. * Orientation of buildings along the southern edge of the site toward the retail center, the creation of an extensive network of pedestrian circulation that directly connects the Project to the adjacent retail center, and the use of the existing driveway that serves the retail center as vehicular access to some of the Project's quest parking spaces. © Improvements fo Vine Street including sidewalks, landscaping, and traffic calming measures to reduce vehicular speeds on Vine Street, * Locating buildings adjacent to the “canyon” with their front doors facing it. * Preserving all of the on-site Coastal Sage Scrub as well as additional open space in its natural condition, + Using the existing topography on site to the greatest extent possible to avoid massive grading and overly tall retaining walls. 8.2 Sustainability * The Project includes a variety of sustainable building features and practices intended to reduce energy consumption and minimize the use of energy generated from fossil fuels. These features and practices include: + Photovoltaic solar power systems standard on each home + All electric appliances, eliminating the use of natural gas in the community ‘+ Urban infil siting in close proximity to mass transit stops * Energy efficient appliances, windows and doors + Pre-witing of residential garages for electric vehicle charging. 3.3 Deterrence to Trespassing The Project seeks to deter trespassing primarily by replacing a lorge vacant lot with the presence of homes and residents on a permanent basis. However, the placement and orientation of Buildings 3 and 4 specifically are designed to both create physical obstruction to trespassers through the western part of the site and to encourage the presence of residents in that area by orienting the front doors of those homes toward the canyon. A Set Iding Enveloy In terms of mass and scale as well as building setbacks, the proposed Project is intended to be consistent with existing residential development along Vine Street, which is predominantly two- and three-story multifamily. Proposed setbacks at the Project range from a minimum of 12 feet up to approximately 51 feet. However, with the exception of Building 1 (12 feet} and the northeast comer of Building 6 (16 feel), proposed building setbacks along Vine Street are 25 feet or greater. The average setback from Vine Street for the entire project is 35 feet. Furthermore, a traffic calming bulb- out is proposed in front of Building 1 that extends the width ‘of the parkway between the curb line ond Building 1 to ‘approximately 19 feet. In addition to the aforementioned setbacks from Vine Street, the buildings employ two-story end units to reduce building mass along the Vine Street frontage. At buildings along this edge on the lower part of the site (Buildings 1 and 2}, the two-story units are located along Vine Street. At building 7, two story units are located at both ends of the building. At Building 6 the two-story unit is placed at the south end, which is more visible from Oceanside Boulevard and is higher above Vine Street than the north end. These increased front yard setbacks diminish the appearance of bulk along Vine Street, 3.5 Pedestrian Circulation In addition to improvements along Vine Street that include a sidewalk along the project frontage, the Project includes an extensive intemal network of sidewalks that connect all of the homes within the Project with the public sidewalks on Vine Street, the onsite Recreation Area, and the adjacent retail center to the south, The Project's pedestrian circulation system is depicted in more detail in the Site Plan and Landscape Plan found in Appendices A and C. 3.6 Wall Height ‘As mentioned previously, the site topography includes very steep hillsides. Due to this site constraint, retaining walls in cerlain areas are required. Every effort has been made to reduce wall heights and maintain the natural/existing grades on the property. All walls within the front yard area (along Vine Street) will comply with the maximum permitted wall height as specified in the zoning ordinance. In other ‘areas where wall are needed, the maximum permitted wall height shall be no more than two feet above the maximum specified in the zoning ordinance. See Table 3.A for a summary of proposed site development regulations. TABLE 3.A - SITE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: ZONING Existing: Proposed: GENERAL PLAN LAND USE Existin Proposed: SITE AREA Totak: Gross TOTAL DWELLING UNITS: DENSITY: LOT COVERAGE Totak: %ot Total Site Area: %ot Gross Site Area*: ‘Commecial Recreation (CR) Planned Development (PD) General Commercial (GC) ‘Medium Density B Residential (MDB-R) 4.31 Actes (274,797 Sq. Ft.) 5.45 Actes (237,415 Sq. Ft.) 58 10.6 Homes Per Acre 55,941 Sq. Ft. 20.3% 23.6% * Calculated per standards defined in General Plan Policy 1.25 PERIMETER SETBACKS Front Yard Minimum: Side Yard (South) Minimum: Side Yard (North) Minimum: Rear Yard (Wes!) Minimum: BUILDING SEPARATION: ‘MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT in Feet: No. of Stories: PRIVATE DRIVE WIDTH: Minimum Drive Width: Minimum Fire & Trash Lane Width: ‘Minimum Outside Turning Radius: WALL HEIGHT Maximum Retaining Wall 12 15 15° 25° 20' minimum 36 kin Each home is provided with its own enclosed two-car gorage. These garages are provided in both side-by-side ‘and frontear ("tandem") configuration. However, tandem garages are used only at homes with no more than two bedrooms. The dimensions of each garage meet or exceed the minimum dimensions required in Section 3109 of the Zoning Ordinance. See Table 3.B for a summary of the Project's proposed parking regulations. In addition to the residents’ garages, the Project includes 16 unenclosed off-street guest parking spaces. The guest parking is distributed throughout the site on both the upper and lower terraces. Handicap accessible parking stalls are provided at both the upper and lower terraces. Per Section 3103 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Project is required to provide a total of 129 off-street parking spaces (116 resident + 13 guest). The Project actually provides 116 resident spaces plus 16 guest spaces, for a total of 132 off- street parking spaces. Bicycle parking racks are also proposed at the central Recreation Area 8 Open Space, Recreation Area and Landscaping The Project features several forms of open space, including central Recreation Area, landscaped common areas/patios, and undeveloped open space. ‘The undeveloped open space is comprised of the relatively steep slopes along the westem and northem edges of the site. Coastal Sage Scrub is present on the slopes along the western edge of the property. These areas will remain undeveloped. The landscaped common areas and patios consis! of planted areas, sidewalks, private patios in front of each home, and stormwater bio-fitration basins and swales. The proposed Project also includes improvements fo Vine Street including a continuous sidewalk with landscaped parkway. The Recreation Area is centrally located on the upper ferace and consists of swimming pool, bathroom/pool equipment building, outdoor seating and BBQ area, Open space provided at the Project complies with the Basic Requirement specified in Section 1030(Q}(1) of the Zoning Ordinance by allocating a minimum of 300 square feet of folal useable open space at each dwelling unit. The specific allocation of Private Usable Open Space for each dwelling unit is defined in Table 3.C to this PD Plan. The requirement for Common Usable Open Space per Section 1030(@)(3) is satisfied by the central Recreation Area. The location of all open space is depicted in Appendix B. The Project exceeds the requirements of Section 1030(T)(1) ‘of the Zoning Ordinance by providing planting or landscaping at greater than 50% of the required front yard along Vine Street. Details of the Recreation Area and landscaped common areas can be found in the Landscape Plan in Appendix C. 3.2 Integration with Adjacent Retail Center The Project engages the Retoil Center by orienting Building 401 so that the front doors and patios of those homes face the Shared Drive between properties. Additionally, a proposed sidewalk runs in front of Building 401 that connects it directly with the Retail Center, Vine Street and the rest of the Project Site. Five of the Project's guest parking spaces ‘are accessed via the Shared Drive as well TABLE 3.B - PARKING REGULATION: OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES Required: 129 Spaces (2.22 per Home) Residents’ 58 Homes x2 Spaces per Home = 116 Spaces Guests: 1 Space + 20% of Total Dwelling Units = 13 Spaces Provides 132 Spaces (2.28 per Home) Residents: Enclosed Garage: 116 Spaces Guests: Unenclosed Head-in: 16 Spaces GARAGE MINIMUM INTERIOR DIMENSIONS. (Per Section 3109 of the Zoning Ordinance; actual dimensions may exceed these standards) Side-by-Side: Tandem": 18' Wide x 19' Deep 9 Wide x 38' Deep *Tandem parking garages ore only permitted at homes with 2 bedrooms or fewer. TABLE 3.C - OPEN SPACE SUMMARY: QPEN SPACE PROVIDED: Recreation Area: Private Patios/Porches/Decks: Bioretention Areas: ‘Common Area Landscaping / Misc. Open Space: Slopes & Habitat Areas: ‘OE SITE AREA: Total Gross* 3.79 Acres / 165,182 Sq. Ft. 7,598 Sq. Ft 13,657 Sq. Ft 8,381 Sq. Ft 30,996 Sq. Ft. 104,555 Sq. Ft. 60.1% 69.6% * Calculated per standards defined in General Plan Policy 1.25 CHAPTER 4: BUILDING DESIGN 4.1 Applicability of Codes The Project will be developed in accordance with applicable building, fire, plumbing, electrical, mechanical and other codes that are in effect at the time applications for building permits are submitted 4.2 Floor and Root Plans The Project consists of 58 residential townhomes comprised of four different floor plans (though several plan types have multiple variants}: + Plan 1A/1AX: Approximately 1.217 square feet: 2-bedrooms / 2.5-bathrooms * Plan 2A/28: Approximately 1,458 square feet, 2- bedrooms / 2.5-bathrooms * Plan 2XA: Approximately 1,539 square feet, 2- bedrooms /2.5-bathrooms ‘+ Plan 3A/3B: Approximately 1,752 square feet, 3 bedrooms / 3-bathrooms (4 bedroom/den and bathroom optional} + Plan4A: Approximately 1,788 square feet, 3 bedrooms / 2.5-bathrooms (4 bedroom/loft optional) Variants of Plans 1-3 are three-story homes, and Plan 4A is a two-story home. Each home, except for four of the Plan 1 Units, include a ground floor outdoor patio. All plans include an outdoor deck on an upper level. Each home includes a covered two-car parking garage. Roof plans for each building include space for both mechanical equipment and photovoltaic solar panels, The 58 homes are grouped in nine separate buildings consisting of six, seven, eight and nine homes each. A complete set of architectural floor plans and roof plans can be found in Appendix D. 43 Elevations: The Project's architecture is inspired by the Craftsman-style bungalow homes and beach cottages that are common to coastal San Diego County, characterized by both lap and board-and-batten siding, stucco, wood trim, punched opening windows with mullions, and pitched and hip shingle roots. Careful attention is given to using varied materials, fenestration and facade articulation at all four sides of each building in order to create visual interest both within the Project as well as to the surrounding neighborhood. The maximum height of each building is 36" fo the top of the highest parapet. A complete set of architectural elevations can be found in Appendix D. CHAPTER 5: CONSISTENCY WITH ZONING ORDINANCE AND GENERAL PLAN 5.1 Permitted Uses Uses permitted under this PD Plan are limited to Multiple Family Dwellings as defined in Section 1020(C) of the Zoning Ordinance, 5.2 General Plan Development of the Project requires amending the City of Oceanside General Plan land use designation. The current land use designation is General Commercial, which would not permit the type of residential development proposed. The proposed land use designation is Medium Density B Residential (MDB-R), which permits density between 10.0 and 15.0 dwelling units per acre. Upon amendment of the General Plan to designate the property's use as MDB-R, the proposed Project will be consistent with the General Plan. 5.3 Zoning Ordinance Development of the Project also requires amending the Zoning Ordinance. The current zoning classification for the Project Site is Commercial Recreation (CR}, which would not peimit the type of residential development proposed. The proposed zoning classification is Planned Development (PD), the requirements of which are set forth in Article 17 of the Toning Ordinance. There ate several sections within Article 17 that govem the development of projects within PD districts: + Section 1702 —Land Use Regulations * Section 1703 ~ Development Regulations * Section 1706.A = Required Findings for Planning Commission Action Section 1702 states that, at the time of establishment of a PD District, no other use shall be permitted except in accordance with a valid PD Plan, No other uses are proposed other than those included within this PD Plan. Section 1703 specifies the following regulations will apply to development of a project within a PD District: Minimum Area: The minimum net area of a PD Dislrict is 4 acres. The net area of the Project Site is 5.45 acres, calculated per the standards of Section 1.25 of the General Plan. Residential Unit Density: The residential density within a PD district shall not exceed the maximum density permitted by the General Plan. Upon amendment of the General Plan to re-designate the Project Site to MDB-R, the density of the proposed Project will not exceed the maximum density permitted by the General Plan. Performance Standards: The performance _ standards prescribed by Section 3024 of the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. Section 3024 defines performance standards regarding noise, vibration, dust, odors, glare, and combustible, explosive, radioactive and hazardous materials that apply to all use classifications in all zoning districts. The Proposed Project will comply with all of the standards set forth in Section 3024 of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 1706.4 defines the findings that the Planning Commission is required to make in order to recommend approval of a PD Plan: 1. The PD Plan or Specific Plan and the Development Plan are consistent with the adopted Land Use Element of the General Plan and other applicable policies and are compatible with surrounding development; 2. The PD Plan or Specific Plan and the Development Plan will enhance the potential for superior urban design in comparison with the development under the base district regulations that would apply if they were not approved; 3. Deviations from the base district regulations that otherwise would -apply are justified by ‘compensating benefits of the PD Plan or Specific Plan and the Development Plan; and 4, The PD Plan or Specific Plan and the Development Plan includes adequate provisions for ullties, services, ‘and emergency vehicle access; and public service demands wil not exceed the capacity of existing and planned systems. Upon amendment of the General Plan to designate the Project site MDB-R, this PD Plan will be consistent with the adopted Land Use Element of the General Plan. The proposed project is consistent with the existing two- and three-story residential developments along Vine Street. The PD Plan and the Development Plan provide for superior urban design as demonstrated in greater detail in Chapter 6 of this PD Plan, The current base district is the CR zoning district, which will no longer apply upon rezoning the Project site and amending the General Plan. However, the proposed Project resembles developments governed by the Medium Density Residential (RM) zoning districts. Any deviations from these base district standards are justified by the compensating benefits of this PD Plan, specifically those described in Chapter 6 of this PD Plan The PD Plan includes adequate provisions for utilities, services and emergency vehicle access. Public service demands of the Project will not exceed the capacity of existing and planned systems. CHAPTER 6: SUPERIOR URBAN DESIGN The proposed Project includes a number of features that Tepresent superior urban design and provide benefits to both residents and the surrounding community. 6.1 Preservation of Open Space and Habitat The proposed project includes preservation of more than two acres of existing natural open space and Coastal Sage Scrub habitat. A grand total of 156,668 square feet (3.6 acres) of open space (including landscaped areas) is provided at the Project, or approximately 57% of the gross site area, It should be noted that, while all areas of proposed open space are included in the physical gross area of the site, per General Plan Policy 1.25 some of the proposed ‘open space is classified as Undevelopable Lands. 4.2 Solar Powered All-Electric Homes Each home within the Project will be provided with a Photovoltaic solar power generation system and all-electric ‘appliances as standard features. Providing solar power and eliminating natura-gas buming appliances are not requirements of the PD District or any residential district in the Toning Ordinance. 4.3 High Quality Architecture The proposed Project consists of superior architecture characterized by high-quality varied building materials, fagade articulation, and architectural details at all four sides of each building ine Street ‘almins The Project includes proposed traffic calming improvements ‘on Vine Street designed to reduce vehicular speeds in both directions, The proposed improvements include the construction of traffic circles and -bulb-outs at both the main entry to the Project and at the intersection of Vine Street and Birchley Place (the entrance to the Ocean Breeze Senior Living community across Vine Street from the Project Site) with fetail Center The adjacent retail center is at present only partially built out, with an approximately 3,000 square foot pad yet to be developed. Furthermore, the existing retail building that was formerly occupied by Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market is currently vacant, While the Project site itself is not well suited t0 commercial development, there is an opportunity to integrate the Project with the existing retail center to create a mixed-use vilage tha! will promote the long-term success of the commercial uses within the Retail Center. The proposed Project takes advantage of this opportunity by orienting Building 401 to directly engage the retail uses, and by providing direct pedestrian connections between the two sites. $. Additional Parking The proposed Project provides three quest parking spaces in ‘excess of the minimum required per the Zoning Ordinance (a total of 16 vs. 13 required) APPENDIX A SITE PLAN SMS vase - aa 2 = “boned camge aces Y “ones ops or) CLL, vere JAL SITE PLAN, Q Vine Street Collection See, Canons City Ventures ‘City Ventures APPENDIX B OPEN SPACE PLAN CONCEPTUAL OPEN SPACE PLAN Vine Street Collection Scoansiae, Calorie City Ventures ‘clly Ventures APPENDIX C LANDSCAPE PLAN ciel Landscape Plan Vie Soe ine Street Collection ine Street Oceanside, Ca 92054 Comacmonmy Qcmmcmamiian Sinaloa APPENDIX D ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. le PUNSA RANA ROOF PLAN cccurancy mre THIRD FLOOR BUILDING 100 (SIX-PLEX) FLOOR PLANS & ROOF PLAN, Vine Street Collection Scesrside, Colom City Ventures ‘Clty Ventures aoe o pe ESE = PAN ORCA) RAND MANDA RANGA RAN TAR REAR aris rconinmcecr” = Elwcome [Bimevermnaene fy ucco = Fa] voc wnoons [i oeccune veacune HiaSeurncemnuesme fy sictisanscrowscuae Heer srs fawocosane ne a City Ventures BUILDING 100 (SIX-PLEX) BUILDING ELEVATIONS: Vine Street Collection Paty Vonks PANS PANDA RANA LAND FLANS2 ANZA RAN AB ADA Uy a wee | ONS eee ROOF PLAN PAN 38 PAN ZA PAN a8 DDR Dd 3 2 occupancy mi THIRD FLOOR FIRST FLOOR BUILDING 200 (SEVEN-PLEX) FLOOR PLANS & ROOF PLAN Vine Street Collection City Ventures ‘Cty Ventures MATERIALS: a ees a BUILDING 200 (SEVEN-PLEX) FRONT ELEVATION a Vine Street Collection eoansice, Colom City Ventures ‘Clty Ventures fodeionener REAR rea BUILDING 200 (SEVEN-PLEX) BUILDING ELEVATIONS. Q Vine Street Collection steel Colle City Ventures ‘City Ventures Fan 24 PUN aA GAGA Unt) SHANA PAN SR FLAN 28 AN PLAN 2K AN AR ADA Uy PUNTA PAN SA PUNE PAN a 2 pamy28 30 drys so 2 um2s 80 3 eumi29 80 ed 2 eq eoge Eorionsem 3 Car eos eS SSUANEN aR THIRD FLOOR FIRST FLOOR BUILDING 201 (SEVEN-PLEX) FLOOR PLANS & ROOF PLAN Vine Street Collection Seoarse. Cafome City Ventures Cty Ventures RIGHT REAR MATERIALS Fecsrmmcnas ET Sn fi camer fiavcco Fe roc rocus cera se eomncom ieee PLAN 24 PLAN a ADA Unt) LEFT Sscntporestcatee 2 Vine Street Collection vr AST City Ventures Sty vornaes meine | aor PAN SAC ANZA PUNK PLAN ZB RANE PAN 2K RAN ZEA LAN GR TADA UM) SECOND FLOOR Vine Street Collection coersice. Coton City Ventures City Ventures PUN SAC —-AAWL2A PUNK PANE PANS RANA ANZXA MAW AA ADA Ui ROOF PLAN aes a THIRD FLOOR saa sy A 18 Sons TONE BUILDING 300 (EIGHT-PLEX) THIRD FLOOR & ROOF PLAN Vine steel Collection le, Coxon ily Ventures Pu ax ADA tn PUR AMADA UA RAN XR -PAN2KANSB ANZ LALA ANZA ANOKA RIGHT REAR MATERIALS: FRONT BUILDING 300 (EIGHT-PLEX) BUILDING ELEVATIONS a Vine Street Collection City Ventures ‘Clty Ventures Plat 4a FAN 3A ANZA PANGAN 28 PLANS PLANZA PLAN XA PLAN 4A (ADA Uni) SECOND FLOOR BUILDING 400 (NINE-PLEX) FIRST & SECOND FLOOR PLANS a Vine Street Collection ‘ see! Salle City Ventures Clty Ventures ROOF PLAN j a ee ee ere ee eo THIRD FLOOR Sy BUILDING 400 (NINE-PLEX) THIRD FLO‘ Vine Street Collection Seosnsiae, Caroma City Ventures City Ventures ibis) Lest City Ventures a arenas by fiveo: EBitonrmnconn vesone Fy ante won xcvueouse Piscaetcmencncenccor [wc oma LSE ESPACE FRONT _ BUILDING 400 (NINE-PLEX) BUILDING ELEVATIONS Vine Street Collection Sceanace, Solfome Cty Ventures ranmicr Su FAL a City Ventures PUN SRK PLN 2A PLANK RAMA RANGA BLAND PLANE FAN ALAN AA ADA Ut SECOND FLOOR PUN IR RANA FIRST FLOOR BUILDING 401 (NINE-PLEX) FIRST & SECOND FLOOR PLANS. Vine Street Collection Scoerside, Salome City Ventures PAN SAK FUN 2A PLANS ANZA FLANSA. AN 2B ANGB PLAN ZA ROOF PLAN PAN SAK PLAN 2A PANS ANZA RANA RAN RANG ANZA THIRD FLOOR cco a en ROOF PLAN a Vine Street Collection Say ences City Ventures PONS AAN® FANSA RANIA PANGR PLANA — RANGAK REAR sooo otro ron as Fil wrervmctons AN aX ADA Un RIGHT seater roe A 18 CONEREON VE BUILDING 401 (NINE-PLEX) BUILDING ELEVATIONS: Vine Street Collection Scoarside, Salfoms City Ventures lly Ventures Cer annweun 10 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTACHMENT RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE UPHOLDING PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2016-P34 APPROVING A TENTATIVE MAP (T15-00005) AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP15-00007) TO PERMIT A 58 UNIT TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT ON A 6.31 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED WEST OF VINE STREET AND NORTH OF OCEANSIDE BOULEVARD (City Ventures — Applicant) WHEREAS, on August 22, 2016, the Planning Commission of the City of Oceanside, after holding a duly advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No, 2016-34 approving Tentative Map (T15-00005) and Conditional Use Permit (CUP15-00007) to allow a 58 unit townhome development on a 6.31 acre parcel located west of Vine Street and north of Oceanside Boulvard; and WHEREAS, on August 30, 2016,-a timely appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of said project was filed with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, on October 12, 2016, the City Council of the City of Oceanside held a duly noticed public hearing and heard and considered evidence and testimony by all interested parties concerning the Planning Commission's approval of the Tentative Map and Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, based on such evidence, testimony, and staff reporis, this Council has determined that the findings of fact articulated by the Planning Commission adequately address all of the issues raised in the appeal of this project, and therefore the Council accepts the findings of | fact as set forth in Planning Commission Resolution No, 2016-P34, attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, and incorporates them by reference as i NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Oceanside does resolve as follows: 1 The Councii affirms the Planning Commission action of August 22, 2016 and f fully set forth herein; upholds the approval of Tentative Map (115-0005) and Conditional Use Permit (CUPIS- 00005), as specified by Planning Commission Resolution No. 2016-P34, attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by this reference; 2. Notice is hereby given that the time within which judicial review must be sought on this decision is governed by CCP Section 1094.6(b) as set forth in Oceanside City Code Section 1.10. PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Oceanside, California this day of___, 2016, by the following vote: AYE! NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Mayor of the City of Oceanside APPROVED AS:TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY cH. j a O — City Clerk Conga ©CMONOHOREDN 10 oT] 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 a 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ExHipir A PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2016-P34 ‘A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL, APPROVAL OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE. AMENDMENT, AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND APPROVING A TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE APPLICATION NO: GPA15-00002/ZA15-00004/T15-00004/D15-00010 and CUP15-00007 APPLICANT: City Ventures LOCATION North of Oceanside Boulevard and West of Vine Street (APN 152-320- 40) THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: _ WHEREAS, there was filed with this Commission a verified petition on the forms prescribed by the Commission requesting a General Plan Amendment, Zone Amendment, Tentative Map, Development Plan, and Conditional Use Permit under the provisions of [Articles 17, 30, 31, 40, 41, 43, and 45 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Oceanside to permit the following: a change in existing General Plan land use and zoning designations to allow for a one- lot subdivision for condominium purposes and construction of a 58-unit townhome complex with associated on-site parking facilities and landscaping at a density of 10.64 welling units per acre; on certain real property described in the project description, WHEREAS, on September 14, 2015, the Planning Commission conducted a preliminary screening workshop on said application and voted to direct staff to advance the application {through the discretionary review process; and WHEREAS, on October 14, 2015, the City Council conducted @ preliminary screening ‘workshop on said application, with 3 Councilmembers giving general direction to move the application forward through the discretionary review process; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and State |Guidelines thereto; an Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was prepared and circulated for this project; and oY Fa RON A "1 12 13, 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 BENS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after giving the required notice, did on the 22° [day of August, 2016 conduct a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law to consider said application; and WHEREAS, there is hereby imposed on the subject development project certain fees, dedications, reservations and other exactions pursuant to state law and city ordinance; WHEREAS, pursuant to Gov't Code §66020(d)(1), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the project is subject to certain fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions as provided below: Description Inclusionary Housing Administration Fee Drainage and Flood Control Fee Public Facility Fee Parks (Residential only) ‘School District Fee (Residential) School District Fee (Commercial/Industrial) School District Fee Hotel/Motel) Traffic Signal Fee Authority for Imposition Chapter 14C.9 of the MC Reso. No. 03-R175-1 Reso. No. 11-R0483-1 Ordinance No. 85-23 Resolution No. 06-R0334-1 Ordinance No. 91-09 Resolution No. 06-R0334-1 Ordinance No. 91-09 Resolution No. 06-R0334-1 Ordinance No. 91-34 Ordinance No, 91-34 CUSD Reso. No. 21-1314 Ordinance No. 87-19 Reso. No, 06-RO334-1 Current Estimate Fee or Calculation Formul: $1,000 per development plus $100 per unit plus $4.40 per sq. ft. Depends on location and area (range is $2,843-$15,964 per acre. Residential: $2,072 per dwelling unit. ‘Commercial/industrial: $0.713 per sq. ft. or $713 per 1,000 sq. ft. $3,503 per dwelling unit. $3.20/sq. ft. Oceanside, Vista $3.36/sq. ft. Carlsbad, Fallbrook $0.51/sq. ft. Oceanside, Vista $0.54/sq. ft. Carlsbad, Fallbrook $0.29/sq. fl. Carlsbad $15.71 per vehicle trip oN Oak ON = 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Current Estimate Fee or Description Authority for Imposition Calculation Formula ‘Thoroughfare Fee ‘Ordinance No, 83-01 Single-family residential: Reso, No. 06-R0334-1 $2,550/dwelling unit. Apartment/condo: $2,31 1/dwelling unit. Commercial/Industrial: $255/ vehicle trip (75% reduction applicable)(trips based on SANDAG trip generation table), ‘Wastewater System Oceanside MC §32.729 Single-family residential: Capacity Buy-in Fees Reso. No, 87-97 $7,794/dwelling unit. Ord. No. 15-0R0479-1 ‘Non-residential and Multi-family: 5/8"= $7,794 2” = $62,354 3/4" = $11,691 3°= $116,914 1° = $19,486 $194,856 14" = $38,971 (For larger meters, see Water Utilities), Water System Capacity Oceanside MC §37.7.37 5/8”= $5,680 11"= $28,400 Buy-in Fees (Residential and Non-Residential) R80. No. 87-96 3/4"= $8,520 2" = $45,440 Ord. No. 15-OR0480-1 1"=$14,200 San Diego County Water SDCWA Ord. No. 2013-14 5/8”=$4,800 1%" = $14,400 Authority Capacity Fees 7 . (Residential and Non- 3/4” = $4,800 2” = $24,960 Residential) 1" = $7,680 WHEREAS, the current fees referenced above are merely fee amount estimates of the impact fees that would be required if due and payable under currently applicable ordinances and resolutions, presume the accuracy of relevant project information provided by the applicant, and are not necessarily the fee amount that will be owing when such fee becomes due and payable; and WHEREAS, unless otherwise provided by this resolution, all impact fees shall be calculated and collected at the time and in the manner provided in Chapter 32B of the Oceanside City Code and the City expressly reserves the right to amend the fees and fee calculations consistent with applicable law; and WHEREAS, the City expressly reserves the right to establish, modify or adjust any fee, dedication, reservation or other exaction to the extent permitted and as authorized by laws and = ON OaARoON Hs " 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, pursuant to Gov't Code §66020(4)(1), NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the 90-day period to protest the imposition of any fee, dedication, reservation, or other exaction described in this resolution begins on the effective date of this resolution and any such protest ‘must be in a manner that complies with Section 66020; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Oceanside Zoning Ordinance §4603, this resolution becomes effective 10 days from its adoption in the absence of the timely filing of an appeal or call for review prior to the expiration of the 10 day appeal period; WHEREAS, the documents or other material which constitute the record of proceedings ‘upon which the decision is based will be maintained by the City of Oceanside Planning Division, 300 North Coast Highway, Oceanside, California 92054, WHEREAS, studies and investigations made by this Commission and in its behalf reveal the following facts: EINDINGS For the General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002): ‘To change the existing land use designations of the project site to allow for medium density ‘residential land uses: 1. The re-designation of the project site from General Commercial (GC) to Medium Density B Residential (MDB-R) will provide for a land use consistent with housing policies contained in the adopted General Plan. ‘The proposed land use will be sensitive to.and compatible with the adjoining residential neighborhood. The proposed designation of MBD-R is consistent with the prevailing development pattem in the immediate vicinity of the project site, where densities range from approximately 5 dwelling units per acre for the single family residential neighborhood to the west to approximately 58 dwelling units per acre at the senior apartment complex immediately east of the project site, For the Zone Amendment (ZA15-0000- To re-designate the project site as a Planned Development (PD) District subject to the land use and development standards of the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan: 1, The proposed PD Plan is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element, as the Proposed development and associated land uses are allowed under the MDB-R land use designation. Proposed residential densities are within the allowable density range for the MDB-R land use designation (10 to 15 du/acre) and the total number of dwelling units in ON Oak on a " 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 the PD Plan does not exceed the maximum number permitted for the total area of the PD Plan parcel, The land use and development standards articulated in the Planned Development Plan ensure that development and land use on the project site will both ‘enhance the visual quality of, and be compatible with, the surrounding area. ‘The PD Plan will result in a superior land use design in comparison with development permitted under the base district regulations, Relative to the base district regulations, implementation of the proposed development under the PD Plan will result in greater average building setbacks, preservation of open space and habitat, solar powered all- electric homes, installation of traffic calming measures along Vine Street, integration with the adjacent retail center, parking in excess of Zoning Ordinance requirements, as well as design features (¢g., Craftsman-style Architecture and photovoltaic solar systems) not specified by the Zoning Ordinance. The deviations from the base district regulations that otherwise would apply are justified by compensating benefits of the PD Plan, ‘The residential land use allowed under the PD Plan will create a physical environment that optimizes social interaction and organization, The development standards and design guidelines will provide for a consistent architectural theme and a unified site design that emphasizes pedestrian activity and access to‘a well-appointed common recreation area as well as ample usable private open space for each unit, ‘The PD Plan and the Development Plan include adequate provisions for utilities, services, and emergency vehicle access. Furthermore, public service demands will not exceed the capacity of existing and planned services. As designed, all buildings and other site improvements will accommodate all necessary utilities and services and will provide adequate access for emergency vehicles and personnel. As demonstrated by water system and off-site sewer system analyses reviewed and accepted by the City’s Water Utilities Department, adequate water and sewer capacity exist to service the proposed. development. As demonstrated by a traffic analysis reviewed and accepted by the City’s ‘Transportation Engineering Division, the project would not result in categorical reductions in the level of service on Oceanside Boulevard or other roadways in the vicinity. As indicated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the project will not occasion the need for new or expanded public safety resources. OYEFH AWN A 1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 For the Tentative Map (TM15-00005): 1 For the Development Plan (D15-00010): ‘The proposed Tentative Map is consistent with the General Plan of the City, in that individual residential parcels provide building pad areas of sufficient size and dimensions to accommodate aesthetically pleasing and eflicient dwelling units. The site is physically suitable for the type and proposed density of development, in that the site comprises 6.31 acres of vacant land that is not significantly constrained by topography, geological or hydrological hazards, protected habitat, easements or other limiting features. ‘The site is located within a highly urbanized area and surrounded by residential and commercial uses. ‘The overall density of the project (10.64 dwelling units per acre) accords with residential densities implemented on similar properties in the vicinity. ‘The design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. ‘The subject property is located in a highly urbanized area, has been previously graded and contains little sensitive habitat, which will not be disturbed by development at the project site, ‘The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements meet City standards and will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or the use of property within the proposed subdivision. Easements on the property will be improved and maintained in a manner consistent with City standards, ‘The subdivision complies with all other applicable ordinances, regulations and guidelines of the City of Oceanside. ‘The proposed tentative map exhibit accords with the form and ‘content requirements of the City’s Subdivision Ordinance (Section 401). ‘The site plan and physical design of the project as proposed is consistent with the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance. The siting and architecture of the proposed housing would avoid potential adverse visual impacts on adjacent properties with high-quality architecture, adequate setbacks, abundant landscape, and context-appropriate walls and fencing. Ample on-site parking resources would avoid spillover parking impacts. ON OAR WON OH 1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 ‘The Development Plan as proposed conforms to the General Plan of the City, in that the residential unit type (.e. multiple unit structures) is consistent with the associated General lan land use designation of MDR-B. The area covered by the Development Plan can be adequately, reasonably, and conveniently served by existing and planned public services, utilities, and public facilities, The project site is located within an urbanized area served by existing public services, utilities, and public facilities. Environmental analysis has determined that the project would have no significant impacts on these services and facilities. The project as proposed is compatible with existing and potential development on adjoining properties or in the surrounding neighborhood. The project achieves an overall density (10.64 dwelling units per acre) consistent with other residential development in the immediate area. The project includes significant improvements to existing public streets in the vicinity and provides a private street network with efficient linkages to these public streets. ‘The PD Plan and the Development Plan are consistent with the adopted Land Use Element of the General Plan and other applicable policies and are compatible with surrounding. development, in that the PD Plan and the Development Plan provide housing opportunities within an organized and attractive neighborhood, The PD Plan or Specific Plan and the Development Plan will enhance the potential for superior urban design in comparison with development under the base district regulations that would apply if they were not approved, in that the PD Plan and Development Plan provide a consolidated site plan for a property with unique topography and shape that might otherwise be developed to the detriment of surrounding neighborhoods. Deviations from the base district regulations that otherwise would apply are justified by compensating benefits of the PD Plan and the Development Plan, including high-quality architecture, extensive open space, and a well appointed common recreation facility, ‘The PD Plan or Specific Plan and the Development Plan includes adequate provisions for Utilities, services, and emergency vehicle access; and public service demands will not exceed the capacity of existing and planned systems. As demonstrated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the project does not necessitate the expansion of existing utilities or Public services. Associated improvements to the public street network and an adjacent Boarounxona 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 private access easement will enhance emergency vehicle access to existing neighborhoods. For the Conditional Use Permit (CUP15-00007): 1. The proposed location of the use is in accord with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of the Planned Development (PD) zoning district in which the site is located. In accordance with Zoning Code Section 1050 (B), the Conditional Use Permit would allow a net density of 10.64 dwelling units per acre, which is within the density range permitted of 10 to 15 dwelling units per acre. Moreover, as required by Zoning Code Section 1050 (B), the project would conform with Section 2.3 of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, which allows densities above 10 dwelling units per acre for residential projects possessing an excellence of design features. The proposed project includes setbacks which average substantially more than required by the corresponding RM-B zoning district, guest parking in excess of zoning ordinance requirements, landscaping, open space and lot coverage which exceed minimum standards, and superior architectural design and materials. 2. The proposed 58 unit residential project will be consistent with the pattem of development found throughout this section of the Townsite neighborhood. The development consists of a Planned Development which has been designed to be sensitive to surrounding uses and integrated with the unique topography and configuration of the project site. Also, like similar developments in the area, the proposed residential units will be three story and average 1,575 ‘square feet. Physical improvements to the site will include the undergrounding of ‘existing overhead utilities as well as installation of public sidewalks and traffic calming improvements to Vine Street. 3. The proposed conditional use will comply with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, in that it will fall within the allowable density range of 10 and 15 dwelling units per acre, conform to all applicable development standards prescribed in the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan, and posses an excellence of design features. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Oceanside does hereby recommend City Council approval of General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002), Zone Amendment (ZA15-00004) and Development Plan (D15-00010) and approve Tentative Map (TM15-00004) and Conditional Use Permit (CUP15-00007) subject to the following conditions: Building: The granting of approval under this action shall in no way relieve the applicant/project from compliance with all Current State and local building codes. 2013 Triennial Edition of CCR, Title 24 The 2013 triennial edition of the California Code of Regulations, Title 24 (California Building Standards Code) applies to all occupancies that applied for a building permit on or after January 1, 2014, and remains in effect until the effective date of the 2016 triennial edition which will be January 1, 2017. The California Building Standards ‘Commission website at has links to where the codes can be viewed online as well as information on where the codes can be purchased; Parts 6, 11, and 12 can be directly downloaded for free. There are 12 parts to Title 24 and the applicable parts for most Building Division permit applications are listed below. . Part 2: The 2013 California Building Code (CBC) is based on the 2012 IBC, but includes numerous State of California amendments. . Part 2.5: The 2013 California Residential Code (CRC) is based on the 2012 IRC, but includes numerous State of California amendments and does not include the electrical, energy, mechanical, or, plumbing portions of the IRC, and instead parts 3 through 6 of Title 24 as listed below apply. . Part 3: The 2013 California Electrical Code (CEC) is based on the 2011 NEC with State of California amendments. . Part 4: The 2013 Califomia Mechanical Code (CMC) is based on the 2012 UMC with State of California amendments, . Part 5: The 2013 California Plumbing Code (CPC) is based on the 2012 UPC. with State of California amendments. * Part 6: The 2013 California Energy Code is currently based on the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, and please visit the California Energy Commission website at where additional information can be found and Compliance manuals can be downloaded for free. +. Part 9: The 2013 California Fire Code (CFC) is based on the 2012 IFC with State of California amendments. + Part 11: The 2013 California Green Building Standards Code (CALGreen Code) This Part is known as the California Green Building Standards Code, and it is tended that it shall also be known as the CALGreen Code. + Amendments to the: City of Oceanside Administrative Code for Building Regulations Ordinance No. 13-ORO752-1 Effective Date 01/01/2014 a copy of | which can be downloaded from the Building Division website at hitp:// ‘The building plans for this project shall be prepared by a licensed architect or engineer and shall be in compliance with this requirement prior to submittal for building plan review. Site development, parking, access into buildings and building interiors shall comply with all current State of California Accessibility Code where required. Compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act (BMP’s) shall be demonstrated on the plans. Separate/unique addresses may be required to facilitate utility releases. Verification that the addresses have been properly assigned by the City’s Planning Division shall accompany the Building Permit application, A complete Soils Report, Structural Calculations, & — Energy Calculations/documentation shall be required at time of plans submittal to the Building Division for plan check. The developer shall monitor, supervise and control all building construction and supportive activities so as to prevent these activities from causing a public nuisance, including, but not limited to, strict adherence to the following: a) Building construction work hours shall be limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 6: pam, Monday through Friday, and on Saturday from 7:00 am. to 6:00 p.m. for ‘work that is not inherently noise-producing. Examples of work not permitted on Saturday are concrete and grout pours, roof nailing and activities of similar noise-producing nature, No work shall be permitted on Sundays and Federal Holidays (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving 10 1. 10. u Day, Christmas Day) except as allowed for emergency work under the provisions of the Oceanside City Code Chapter 38 (Noise Ordinance). The construction site shall be kept reasonably free of construction debris as specified in Section 13.17 of the Oceanside City Code. Storage of debris in approved solid waste containers shall be considered compliance with this requirement. Small amounts of construction debris may be stored on-site in a neat, safe manner for short periods of time pending disposal. For the demolition of any existing structure or surface improvements; grading plans shall be submitted and erosion control plans be approved by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a demolition permit, No demolition shall be permitted without an Approved erosion control plan, Design and construction of all improvements shall be in accordance with the City of| Oceanside Engineers Design and Processing Manual, City Ordinances, and standard ‘engineering and specifications of the City of Oceanside and subject to approval by the City Engineer. All right-of-way alignments, street dedications, exact geometries and width shall be dedicated and constructed or replaced as required by the City Engineer. The tract shall be recorded as one, The tract may be developed in phases. A construction-phasing plan for the construction of on-site public and private improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to the recordation of the final map. Prior to the issuance of any building permits all offsite improvements inch landscaping, landscaped medians, frontage improvements shall be under construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Prior to issuance of any certificates of occupancy the City Engineer shall require the dedication and construction of necessary utilities, arterials and streets and other improvements outside the area of any particular final map, if such is needed for circulation, parking, access or for the welfare or safety of future occupants of the development, u CeaVYTF®HkRYBWN 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 28 29 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18, Provide the City of Oceanside with a certification from each public utility and each public entity owning easements within the proposed project stating that: (a) they have received from the owner/developer a copy of the proposed map; (b) they object or do not object to the filing of the map without their signature; (c) in case of a street dedication affected by their existing easement, they will sign @ “subordination certificate” or "joint-use certificate" on the map when required by the governing body. In addition, the owner/developer shall furnish proof to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that no new encumbrances have been created that would subordinate the City’s interest over areas to be dedicated for public road purposes since submittal ofthe Project. Pursuant to the State Map Act, improvements shall be required at the time of| development. A covenant, reviewed and approved by the City Attorney, shall be recorded attesting to these improvement conditions and a certificate setting forth the recordation shall be placed on the map. Prior to approval of the final map or any increment, all improvement requirements, within such increment or outside of it if required by the City Engineer, shall be covered by a Subdivision Improvement Agreement and secured with sufficient improvement securities or bonds guaranteeing performance and payment for labor and materials, setting of monuments, and warranty against defective materials and workmanship. ‘The owner/developer shall provide public street dedication to serve the property. If a subdivider is required under this division or any other provision of law to make a. dedication for specified public purposes on a final map, the local agency shall specify whether the dedication is to be in fee for public purposes or an easement for public purposes. ‘Obtain approval from SDG&E, and any other easement stakeholders concerning any removal of the existing easements or facilities, and any new proposed easements, A taffie control plan shall be prepared according to the City traffic control guidelines and approved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the start of work within the public right-of-way. Traffic control during construction of streets that have been 12 CoN OAR ON 10 "1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, ‘opened to public traffic shall be in accordance with construction signing, marking and other protection as required by the Caltrans Traffic Manual and City Traffic Control Guidelines. Traffic control plans shall be in effect fom 8:00 am. to 3:30 p.m. unless approved otherwise. Vehicular access rights to Vine Street shall be relinquished to the City from all abutting lots except for the one onsite private road serving the project and the existing access serving the commercial development to the south, Vine Street shall be constructed with new curbs and gutters and sidewalk along the project site’s frontage with adequate taper transition to the existing improvements, All existing damaged curb & gutter & sidewalks shall be reconstructed to City Standards. ADA ramps shall be constructed at the intersection of proposed driveway with Vine Street, and other locations as required by the City Engineer. Vine Street shall provide a minimum of 10 feet parkway between the face of curb and the right of way line. Sidewalk improvements shall comply with ADA requirements. Publicly maintained pedestrian ramps (maintained by the City of Oceanside must be fully located within public right-of-way. Minimum curb retum radius shall comply with the City of Oceanside Engineers Design and Processing Manual. ‘The onsite private road providing access serving this project shall be constructed with curb, gutter and sidewalk, a minimum of 28’wide, with the exception of the three segments which dead end on the upper development pad which shall have a minimum width of 26°. Parking prohibition signs shall be posted with no parking signs on both sides of the roadway, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Any existing public or private pavement, conerete curb, gutter, driveways, pedestrian ramps and sidewalk within the project, or adjacent to the project boundary that are already damaged or damaged during construetion of the project, shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the City Engineer. Streetlights shall be maintained and installed on private streets and Vine Street per City Standards. The private streetlights shall be maintained by the Home Owner's Association. The system shall provide uniform lighting, and be secured prior to 13 © emrF® HAWN 10 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 25. 26. 21. 28, occupancy. The owner/developer shall pay all applicable fees, energy charges, and/or assessments associated with City-owned (LS-2 rate schedule) streetlights and shall also agree to the formulation of, or the annexation to, any appropriate street lighting district. This project's streets shall remain private and shall be maintained by an association. ‘The pavement sections, traffic indices shall be based on approved geotechnical report and in compliance with the City of Oceanside Engineers Design and Processi Manual. The private project street and driveway alignments and geometric layouts. shall meet the City of Oceanside Engineers Design and Processing Manual. Pavement sections for all public and private streets, public and private alleys, driveways and parking areas shall be based upon approved soil tests and traffic indices, ‘The pavement design is to be prepared by the owner/developer's soil engineer and must bbe in compliance with the City of Oceanside Engineers Design and Processing Manual and be approved by the City Engineer, prior to paving, Prior to approval of the grading plans, the owner/developer shall contract with a geotechnical engineering firm to perform a field investigation of the existing pavement on all streets adjacent to the project boundary. The limits of the study shall be half street plus twelve (12) feet along the project’s frontage. The field investigation shall include a minimum of one pavement boring per every one fifty (50°) linear feet of street frontage. Should the existing AC thickness be determined to be less than the current minimum standard for AC and Class Il Base as set forth in the table for City of Oceanside Pavement Design Guidelines in the City of Oceanside Engineers Manual, the Owner/developer shall remove and reconstruct the pavement section as determined by the pavement analysis submittal process detailed in the condition listed below: Upon review of the pavement investigation, the City Engineer shall determine whether the Owner/developer shall: 1) Repair all failed pavement sections, header cut and grind per the direction of the City Engineer, and construct a two (2) inch thick rubberized AC overlay; or 2) Perform R-value testing and submit a study that determin if the existing Pavement meets current City standards/traffic indices. Should the study conclude that the pavement does not meet current requirements, rehabilitation/mitigation 14 CONDOR YN 10 cr 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. recommendations shall be provided in a pavement analysis report, and the owner/developer shall reconstruct the pavement per these recommendations, subject to ‘approval by the City Engineer. ‘The responsibility of private driveway/road maintenance and all common areas shall be included in the CC&R of the (condominium/development plan) project and shall be included in the grant deed ttle of the owner/developer. A precise grading and private improvement plan shall be prepared, reviewed, secured and approved prior to the issuance of any building permits. The plan shall reflect all pavement, flatwork, landscaped areas, special surfaces, curbs, gutters, medians, striping, and signage, footprints of all structures, walls, drainage devices and utility services. Parking lot striping and any on site traffic calming devices shall be shown on. all precise grading and private improvement plans. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the owner/developer shall notify and host a neighborhood meeting with all of the area residents located within 300 feet of the project site, to inform them of the grading and construction schedule, and to answer questions. Where proposed off-site improvements, including but not limited to slopes, public utility facilities, and drainage facilities, are to be constructed, the owner/developer shall, at his own expense, obtain all necessary easements or other interests in real property and shall dedicate the same to the City of Oceanside as required. The ‘owner/developer shall provide documentary proof satisfactory to the City of Oceanside that such easements or other interest in real property have been obtained prior to the approval of the final map (or) /issuance of any grading, building or improvement permit for this developmentiproject. Additionally, the City of Oceanside, may at its sole discretion, require that the owner/developer obtain at his sole expense a title poticy insuring the necessary title for the easement or other interest in real property to have vested with the: of Oceanside or the owner/ developer, as applicable. Use of adjacent properties for construction without permission is prohibited. Developer/contractors are required to obtain permission for using adjacent properties 15 eV OHeono 1" 12 13 14 15. 16 7 18 19 20 241 23 25 26 27 28 29 34, 35. 36. 37. 38, 39. for access to this site. There shall be no trespassing, grading, or construction of any kind on adjacent properties without permission. “Failure to comply will result in the revocation of the grading permit.” The owner/developer shall monitor, supervise and control all construction and construction-supportive activities, so as to prevent these activities from causing a public nuisance, including but not limited to, insuring strict adherence to the following: Dit, debris and other construction material shall not be deposited on any public street or within the City’s stormwater conveyance system. Alll grading and related site preparation and construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. No engineering related construction activities shall be conducted on Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays unless written permission is granted by the City Engineer with specific limitations to the working hours and types of permitted operations. All on-site construction staging areas shall be as far as possible (minimum 100 feet) from any existing residential development, Because construction noise may still be intrusive in the evening or on holidays, the City of Oceanside Noise Ordinance also prohibits “any disturbing excessive or offensive noise which causes discomfort or annoyance to reasonable persons of normal sensitivity.” The construction site shall accommodate the parking of all motor vehicles used by persons working at or providing deliveries to the site. An alternate parking site can be ‘considered by the City Engineer in the event that the lot size is foo small and cannot accommodate parking of all motor vehicles. The owner/developer shall complete a haul route permit application (if required for importlexport of dirt) and submit to the City of Oceanside Engineering Division 48 hours in advance of beginning of work. Hauling operations (if required) shall be 00 a.m, to 3:30 p.m. unless approved otherwise, It is the responsibility of the owner/developer to evaluate and determine that all soil imported as part of this development is free of hazardous and/or contaminated material as defined by the City and the County of San Diego Department of Environmental 16 eoNoaanean 1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 al. 42. 4B. 44, Health. Exported or imported soils shall be properly screened, tested, and documented regarding hazardous contamination. ‘The approval of the tentative map shall not mean that proposed grading or improvements on adjacent properties (including any City properties/right-of-way or easements) is granted or guaranteed to the owner/developer. The owner/developer is responsible for obtaining permission to grade to construct on adjacent properties. Should such permission be denied, the tentative map shall be subject to going back to the public hearing or subject to a substantial conformity review. Prior to any grading of any part of this tract or project, a comprehensive soils and geologic investigation shall be conducted of the soils, slopes, and formations in the project. All necessary measures shall be taken and implemented to assure slope stability, erosion control, and soil integrity. No grading shall occur until a detailed grading plan, to be prepared in accordance with the Grading Ordinance and Zoning ‘Ordinance is approved by the City Engineer, ‘The owner/developer shall place a covenant on the title sheet of the grading plan; and non-title sheet of the final map agreeing to the following: “The present or future owner/developer shall indemnify and save the City of Oceanside, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from any and all liabilities, claims arising from any landslide on this site”, This project shall provide year-round erosion control including measures for the site required for the phasing of grading. Prior to the issuance of grading permit, an erosion control plan, designed for all proposed stages of construction, shall be reviewed, secured by the owner/developer with cash securities or a letter of credit and approved by the City Engineer. Landscaping plans, including plans for the construction of walls, fences or other structures at or near intersections, must conform to intersection sight distance requirements, Landscape and irrigation plans for disturbed areas shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to the issuance ofa preliminary grading permit and approved by the City Engineer prior to the issuance.of building permits, Frontage and median 17 eNononen a "1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 a7 28 29 45. 46. 41. 48. landscaping shall be installed and established prior to the issuance of any certificates of ‘occupancy. Securities shall be required only for landscape items in the public tight-of- way. Any project fences, sound ot privacy walls and monument entry walls/signs shall be shown on, bonded for and built from the landscape plans. These features shall also be shown on the precise grading plans for purposes of location only. Plantable, segmental walls shall be designed, reviewed and constructed by the grading plans and landscaped/irrigated through project landscape plans. All plans must be approved by the City Engineer and a pre-construction meeting held, prior to the start of any improvements. - Unless an appropriate barrier is approved on a landscape plan, a minimum 42-inch high barrier, approved by the City Engineer, shall be provided at the top of all slopes whose height exceeds 20 feet or where the slope exceeds 4 feet and is adjacent to any streets, an arterial street or state highway. ‘The drainage design shown on the tentative map, site plan or preliminary grading plan, and the drainage report for this tentative map/development plan is conceptual only. The final drainage report and drainage design shall be based upon a hydrologic/hydraulic study that is in compliance with the latest San Diego County Hydrology and Drainage Manual to be approved by the City Engineer during final engineering, All drainage picked up in an underground system shall remain underground until it is discharged into aan approved channel, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. All public storm drains shall be shown on City standard plan and profile sheets. All storm drain ‘easements shall be dedicated where required, The owner/developer shall be responsible for obtaining any off-site easements for storm drainage facilities, Drainage facilities shall be designed and installed to adequately accommodate the local storm water runoff and shall be in accordance with the San Diego County Hydrology and Design Manual and in compliance with the City of Oceanside Engineers Design and Processing Manual to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. ‘The owner/developer shall place a covenant on the title sheet of the grading plan, and non-title sheet of the final map agreeing to the following: “The present or future 18. COVYF FAWN 10 "1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 49, 50. 51. 52, owner/developer shall indemnify and save the City of Oceanside, its officers, agents, and employees harmless from any and all liabilities, claims arising from any flooding that occurs on this site, and any flooding that is caused by this site impacting adjacent properties”, Storm drain facilities shall be designed and located such that the inside travel lanes on streets with collector or above design criteria shall be passable during conditions of a 100-year frequency storm. Sediment, silt, grease, trash, debris, and/or pollutants shall be collected on-site and disposed of in accordance with all state and federal requirements, prior to stormwater discharge either off-site or into the City drainage system. During final engineering design the Engineer of Record shall evaluate potential impact, to flood hazard areas. Elevation and flood proofing shall be in accordance with the City of Oceanside Ordinance 94-03 and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the owner/developer shall provide evidence to the City of Oceanside that a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) has been approved by the FEMA for the proposed revisions to the flood hazard areas. At the conclusion of the grading activities the Owner/developer shall submit an as-built grading plan to FEMA in order to process and receive a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). Prior to any building permits/release of the grading bonds owner/developer provide evidence of having received a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from FEMA, ‘The owner/developer shall comply with the provisions of National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (General Permit) Water Quality Order 2009-0009-DWQ. ‘The General Permit continues in force and effect until a new General Permit is issued or the SWRCE rescinds this General Permit. Only those owner/developers authorized to discharge under the expiring General Permit are covered by the continued General Permit. Construction activity subject to the General Permit includes clearing, grading, and disturbances to the ground such as stockpiling, or excavation that results in Jand disturbances of equal to or greater than one acre. The owner/developer shall obtain 19 eNO HRONR = "1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 24 23 24 25 27 28 29 53, coverage under the General Permit by submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) and obtaining a Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID#) from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). In addition, coverage under the General Permit shall not occur until an adequate SWPPP is developed for the project as outlined in Section A of the General Permit. The site specific SWPPP shall be maintained on the project site at all times. The SWPPP shall be provided, upon request, to the United ‘States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), SWRCB, Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), City of Oceanside, and other applicable governing regulatory agencies. The SWPPP is considered a report that shall be available to the public by the RWQCB under section 308(b) of the Clean Water Act. The provisions of the General Permit and the site specific SWPPP shall be continuously implemented and enforced until the owner/developer obtains a Notice of Termination (NOT) for the SWRCB. The owner/developer is required to retain records of all monitoring information, copies of all reports required by this General Permit, and records of all data used to complete the NOT for all construction activities to be covered by the General Permit for a period of at least three years from the date generated. This period may be extended by request of the SWRCB and/or RWQCB Following the Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) being deemed. complete and, and prior to issuance of grading permits, the owner/developer shall submit and obtain approval of an Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Plan, prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The O&M Plan shall include an approved and executed Maintenance Mechanism pursuant to Section 5 of the Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP). The O&M shall satisfy the minimum Maintenance Requirements pursuant to Section 5 of the SUSMP. At a minimum the O&M Plan shall include the designated responsible party to manage the storm water BMP(s), employee training program and duties, operating schedule, maintenance frequency, routine service schedule, specific maintenance activities, copies of resource agency permits, cost estimate for implementation of the O&M Plan, a non-refundable cash security to provide maintenance funding in the event of noncompliance to the O&M Plan, and any 20 COV SHR wONH 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 2 28 29 54, 55. 56. 37. other necessary elements. The owner/developer shall provide the City with access to for the purpose of BMP inspection and maintenance by entering into an Access Rights Agreement with the City. ‘The owner/developer shall complete and maintain ‘O&M forms to document all operation, inspection, and maintenance activities. The owner/developer shall retain records for a minimum of 5 years, ‘The records shall be made available to the City upon request, The owner/developer shall enter into a City-Standard Stormwater Facilities Maintenance Agreement (SWFMA) with the City obliging the owner/developer to ‘maintain, repair and replace the Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMPs) identified in the project’s deemed complete SWQMP, as detailed in the O&M Plan into perpetuity. The Agreement shall be approved by the City Attorney prior to issuance of any precise grading permit and shall be recorded at the County Recorder's Office prior to issuance of any building permit. A non-refundable Security in the form of cash shall be required prior to issuance of a precise grading permit. The amount of the non- refundable security shall be equal to 10 years of maintenance costs, as identified by the ‘O&M Plan, but not to exceed a total of $25,000. The owner/developer's civil engineer shall prepare the O&M cost estimate. At a minimum, maintenance agreements shall require the staff training, inspection and maintenance of all BMPs on an annual basis. The owner/developer shall complete and maintain O&M forms to document all maintenance activities. Parties responsible for the O&M plan shall retain records at the subject property for at least 5 years. These documents shall be made available to the City for inspection upon request at any time. ‘The Agreement shall include a copy of executed onsite and offsite access easement and or access rights necessary for the operation and maintenance of BMPs that shall be binding on the land throughout the life of the project to the benefit of the party responsible for the O&M of BMPs, satisfactory to the City Engineer. ‘The agreement shall also include a copy of the deemed complete O&M Plan, ‘The BMPs described in the project’s deemed complete SWOQMP shall not be altered in any way, unless reviewed and approved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The a BaYeOnornon a " 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 58. 59. 60. 61. 62, determination of whatever action is required for changes to a project’s deemed complete SWQMP shall be made by the City Engineer. ‘The Owner/developer shall provide a copy of the title/cover page of a deemed complete SWOQMP with the first engineering submittal package. If the project triggers the City’s Stormwater requirements but no deemed complete Stormwater document (SWQMP) exists, the appropriate document shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review. ‘The SWQMP shall be prepared by the owner/developer's Civil Engineer. All Stormwater documents shall be in compliance with the latest edition of submission requirements. Prior to receiving a temporary or permanent occupancy permit, the Project shall demonstrate that all structural BMPs, including Storm Water Pollutant Control BMPs and Hydromodification Management BMPs, are constructed and fully operational, consistent with the deemed complete SWQMP and the approved Precise Grading Plan, in accordance with San Diego RWQCB Order No. R9-2013-0001 §E.3.e. (1)(@. Open space areas and down-sloped areas visible from a collector-level or above roadway and not readily maintained by the property owner, shall be maintained by a homeowners’ association that will insure installation and maintenance of landscaping in perpetuity. ‘These areas shall be indicated on the final map and reserved for an association. Future buyers shall be made aware of any estimated monthly costs. The disclosure, together with the CC&R's, shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review prior to the recordation of final map. All existing overhead utility lines within the development and within any full width street or right-of-way abutting a new development, and all new extension services for the development of the project, including but not limited to, electrical, cable and telephone, shall be placed underground per Section 901.G. of the Subdivision Ordinance (R91-166) and as required by the City Engineer and current City policy. The owner/developer shall obtain any necessary permits and clearances from all public agencies having jurisdiction over the project due to its type, size, or location, including but not limited to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish & 22 COV SHARON OH 40 1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 28 29 63. 65. 66. 67. 68. Game, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (including NPDES), San Diego County Health Department, prior to the issuance of grading permits. The owner/developer shall comply with all the provisions of the City’s cable television ordinances including those relating to notification as required by the City Engineer, Approval of this development project is conditioned upon payment of all applicable impact fees and connection fees in the manner provided in chapter 32B of the Oceanside City Code. All traffic signal fees and contributions, highway thoroughfare ‘ees, park fees, reimbursements, and other applicable charges, foes and deposits shall be paid prior to recordation of the map or the issuance of any building permits, in accordance with City Ordinances and policies. The owner/developer shall also be required to join into, contribute, or participate in any improvement, lighting, or other special district affecting or affected by this project. Approval of the tentative map shall constitute the owner/developer’s approval of such payments, and his agreement to pay for any other similar assessments or charges in effect when any increment is submitted for final map or building permit approval, and to join, contribute, and/or participate in such districts. Upon acceptance of any fee waiver or reduction by the owner/developer, the entire project will be subject to prevailing wage requirements as specified by Labor Code section 1720(b) (4). The owner/developer shall agree to execute a form acknowledging the prevailing wage requirements prior to the granting of any fee reductions or waivers, In the event that the conceptual plan does not match the conditions of approval, the resolution of approval shall govern. ‘The owner/developer shall comply with the City of Oceanside Sight distance standards, Sight distance requirements at the two project driveways shall conform to the comer sight distance criteria as provided by the City of Oceanside Engineers Design Standards. ‘The project shall design and construct two neighborhood traffic circles with bulb-outs along the project frontage on Vine Street. The neighborhood traffic circles with bulb- 23 COVES HARON HS 10 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 19 20 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 69. outs shall be designed and coordinated with the City Traffic Engineer. Design of the neighborhood traffic circles shall be consistent with the findings and recommendations of the field study conducted with the Oceanside Fire Department, A written summary of the field study findings will be provided to the design engineer. The design and construction of the neighborhood traffic circles shall include drought tolerant landscaping and be completed prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy and to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer and Oceanside Fire Department, The project shall install a Bosch HD camera with Cisco switch on the traffic signal located on Oceanside Boulevard at Vine Street. The new HD camera with switch shall be installed prior to the issuance of any permits for the construction of the residential units and be completed to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. Landscaping: 70. Landscape plans shall meet the criteria of the City of Oceanside Landscape Guidelines and Specifications for Landscape Development (latest revi Ordinance No.(s) 91-15 and 10-Ordinance 0412, Engineering criteria, City code and ordinances, including the maintenance of such landscaping, shall be reviewed and mn), Water Conservation approved by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of building permits. Landscaping shall not be installed until bonds have been posted, fees paid, and plans signed for final approval. In addition, a refundable cash deposit for the preparation of the final As-built/ Maintenance Guarantee shall be secured with the City prior to the final approval of the landscape construction plan. A landscape pre-construction meeting shall be conducted by the landscape architect of record, Public Works Inspector, developer or owner's representative and landscape contractor prior to commencement of the landscape and irrigation installation. The following landscaping requirements shall be required prior to plan approval and certificate of occupancy: a) Final Jandscape plans shall accurately show placement of all plant material such as but not limited to trees, shrubs, and groundeovers. b) Landscape Architect shall be aware of all utility, sewer, water, gas and storm drain lines and utility easements and place planting locations accordingly to meet City of Oceanside requirements. 24 oN one on a 1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 ) d ©) 8) ‘h) i All required landscape areas shall be maintained by owner, project association, homeowner asso ion or successor of the project (including public rights-of- way (parkways) on Vine St. The maintenance shall also include the traffic calming medians on Vine St. The traffic calming median shall be constructed by owner/developer. The landscape areas shall be maintained per City of| Oceanside requirements, The traffic calming medians shall include enhanced color concrete and plants not to exceed 24-inchs at maturity to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The inrigation system shall be connected to the Vine St. Collection project and shall be maintained by the owner (not the City of Oceanside), project association, homeowner association, or successor of the project in perpetuity. The CC&Rs shall include the recordation as such. The owner of the Vine St. Collection shall secure an encroachment permit/removal with the City Engineer. ‘The areas between the garage doors to each unit shall include planting pockets with materials from a planting palette to the satisfaction of the Landscape Section of the Engineering Division. The As-built/ Maintenance Guarantee (refundable cash deposit) shall not be released until the as-built drawings have been approved on the original approved Mylar landscape plan and the required maintenance period has been successfully terminated. Proposed landscape species shall fit the site and meet climate changes indicative to their planting location, ‘The selection of plant material shall also be based on cultural, aesthetic, and maintenance considerations. In addition Proposed landscape species shall be low water users as well as meet all fire department requirements. Alll planting areas shall be prepared and implemented to the required depth with appropriate soil amendments, fertilizers, and appropriate supplements based upon a soils report from an agricultural suitability soil sample taken from the site, Ground covers or bark mulch shall fill in between the shrubs to shield the soil from the sun, evapotranspiration and run-off. All the flower and shrub beds 25 CON OMAR OHH 10 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ky » n) 0) P) shall be provided with shredded bark mulch to a 3” depth to help conserve ‘water, lower the soil temperature and reduce weed growth. If rock or gravel is used within the landscaped planters, a decorative rock or gravel shall be provided. No more than 25% overall decorative rock or gravel shall be used in the planters designated for landscape. No decorative rock or ‘gravel shall be allowed in the public rights-of-way. ‘The shrubs shall be allowed to grow in their natural forms. All landscape improvements shall follow the City of Oceanside Guidelines. Root barriers shall be installed adjacent to all paving surfaces where a paving surface is located within 6 feet of a tree trunk on site (private) and within 10 feet of a tree trunk in the right-of-way (public). Root barriers shall extend $ feet in each direction from the centerline of the trunk, for a total distance of 10 feet, Root barriers shall be 24 inches in depth. Installing a root barrier around the tree’s root ball is unacceptable, The project entrance and all interior cross-walks shall be provided with a colored concrete pattern finish and shall be ADA compliant. All non-plantable retaining walls shall be constructed out of tan split face block or stucco coated and painted to match the architecture of the buildings. All fences, gates, walls, stone walls, retaining walls, und plantable walls shall obtain Planning Division approval for these items in the conditions or application stage prior to 1* submittal of working drawings. For the planting and placement of trees and their distances from hardscape and other util structures the landscape plans shall follow the City of Oceanside’s (current) Tree Planting Distances and Spacing Standards. An automatic irrigation system shall be installed to provide coverage for all planting areas shown on the plan. Low volume equipment shall provide sufficient water for plant growth with a minimum water loss due to water run- off. Irrigation systems shall use high quality, automatic control valves, controllers and other necessary irrigation equipment. All components shall be of non- 26 ©Cavroaonaon 10 " _ 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 a 22 23 24 25 26 a7 28 29 n. 72. corrosive material. All drip systems shall be adequately filtered and regulated per the manufacturer's recommended design parameters. 3) All irrigation improvements shall follow the City of Oceanside Guidelines and Water Conservation Ordinance. 1) The landscape plans shall substantially match all plans affiliated with the project. u) Landscape construction drawings are required to implement approved Fire Department regulations, codes, and standards at the time of plan approval. ¥) Landscape plans shall comply with Biological and/or Geotechnical reports, as required, shall match the grading and improvement plans, comply with Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP), Hydromodification Plan, or Best Management Practices and meet the satisfaction of the City Engineer. w) Existing landscaping on and adjacent to the site shall be protected in place and supplemented or replaced to meet the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All landscaping, fences, walls, plantable walls, traffic calming medians on Vine St., on the site, and medians within the public rightof-way and within any adj parkways on Vine St. shall be permanently maintained by the owner, his assigns or any ing public successors-in-interest in the property, project association or homeowner association. The maintenance program shall include: a) normal care and itrigation of the landscaping b) repair and replacement of plant materials (including interior trees and street trees) c) irrigation systems as necessary d) general cleanup of the landscaped and ‘open areas ¢) maintenance of parking lots, walkways, enhanced hardscape, trash enclosures, walls, fences, ete. f) pruning standards for street trees shall comply with the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Standard Practices for Tree Care Operations ~ ANSI A300, Appendix G: Safety Standards, ANSI Z133; Appendix H; and Tree Pruning Guidelines, Appendix F (most current edition). Failure to maintain landscaping shall result in the City taking all appropriate enforcement actions including but not limited to citations. This maintenance program condition shall be recorded with a covenant as required by this resolution. In the event that the conceptual landscape plan (CLP) does not match the conditions of approval, the resolution of approval shall govern 27 CoONOnnon 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 B. 74, 15. 16. 71. 2B. 79. The Tentative Map shall expire two years from the effective date of approval unless implemented as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. ‘The Conditional Use Permit shall expire two years from the effective date of approval unless implemented as required by the Zoning Ordinance. ‘The Tentative Map and Conditional Use Permit shall not become effective until GPAIS- 00002, Z.A15-00004 and D15-00010 are effective, and their approval is contingent ‘upon City Council approval of the General Plan Amendment, Zone Amendment, and Development Plan. In the event that the General Plan Amendment, Zone Amendment, and Development Plan are not approved by the City Council, the approval of the Tentative Map and Conditional Use Permit shall be void. This Tentative Map and Conditional Use Permit approve only a one-lot subdivision for condominium purposes as shown on the plans and exhibits presented to the Planning Commission for review and approval. No deviation from these approved plans and exhibits shall occur without Planning Division approval. Substantial deviations shall require a revision to the Tentative Map, Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit, or anew Tentative Map, Development Plan, and Conditional Use Permit. All mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and associated Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program for the subject development shall be complied with as stated therein. ‘The applicant, permittee, or any successor-in-interest shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Oceanside, its agents, officers, or employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City, its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City, conceming Tentative Map, Development Plan, and Conditional Use Permit. ‘The City will promptly notify the applicant of any such claim, action, or proceeding against the City and will cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the applicant of any such claim action or proceeding or fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the applicant shall not, thereafter, be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City. A covenant or other recordable document approved by the City Attomey shall be prepared by the property owner and recorded prior to the approval of the final map. 28 ©DVEH RANKS 10 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 80. 81. 82, 83, 84. 85. 86. ‘The covenant shall provide that the property is subject to this resolution, and shall generally list the conditions of approval. All dwelling units shall dispose of or recycle solid waste in a manner provided in City Code Section 13.3. Outdoor lighting shall be low emission, shielded, and directed away from all property lines. Prior to the transfer of ownership and/or operation of the site, the owner shall provide a written copy of the applications, staff report, and resolutions for the project to the new. owners and/or operators. This notification’s provision shall run with the life of the project and shall be recorded as a covenant on the property. Failure to meet any conditions of approval shall constitute a violation of the Tentative Map, Development Plan, and Conditional Use Permit. Unless expressly waived, the project shall be subject to all current zoning standards, unless superseded by the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan, and City ‘ordinances and policies in effect at the time building permits are issued. ‘The approval of this project constitutes the applicant's agreement with all statements in the Description and Justification and other materials and information submitted with this application, unless specifically waived by an adopted condition of approval. The developer's construction of all fencing and walls associated with the project shall be in conformance with the approved Development Plan, Any substantial change in any aspect of fencing or wall design from the approved Development Plan shall require a revision to the Development Plan or a new Development Plan. If any aspect of the project fencing and walls is not covered by an approved Development Plan, the construction of fencing and walls shall conform to the development standards of the City Zoning Ordinance, In no case, shall the construction of fences and walls (including combinations thereof) exceed the limitations of the City of Oceanside Zoning Ordinance and/or the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan, unless expressly granted by a Variance or other development approval. 29 oN aaron a "1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 87. 88. 89, 90. 91. 92. Elevations, siding materials, colors, roofing materials, and floor plans shall be substantially the same as those approved by the Planning Commission. ‘These shall be shown on plans submitted to the Building Division and Planning Division. This project is subject to the provisions of Chapter 14C of the City Code regarding Inclusionary Housing. Garages shall be kept available and useable for the parking of tenant's automobiles at all times. The developer is prohibited from entering into any agreement with a cable television franchisee of the City, which gives such franchisee exclusive rights to instal, operate, and ‘or maintain its cable television system in the development. This project shall comply with all provisions of the City's Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Agreement policy. Such agreement shall be submitted to and approved by the Housing and Neighborhood Services Director prior to the recordation of a Final Map or the issuance of a building permit for the project, whichever comes first. ‘An association shall be formed and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) shall provide for the maintenance of all common open space and commonly owned fences and walls. The maintenance shall include normal care and irrigation of landscaping; repair and replacement of plant material and irrigation systems as necessary; and general clean- up of the landscaped and open area, parking lots and walkways. The CC&Rs shall be subject to review and approval of the City Attomey prior fo the approval of the Final Map. The CC&Rs are required to be recorded prior to, or concurrently with, the Final Map, Any amendments to the CC&Rs in which the association relinquishes responsibilty for ‘the maintenance of any common open space shall not be permitted without the specific approval of the City of Oceanside, Such a clause shall be a part of the CC&Rs, ‘The ‘CC&Rs shall also contain provisions for the following: a) Prohibition of parking or storage of récreational vehicles, trailers or boats. b) Provisions regulating individual patio covers, prohibiting room additions or other appurtenances, ©) Provisions for the maintenance of all common open space including provisions establishing mechanisms to ensure adequate and continued monetary funding for such maintenance by the homeowners’ association. 30 ©ONOaOR BONA 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 4) Provisions that restriet any private use of open space areas. Restrictions shall include, but are not limited to, removing retaining walls, installing structures such as trellises, decks, retaining walls and other hardscape and any individual landscape improvements, ©) Provisions prohibiting the homeowners’ association from relinquishing its obligation to maintain the common open space areas without prior consent of the City of Oceanside. f) An acknowledgement that the City of Oceanside does not have a view preservation ordinance and that views may be subject to change with maturing off- site landscape and the potential for future off-site building. 93. A letter of clearance from the affected school district in which the property is located shall be provided as required by City policy at the time building permits are issued. 94, The following unit type and floor plan mix, as approved by the Planning Commission, shall be indicated on plans submitted to the Building Division and Planning Division for building permit: Plan | #Units | Approximate Sq. Ft."] # Bedrooms | #Bathrooms | #Garage Spaces | #Stories ieee 7217 z 25 2 3 2 | 17 1438 z 25 2 3 2x] 6 1,539 2 35 2 3 3 18 1,752 F 3 2 3 4[ 9 1,788 = 25 2 2 95. 96. 97. T Does not include garage or deck space ?Optional 4" bedroom available A set of building plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. All mechanical rooftop and ground equipment shall be screened from public view as required by the Zoning Ordinance. That is, on all four sides and top. The roof jacks, mechanical equipment, screens, and vents shall be painted with non-reflective paint to ‘match the roof, This information shall be shown on the building plans, Any project entrance signs shall meet the requirements of the Sign Ordinance and be approved by the City Planner, 31 98. All proposed and existing fire hydrants within 400 feet of the project shall be shown on the site plan, 99. Show DCDA and fire department connections on the site plan. 100. Fire hydrants shall be installed and placed in service prior to bringing combustible ‘materials on the job site, 101. All weather access roads shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and ‘maintained during time of construction. 102. All streets less than 32 feet wide shall be posted “NO PARKING FIRE LANE” per Vehicle Code Section 22500.1. Any markings, signs and/or fire lane identification shall be in accordance with the Fire Department Standard Guidelines for Emergency Access. 103. Each residential building must be fire sprinklered. If serving more than 19 sprinkler heads, fire sprinkler system must be supervised by an approved 24 hour supervising station. 104, Each building must be provided with separate fire sprinkler service connection. 105. Provide minimum six inches high building address numbers on each building. 106. Multiple-tenant buildings that have alternate vehicular or passageway access shall have numbers or addresses that are legible from the alternate access/egress or tenant space, 107. Fire extinguishers installed in fire extinguisher boxes required at each building. Travel distance from any point on the first floor to a fire extinguisher must not exceed 75 fet. ‘Waste Management 108, Trash and Recycling services must be accommodated for each residential unit. This can be accomplished through either Trash/Recycling commercial bins, or Residential Cart Service. Space and screening must be designed to accommodate either service, Water Ui General Conditions 109. The developer will be responsible for developing all water and sewer utilities necessary to develop the property. Any relocation of water and/or sewer utilities is the responsibility of| the developer and shall be done by an approved licensed contractor at the developer's expense. 32 CMON OHORYON A 10 "1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 110, M. 112, 113. 14, 1s. 116. 417. 118. 119. Al public water and/or sewer facilities not located within the public right-of-way shall be provided with easements sized according to the Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Design and Construction Manual. Easements shall be constructed for all weather access. ‘A water study must be prepared by the developer, at the developer's expense, and reviewed and approved by the Water Utilities Department. If a property goes through a zone change and/or an increase in density occurs or if deemed necessary by the Water Utilities Director. No trees, structures or building overhang shall be located within any water or wastewater utility easement. All Water and Wastewater construction shall conform to the most recent edition of the Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Design and Construction Manual or as approved by the Water Utilities Director. The property owner shall maintain private water and wastewater utilities located on private property. Water services and sewer laterals constructed in existing right-of-way locations are to be constructed by an approved and licensed contractor at developer's expense. Each new residential dwelling unit shall be metered individually. Due to the high density of dwelling units, master water meters for each residential building would be acceptable if| private sub-meters are installed for each residential unit. An approved reduced pressure backflow assembly would be required after each master water meter. Provide a separate irrigation water meter with reduced pressure principle backflow device for common area landscaping. Submit landscape plans for Engineering Department review and approval, Provide a separate water meter with reduced pressure principle backflow device and service for recreation and pool area. Per the latest approved California Fire Code, all new residential units shall be equipped with fire sprinkler system. Buildings with 3 residential dwelling units or more shall have a dedicated fire service connection to a public water main with a double check detector backflow assembly. Location of the double check detector backflow assembly must be approved by Fire Department. 33 CaNonron a 10 "1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 120. All Water and Wastewater construction shall conform to the most recent edition of the ‘Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Design and Construction Manual or as approved by the Water Utilities Director. ‘The following conditions shall be met prior fo the approval of engincering design plans. 121. Any water and/or sewer improvements required to develop the proposed property will need to be included in the improvement plans and designed in accordance with the Water, ‘Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Design and Construction Manual. 122, All lots with a finish pad elevation located below the elevation of the next upstream manhole cover of the public sewer-shall be protected from backflow of sewage by installing and maintaining an approved type backwater valve, per the latest approved California Plumbing Code. 123, The developer shall construct public reclamation water system that will serve each lot and or parcels that are located in the proposed project in accordance with the City of| Oceanside Ordinance No. 91-15 (Municipal Code, Chapter 37-Water, Article V), The proposed recycled water system shall be located in the public right-of-way or in a public utility easement, 124, Department of Environmental Health plan submittal for recycled water retrofit of irrigation system. 125.. On-site water system in private streets will be public and within a public utility easement 126. On-site sewer from existing sewer manhole at west property boundary in sloped area through Private Street entry road to new sewer manhole in Vine Street shall be public and within a public utility casement. If the on-site sewer can meet 46” tuming radius and roadway is able to handle H-20 loading, then on-site sewer will be public and within public utility easements. Otherwise, on-site sewer shall be private with exception of sewer from Private Street to direct flow to Vine Street. 127. Private sewer system shall be designed in accordance with the latest Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Water Design and Construction Manual. Sewer manholes will be required instead of cleanouts on sewer lines 6” and larger. 128. Provide documentation in CC&Rs or other maintenance agreement indicating the ip of any shared facil such as, private on-site sewer (if applicable) and irrigation systems will be private and indicate responsible party. ‘maintenance, repair, and owner 34 CON OMRON OA 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 ae 18 19 20 a 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134, The following conditions of approval shall be met prior to building permit issuance, 135. 136. nett Unt dannii CTL MMIC HUN CL MTN ‘Show water service line size and location on improvement plans, Water services shall not be located in driveways. On-site water shall be public and within 20-foot wide easement. Access for maintenance vehicles must meet Fire Department requirements and roadway must be designed to handle vehicle loads. Show location and size of dedicated fire service connection for each building with double check detector assembly and dedicated irrigation water service and meter with reduced pressure principle backflow assembly for landscaped areas, Show proposed public fire hydrants to meet the maximum 300-f spacing between hydrants. A tee connection with three valves would be required at evety other fire hydrant, A short segment of the existing sewer near Oceanside Boulevard is anticipated to be upsized to a 12” as part of the Oceanside Boulevard Sewer Lift Relocation capital improvement project that is currently in design. The existing sewer will not be able to handle the additional sewer flow from the development and must be replaced. Approximately 350 feet of existing 8” VCP in Vine Street shall be upsized to a 12” PVC. sewer main from the Project’s connection point to sewer stub out at Oceanside Boulevard. ‘The Vesting Tentative Map does not show the proposed sewer upsize in Vine Street, This will need to be in the improvement plans and shown in the Final Map. ‘Show location and size of proposed sewer laterals to new residential dwelling units. ‘Show location and size of proposed water meters to each residential unit and commercial unit, such as, recreational pool area. Master meters shall each have fixture unit count and ‘water demand calculations to verify meter size. 35 ON OHR ON = " 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 137, Provide table of fixture count and flow calculations per the latest California Plumbing Code to size water meter and service lines on building plans. This shall be confirmed with proposed water service connections shown on improvement plans. 138, Water and Wastewater Buy-in fees and the San Diego County Water Authority Fees are to be paid to the City and collected by the Water Utilities Department at the time of Building Permit issuance. 139. All Water Utilities Fees are due at the time of building permit issuance per City Code Section 328.7. PASSED AND ADOPTED Resolution No. 2016-P34 on August 22, 2016 by the following vote, to wit: |AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: oul rs 1, JEFF HUNT, Secretary of the Oceanside Planning Commission, hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 2016-P34, Dated;___August 22, 2016 Balma, Scrivener, Martinek, Troisi, Morrissey and Busk Balch None None ise Balma, Chairperson Oceanside Planning Commission 36 PRELIMINARY REPORT Fidelity National Title Company ‘Your Reference: Order No. 008-23050522-B5PP2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT “A” ‘THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1: (APN: 152-320-40) A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25 AND OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, ALL IN TOWNSHIP 11 SOUTH RANGE 5 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN, AND A PORTION OF TRACT 101 OF MAP OF SOUTH OCEANS IDE ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 622, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON FEBRUARY 7.1996 ALL IN THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED aS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 26; THENCE LEAVING SAID CORNER NORTH 49°1325" EAST, 76.17 FEET TO THE CENTERLINE OF VINE STREET (60.00 FEET WIDE) 4S DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT TO THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE RECORDED JULY 7,196 AS FILE NO. 110783 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AND A POINT IN THE ARC OF A 250.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 49°1325" WEST; THENCE ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8°27'33" A DISTANCE OF 36.91 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 49°14'08" EAST, 108.11 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 250.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHEASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH & CENTRAL ANGLE OF 49°39'17" A DISTANCE OF 216.66 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID CENTERLINE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 00°25'09" WEST, 216.53 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF & TANGENT 200.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG. ‘SAID CENTERLINE, SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 56°47'34" A DISTANCE OF 198.24 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID. CENTERLINE, SOUTH 56°22'25" EAST, 103.42 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF OCEANS IDE BOULEVARD (80.00 FEET WIDE) AS DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF OCEANS IDE. UNDER PARCEL 1, RECORDED APRIL 6,1955 IN BOOK 5595, PAGE 443 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAID POINT BEING IN THE ARC OF A NON-TANGENT 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 56°30'44" WEST; THENCE LEAVING ‘SAID CENTERLINE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01°2322" A DISTANCE OF 49.47 FEET 10. POINT OF CUSP WITH A 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH. SAID POINT OF CUSP BEARS NORTH 57°54'06" WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY SID. LINE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED VINE. STREET, COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID 20.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL, ANGLE OF $878'19" A DISTANCE OF 30.88 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SIDE LINE, NORTH 56°22'25" WEST, 84.15 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 230.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY: THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID SIDE LINE AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 21°20'04" A DISTANCE OF 85.64 FEET TO A POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS SOUTH 54°57'39" WEST; THENCE LEAVING. SAID SIDELINE AND THE ARC OF SAID CURVE SOUTH 54°36'55" WEST, 91.55 FEET TO THE BEGINNING. OF A TANGENT 326.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY; THENCE, SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10°44'09" 4. DISTANCE OF 61.08 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 65°21'00" WEST, 45.22 FEET TO. THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 30,00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY; THENCE. COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 94°2443" A DISTANCE OF 49.43 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 29°03'43" EAST, 81.36 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 86.00 ROOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE, SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28°3'56" A CCLTA Preliminary Report Form ~ Medited (11/17/06) Page3 EXHIBIT A (Continued) Fidelity National Tite Company ‘Your Reference: (Onder No 008-23050022-B-PP2 DISTANCE OF 42.38 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 51°17'39" EAST, 45.91 FEET TO ‘THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 112.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTAWESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03°52'03" A DISTANCE OF 7.56 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE SOUTH 53°25'36" EAST, 65.49 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 40,00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY; THENCE COUNTERCLOCKWISE ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 99°50'51" A DISTANCE OF 69.71 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED OCEANS IDE BOULEVARD AND A POINT OF CUSP WITH A 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT FROM SAID 2040.08 FOOT RADIUS CURVE BEARS NORTH 63°16'27" WEST; THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE AND ‘THE ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGII A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02°4723" A DISTANCE OF 99.33 FEET TO A. POINT IN THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS NORTH 66°03'50" WEST; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHWESTERLY SIDE LINE NORTH 42°04'19" WEST, 129.6 FEET; THENCE. SOUTH 54°39'51" WEST, 24748 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF PUTERBAUGH'S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF OCEANS IDE ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 418, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON OCTOBER 4, 1887 AND. ‘THE EAST LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SECTION 26; THENCE ALONG SAID SECTION LINE NORTH 01°26'39" EAST, 548.17 FEET TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF JRACI_97 OF MAP OF SOUTH OCEANS IDE, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 622, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER ON JULY 7, 1890; THENCE LEAVING SAID SECTION LINE ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT 97 AND ITS NORTHWESTERLY PROLONGATION NORTH 35°18'0S" WEST, 580.88 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CALIFORNIA STREET (30.00 FEET WIDE) AS SHOWN ON ‘MAP OF WILSON'S SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 408, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF SAID COUNTY RECORDER ON OCTOBER 14, 1887; THENCE LEAVING SAID PROLONGATION, ALONG ‘SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE NORTH 89°33'09" EAST, 347.61 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 2: EASEMENTS AS CREATED IN THAT CERTAIN “RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS AGREEMENT ” RECORDED. JUNE 10, 2009 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2009.315654, OFFICIAL RECORDS. SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS MADE PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. PLA-7-2008, RECORDED FEBRUARY 18, 2009, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2009. 080229, OF FICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. CCLTA Preliminary Report Form ~ Modified (11/17/06) Page ENDA NO. S$ PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF OCEANSIDE DATE: August 22, 2016 ugust [ATTACHMENT 6 TO: Chairperson and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Development Services Department/Planning Division SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA15-00002), ZONE AMENDMENT (ZA15-00004), TENTATIVE MAP (T15-00004), DEVELOPMENT PLAN (D15-00010), and CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP15-00007) TO CHANGE THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING DESIGNATIONS OF A 6.31-ACRE VACANT SITE TO ALLOW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 58 DWELLING UNITS AT A DENSITY OF 10.64 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF OCEANSIDE BOULEVARD ON THE WEST SIDE OF VINE STREET, WITHIN THE TOWNSITE NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA — VINE STREET COLLECTION - APPLICANT: CITY VENTURES RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission: 1) Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program by adopting Planning Commission Resolution No. 2016-P33; and 2) Recommend City Council approval of General Plan Amendment (GPA15- 00002), Zone Amendment (ZA15-00004) and Development Plan (D15-00010) and approve Tentative Map (T15-00004) and Conditional Use Permit (CUP15- 00007) by adopting Planning Commission Resolution No. 2016-P34, BACKGROUND The subject property comprises 6.31 acres and is located on the west side of Vine Street just north of Oceanside Boulevard within the Townsite Neighborhood Planning Area. The project site is outlined in red on the map below. Figure 1 - Location Map VINE STREET COLLECTION The irregularly shaped parcel consists of one legal lot which is partially developed. The project site was originally graded in the mid-1980s. Approved Grading Plan No. 876 authorized the site to be dramatically altered by cutting the upper portion of the site by approximately 34-36 feet in elevation and filling the lower portion of the site, raising the pad elevation by 10-12 feet. The grading activities resulted in a parcel defined by steep natural and manufactured slope areas along the northern and western perimeters and relatively level upper and lower development pad areas. The upper development pad area is approximately 20 feet higher in elevation than the lower development pad. In 2008 a lot line adjustment was processed which reconfigured existing lot lines and resulted in the current lot configuration of both the project site and ‘the site of the former Fresh N Easy market, immediately south of the project site. In 2009 Administrative Development Permit ADP-4-2008 was approved which allowed the development of the 13,574 square foot grocery market building and an additional 3,000 square foot retail suite. Development of the grocery market building was completed in April of 2011. The 3,000 square foot retail suite was not constructed. As part of the development of the grocery market building and associated site improvements, a portion of the subject site was improved. The constructed improvements include underground utilities, a trash enclosure, and internal circulation road, providing access to both Vine Street and Oceanside Boulevard. Land uses immediately surrounding the site include multi-family and single family residential to the north, an existing vacant commercial building to the south which most recently served as a grocery store, an existing hotel and multi-family senior apartment complex to the east across Vine Street, and single family residential to the west. The previously graded site slopes from a high point of approximately 110 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) at the northwest comer of the site to a low point of approximately 13, feet AMSL at the existing driveway at Oceanside Boulevard. The previous grading activities resulted in two developable pad areas (upper/lower). The proposed residences at the upper pad area will have finished pad elevations which range from 46 feet AMSL to 42.5 feet AMSL. The proposed residences at the lower pad area will have finished pad elevations which range from 26 feet AMSL to 23.5 feet AMSL. The subject property is currently designated General Commercial (GC) by the City’s General Plan and is zoned CR (Commercial Recreation) per the City’s 1992 Zoning Ordinance. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project requires five (5) separate entitlements: a General Plan ‘Amendment, Zone Amendment, Tentative Map, Development Plan, and Conditional Use Permit. The General Plan Amendment will change the site’s land use designation from commercial to residential. The Zone Amendment will change the site's zoning from commercial to planned development. The Tentative Map allows for a one-lot subdivision of airspace for condominium purposes, which provides for separate ownership of the 58 townhome units. The Development Plan allows for a residential project involving more than two dwelling units and for adoption of the Planned Development (PD) Plan. The Conditional Use Permit allows for residential development above the base density of the proposed General Plan land use designation. General Plan Amendment (GPA15-00002) represents a request to: Change the existing General Plan land use designation to allow for medium density residential uses. At present, the project site bears a land use designation of General Commercial (GC), which allows for a variety of commercial development but does not allow for solely residential development. The applicant proposes to re-designate the project site as Medium Density - B — Residential (MDB-R). The MDB-R designation allows for residential uses at densities between 10.0 and 15.0 dwelling units per acre, The applicant's proposal results in a density of 10.6 dwelling units per acre after excluding the portions of the project site which are considered undevelopable by General Plan Policy 1.25. The graphic below depicts the existing and proposed General Plan land use designation of the project site and its immediate surroundings. Figure 2 - Land Use Change Exhibit 1 (GPA15-00002 - VINE STREET COLLECTION Zone Amendment (ZA15-00004) represents a request to: Change the existing zoning designation of the project site to Planned Development (PD), which would establish the proposed Vine Street Collection Planned Development (PD) Plan as the operative zoning for the project site. In accordance with Article 17 of ‘the Zoning Ordinance, the PD Plan allows for residential densities and housing types ‘that conform to the proposed General Plan designation (i.e. MDB-R). The project site's ‘current zoning designation is Recreational Commercial (CR). The site's existing and proposed zoning are depicted in the graphic below. Figure 3 - Zone Change Exhibit 1 ‘ZA15-00004 - VINE STREET COLLECTION While the proposed PD zoning designation for the project site denotes a site-specific PD Plan that allows for deviation from development standards for standard residential Zoning districts, the housing type and density proposed are consistent with the standard zoning designation associated with the MDB-R General Plan designation (i.e. RMB). Tentative Map (T15-00004) represents a request to: Create a one-lot subdivision for condominium purposes, resulting in one parcel and providing for a common interest development comprised of §8 airspace condominium units and various common areas to be managed by a homeowners association. The Tentative Map/Site Development Plan details of off-site improvements to be effected in conjunction with the proposed project including: * A new five-foot contiguous sidewalk along the project's Vine Street perimeter; and + The construction of traffic calming improvements on Vine Street. Overhead utilities along the project's Vine Street frontage will be undergrounded resulting in the removal of two (2) power poles. Water and sewer will be provided to the project from Vine Street as well as electrical, gas, cable, and telephone service. Staff finds the proposed tentative map to be complete and the proposed off-site improvements to be consistent with applicable policies and standards. Development Plan (D15-00010) represents a request to: Construct 58 homes with associated improvements that include private streets, landscaping, common recreation area, walls and fencing, and stormwater management facilities. The proposed project includes a Planned Development (PD) Plan, which would establish the zoning for the project site. In accordance with Article 17 of the Zoning Ordinance (Planned Development District), the re-designation of property as a Planned Development District and the establishment of a PD Plan require approval of a Development Plan. The Planned Development District is intended to provide flexibility in land use and development standards while at the same time ensuring orderly and thorough planning and review procedures. Land uses and development within Planned Development Districts must be consistent with the General Plan. A copy of the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan has been included as Attachment 4 for the Planning Commission's reference. Site Plan The site plan has been designed utilizing the site's existing topography to minimize grading activities. Development is generally limited to the previously prepared upper and lower pads. Access to the project site will be via a new driveway on Vine Street. The main access drive from Vine Street bisects the project between the upper and lower development pads. The proposed private internal street network will provide access to each unit's garage and guest parking stalls located on both the upper and lower development pads. A bank of five (5) guest parking stalls is located and accessible from the existing access drive built on the southern portion of the project site, which also serves as access for the commercial development on the adjacent Parcel to the south. The upper development pad has been designed with five (5) of the proposed eight (8) buildings along with the common recreation area. These five (5) buildings house 36 of the proposed dwelling units. Consequently, the remaining three (3) buildings and 22 units are proposed for the lower development pad. The steep hillsides on the northern and western edges will remain mostly undisturbed and development will be contained within the previously graded portions of the project site. A pedestrian network has been incorporated into the site design which provides pedestrian connectivity between both the upper and lower development pads, to Vine Street, and to the commercial center immediately to the south. Architecture The project includes four different building types, each with six, seven, eight, or nine units respectively. They all have a common design theme, which the applicant refers to as “Craftsman Inspired’, patterned after the Craftsman-style bungalow homes and beach cottages that are common in San Diego County. The design elements drawn from this architectural style and incorporated in the design of each of the eight (8) proposed buildings include both lap and board-and-batten siding, stucco, wood trim, punched opening windows with mullions and pitched and hip roofs. Varied materials, fenestration, and fagade articulation at all four sides create visual interest both within the project site and from the surrounding neighborhood. Each building has been designed with three story units, reaching a maximum height of 36 feet. Each of the proposed buildings are capped with a two-story unit at one end of the building, with the exception of the proposed 9-plex building, which has a two story unit at each end. Though each building has varied roof elements, the roof system has been designed with a large expansive roof equipment well to accommodate both HVAC systems and a Photovoltaic solar power generation system for each unit. Neither the flat portions of the roof nor the roof mounted equipment will be readily visible from within the project site or the surrounding neighborhood. Differing but complimentary colors and textures would be used on all sides of the buildings. A full set of architectural plans have been included as Attachment 3 for the Planning Commission's reference. Parking and Vehicle Circulation The project site would be served by one new driveway off of Vine Street - between the upper and lower development pads. The driveway would allow vehicles to both enter and exit the project site and would connect a system of private drive aisles within the project site which provides access to each private garage and guest parking spaces. In addition, the existing driveway on the south end of the project site, which serves the commercial development to the south, will provide access to a bank of five (5) additional guest parking spaces. Parking standards for the proposed project would be set by Article 31 of the Zoning Ordinance. The following table outlines the proposed parking, which exceeds the parking standards established in the City’s Zoning Ordinance. TABLE 1: Pai Multi-Family Residential Guest Parking 2lunit including 1covered for units with two '58 units x 2 garage spaces bodrooma or more 1146 spaces provided More than 10 units: 1 space plus 20% total number of units [1 + (58 *.20 = 11.6 = 12) = 13 spaces] Ueseeces prodded The proposed project would provide a total of 132 parking spaces. Vine Street Traffic Calming Existing street conditions along the project frontage include both vertical and horizontal curves that can obstruct visual sightlines from the proposed projact entry. There is also a history of speeding along this segment of Vine Street, particularly in the downhill (southbound) direction. The sight distance from the proposed uncontrolled project entry is approximately 270 feet. The Caltrans comer sight distance (the standard the City's Engineering Division utilizes for private development) required is 333 feet based upon a speed survey conducted by City Traffic Engineering Division staff. Two neighborhood traffic circles with bulb-outs will be constructed by the project; one at the intersection of Vine Street at Birchley Place and one on Vine Street at the primary project entry. These traffic calming improvements will effectively slow the rate of downhill speed along Vine Street negating the need to establish a sight line of 333 feet from the primary project entty. The proposed traffic calming improvements are depicted on the development plan included as Attachment 3. The final geometry of the proposed traffic calming improvements will be reviewed during the final engineering design and prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project; all to the satisfaction of the City’s Traffic Engineer. Landscaping The conceptual landscape plan details the planting scheme for the project. The drought-tolerant landscape plan shows a combination of groundcover, shrubs, hedges and trees consistent with the City’s Landscape Design Manual and approved street tree list. A permanent irrigation system would be installed and all landscaping and irrigation would be maintained by the project's Homeowners’ Association (HOA). Parkway planting along Vine Street consists of eleven new street trees consisting of Arbutus Standard and Brisbane Box and a groundcover palette consisting of Dwarf Blue Chalks, Deer Grass, Berkley Sedge, Variegated Flax Lily, and Dymondia. The slope along Vine Street will have a variety of trees consisting of Arbutus Standard, Gold Medallion Tree, and Jacaranda and groundcover consisting of Blue Chalk Sticks, Creeping Sage, Trailing Lantana, Ceanothus Joyce Coulter. Finally, the balance of the site not dedicated to buildings and circulation will be fully landscaped excepting existing sloped areas on north and west perimeters. The details of the site’s proposed landscaping are contained in the Conceptual Landscape Plan contained within Attachment 3. Floor Plans The project would include five different floor plans, ranging in area from 1,217 square feet to 1,788 square feet. The following table outlines the unit mix and details each units area, bedroom and bathroom count, garage spaces and number of stories. 1 8 1217 [2 25 2 3 ane | a7: 7,458 [2 25 2 3 2x16 1,539 [2 25 2 3 Saa| 46: 1,762 | 3" 3 2 3 geae 9. 4,788 13 25 2 2 Does nol include yaraye or deck space optional 4" bedroom avaiable _ Open Space As proposed, the project provides a variety of open space, which in total comprises approximately 60 percent of the project's gross acreage. The provided open space consists of a common recreation area, private patios, porches and decks, bioretention areas (which are part of the site's storm water quality management system), common area landscaping, and undisturbed slope areas along the project's northern and western perimeters. A 7,§93-square-foot recreation center featuring a pool and spa, open deck areas, barbeque facilities, shade structures, and bathrooms is proposed on the upper development pad. The recreation center would be surrounded with landscaping and enhanced tubular steel fencing. Use of the recreation center would be limited to residents and their guests. Private open space consists of ground floor courtyards enclosed by 42 inch high concrete walls and decks on either the second or third stories depending on the floor plan. There are two separate open space exhibits contained in the architectural plans provided within Attachment 3 which detail the location of both the common and private open space provided for the project. Its staff's position that the site design and architecture of the proposed project meet all of the required findings for Development Plan approval. Conditional Use Permit (CUP15-00007) represents a request to: Exceed the base density of the Medium Density — B — Residential (MDB-R) land use category. Policy 2.32(B) of the Land Use Element of the General Plan requires projects which exceed the base density of a given residential land use category to “possess an excellence of site design features". The implementation of Policy 2.32(B) is found in Section 1050(B) of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows the Planning ‘Commission to approve projects which comply with Policy 2.32(B) through approval of a Conditional Use Permit. At a proposed density of 10.64 dwelling units per acre, the project narrowly exceeds the base density of the MDB-R land use category of 10 dwelling units per acre resulting in four (4) more units. As identified in the Vine Street Collection PD Plan, some of the excellence in design features incorporated into the project include the preservation of open space, the inclusion of photovoltaic solar power generating systems for each unit, high quality architecture, the construction of traffic calming improvements on Vine Street, integration with the adjacent retail center, and parking in excess of Zoning Ordinance requirements. This is further discussed under 2.3 Residential Development on page 13. The findings for the required Conditional Use Permit are outlined in the Resolution No. 2016-P34 included as Attachment 1. ANAL! The project site and the proposed project are subject to policies, principles, guidelines, and standards enumerated in the Land Use Element and Housing Element of the General Plan, the Vine Street Collection Planned Development Plan (PDP), and the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). General Plan Consistency (Land Use Element) The Land Use Element of the City’s General Plan provides direction related to how future development will occur and addresses the relationship between development, community enhancement, and natural resource management. Staff finds the proposed project to be consistent with the goals and objectives of the Land Use Element of the: City’s General Plan, as follows: Community Enhancement Goal: The consistent, significant, long term preservation and improvement of the environment, values, aesthetics, character, and image of Oceanside as a safe, attractive, desirable, and well-balanced community. 4.1 Community Values The proposed project is attractively planned and thus would not distract from nor negatively impact surrounding land uses. The site design and architecture would result in high-quality development of appropriate scale that would be adequately separated from adjacent single-family homes and substantially framed and softened by landscaping. 1.11 Balanced Land Use Policy B: The City shall analyze proposed land uses for assurance that the land use will contribute to the proper balance of land uses in the community or provide a significant benefit to the community. The site's limited visibility from Oceanside Boulevard and its topography, with the upper development pad elevated approximately 20 feet above Vine Street, render it less desirable for commercial development. In addition, the "Market Study and Fiscal Impact Analysis" (Analysis) prepared by RSG cites a number of factors which makes ‘commercial development of the site challenging. The Analysis compared the Retail, Office, Housing sectors of the Oceanside real estate market to that of San Diego County and looked at the Fiscal Impact which would result from the project. The following conclusions were outlined in the Executive Summary from the Analysis: 10 © Market data indicates a weak retail market in the City of Oceanside (‘City’) as compared to the North County submarket and San Diego County (‘County’) as a whole. * Retail development pro forma results indicate that retail development is not financially feasible. No clear additional office space demand. Housing shortage throughout the County, Over the 5-year projection period, the proposed Project will result in the following cumulative impacts: © $495,000 in additional City General Fund revenue © City General Fund expenditures estimated at $636,000 o Net New General Fund expenditures = $141,000 © 31 new jobs The full text of the Analysis is included as Attachment 7 for the Planning Commission's reference. The Analysis shows that at present time there is no shortage of available commercial (retail and office) property in the City of Oceanside. The proposed amendment to the site's land use from commercial to residential will not negatively impact the balance of land uses in the City. There is a clear need in demand for residential development in the City, as evidenced in the adopted Housing Element of the General Plan. In addition the proposed project would improve the synergy between commercial and residential land uses within the Oceanside Boulevard corridor, implementing a housing type consistent with existing residential uses in the vicinity while expanding the customer base for nearby businesses. Policy C: The City shall continuously monitor the impact and intensity of land use and land use distribution to ensure that the City’s circulation system is not overburdened beyond design capacity. A traffic study vetted by the City’s traffic engineering staff indicates that traffic generated by the proposed project would not have significant impacts on the City’s circulation system. As summarized in this staff report and detailed on attached plans, the project would construct traffic calming improvements on Vine Street consisting of bulb-outs and traffic circles at the project entrance and at the entrance of the Oceans Breeze Senior Apartment development, effectively reducing the speed of vehicles traveling on Vine Street. The project would also pay standard traffic impact fees. Given the locational and market impediments to commercial development of the project site, a change in the land use designation of the site from commercial to residential, where market demand remains high, will be a benefit to the community. Development of the vacant blighted site will alleviate the well reported issue of transient encampments occurring in the northwest comer of the property while providing a project which alleviate the ever increasing demand for housing in the region. 14 1.12 Land Use Compatibility Policy B: The use of land shall not create negative visual impacts to surrounding land uses. With high-quality architecture, abundant landscape, the proposed project is attractively designed and thus would not distract from nor negatively impact surrounding land uses. The site design would result in well-organized development of appropriate scale and intensity that would be adequately separated from adjacent land uses and substantially framed and softened by landscape. Policy C: The use of land shall not subject people to potential sources of objectionable noise, light, odors, and other emissions or to exposure to toxic, radioactive or other dangerous materials. The proposed project would not subject surrounding properties to objectionable noise, light, odors, or other emissions. Outdoor activities associated with active-use recreational areas would be substantially buffered by open space, landscaping, and the proposed residential buildings. As demonstrated by the noise analysis associated with the MND for the proposed project, noise generated by the project would not exceed the thresholds established by the City’s Noise Ordinance. 1.16 Housing Policy D: The City shall encourage the development of a variety of housing opportunities. The proposed project would provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing, while maintaining a reasonable balance between rental and ownership housing in the City. The new housing would help the City fulfill its obligation to accommodate anticipated regional housing demand, as estimated by the California Department of Finance and the California Department of Housing and Community Development. The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for the Fifth Housing Element Cycle (2013-2021) estimates that the City of Oceanside will experience demand for more than 6,200 new dwelling units over the next eight years. By contributing 58 new market-rate dwelling units to the City’s existing housing stock, the proposed project would help to meet the demand for housing. The project applicant intends to pay fees in-lieu of providing affordable units per the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. 1.2 Site Design The proposed project disperses development and integrates landscaping on the project site in a manner that would allow for access to sunlight and solar energy, circulation of breezes between buildings, views of the surrounding environment, and surveillance of detrimental activity. The placement of buildings relative to their respective height and 12

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