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Economic Aspects of the

Chemical Industry
Joseph V. Koleske

Within the formal disciplines of science at together during the past century or so. In
traditional universities, through the years, addition, the chemical industry is global in
chemistry has grown to have a unique status nature.
because of its close correspondence with an Since there is a chemical industry that
industry and with a branch of engineering- serves a major portion of all industrialized
the chemical industry and chemical engi- economies, providing in the end synthetic
neering. There is no biology industry, but drugs, polymers and plastics, fertilizers, tex-
aspects of biology have closely related disci- tiles, building materials, paints and coatings,
plines such as fish raising and other aquacul- colorants and pigments, elastomers, and so on,
ture, animal cloning and other facets of there is also a subject, chemical economics,
agriculture, ethical drugs of pharmaceutical and it is this subject, the economics of
manufacture, genomics, water quality and the chemical industry, that is the concern of
conservation, and the like. Although there is this chapter. Of course, the chemical industry
no physics industry, there are power genera- does not exist alone, rather it interacts with
tion, electricity, computers, optics, magnetic many aspects of the global economy.
media, and electronics that exist as industries.
However, in the case of chemistry, there is
a named industry. This unusual correspon- DEFINITION OF THE CHEMICAL
dence no doubt came about because in the INDUSTRY
chemical industry one makes things from
Early in the twentieth century, the chemical
raw materials-chemicals-and the science,
industry was considered to have two parts:
manufacture, and use of chemicals grew up
the discovery, synthesis, and manufacture of
inorganic and organic chemicals. Later, and
*Consultant, 1513 Brentwood Rd., Charleston, WV until about 1997, the Standard Industrial
25314. Classification (SIC) of the U.S. Bureau of the


Census defined Chemical and Allied compatible with the two-digit level of the
Products as comprising three general classes United Nations International Standard
of products: (1) basic inorganic chemicals Industrial Classification of All Economic
such as acids, alkalis, and salts and basic Activities (ISIC).
organic chemicals; (2) chemicals to be used in The NAICS code for Chemical
further manufacture such as synthetic fibers, Manufacturing is 325 and there are
plastic materials, dry colors, pigments; and 49 subclassifications with four- to six-digit
( 3 ) finished chemical products to be used for codes. The four-digit codes, which are a
ultimate consumer consumption as architec- description of the manufacturing segments
tural paints, cosmetics, drugs, and soaps or to included in chemical manufacturing, the value
be used as materials or supplies in other indus- of shipments, and the number of employees
tries such as industrial paints and coatings, in the manufacturing segment are listed in
adhesives, fertilizers, and explosives. The Table 2.1 .2 Each of these four-digit segments
SIC system was a series of four-digit number may have five-digit subclasses associated with
codes that attempted to classify all business them, and the five-digit subclasses in turn
by product and service type for the purpose may have six-digit subclasses associated with
of collection, tabulation, and analyses of data. them. This hierarchy is exemplified for
It used a mixture of market-based and Manufacturing Segment 325 1, which is titled
production-based categories. Basic Chemical Manufacturing, and one of
In 1997, the SIC classification was replaced its sub components, Code 32519, in Table 2.2.
by the North American Industry Classification While it may seem that Code 325199,
System (NAICS).2 The system is a major All Other Basic Organic Chemical
revision based on six-digit numerical codes, Manufacturing, is too general in nature for
and it allows for new or relatively new indus- its size, one needs to consider that by delving
tries to be included in what is termed into the makeup of this component, about
Chemical Manufacturing. It also reorgan- 150 individual compounds or groups of com-
izes all categories on a productiodprocess- pounds are found. These contain a diverse
oriented basis. Further, NAICS establishes group of chemicals including manufacturing
a common numerical code among Canada, of acetic acid and anhydride, calcium citrate,
Mexico, and the United States that is cream of tartar, ethylene glycol ethers,

TABLE 2.1 Chemical Manufacturing, NAICS Code 325, and Its Four-Digit Area
Components. Shipment Value and Employees are from 1997 U.S. Economic Census*
NAICS Shipments Percentage
Codea Description ofArea Value ($1000) ofTotal Employees
325 Chemical manufacturing 419,617,444 100 884,321
325 1 Basic chemical manufacturing 115,134,992 27.44 202,486
3252 Resin, synthetic rubber, artificial 63,639,476 15.17 114.792
and synthetic fibers, and filament
3253 Pesticide, fertilizer, and other 24,266,5 13 5.78 37,206
agricultural chemical manufacturing
3254 Pharmaceutical and medicine 93,298,847 22.23 203.026
3255 Paint, coating, and adhesive 26,594,550 6.34 75,100
3256 Soap, cleaning compound, and toilet 57,507,318 13.7 126,895
preparation manufacturing
3259 Other chemical product manufacturing 39,175,748 9.34 124,816

aCodes 3257 and 3258 were not used


TABLE 2.2 Basic Chemical Manufacturing, NAICS Code 3251, and its Five-Digit
Components and Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing, Code 32519, and Its
Six-Digit Components. Shipment Value and Employees are from 1997 U.S. Economic
NAICS Shipments Percentage
Code Description ofArea Value ($1000) of Tota 1 Employees
NAICS Code 3251 and Its Components
325 1 Basic chemical manufacturing 115,134,992 100.00 202,486
32511 Petrochemical manufacturing 20,534,750 17.84 10,943
32512 Industrial gas manufacturing 5,23 1,468 4.54 12,492
32513 Dye and pigment manufacturing 6,427,357 5.58 17,289
325 18 Other basic inorganic chemical 20,7 16,361 17.99 60,056
32519 Other basic organic chemical 62,225,056 54.05 101.706
NAICS Code 32519 and Its Components
32519 Other basic organic chemical 62,225,056 100.00 101,706
325191 Gum and wood chemical manufacturing 815,201 1.31 2,267
325192 Cyclic crude and intermediate 6,57 1,093 10.56 8,183
325 193 Ethyl alcohol manufacturing 1,287,273 2.07 1,890
325 199 All other basic organic chemical 53,55 1,489 86.06 89.366

Codes 325194 through 325198 were not used.

ethylene oxide, solid organic fuel propellants, Internet is a major factor in making the data
hexyl and isopropyl alcohols, perfume materi- available to the general public almost as rapidly
als, peroxides, silicone, sodium alginate, as it is compiled. The NAICS system is recog-
sugar substitutes, tear gas, synthetic vanillin, nized and accepted by the North American
vinyl acetate, and so on. All these compounds countries, and the system appears to be global
have the code number 325199. Compounds in nature by being at least partially in line with
with the code number 325211, Plastic the United Nations classifications. Those inter-
Material and Resin Manufacturing are about ested in markets and market areas and in their
80 in number and may be exemplified by size including their relation to other markets
acrylic and methacrylic polymers; cellulose will find the US. Census Bureaus web site
derivatives such as acetates, nitrates, xan- pages well worth visiting.
thates, and the like; phenolics, polyesters,
polyolefins, polystyrene, poly(viny1 halide)s,
polyurethanes, and, again, and so on. THE PLACE OFTHE CHEMICAL
The new NAICS has broadened the defini-
tion of the chemical industry, and it now is more Because the chemical industry is a major sec-
encompassing than in the past. The broadening tor of any advanced national economy, a fore-
is reasonable, and it improves on the goals of cast of trends in the chemical industry must fall
collecting and tabulating data so that it is avail- within certain general guidelines that are
able for study and analysis. One might say the established by the national economy. A forecast
data could be timelier, but collecting, amassing, for the chemical industry in the United States
and breaking down the information so it is must be within the general boundaries set for
understandable is a difficult, time consuming the overall societal, financial, environmental,
task that is dependent on many people. The governmental, and economic forecasts for the

country. However, such forecasts should be as duplicated efforts were eliminated.

carefully considered for they may or may not Productivity increased because of these
accurately predict the future. actions, and many workers were displaced.
It had been said that it was clear for many But, the man power hungry economy quickly
years that certain demographic and societal absorbed for the most part these displaced
issues would have a dominant effect on the workers. The hunger for manpower was par-
US. economy of the 1990s. In the previous tially, but importantly, related to the elec-
edition of this Handbook, it was pointed out tronic, computer, telecommunications, and
that there was an expectation that from the related industries that provided many jobs
late 1980s through the year 2000 there would in previously nonexistent sectors. Chemicals
be a decline in the growth of the work force in were used in various ways in these new
the United States. This was predicated on the growth areas-as, for example, wire coatings,
number of women within the usual childbear- solder masks, conformal coatings, optical
ing age group of 18-35 and by family-size fiber coatings and marking materials, mag-
decisions that were made in the 1960s. netic tape coatings, and so on.
Shortages of chemists, chemical engineers, Mergers and acquisitions certainly played a
and other scientists were predicted for the role in shaping todays chemical manufac-
1990s. Supposedly, such predictions can be turing industry. Included among the notable
made from census data that was obtained in mergers are the Pfizer Inc. merger with Warner
the prior two or three decades. There is a Lambert Company. The Dow Chemical
direct relation between the growth of the Company acquisition of Union Carbide
workforce and the growth of Gross Domestic Corporation, Exxon merging with Mobil, and
Product (GDP). Although this was the predic- many others in the United States. Larger
tion, it is not what happened. companies acquire smaller companies to
During the 1990s and through the start of expand business through new or expanded
the twenty-first century, due to events put in opportunities, diversify, reduce research and
motion during the late 1980s, the United development expenditures, improve negotia-
States and many world economies experi- tions with suppliers and customers, and
enced unprecedented growth. During this improve operating efficiency. For example, in
time unemployment decreased and reached the water industry, Aqua America, Inc., the
very low percentages on an absolute and a largest United States-based, publicly traded
historical level. This factor was coupled with water company, acquired 29 small companies
significant productivity increases throughout in 2004 in line with their growth target of 25
the economy. The productivity increases to 30 acquisitions per year. In 2005, diversi-
resulted from a better-trained workforce, fied 3M Company acquired CUNO, Inc., a
from new tools such as computers and allied water filtration products company, to capital-
software, and from just plain harder, more ize on the global need for water purification,
conscientious working during regular and a market that is growing at more than 8 per-
overtime hours. An important factor cent per year. Great Lakes Chemical Corp.
during this period of growth was that the pro- and Crompton Corp. merged to form a new
ductivity increases were obtained without company known as Chemtura Corp., a com-
inflation raising its ugly head. Company pany that is focused on the futures specialty
mergers and the spinning off or the selling off chemical needs. In the paint and coating seg-
of business segments to stockholders or to ment of the chemical business, major changes
allied businesses played an important role have taken place through mergers and acqui-
through these years. These actions resulted in sitions. In 1990, the five largest producers had
new stand-alone businesses that were oper- 37 percent of the market and the ten largest
ated by new owners and managers when the producers had 52 percent. By 2003, the top
units were spun off. The mergers or unit- five had 5 1 percent and the top ten had 74 per-
sales resulted in a restructuring or downsizing cent of the market3 Included in the acquisitions

are Akzo Nobels purchases of Courtalds and they merged with or were purchased by other
Ferros powder coating business; Dow companies. However, overall prosperity reigned
acquired Celaneses Taxas acrylic monomers during this time period, and, as it did, the chem-
plant and output will be used for superab- ical manufacturing industry, which was allied
sorbants and paint emulsions; Sherwin with a broad variety of these industries, also
Williams acquisitions of Duron, Krylon, prospered.
Pratt & Lambert, Paint Sundry Brands (a At the turn of the twenty-first century, it
manufacturer of high quality paint brushes), was becoming apparent that the economy
and Thompson Miniwax; and Valspars pur- was at a high point and could be expanding
chase of Lilly Inc. and Samuel Cabot Inc. too rapidly. Inflation was still low, and there
In Great Britain, Glaxxo Holdings PLC first was even talk that deflation might come into
merged with Wellcome to form Glaxo play. They latter did not happen. Price-to-
Wellcome, this combination then merged with earnings ratios were very high for many
Smith Kline to form GlaxoSmithKline PLC. companies, and it did not appear that future
Malvern Instruments Ltd. In the United growth would expand sufficiently to accom-
Kingdom and Perkin Elmer of the United modate such high price-to-earnings ratios
States agreed to a collaborative sales agree- and large additions to the work force. The
ment that will offer customers material char- national economy, which certainly includes
acterization instruments of both companies: chemical manufacturing, entered a recession
rheology, thermal analysis, and rheometers. in March 2000. However, the economy grew
Degussa AG acquired Cytec Industries hold- in the first three months of 2001 indicating
ings in CYRO Industries to consolidate its that the economic recovery could be begin-
position as a leading global supplier of methyl ning. The improvement was led by new auto-
methacrylates. In The Netherlands, Arnhem, mobile purchases and increased government
Akzo Nobels Coatings business, acquired spending. The fourth quarter of 2001 was
Swiss Lack, Switzerlands leading paint com- small and considered by some as flat, but it
pany. Larger, improved efficiency companies built on the preceding quarter and in early
resulted. One result of such national and inter- 2002 there was a belief that the economic
national mergers and acquisitions is a shrink- recovery has begun.
ing of Chemical and Engineering News top The events of September 1 1,200 1, changed
100 companies to the top 75 c o m p a n i e ~ . ~ many aspects of our lives with chemical man-
The electronicsicomputer industry grew ufacturing included. The terrorist attacks
rapidly during the past decade or so, and new rocked many markets on a short-term basis,
company names appeared during this time but before long the markets stabilized, but did
period. Its growth was spurred by the not really grow in the recent past. Overall,
productivity increase even as it was a partici- in the first half of 2002 the world economy
pant in causing the increased productivity. remained in a recession. However, because
Computers began to be used to control of the constant threat of terrorism, national
processes and training personnel with the corporate spending will increase as military,
skills to run such computer-operated processes security, and other government expenses
was high on many companies lists of impor- increase and transportation costs and its allied
tant projects. A decade or so ago, computers security measures come into play. Chemical
were available in companies on a limited manufacturing of basic chemical, polymer,
basis. Today, there is a computer on essen- and pharmaceuticals are expected to increase.
tially every desk and portable computers Yet, there are no expected productivity
to carry out work during trips, and the like. increases as was seen in the 1990s associated
The dot com companies started their with the increased pend ding.^ In early 2002,
appearance through the Internet, and they the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
grew rapidly. Later, when business turned predicted that the recovery was apparent, but
down, many of these companies disappeared- would be a mild recovery.6

As can be seen from the previous discus- (NAFTA) and with the global economy. Thus
sion, economic forecasts are subject to all of the chemical manufacturing industry is
the uncertainties and unpredictabilities of worldwide and interconnected in many ways.
national, international, and societal events. These factors play important roles in the
With this in mind, at the present time the fore- importance of imported raw materials such as
cast for the ensuing part of this decade is for petroleum products and the cost of labor.
improved growth in national chemical manu- Businesses or parts of businesses can be
facturing with growth and the profit picture transported across the southern U.S. border
beginning an upturn in the second or third to take advantage of more favorable labor
quarter of 2002. (Note that in the 1980s, it costs. Through this, successful partnerships
was not predicted that the 1990s would show have been forged and welded together
strong growth, yet strong growth did take between border countries. As mentioned
place.) At present the concerns with global earlier, other partnerships are developing
terrorism, low interest rates, high but constant through purchase of assets in other countries
productivity, oil and gas prices, and other by the United States and by other countries in
factors are components of a mixture that will the United States. Today, the United States is
dictate the future. None of these factors will entrenched in the age of a global economy
remain constant. Rather, they will change and all it ramifications.
individually at times and with some factors in The United States imports and exports a
concert at other times. These variations along wide variety of raw materials and chemical
with the size of the workforce and its attitude products. Major U.S.-based chemical compa-
will dictate the future for chemical manufac- nies have manufacturing and sales facilities
turing and the global economy. abroad and a large number or foreign-based
Against this brief discussion of the general companies have similar facilities in the
demographic, societal, and economic factors United States. The U.S. economy is dependent
that govern forecasting economic prospects, a on the balance of trade, that is, on the differ-
general picture of the economy of the United ence between the dollar value of exports and
States can be given by the GDP and chemical imports. A negative trade balance means that
and allied products portion of GDP as dollars spent abroad to import goods and
described in Table 2.3. services exceed the value of goods and
This reasoning is a way to highlight the sen- services exported. In effect such an imbalance
sitivity and place chemical manufacturing has increases the cost of goods and services pur-
in the national economy, which is becoming chased in the United States and results in a net
more and more entangled with the countries inflationary effect. To a large extent during
of the North American Free Trade Agreement the 1980s, this potential inflationary effect
was offset by foreign investment in the United
TABLE 2.3 U.S. Economy and Chemical States. In the 1990s and through the early years
Manufacturing7 of the twenty-first century, foreign investment
in the United States has increased, productivity
U S . Gross Domestic Chemicals and Allied has increased without major wage increases,
Product (GDP) Products Portion of and interest rates were managed with the net
Current Dollars, GDfl Current
Year Billions Dollars, Billions result that inflation remained low.
In foreign trade, the chemical industry of
1987 4,742.5 83.8 the United States has consistently performed in
1990 5,803.2 109.9
1995 7,400.5 150.8 an outstanding manner. While the overall bal-
1996 7,813.2 153.6 ance of trade has been negative, the chemical
1997 8,3 18.4 164.8 industry has been one of the truly strong sec-
1998 8,78 1.5 164.8 tors in the economy of the United States,
1999 9,268.6 175.1
Table 2.4. Year after year, the trade balance of
2000 9,872.9 191.1
chemicals has been positive and thus has had

TABLE 2.4 U.S. Balance of Trade8

Total Trade Balancea Chemical Tradeb
(Billions of Dollars) (Billions of Dollars)
Year Export Import Balance Export Import Balance
1987 250.2 409.8 - 159.6 26c 16 + 10
1990 389.3 498.3 - 109.0 39c 22 + I7
1995 575.8 749.6 -173.8 32.18 20.59 11.59
1996 612.1 803.3 -191.2 31.4 21.81 9.59
1997 678.4 876.5 -198.1 34.6 23.5 11.10
1998 670.4 917.1 -246.1 33.32 23.38 9.94
1999 684.6 1,030.0 -345.4 34.09 23.82 10.27
2000 772.2 1,224.4 -452.2 38.42 27.12 1 I .30

aInternational Trade Accounts (ITA); bChemicals-Fertilizer,-Organic, -Inorganic, and -Other;

CAmountsfor 1987 and 1990 are taken from Bailey and K ~ l e s k e . ~

a positive impact on the national economy. States is principally due to imports of manu-
When the total world export market for chem- factured good and petroleum products.
icals is considered, that is the sum of all the To support the U.S. chemical manufacturing
chemicals exported by all the worlds national economy (Code 325) in 1997 (see Table 2.1),
economies, the U.S. chemical manufacturing there was a workforce of more than 884,000
industry has held a significant market share, of which about one-fourth were employed in
about 15 percent, for the past three decades. basic chemical manufacturing (Code 325 1)
The export and import values for chemical and about one fourth were employed in phar-
segments described in Table 2.4, chemical- maceutical and medicine manufacturing
fertilizer, chemical-organic,chemical-inorganic, (Code 3254). The next largest area of employ-
and chemical-other, are detailed in Table 2.5. ment, about 14 percent of the workforce, was
The magnitude of the individual items varies the soap, cleaning compound, and toilet
from year to year, but overall, the balance is preparation manufacturing component (Code
favorable and these four segments of chemi- 3256), which was closely followed by the
cal manufacturing are usually positive values. polymer manufacturing area (Code 3252) at
It should be pointed out that various items 13 percent. In such comparisons, one might
(plastic materials, pharmaceuticals, etc.) that argue that the paint, coating, and adhesive
make up chemical manufacturing have been manufacturing component (Code 3255), with
excluded, but this was done without bias. The about 8.5 percent of the employment figure,
four items used in Tables 2.4 and 2.5 are should be included with polymer manufac-
directly related to what has been traditionally turing. The remainder of the workforce is
known as the chemical industry. The less employed in the agricultural chemical and
favorable Total Trade Balance of the United other chemical manufacturing components.
The value of the chemical manufacturing
business produced by this workforce was
TABLE 2.5 Chemical Export/Import
$4 19,6 17,444,000 in 1997. To maintain
Segments for Year 2000
market share and grow this huge business,
Exports Imports Balance the companies in chemical manufacturing
Chemical (Billions of (Billions of (Billions of invest to various degrees in research and
Segment Dollars) Dollars) Dollars) development efforts, which are carried out
Fertilizer 4.098 3.388 +0.710 by scientists within the organizations. The
Inorganic 4.180 4.414 -0.234 percentage of sales varies with the particular
Organic 16.505 13.779 +2.726 component, and the pharmaceutical firms
Other 13.636 5.525 +8.111
will spend much more than say a fertilizer

manufacturer. The average for many chemical ered raised to the 0.6 power. In other words,
companies varies from about 3 to 5 percent the unit cost of producing a chemical
of sales. In the 1999-97 period, about seven markedly decreases as the size of the plant
billion dollars were spend annually on research producing it is increased, providing the plant
and development by the chemical industry. can be operated near capacity.)
Along with these very large plants and the
associated enormous investments, most of the
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE chemical industry is characterized by high
CHEMICAL INDUSTRY investment versus low labor components in
the cost of manufacture. The National
I nve st m en t Trends
Industrial Conference Board statistics list the
The U.S. chemical industry is the worlds chemical industry as having one of the high-
largest and it accounts for about one fourth of est capital investments per production worker.
global chemical production. The industry, The investment per worker in a base petro-
which is a part of the non-durable goods chemicals olefins plant may be in the neigh-
manufacturing industry, is a high capital borhood a half-million dollars. A profitable
investment business. Capital spending by the chemical specialties manufacturer may have
chemical and allied products industry in capital investments as low as 10 percent of
the United States has been a sizable percent- such values per employee. Of course, sales
age of that spent for all manufacturing. In per employee are also important and large.
1999, non-durable goods manufacturers spent From Table 2.1, it can be seen that annual
about $80 billion on capital goods. This was a sales per employee in the overall chemical
decrease of about 7 percent from that of 1998, manufacturing area (Code 325) are about
which was approximately $85 billion. Most of $475,000. Such ratios vary with the market
this decline can be attributed to decreased segment and depend on the labor intensity
spending by the basic chemical industry. In needed within the segment. For example, the
1996 and 1997, capital expenditures in the number is about $569,000 for basic chemical
chemical industry were about $15.5 and manufacturing (Code 325 l), $652,000 for
$16.4, respectively. During the late 1980s and agriculture chemicals (Code 3253), $459,541
1990s, a significant portion of these capital pharmaceuticals (Code 3254), $354,000
expenditures was made for pollution control coating chemicals (Code 3255), and so on.
and other environmentally related efforts. Note that number for pharmaceutical sales per
Much of the capital investment in the chem- employee is quite close to the overall chemi-
ical industry is spent for facilities to produce cal manufacturing sales per employee. The
major chemicals in enormous quantities. The average hourly pay of production workers in
huge volume of the chemicals produced and the chemical industry was $18.15 in 2000.
consumed is reflected in the size of plants
being built to achieve the required economies
of scale, which in turn allow for competitive Commercial Development
and Competition Factors
pricing. The fact that such economies are
achieved is seen in the relatively modest During the earlier period of the chemical
increases in chemical producers price indices industrys development, chemical companies
relative to the inflation levels in the general were generally production oriented, wherein
economy. The competitive nature of the they would exploit a process to produce a
chemical business also plays a role in this chemical and then sell it into rapidly expand-
matter of price. (Economy of scale refers to ing markets. The investments and plant sizes
the relative cost of building a larger plant; a required for participation were a small frac-
rule of thumb is that the relative cost of build- tion of that required to participate today. Raw
ing a smaller or larger plant is the ratio of the materials were often purchased to produce
productivities of the two plants being consid- chemical intermediates for sale. Small-sized

units operating in small manufacturing facili- A major trend in industrial chemistry has
ties do not present the obvious problems of been an emphasis on improved processes for
environmental pollution, a factor about which the production of major chemicals such as
everyone has become more aware in the past ethylene, propylene, vinyl chloride, styrene,
two or three decades. A new investment in alkylene oxides, methanol, terephthalates, and
chemical production facilities today must so on. The necessity for higher efficiency,
include a sizable proportion of the total outlay lower cost processes has been accentuated by
for pollution abatement and control of envi- the relatively slow growth rates of major
ronmental intrusion. The chemical industry industrial chemicals over the past two decades
spends about $5 billion annually on pollution or so. The fertilizer portion of the agricultural
abatement. chemicals market as described in Table 2.6 is
As the chemical industry has grown, there an example of the slow growth.
has been a strong tendency toward both How well has the chemical industry devel-
forward and backward integration. Petroleum oped? At the beginning of the twenty-first
producers have found opportunities based on century the United States accounted for
their raw materials-natural gas, condensates, 27 percent of the worlds chemical produc-
and oil-to move into chemical refining. tion, making it the worlds largest chemical
Chemical companies, on the other hand, have producer.l0 In 2000, chemical shipments
moved to assure their access to low-cost raw reached $460 billion, and, at this level, it pro-
materials through contract purchases and vides about 1.2 percent of the national GDP
hedging contracts. Similarly, producers of and almost 12 percent of the manufacturing
basic plastic materials have forward integrated GDP. As such, it is the largest factor in the
to produce compounder materials and fabri- manufacturing segment of the economy. The
cated products such as consumer items, fibers, chemical industry continues to grow, and it
and films. At the same time, fabricators have attained an all-time high in profits by netting
installed equipment to handle and formulate or $44 billion. Globally, chemicals are almost a
compound the basic plastic materials and thus $1.5 trillion dollar business.
provide a ready, constant supply at the lowest With its large size, the chemical industry is
possible cost. With the global economy in a large user of energy, and it consumed about
place and relative ease of moving around the 7 percent of all domestic energy and about
world, large investments are now made in far- 25 percent of all energy used in manufacturing.
off countries such as Malaysia and Saudi In 1985, the industry used 3,567 trillion Btu, in
Arabia, for example, to be near raw material
supplies and to meet large market needs.
With ever-larger investment costs and TABLE 2.6 Annual Production of
increasing cross-industry competition, Inorganic Chemicals Used in the Fertilizer
markedly greater sophistication has been Industry (Note Break in Years between
required of marketing analysis coupled with 1996 and 1993)*
cost analysis when selections of investment Production Amount
opportunities are made. The enormity of (Billions of Pounds)
investment capital required in todays market-
Chemical 1997 1996 1993
place to successfully participate does not
permit multiple approaches for the private Ammonia 34.68 35.85 34.39
investor. Consequently, a high degree of Ammonium Nitrate 17.21 17.00 16.56
Ammonium Sulfate 5.42 5.32 4.87
market orientation tends to predominate in Nitric Acid 18.87 18.41 16.51
the chemical industry along with increasingly Phosphoric Acid 26.32 26.42 23.03
targeted and pinpointed research and devel- Sulfuric Acid 96.04 95.54 79.68
opment programs. In 2000, the industry Super Phosphates 20.86 21.09 17.6
spent about $3 1 billion on such research and and others
Urea 15.33 17.10 16.66
development efforts. l o

1991 usage increased to 5,051 trillion Btu, firms are becoming more and more a growth
and in 1994 it had increased still fbrther to area in the chemical industry. A bachelor's
5,328 trillion Btu." The energy is used to degree in chemistry or a related discipline is
supply heat and power for plant operations the minimum education requirement for these
and as a raw material for petrochemicals, technical positions. To work and grow in
plastics, and fibers production. Feedstocks research positions, a Ph.D. is required. There
represent a little less than half of the total will be strong demand for those people who
usage, a number that varies from year to year. have a masters or Ph.D. in the future with job
Thus, the chemical industry is a key com- growth concentrated in the pharmaceutical
ponent in the U.S. economy. It converts raw companies and in research, development, and
materials such as gas, oil, condensates, water, testing services firms.
metals, and minerals into more than 70,000 The contemporary scientist or engineer
products that are used in a variety of ways. In engaged in research and development in the
some fashion, this industry impacts the daily chemical industry is a highly trained individ-
lives of everyone. Industrial customers for ual who is a part of a high-investment occu-
chemicals are many, but some of the major pation. Since about the mid 1950s, much of
ones are apparel, plastic and rubber products, chemistry has become increasingly an instru-
petroleum refining, textiles, pulp and paper, mental science, and the instruments routinely
primary metal, and the like. used by investigators are highly sophisticated,
Information technology and E-commerce reliable, and costly. In the laboratory, a scien-
have become increasingly important assets to tist has available mass, infrared, visible,
the chemical industry. Spending on informa- and ultraviolet spectrometers; various chro-
tion technology reached $10.2 billion in 2000 matographs; physical and chemical property
and this represented a 75 percent increase determination devices such as those used for
over such expenditures of 1990.1 Selling via molecular structure, size, and conformation
the Internet or E-commerce resulted in sales determinations; and others used for reaction
of $7.2 billion in 2000. Projections indicate kinetic studies. Pilot plants and many produc-
that this type of business will grow rapidly and tion facilities are highly instrumented and
are expected to reach $150 billion by 2006. automated. The basic scientist doing research,
This means about one third of shipments will laboratory workers, pilot plant and process
be via E-commerce transactions in five years. development chemical engineers, and plant
production workers require at a minimum
access to excellent computer facilities. All
Tech no Iog ica I 0ri en t a t io n
engineers and scientists require computers to
The chemical industry is a high technology analyze the massive amounts of data that are
industry, albeit now is more marketing generated and to aid in the design of manu-
oriented and competitive than in its earlier facturing processes and equipment.
period of development. Chemists and mat- Employment of chemists and chemical
erials scientists held about 92,000 jobs in engineers is expected to grow at about a
2000. Over half of these are employed in 10-20 percent rate between 2000 and 20 10.12(a)
manufacturing companies and most of these Predictions indicate that job growth will be
companies are in the chemical manufacturing concentrated in drug manufacturing and in
industry, that is in firms that produce syn- research, development, and testing services
thetic materials, plastics, drugs, soaps and companies. Demands will be for new and bet-
cleaners, paints, industrial organic and inor- ter pharmaceuticals, personal care products,
ganic chemicals, and other chemicals. 12(a) and specialty chemicals designed to solve spe-
Other chemists and chemical engineers are cific problems or applications. Demand will be
found in various government Departments high for personnel who have a Ph.D. degree
and Agencies, in teaching, and in research, and the opportunities will be in biotechnology
development, and testing firms. The latter and pharmaceutical firms. An aging, better

informed population will want products that employment. In 2003, 35.3 percent of new
treat aging skin, that are milder on the body, Ph.D. graduates went into academic positions
new and innovative drugs, reliable medical compared with 20.5 percent in 2002. A 2005
devices, and so on. The population salary survey of chemical industry profes-
in general will be interested in chemical sionals with a Bachelors degree in chemical
processes that are more benign in nature to pro- engineering with 22 years of experience in the
duce all types of products and thus in an indus- chemical industry (pharmaceuticals, organic
try that is more friendly to the environment. chemicals, construction, and consulting) indi-
In the year 2000, the median salary cated that the average salary was $85,234.12d
of chemists was $50,080.12(a)The lowest the 1205 nationwide respondents were male,
10 percent earned less than $29,620, and the had an average age of 47, and rated their over-
highest 10 percent earned more than $88,030. all job satisfaction as satisfied. During
The middle 50 percent earned between 2004, about 85 percent of the participants
$37,480 and $68,240. It is interesting to point received a raise and about 65 percent also
out that the median annual salary of chemists received a cash bonus. Health insurance costs
employed in the Federal Government was increased with many companies requiring
$65,950 or about 30 percent higher than the employees to pay a larger portion of the insur-
overall median. In 2001, chemists in non- ance costs. The satisfaction portion of the sur-
supervisory, supervisory, and managerial vey indicated that challenging work was the
positions in the Federal Government averaged most important factor (44 percent of
$70,435.12(a)As is the usual case, chemical responses) and other factors such a salary and
engineer salaries were higher than those of benefits (17.5 percent), job security (13.5 per-
chemists by about 10-25 percent.12bMedian cent), advancement opportunities (7.4 per-
experienced and starting salaries for the vari- cent), recognition (12.6 percent), and other
ous degrees can be found in Table 2.7. (5.1 percent) were secondary in nature.
In 2003, median starting salaries for indus-
trial chemists were $32,000 (B.S.), $44,500
(M.S.), and $63,000 (Ph.D.).12CThe Ph.D.
starting salary actually dropped from $67,000 How did the chemical manufacturing industry
in 2002 due to Ph.D.s finding academic get its beginning? To get this answer, we need
to go back to the latter part of the eighteenth
century.13 The availability of alkali or soda
TABLE 2.7 Chemist12(a)and Chemical ash (sodium carbonate) for the growing man-
Salaries in 2000 ufacture of glass, soap and textiles in France
Year 2000 was becoming a major concern. At that time,
the chemical was obtained from plant materi-
Overall Median Inexperienced Median als, principally from wood ashes that were
Degree Salary Starting Sala ry
leached with hot water to obtain potash and
Chemists from marine plants such as barilla, which
Bachelor $55,000 $33,500 grows mainly along the Spanish Mediterranean
Master $65,000 $44,100
Ph.D. $82,200 $64,500 coast and in the Canary Islands. Other plant
sources existed. The main exporter of soda
Chemical Engineers
ash was Great Britain with whom France was
a $5 1,073
Master a $57,22 1 at odds and there was concern about the
Ph.D. a $75,52 1 chemicals availability. In 1783, the French
Academy of Sciences was offered a hand-
aThe median annual salary for all chemical engineers
was $65,960. The salary of the middle 50% ranged
some prize by ~~~i~ XVI develop a simple
between $53,440 and $80,840. The salary of the lowest process for decomposing sea On a large
10% was less than $45,200 and of the highest 10% was scale and securing alkali from it. Eight years
greater than $93,430. later Nicholas Leblanc, a 49-year-old French

physician, devised a scheme to commercially material, by improving the strength of a

obtain soda ash from sea salt. The process composite, and so on. The development of a
became known as the Leblanc process, and new, lower cost process for a commercial
this process is considered the basis for product can permit development of a prof-
development of the first chemical industry. itable opportunity or it can spell disaster for a
For almost a century, this process was the company with existing investment in a plant
most important method known for produc- made obsolete by the competitors new
ing chemicals. Basically, Leblancs process process as in the preceding soda ash example.
involved reacting sodium chloride with Major reductions in manufacturing cost can
sulfuric acid to produce sodium sulfate. The be achieved, for example, by reducing the
product was then reacted with calcium number of reaction steps required in a
carbonate and carbon to form a black ash process, by changing to a lower cost or more
that contained sodium carbonate and other available raw material, or by eliminating by-
compounds. The black ash was extracted products and co-products, costly separation,
with water followed by an evaporation and environmental intrusions. The ability of a
process to obtain soda ash. process scheme to contain or avoid a pollutant
Leblancs process had many disadvantages; it can be a deciding factor in continuance of a
was complicated was dirty and polluting, and manufacturing operation. At times new regu-
was materials and fuel inefficient. This set other lations, such as the Clean Air Act (CAA), or
scientists to working on development of a new shortages can spawn new ideas and technolo-
process. In about 1872, Ernst Solvay developed gies if the people involved are astute and react
what became known as the Solvay process, and positively to the new, developing environ-
this resulted in establishment of the French ment. The brief discussion of Leblancs
firm Solvay & Cie. By 1890 the Solvay process being replaced by Solvays process
process dominated the worlds alkali produc- for soda ash is an example of how economic
tion. l 4 Leblancs process was obsolete. consequences can change if a competitor
finds a process better than the one being prac-
ticed. The following detailed examples will
Obsolescence and Dependence make the matter even more clear.
on Research
The high technology level that character- Acetic Acid. Acetic acid production in the
izes the chemical industry, and which is United States has increased by large numbers
reflected in heavy research and development in the last half century, since the monomer has
investments, generally concerns discovery many uses such as to make polymers for chew-
and development of new products as well as ing gum, to use as a comonomer in industrial
improvements in the manufacture of known and trade coatings and paint, and so on. In the
products. New product discovery and devel- 1930s, a three-step synthesis process from
opment may be typified by a new pharma- ethylene through acid hydrolysis to ethanol
ceutical product for a specific disease, by followed by catalytic dehydrogenation of
a stealth aircraft and all its special polymer acetaldehyde and then a direct liquid-phase
and composite needs, by development of a oxidation to acetic acid and acetic anhydride
new non-polluting technology for a known as co-products was used to produce acetic acid
process, a uniform molecular weight polymer H,SO,/H,O
designed and made by nanotechnology, and CH, =CH, ,C,H,OH
so on. Improvements in the manufacture of
C,H,OH C u / C r , ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~
known products might be typified by pro-
ducing a modified form of a pharmaceutical CH,CHO [I, C ~+ (CH,CO), =~o ~
that is easier to dissolve, by a new or
modified higher efficiency catalyst for a Then, in the 1940s, a major process change
known process, by toughening a brittle plastic was introduced. In this new process, butane

was directly oxidized to acetic acid and co- Methanol was next reacted with acetic acid to
products such as methylethylketone. form methyl acetate.

C,H,,-CH,COOH + CH,COC,H, + others CH,OH + CH,COOH+CH3COOCH, + H,O
Acetic anhydride was then obtained by the
The novel synthesis required fewer process catalytic carbonylation of methyl acetate with
steps, and this resulted in lower costs and carbon monoxide.I6
investment. In 1969, another advance was
announced-the synthesis of acetic acid from
methanol and carbon monoxide with essen- There are two major points that make this

CH,OH + CO -
tially no by-products or co-products. 15,16

The use of readily available raw materials and

process attractive. First, the raw material base
of synthesis gas is coal. The second point is
avoidance of the energy-consuming manufac-
ture of ketene by pyrolyzing acetic acid.

absence of co-products reduces production Vinyl Chloride. The increase in the produc-
costs and investment needed for distillation tion of vinyl chloride, which is the principal
and other separation systems. Such simplifica- monomer for poly(viny1 chloride) plastics
tion results in a very attractive process in an and various vinyl copolymers that are used in
industry where the principally accepted meas- vinyl flooring, shower curtains, car-seat uphol-
ure of business quality is return-on-investment. stery, house siding, pipe, beverage can coat-
ings, and so on, is an even more spectacular
Acetic Anhydride. Acetic anhydride is example. This polymer is used in multibillion
required as a process intermediate in acetyla- pound quantities. It is an interesting sidelight
tions. To obtain acetic anhydride from acetic to point out that the polymer has poor thermal
acid, acetic acid is first pyrolyzed to ketene, stability, and its huge penetration into the mar-
which then reacts with recovered acetic acid ketplace is attributable to the development of
to yield the anhydride. highly efficient thermal stabilizers.
During the early monomer development in
CH,COOH Heat *CH, =C =0 the 1930s, vinyl chloride was produced by
means of a catalytic addition of hydrogen
CH,=C=O + CH,COOH+ (CH,CO),-0
chloride to a~ety1ene.I~
In 1980, the Tennessee Eastman unit of CH=CH+HCl *CH, = CHCl
Eastman Kodak announced that it would
Later, what was called a balanced process
begin construction of a facility to make acetic
was introduced. In this process, chlorine was
anhydride from coal, which was readily avail-
added to ethylene and ethylene dichloride was
able at reasonable c o ~ t . ~This
, ~ decision
reflected a changing of the raw materials base
of much of the chemical industry due to such CH, =CH, +C1, [olicu* CH,ClCH,Cl
factors as the rising cost of natural gas and
The ethylene dichloride was then cracked to
petroleum and the large coal reserves of the
vinyl chloride and hydrochloric acid with the
United States.
hydrochloric acid recycled to produce vinyl
In the new Eastman process, synthesis gas
chloride from ethylene as shown above.
(carbon monoxide and hydrogen) is made
from coal. Then, from the generated synthesis CH,ClCH,Cl Heat* CH,=CHCl+HCl
gas, methanol was prepared. (Prior to this

At this point in time, vinyl chloride was being
time, methanol had been made from methane,
produced from chlorine, acetylene, and ethyl-
i.e., natural gas.)
ene. After these processes, a catalytic oxychlo-
CO + 2H, CH,OH rination has been developed in which vinyl

chloride is produced from ethylene and hydro- industry. Before, around 1970, almost all
gen chloride in the presence of oxygen.20,21 (between 90 and 95%) industrial coatings
were applied at low-solids (about 10-20%)
CH, =CH, + HCl [olcu* CH, =CHCl +H,O
contents from solvents. Many trade or house
If desired, the hydrochloric acid can be paints were also solvent based, since aqueous
obtained via cracking of ethylene dichloride. latex technology did not yet have its dominant
The oxychlorination process freed vinyl chlo- position. Solvents were inexpensive and they
ride production from the economics of a more did an excellent job of dissolving the high
costly raw material, acetylene. Deliberate molecular weight polymers needed to obtain
acetylene manufacture is energy intensive and good performance characteristics. The high
relatively expensive. By-product acetylene molecular weights used necessitated the large
from gas cracking is less expensive, but it has quantities of solvent to be used-about 4-9 lb
not been available in sufficient supply for the of solvent were venting to the atmosphere for
large, approximately billion-pound-per-year each pound of final coating film.
plus, vinyl chloride production units. Then in the early 1970s, two factors
During the long development and commer- affected the coatings industry. One of these
cialization of poly(viny1 chloride) into one of was cartel oil pricing-both unexpected
the major plastic materials, several basic and quickly imposed. This was a factor
processes of making the polymer evolved. In that increased solvent cost and potentially its
all of these processes, vinyl chloride was han- availability in needed quantities. At almost
dled as a liquid under pressure. Other than the the same time, Government regulations
relative ease with which the monomer could requiring less solvent usage (the CAA) were
be free radically polymerized, vinyl chloride imposed on the industry. Solvent cost was not
was regarded as an innocuous, relatively inert a major problem-just raise prices, but many
chemical. During the 1960s, the monomer coatings are not inelastic commodities and
sold for five or six cents a pound. Because of there still was the threat of non-availability.
the low cost, it was uneconomical to recover The availability of oil to manufacture solvents
and compress the monomer for recycle during was a totally different matter, and anyone
stripping and drying operations at the end of who suffered through the gasoline shortages
the process. The monomer was often vented of this time knows well what effect oil avail-
into the atmosphere. ability can have on an economy. Also, govern-
Then, in the 197Os, a number of poly(viny1 ment regulations were not just a temporary
chloride) producers were completely sur- measure. Many of the regulations were diffi-
prised when it was found that long-term (20- cult to meet and could not be met with the
year) exposure to vinyl chloride could cause technology in hand.
rare forms of tumors.,, After the discovery Here a large industry (NAICS Code 3255)
that vinyl chloride was a carcinogen, venting that represented about 6 percent of all chemi-
was not permissible. Containment and recov- cal manufacturing was being asked to change
ery of the monomer was mandatory. As a the way they had been doing business for
result, some older processes and manufactur- many, many years. Some companies
ing facilities could not be economically mod- responded well, but others thought solvents
ified to incorporate containment, and as a were too important to literally be taken out of
result such operations were discontinued. This such a large industry. Many companies inno-
case is but one example of the impact that vated and came up with radiation-curable
necessary and regulated environmental con- coatings, powder coatings, high-solids coat-
trols can have on manufacturing processes ings, two-package coatings, and others. The
and operations. new technologies did not take over the mar-
ketplace overnight, but with time, each found
Coatings Technology. Environmental regu- a niche and in so doing took away a portion of
lation also had a major impact on the coatings the original market. Today one does not find

0 CH(CH3)OOH + CH3CH = CH, CH3CH\ - /CH, +


low-solids, solvent-borne coatings in the mar- When the economics of the direct peroxida-
ket to any great extent. One does find compa- tion system are balanced, a significant cost
nies that have changed the nature of their reduction in the preparation of propylene oxide
business favorably by innovating and chang- is achieved by eliminating the co-product, salt,
ing, that have lost market share by taking a which is of low to nil value and thus it presents
wait and see attitude, and that are new on a disposal problem coupled with all of the
the scene and growing. Thus, increased raw related environmental ramifications. Note that
material pricing, shortages-real or created, in the previous reaction scheme the weight of
and regulation can have a positive effect on salt is almost the same as the weight of the
the overall chemical economic picture. epoxide produced and thus great quantities of
salt would be produced. In addition, the process
Propylene Oxide. Propylene oxide is can be designed to produce a co-product that
another basic chemical used in manufacturing can be used or sold as a chemical intermediate.
intermediates for urethane foams (cushioning For example, in the case of using isobutene
and insulation), coatings, brake fluids, as the starting hydrocarbon, the by-product is
hydraulic fluids, quenchants, and many other t-butanol, which can then be converted to methyl
end uses.23The classic industrial synthesis of t-butyl ether, which is a gasoline additive.
this chemical has been the reaction of chlo-
rine with propylene to produce the chloro- RamiJications. If a company is in the busi-
hydrin followed by dehydrochlorination with ness of making and selling products such as
caustic to produce the alkylene oxide, propy- those used in the above examples, that is, acetic

lene oxide, plus salt. acid, vinyl chloride, and propylene oxide, as
well as other chemicals and if it has plans to
stay in business and to expand its facilities and
CH3CH = CH, + C1, + H,O CH,CH(OH)CH,Cl workforce thereby serving growing markets, it
+ CH,CH\ -/CH, + Salt must have at least economically competitive
processes. Today, this means being competitive
with not only any new process developed in the
United States, but also with any new process
In this reaction sequence, both the chlorine technology developed in the global economy.
and the caustic used to effect the synthesis are Another need for market maintenance and
discarded as a valueless salt by-product. growth is a management system that is for-
A more economic process has been commer- ward-looking, keenly aware of potential com-
cialized. In one version, the hydroperoxide is petitive threats, and ready to change directions
produced by catalytic air-oxidation of a hydro- when needed. The same management team
carbon such as ethylbenzene (see top of page). must maintain a highly skilled research,
Reaction of this hydroperoxide with propylene development, and engineering staff to provide
yields propylene oxide as a co-product. the new products and processes as well as
This direct peroxidation scheme can be car- product and process innovations and thereby
ried out with other agents to give different co- create and maintain the pipeline to future
products such as t-butanol or benzoic a ~ i d . ~sales,
~ , ~ growth,
~ and profitability as existing

TABLE 2.8 Sales for the Top 10 Global Not noted above is the profound effect that
Chemical Companies in 2000t6 environmental concerns have on new products
and processes. It was mentioned earlier that the
2000 Chemical Sales
Company (Billions ofDollars~ Rank in 999 chemical manufacturing industry spends about
five billion dollars annually on pollution and
BASF 30.8 1 environmental control. Thus, the entire staff of
DuPont 28.4 2
Dow Chemicala 23.0 4 an organization must be aware of these costs
Exxon-Mobil 21.5 5 and have concerns for the environment when
Bayer 19.3 3 new products and processes are created.
Total Fina Elf 19.2 11
Degussa 15.6 9
Shell 15.2 7 THE FUTURE
ICI 11.8 6
British Petroleum 11.3 10 What will this huge manufacturing giant
called the chemical manufacturing industry
asales numbers were before the merger with Union look like five or ten years from now? That
Carbide Corp. Merger is expected to raise Dow Chemical
to the No. 1 position. changes will be made is certain, and an abil-
ity to predict and anticipate those changes and
to guide the industry or segments to certain
changes will certainly bode well for the eco-
products or processes become obsolete. nomic health of any particular company.
Anticipation of market needs must be recog- It may be recalled that earlier in this chapter,
nized by both the scientific and management it was mentioned that more and more sales
components of a successful firm. In the year of chemicals would be done via E-commerce
2000 the top ten global companies in sales are on the Internet. If the projections are cor-
listed in Table 2.8.26 rect, there will be a compounded annual
The companies spending the most for growth rate of 66 percent in chemical
research and development are given in E-commerce-from $7.2 billion in 2000 to
chronological order in Table 2.9.27 $150 billion in 2006. Such sales will be

TABLE 2.9 Research and Development Spending by Chemical

and Pharmaceutical Companies2
Spending as
Spending in Millions of Dollars % of Sales

2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 2000

Chemical Companies
Dupont 1,776 1,617 1,308 1,116 1,032 6.3
Dow Chemical 892 845 807 785 76 1 3.9
Rohm and Haas 259 236 207 200 187 3.8
Union Carbide 152 154 143 157 159 2.3
Eastman Chemical 149 187 185 191 184 2.8
Air Products and Chemicals 124 123 112 114 114 2.3
International Flavors 123 104 98 94 94 7.7
Pharmaceutical Companies
Pfizer 4,435 4,036 3,305 2,536 2,166 15.0
Pharmacia 2,753 2,815 2,176 2,144 1.936 15.2
Merck 2,344 2,068 1,821 1,684 1,487 5.8
Ely Lilly 2,019 1,784 1,739 1,382 1,190 18.6
Bristol-Myers Squibb 1,939 1,843 1,577 1,385 1,276 10.6
American Home Products 1,688 1,740 1,655 1,558 1,429 12.7

carried out through buyers and sellers of and Development center near Shanghai. In
chemicals as they develop agreements on 2005, Dupont will also build a laboratory in
purchases; cost estimates including the carrier Japan to facilitate worldwide technical
method-land water, truck, train; custom approvals for automotive coatings and to sup-
matters such as documentation, regulatory port home-country assembly operations. The
fees and taxes; insurance; warehousing mat- laboratory will be established by Dupont and
ters; and so on. This will have an economic operated in cooperation with Shinto Paint
effect on the industry. Company.
The coating and paint industry has under- In the pharmaceutical area, there are many
gone huge changes in the past two decades, new compounds that will reach the market-
but there probably will be further change as place in the near future. One in particular is
the new technological areas are sorted out. In insulin for diabetics that can be inhaled or
paint or trade sales, it would appear that aque- taken orally rather than by injection. The for-
ous latexes will dominate the industry for mer is in final testing stages and could be on
the foreseeable future. It would take a major the market in the very near future. The oral
breakthrough to dislodge them from their type many take longer. Either of these will be
place. The industrial-coating industry and blockbuster drugs and will mean major
their customers must continue to sort through sales, growth, and profit for the winning com-
a number of new technologies-conventional pany or companies. The revolution that has
solvent-based, high-solids, powder, radiation, taken place in automated drug synthesis and
water-borne, two-package, and others-in the screening will continue and improve. Workers
future. In the past some technologies have entering the industry or relocating will be
been given emphasis at coating companies expected to have knowledge of parallel and
because they fit existing technology, but they recombinational synthesis methods,28 or they
are not necessarily the final winners. Powder will be rapidly trained within the company in
coating has captured more than 10 percent of the area. Such screening methods and facili-
the industrial coating market, and it will prob- ties can screen 200,000 drug candidates in a
ably grow in the future but perhaps not as rap- single day.29This technology is so useful that
idly as it did in the past decade. Radiation it will also creep into other areas of chemical
curing appears to be poised for rapid growth. manufacturing that can benefit by screening
It is on an upsweeping growth curve, and if large numbers of candidate materials as, for
new products, new end uses, and interest example, the paint, coating, and adhesive area.
through meeting attendance is any measure, Interrelated with the pharmaceutical indus-
this technology will have a significant portion try is the biotechnology area. Biotechnology
of the market five-ten years from now. products or products derived from biotech-
The opening of trade with China has nology processes, are expected to account for
resulted in several chemical company expan- 30 percent of the total chemicals market by
sions in that country and nearby countries. In 2010. Large national and international chem-
2005, the two national chemical giants, Dow ical companies are getting started and have a
Chemical Company and Dupont Company position in the biotechnology area. Examples
have large-scale plans for investment in China. of such companies are The Dow Chemical
Dow is planning a large coal-to-methanol-to- Company, DuPont Company, and Monsanto
olefins complex that includes chlor-alkali Company in the United States and Bayer AG,
facilities that will take five to ten years for BASF AG, Alusuisse Lonza Group AG, and
completion. Dupont has recently doubled its Degussa AG in Europe. Biotechnology offers
investment in China and plans to spend both cost-effective and environmentally
another $600 million BY 2010, a portion of friendly technology and products. The tech-
which may go to build a titanium dioxide nology will produce proteins and vitamins for
plant. Dupont employs about 5000 people on animal feed; genetically modified vegetative
Mainland China and recently built a Research plants that will resist drought, insects, and

cold; new enzyme controlled processes for ing a great deal more attention. Although such
production of specific chemicals, new fibers energy sources only accounted for about 8 per-
for textiles that are derived from renewable cent of energy consumption early in the 21st
raw materials and are biodegradable. Such century,32the field is rapidly growing. Major
agro-growth aspects will result in significant oil companies are investing in wind power gen-
losses in other agrochemicals areas such as eration to ensure their future growth. For exam-
herbicides and insecticides as resistant, modi- ple, Royal DutcWShell Transport is concert
fied plants are developed. with The Netherlands power company Nuon
Research, development, and testing will be N.V. recently announced that 36 three-
carried out more and more at independent megawatt wind turbines located about six to
facilities according to Federal Government eleven miles (10-18 km) off the Dutch coast
reports, and this function will be a signifi- will be built and should be in commercial oper-
cant growth area. This is related to the high ation in 2006.33 Wind and solar renewable
cost of specialized investigative tools, which energy have a combined compound annual
can be shared by a number of companies. growth rate of 30 percent on a global basis.32
Also important is the ability to temporarily The same article indicated that $20.3 billion or
hire highly skilled personnel to carry out about 16 to 17 percent of total world invest-
testing and developmental efforts when they ment in power generation equipment was
are needed rather than have them as perma- invested in developing renewable energy in
nent members of a firms staff. The inde- 2003. In a general sense, renewable energy is
pendent agencies are the ones who will be becoming more affordable, and as fossil fuels
able to set up the combinational programs become increasingly scarce and high priced,
for some of the chemical manufacturing seg- such sources, as well as replacement ethanol
ments so set-up costs, in effect, are shared by from grain, will take on more and more impor-
a number of companies. These programs are tance and will aid in providing a cleaner envi-
expensive to develop and maintain. Many ronment. The high price of oil also makes
smaller firms would not be able to afford the development of oil sands in Canada and else-
technology unless some centralized, inde- where viable energy sources. Some plants are
pendent source was available to allow them now on stream and production will be
to share the cost rather than the whole cost markedly increased by 2010 to 2012 as huge
burden. capital investments are made by companies
Composites have not been previously such as Canadian Natural Resources, EnCana,
mentioned, but they form an important area and Suncor.
that is sizable and that will grow in the future. Nanotechnology has great promise for the
These graphite- or glass-reinforced materials chemical industry. This is an emerging tech-
are useful in many markets that need strong, nology whose aim is to place atoms and mol-
shaped articles including the aircraft/ ecules in particular arrays, a technique termed
aerospace, automotive, recreation, general positional assembly, and to have this done
industrial, and similar markets. In addition to repetitively through ~elf-replication.~~ This
strength, composites often offer weight sav- sounds more like science fiction than chem-
ings plus the ability to rapidly produce com- istry. But, nanotechnology already produces
plex-shaped, small to large articles. significant sales, and the sales are predicted
Energy sources continue to be highly to grow from a base of $200 million in 2002
important. Oil prices have recently skyrock- to $25 billion by 2012.35This is an astounding
eted making gas-to-liquid technology by 62 percent compounded growth rate for
means of syngas technology take on a new 10 years.
i m p ~ r t a n c e . ~At
~ , todays
~ oil prices, gas-to- What is nanotechnology? Imagine having a
liquid is becoming quite attractive. Renewable machine that can go forward, backward, right,
energy sources such as hydropower, biomass, and left as well as up and down at various
wind, and solar photovoltaics are also receiv- angles. Now imagine that this machine is

very, very small-in fact, so small that it 0 Have manufacturing costs that are basi-
is approaching atomic dimensions and it is cally energy and raw material costs.
measured in terms of nanometers. A nanome-
ter is 1 X lo p 9 meters, and we certainly can- The other concepts associated with nanotech-
not see things this small. However, regardless nology are those described above, positional
of these difficulties, we want to build and assembly and self-replication. Nanotechnology
control this machine-that is, have it do is currently being used for light-emitting poly-
whatever we want it to do, which is to place mer films, in computer applications, electri-
atoms and molecules in particular arrays so cally conductive adhesives, and other areas.
we end up with a desired product. Still not These are but only a few of the potential
satisfied, we want the machine to do this over areas for chemical manufacturing during the
and over and over again. first decade of the twenty-first century. Most
One might ask why we want to do this. probably, many of the products and processes
We all know that everything is made up of that will be in place in 2012 or so cannot even
atoms. Chemicals are everywhere and in be imagined today.
everything. The difference in the carbon in New emerging markets for nano-based
coal and in diamonds is the way the atoms of products include nanomemory products used
carbon are arranged. Arrange the atoms prop- in mobile communications and computers
erly and a worthless pile of carbon becomes a wherein it is expected the market will grow to
precious diamond. If we were able to arrange $8.6 billion by 2007 and $65.7 billion by
the atoms in air, dirt, and water into a desired 201 1; nanosensors for medical, homeland
configuration, it would be possible to make, security, and aerospace applications wherein
for example, carrots, beets, potatoes, and so the market is expected to be $446 million in
on. At present, the transformations are made 2007 and should grow to $5.6 billion in 201 1;
by nature, using a gene system to combine the nanoengineered display technology for roll-up
ingredients in the proper way. Properly align displays using plastic electronics, other plat-
the atoms of a material that is to be used as forms, and carbon nanotubes for large-size,
a filler or reinforcing material, and one can high-definition television sets should grow to
envision super strong composite materials $1.6 billion in 2007 to about $7.5 billion by
resulting. If one were to rearrange the 201 l.37A very recent article38 indicated the
atoms of sand and in so doing add a few global market for nanophotonic devices is to
trace elements, the end result could be a reach $9.33 billion by 2009; photonics is the
computer The goals of nanotech- technology of generating and controlling light
nology are to: and using it to conduct information. All in all,
one finds nanotechnology being mentioned,
0 Arrange every or almost every atom in a discussed, and applied in application after
desired structure in its proper place, application, technical, scientific meetings are
0 Make effectively any structure that can be being organized and held, and nanotechnology
atomically specified and that does not along with its architecture certainly will grow
violate laws of chemistry and physics, and in importance in a wide variety of uses.39

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