Motorola AP5131 Quick Setup Rev1

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Motorola AP-5131 Access Point

Quick Setup Guide

Ishida / Rice Lake

Wireless Communications

P/N 109422
Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

1. These instructions were written for the AP-5131 using firmware version
The configuration steps and screens may vary with different firmware.
2. Confirm the following programs are available on the computer used to configure the
Internet Explorer 6.0, or higher, set as the computers default browser.
Sun Microsystems Java 2 (JRE) version 1.5 or higher (available from Suns
o Disable Microsofts Java Virtual Machine if installed.
o To test the computers Java 2 environment, visit

3. Assemble the AP-5131 and cable connections

Remove device from box and attach antenna.
Attached the power cord to the power injector.
Connect the power injector to an AC outlet.
Connect the Ethernet cables as listed. Cross or straight cables may be used.
o AP-5131 WAN port and the computer.
o AP-5131 LAN port and the Power Injector Data and Power Out connector.
Both lights on the Power Injector should be green and steady: Port and AC.

1. Change the computers IP Address to
Windows XP Windows Vista
a. Click on Start a. Click on Windows Start icon
b. Select Control Panel b. Select Control Panel.
c. Select Network Connections. c. Select Network and Internet.
d. Right Click Local Area Connections d. Select Network and Sharing Center.
e. Select Properties. e. Select Manage network connections
f. Select Internet Protocol, (TCP/IP) (left column).
g. Select Properties f. Right click on Local Area Connection
h. Select Use the following IP g. Select Properties.
address. h. Select Internet Protocol Version 4
i. IP Address = (TCP/IPv4)
j. Subnet mask = i. Select Properties.
k. Click Ok and Ok. j. Select Use the following IP
l. Close the Local Area Connection address.
Status. k. IP Address =
l. Subnet mask =
m. Click Ok and Ok.
n. Close Network connections.
o. Close Network and Sharing Center.

Rev 1, February 2009 (1) Motorola_AP5131_Quick_Setup

Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

2. Open Internet Explorer and enter

3. Press ENTER.
4. The AP-5131 log in screen is displayed. See figure 1.

Figure 1. AP-5131 Login Screen

If the Help Viewing Java message is the only information displayed it indicates
the Java software required by the Motorola AP-5131 configuration software is
not installed on the computer.
Click the link and follow the instructions to download Sun Java 1.5.0 or

5. Enter the default values (use lower case for both):

Username: admin
Password: symbol (Note: motorola may be required for newer firmware)
6. Click Login.
7. If the default login is successful the Change Admin Password window is displayed.
See figure 2.

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Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

Figure 2. Default Login Change Admin Password

8. Change the password to ishida, all lower case. Re-type to verify.

9. Select Apply.
10. When the WEB UI Disconnection Warning appears, select OK. See figures 3, 4.

Figure 3. Disconnection Warning Message

Figure 4. Disconnected from AP-5131

11. If disconnect occurs, at the AP login screen enter the user name and password.
See figure1.
Username: admin
Password: ishida (Note: if not ishida, enter the appropriate password)
12. Click Login.
13. Configuration cannot proceed until a country has been selected. At the warning
message, click OK. See figure 5.

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Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

Figure 5. Warning: Select and Country of Operation

14. Select United States using drop down menu. See figure 6.
15. Under WLAN#1 settings, enter the ESSID name (Wireless Network Name). The
stores name is normally used entered in lower case with no spaces.
Example: foodstore
16. Enter the Name. Normally, this indicates the Access Points location in the store.
Example: Deli Dept

Figure 6. Select Country, Enter WLAN #1 settings: ESSID and Name

17. Click on the LAN #1 tab. See figure 7.

18. Set This interface as use static IP address from the drop down menu.
19. Enter the IP Address and Subnet Mask as provided by the store.
Example: IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

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Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

20. Enter the Default Gateway address. This is the IP Address of the stores router. It
must be in the same range as the Access Point and scales.
21. Set the Primary DNS Server as zeros.

Figure 7. Enter LAN #1 settings

22. Click Apply.

23. When the WEB UI Disconnection Warning appears, select OK. See figure 8.

Figure 8. Disconnection Warning Message

24. Internet Explorer has logged out of the AP-5131 configuration application.
25. Close Internet Explorer.

Rev 1, February 2009 (5) Motorola_AP5131_Quick_Setup

Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

26. Move the Ethernet cable from the WAN port on the AP-5131 to Data In on the
Power Injector. The Ethernet cables should be connected as listed below.
Power Injector Data In to the computer.
Power Injector Data and Power Out to the AP-5131 LAN port.
27. Change the computers IP address and subnet to the range of the Access Point.
Example: IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
28. Basic setup is complete.
29. The scale(s) may now be configured to communicate on the wireless network.
The IP addresses of the scale(s) and the computer must be in the same range
as the access point.

Add encryption to all scales prior to encrypting the Access Point.
Once the AP is encrypted it cannot connect to any unencrypted scale(s).

1. Open Internet Explorer and enter the IP Address that was assigned to the Access
Point during basic configuration:
2. Press Enter.
3. At the AP log in screen enter the user name and password. See figure 1.
Username: admin
Password: ishida (Note: if not ishida, enter the appropriate password)
4. Click Login.
5. Select Quick Setup from the left side menu bar. See figure 9.
6. Locate Security Policy on the bottom right of the screen, select Create.

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Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

Figure 9. AP-5131 Quick Setup Screen

7. On the New Security Policy screen enter the new Name. For the new name use
scales. (lower case).
8. On the left side of the screen choose the encryption method to be used.
The AC-4000, BC4000, and OMNi-4000 support both WEP and WPA.
The SR-2000a, IL-2000sa, and IL-EMZ support only WEP.

Use extreme care when entering the encryption key. An incorrect key will
prevent communication with the wireless scale(s) in the network.

9. Choose the encryption type and enter the key as designated by the encryption
selection. (See Appendix 1 for information on WPA encryption).
10. Leave Pass Key blank
WEP 64 (40 bit key) See figure 10.
For Key #1 enter 10 hexadecimal characters
Example: 12345abcde

Rev 1, February 2009 (7) Motorola_AP5131_Quick_Setup

Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

Figure 10. New Security Policy Screen WEP 64 Encryption

WEP 128 (104 bit key) See figure 11.

For Key #1 enter 26 hexadecimal characters
Example: 1234567890abc1234567890abc

Figure 11. New Security Policy Screen WEP 128 Encryption

Rev 1, February 2009 (8) Motorola_AP5131_Quick_Setup

Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

11. Click on Apply after selecting the encryption type and entering the key.
12. When the WEB UI Disconnection Warning appears, select OK. See figure 8.
13. Set the Security Policy to scales using the drop down menu on the Quick Setup
window. See figure 12.

Figure 12. Set Security Policy to scales

14. Click on Apply

15. When the WEB UI Disconnection Warning appears, select OK. See figure 8.
16. Close Internet Explorer.
17. Setup with Encryption is complete.

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Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

Power Injector
o The power injector can cabled be up to 300 ft from the AP device for final
o Do Not block or cover airflow to the Power Injector
o Keep the Power Injector away from excessive heat, humidity, vibration and
o The power injector is not a repeater, and does not amplify the Ethernet
signal. Ensure the Power Injector is placed as close as possible to the
network data port.
Scale Configuration
o Refer to the following documents for wireless configuration information.
These items can be found on the Rice Lake Weighing Systems Retail
Solutions distributor site at or the Rice Lake Retail
System Support Tool CD (p/n 77369).
o AC-4000: Symbol CB3000 Client Bridge Quick Setup (p/n 93207)
o BC-4000: BC-4000 CB3000 Quick Setup (p/n 101875)
o SR-2000a: SR-2000a Quick Setup Instructions
Channel Selection
o The AP-5131 default setting is Automatic Selection. This enables the AP-
5131 to auto-select the channel of operation. For example, if three AP-5131
Access Points are operating, each AP-5131 would be set to a non-
overlapping channel (1, 6 and 11).
o If non-Motorola (Symbol) Access Points are also in use the channel can be
manually set to avoid interference. Channel selection is made under Network
Configuration, Radio Configuration, Radio 1. See figure 13.

Figure 13. AP-5131 Manual Channel Selection

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Motorola AP-5131 Access Point Quick Setup Guide

The following screens show the settings and encryption key requirements for WPA.

Figure 14. New Security Policy Screen WPA/TKIP

Figure 15. New Security Policy Screen WPA2/CCMP

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