313 Chemistry SR Secondary Paper 2014

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This question paper consists of 30 questions fsection-A (20) + Section-B

(5 + 5)l and L1 printed pages.

{ qqq-q:N ii so qlq tq0-s - 3T (20) + rsus - E (5 + 5)l nen 11 Etfd yst r t 'l ss* t
Roll No.

T{TFFTfu #+*"' 48/oss/1

Dav and Date of Examination

(313) sErftu r
Signature of Invigilators 1.

General Instructions :
1. Candidate must write his/trer Roll Number on the first page of the question paper. I
2. Please check the question paper to verify that the total pages and total number of questions
contained in the paper are the same as those printed on the top of the first page. Also check to
see that the questions are in sequential order.
3. Making any identification mark in the answer-book or writing roll number anywhere other than
the specified places will lead to disqualification of the candidate.
4. write your Question Paper code No. 48/oSS/1, set llFl on the answer-book.
5' (a) The question paper is in English/Hindi medium only. However, if you wish, you can
answer in any one of the languages listed below :
English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu,
Marathi, Oriya, Gujarati, Konkani, Manipuri, Assamese, Nepali, Kashmiri, Sanskrit
and Sindhi.
You are required to indicate the language you have chosen to answer in the box provided in
the answer-book,
(b) If you choose to write the answer in the language other than Hindi and English, the
responsibility for any errors/mistakes in understanding the question will be yours only.
amq arTdPr
1. q'ft{qT qFr-rFT +crd y q{ s{TTr sr{#qis' effi{c fu{ii r

2. Fcqr Iff{r-qr s} d.q ii fm q* *'ga Vei aeTr cwi st Tir+ Ei i+w X kr* wre ys + vEt oc{
ofi r Fs qr?T st ds rit s'r ii t*'wq *fq- Fc ii + r

3. sfli-gkrsT ii qrqq-flqg q*i e*rqr f{fu tFii *. srfrfirff 66T qt q-{Fci ftryqi c{ qlhrqT di
erqtq atwr Eidfi |

4, q{cFi-q{ 6t +6{qT 48/OSS/1, +a E kri r

s. CO q{t-q* +trn ffiiei*S t r tnr

qrurr+ ii *Ti, qR e+rq
'ri ffi \rs' qsr d sil{ t qqt t'
d qlt qt :

iliffi: F4, T* .@, Eirri{r, dkiT, rffictFic, rrg, +qr5 qq&, sfuql, {sqrfr, sffi,
cfrqrt, srutfrrqr, ffi, sr*fr, di?T olt{.Rrt*fr | .

Tcqr rtr-gnnsT ii tqq rrqqrcFr ii ftrci P*' e+rq fl*s rTrsr if smftre rtt r

(q) qR eTrc frd qd ei*q}+ qtdftfi ffi

srq rnqr iisin fu{sA t d u{q *i qsrs+ { Et+ qe}
$eincnmf uX guffi *qf, s{rq+t Etrft r

313/oss/10s-A ll lllllllllllllllllllllil


Time:3Hoursl I Maximum Marks : 80

{fr{zi:3qo}l t {qto: S0

Note : (i) This Question Paper consists of two Sections, viz, rA, and ,Bt.
(ii) A/J questions from Section 'A' are to be attempted.
(iii) Section 'B' has two options. Candidates are required to attempt questions from
one option only.

fttn: (i) ygsv{-Eritdqrgt- Eilrs.eN, fisnEflrg'eqr I

(ii) sos' ,q, +qS qwisi ce qm t r

(iii) q'srE {qtfffit rqft{rfuii*,}+Tdw'froil+*w=if *'wrtit r

Eluit- eT

l. What is the molar volume of an ideal gas at S.T.P. ?

qqr rq{i ts or q-q6'ilrT *r qre (STp) q{ +tr{ snircFT Rr t ?

2. Define 'Boyle's Law'.

'frfr61frrrq'qfoilkdqikq r

3. What is 'Gel' ?

'Q6' q1| 7
4. What do the following symbols (SI units)
represent :

(i) ns (ii) ps
(iii) Gg (iv) Mg
fiErfrkd (SI unirs) {*,o qqr fucfud q.r$ t :

(t ns (ii) ps
(iii) Gg (iv) Mg

5' Ignoring the noble gases' the most

electronegative element fluorine
occupies the right
hand side upper corner position in
the periodic table. From this fact,
variation of electronegativity in a period deduce the
and in a group.
ftm7e+Hl si qFI I flqqr !ilqt yB*a a.n+rore qertsr
sth srd funt { kd t I
silErd qRulr { qr$
w ireE t ffi qTn+="ilr; d
fod rtorqq61 ii qkqdr fuTqr

Account for the following :

(i) schottky defect lowers the density

of related solid.
(ii) We feel cool after the bath.

frE{friqr *'onq e-irF*. :

(i) vf'cqfr (Schottky) dq qrqhrd dq s,r EFcr u,rr qrm

Et+ xR
d t r

(ii) rori *' qR er iiso r$rd w+ t I

7. write the difference between physical adsorption

and chemisorption with respect
following: to the

(i) Specificiry

(ii) Reversibility

tr qftryil*q efu nsrqro.qft{vilq'rr { eim ffiefiro {$f { frfuq. :

(i) frfrisdr
(ii) strqufr{f,r

8. How can you separate pure alumina (A/2O3) from iron (iii) oxide present in bauxite ore ?

Write the chemical equations for the reactions involved. 2

dqqEe slzrgr'g sfuo eilrr{ (iii) sTrwr{s t qa qqeiT (A/2o3) si N yqo loqr qr
voar t ? qrcrq s{ftfuqrcTt + frq {qtqfrq- {dtqr{rT fufuq r

9. (a) What type of bonding helps in stabilizing the cr-helix structure of proteins ?
(b) List any two types of RNA molecules found in the cell. 2

(s) q)ztii dt cr-{sffi i{ffiT dr fis{s{t { q6r.rdr o.{-i eTd sr6r;wr rrr yrrf{rFn e}m t t
6e) +iftrfi ii qrq qT+ qrd d s{R.gt.g. qg qh-sh t t r

10. 3.00 g of H, react with 29.00 g of O, to yield water.

(i) Which is the limiting reagent ?

(ii) Calculate the maximum amount of water that can be formed.

(iii) Calculate the amount of one of the reactants which remains unreacted. 4

[At, mass : H = 1.0 u; O = 16.0 u]

3.00 g H2,29.00 g Or*'wu efifiqT*T+qlqleqrdrt r

(i) frqFil erfir*nq'*tq-qT tt

(ii) qr+ qrdr qrt}st efirfiffi'qrx qfimfuo q'lfqq r

(iii) srfr*Tc*.f {t e{qnryil o{FffiIrqtsiq-nqffie+1kq r

Eiqril-{ : H = 1.0 u; O = 16.0 ul

11. (a) An electron is in 4d orbital. What are the possible values of n, /, m, and m. for this
electron ?

(b) Which of the following orbitals are not possible ? Give reason for your answer
1p,2d,3s,4f. 4

Cs) q*. F+qrr +a eers if t r Es Edqtq *- lmq n, /, m, etk mr'*- wr qr lit{q t ?

(rs) ffiba ii t st{-t mqrrism wi t z e+q+ B?R'*-lmqe.RoT *kq r

313/OSS/105-A 4
12. (a) State Raoult's law for a solution containing volatile components.

(b) 2.00 g of a non-electrolyte solute dissolved in 100.00 g of benzene lowered the

freezing point of benzene by 0"40 K. calculate the molar mass of the solute.

[I! for benzdne = 5.12 K kg mol-r]

(o qTqvfrir ci-qqqi eT-d fufiq-{ *.frqrsfuqfrfaq. I

(g) 100.00 s +qt{ { codw ulqwz-q ffiq st 2.00 t *flq 6T lFqis 0.40
sqr*r qrm}
K 6-rr d rrqr r ffiq qqrei qr q)-qrurdrqn qRqfdfr qifqrr r

1*1h +frq Kr = 5.12 K kg mol-11

13. The standard enthalpy of formation of cor(r), Hrot,r and glucose CuHrrou(s) are

-395.0 kJ mol-r, -269.4 kJ mol-1 and -1169.8 kJ mol-l respectively. Calculate the
enthalpy of combustion of glucose.

cor(r), Hzao sii-.-q"i coH,zoor,r st qrqm {srq{ q+qt s'rRT.

-395..0 kJ mol-r,
-269.4 kJ mol-1 erk-t 169.8 kJ mol-r t I rq+s o1c6{ q-+cq} qffie-d +tfuq r

L4. At a certain temperature T, an endothermic reaction A -----+ B proceeds naturally to the

end. Determine the following :

(a) The sign of AS for the reaction.

(b) The sign of AG for the reacrion.

(c) The sign of AH, AS and AG for the reaction B A at the same temperature.
(d) Predict the possibility of the reaction B
---+ A at a very low temperature. Justify
your answer.

loqfr nrq T w, !t-s'sqrvls 3TRTBrfl A ---+ B Fr?r: qqh * err n-o cnfi t r wa *1fuq :

Cs) qni|*qr*fume'rfu-eq
(g) sTFTfu.qT*funcorfua

CT) 3tfi{hqT B
---+ A +flflr sqt drq q-{ aH, AS sfu Ac +fuT
F) sre|=tr frq'dTq qt erFrfmqr B
---+ A E+ {qTqqr ftqr qFJk "ifuq r e+q+ efr1 *t yfu-
+1fuq r

15. (a) Arrange the following in the decreasing order of their acid strength :

(i) HF, HC/, HBr, HI

(ii) Hoc/, Hoc/o, Hoc/o2, Hoc/o3

(b) Complete the following equations :

(i) C+ 2Hr,SOo)*

(ii) 2XeFr+2HrO+ 4

fO Frrrififufr T{rd qwidt Fmt ffi 3xrql qrqd' * erTsrarqRqiT +1fuq :

(i) HF, HC/, HBr, HI

(ii) Hoc/, Hoc/o, Hoc/o2, Hoc/o3

tu; ffifun {TqTqt{6 {fut o} gtr *tfqq :

(i) c + 2HzR->

(ii) ZXeFr+2HrO-+

16. (a) Write the structure and one important use of anhydrous aluminium trichloride.

(b) Calculate the oxidation number of the metal atom present in the complex ion of

the following coordination compound and write its IUPAC name :

KolFe (CN)ol

Cs) ftffi qqtTFF q qrffirT{s"t {t+{r skq*.qftq,pt sqqi'T ftnfisq t

19 FTE{ffid {i5d + {ga enrrt ii sqfisfr $nq + vtlrg dr effir {qr qfit+kfr
qfrtqq sirri$m or en-tqfr.q.S. qrq fafug :

KolFe (CN)ol

17. (a) Account for the following :

(i) Ethanol is more reactive than propanone towards nucleophilic


(ii) (cH3)3 c - cHo does nor undergo ardol condensation.

(b) How will you carry out the following

conversions :

(i) Toluene to benzoic acid

(ii) Benzene to 3_Chloronitrobenzene

Cs) ffiftd*-q;rq{drg(:
(i) rrfirsr+t{q,ffi +fueq}+qht<aa_ srftro|*znvna*
(ii) (cH3)3 c - cHo wd dqff sTF{prqr q6T +dT I

g; srTqfuftTfuHsqmrq*.*oti :

(i) ?iqEq si d;til{m. erra il r

(ii) ffi{ 6i 3-qn1+-fiq}+qt{ ii r

18' what are the basic postulates of valence

shell Electron pair Repulsion (vsEpR)
theory ?
what is the order of repulsive forces
between different types of electron
pairs ? what is
the expected geometry of molecules
with four electron pairs having (i)
no lone pair,
(ii) one lone pair and (iii) two lone
pairs in them ? Give one example
of each.
{i+qrd'r +tvr r+qi* gn{ yMlT
f*.qrs.t*.enr.) fufifr +t q16* sr*rRTnq wr
frFffi w**gdqra gr+ +el-q vprsdq q?r
? t
sT s'rr qqT t r qnv+egt{ T,IT qrd {"F+ s1
$qThil qTfrrfr wr drft q-qb ert
fil *t* qoq; gq q qss.Tq e), fiil tro ek
Ei Gii) qi
tr*'oEr d r rd*-*,r tr+\roe-q|{ur dfqq^ r

g. (a) State Kohlraush's law of independent migration of ions. Mention its'one
application. Draw a graph showing variation in molar conductivity of weak and
sffong electrolYtes.

(b) For a chemical reaction R -+ P, the variation in the concentration, logro [R] Vs

time t, Plot is given as under :




Time (S)

For this reaction

(i) What is the order of reaction ?

(ii) What is the sloPe of the curve ?

(iii) What is the unit of rate constant 'k' ?

CO sTr*if + wh + +tf,lrs'{r tfiq si ldfuq I gsn qfi sr{qqt'r qfrr{q I gdrr

3+{ rq dqd iqqEdt *t q}en war+ar qfisdT sT sTrdq difeq t

Ce1 qm.{rqnkfi sIF{bqT R + P +|f,g, qrFl t, *'qrq qrtril logrofR] ii qfredq qr ende
frq n+Tt fEqr tnn t :




q e${frqr *.ftlq
(i) s{F{fuqT*ifuwttt

(ii) {miT 6} Gl wr Etrft ?

(iii) E{ flni*. 'k' q+ wr$ wt t z

20' Identify the main product formed when ethanol
is reacted with Soc/, and write the
reaction equation involved. Identify the products
formed when this product is reacted
with each of the following reactants and write the
chemical equations involved :

(i) Mg in presence of dry ether

(ii) Sodium in presence of dry ether

(iii) Hydrogen in presence of Ni or pt.

q+rTm +t socl, *^qrq qfi{hr *i q{ ETi^qrd

Tq ERIE si qtqrHq. sk qqa rp{6or
qqts{ur imfisq I qq E smR
*t ffidfuF ir+*. erFrfiRg- *'qrq 3Tfi{fuqT si Eil* t ni
q-6qrFR' fu wr q*'n ertT qqq
{rTqk*. {T+flE fufeq :

(t YJw {trr uX 3qffi if rurg *-qrq

(ii) E s'trne+ Bqfurfu d R}|sqq.*^qrq

(iii) Ni {snrpt+teqfuft { r


EIng:_ q

flas@- I

(Environmental Chemistry)
rqqiqflrfrq {Fm)

21,. Name the segment of environment which contains

(a) Ice caps

(b) Rocks.
wffrq *'reisq'r qrq qotwfiilwf
CO qfi*q
Cel qil+ffrt r

22. List any four human activities through which heavy metals get into the environment. 2
qiq st Hi qlr qfrhftiqt si !f+ed +1|qe fwt'srn'rTfr qq( qqfqiur tf qeai t r

23. Identify the rays that are used in the treatment of cancer. What type of radiations are
these ? Write any two anthropogenic sources of these types of radiations. 2

*vt *eq-qn it qTfi frrprt +1 qcqr+ efreq r q ts- r+n s-iqfupi t r gs s-sT-{ + fur
+q+'$ qi qqqi$r* etd fnfuq r

24. What is 'Eutrophication' ? What are its causes and why does aquatic life get killed bi'it ? 4

'gqi${' wr t ? v*$*'rw Hr t sil{ Eqt qifrq stdt *? Tq wi a qrnl t :

25. How is the ozone layer formed in the stratosphere ? How is it helpful to us ? What is
ozone hole ? How is it formed ? Write any two effects of ozone depletion. 6
qd'sfrq{;i s}nh qfi fs-s s-fiR q{* t z .re -i fus q'fiR wqrril t t eMq fu-q RT i; r qa
t*rr r+n {riTr t ? einiT rrcf, ircrrrq +st* qi e*Trs fufiqq

313/OSS/105-A 10
faryq - fl

(Chemistry and Industry)

(nrsrca artTsat'D

21. Name the cement used in

(i) Dental filling and (ii) Repairing marble.
(i) qifri
'i 'rd
qrd silr tt) {Tq{R s1 qrwrfr ii yqtT Et+ qn+r {ft+ s1 q-q {drqg I

22. (a) Which of the following is an antiseptic ?

0.ZVo phenol, I7o phenol

(b) Which class of drugs is luminal ? ,
Cs) t
frqkfisf, ii +)q-T {ktsft (anriseptic) dr'"rr t
0.27o qfr{Ti{, 17o stfrm

6u) qfu-im fm e'i * e*ERr t t

23. If water contains Ca2+ or iVIg2* ions, out of soaps and detergents, which will you use for
washing clothes and why ? 2
qfr wr ii ca2* e+rqr Mg2* sfl.rq gm ri, d vrq;a iTp{r fq{sizi t 6q} qt+ +fu enq P*venr
whT q.in efuqqf t

24. What are dyes ? List three important properties which a good dye must possess. 4
'tqq; eqr t r erd icrn ii iqfun *r qu Wh si q*E- +1fuq r

25. (a) Write two uses of each of the following polymers and also write the structures of
their monomers :
(i) BUNA-S
(ii) Nylon-66
(b) Define biodegradable polymers. Write their two uses. 6
Cs) ffidfuiT *nsegee;i+d-qi svqt'T fufuq sk F{+q*'FTdf st {{qqT qt lafug :

. (i) wr-s
(ii) i1zrmFT-65

0e qqffif-n qEm-*i +t qforEr frfuq I s{* qi wqirr ffisq r

11 313/OSS/105-A

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