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(Orihuela, October 30,1910 - Alicante, March 28,1942)

The onion is frost La cebolla es escarcha

Closed and poor: cerrada y pobre:

Frost on your days escarcha de tus das

And my nights. y de mis noches.

Hungry and onion: Hambre y cebolla:

Black ice and frost hielo negro y escarcha

Large and round. grande y redonda.

In the Cradle of Hunger En la cuna del hambre

My child was mi nio estaba.

With onion blood Con sangre de cebolla

He was breastfeeding. se amamantaba.

But your blood Pero tu sangre

Frosted sugar, escarchaba de azcar,

Onion and hunger. cebolla y hambre.


His father, Miguel Hernndez Snchez, a herdsman and dealer in sheep and goats,
took for granted that his son would soon be hard at work helping with the family
business. His work on the farm led him to establish a special bond with nature, and he
later drew on that experience in his poetry.
Spanish poet and dramatist who combined traditional lyric forms with 20th-century
subjectivity. A goatherd in his youth, Hernndez joined the Spanish Communist Party in
1936 and fought in the Civil War (193639). Condemned to death by the Nationalists
after the war, his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment after international
He died in prison soon afterward, at the age of 31. Hernndezs predominant themes
are loveparticularly of a sorrowful naturewar, death, and social injustice. Beginning
with a rich, Gngoristic style, his poetry became more intimate, simple, and tragic ...
(100 of 237 words)

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