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In conclusion,.this lab investigated how to determine the concentration of

given samples.In order to study the lab,prepare four sample solutions in 100 ml
volumetric flasks by diluting the stock solution using sample concentration of
14,7,3.5,1.75 g/l.This lab also investigated how to determine the absorbance of
solutions at different concentrations. While observing the experiment,the results
shows that concentratons of the solutions are decreasing gradually which are the
c1 is 28g/l,c2 is 14 g/l,c3 is 7 g/l,c4 is 3.5 g/l and c5 is 1.75 g/l.For the absorbance
of the concentrations of solution are decreasing gradually to which are c1 is
1.404,c2 is 0.718,c3 is 0.168,c4 is 0.170,and c5 is 0.092.The hypothesis shows
that the lower the concentrations od solution,the lower the absorbance of the
given samples.The hypothesis obtained is correct.

In order to further investigate the experiment,next time the results of the
absorbance of solutions should be accurate because the glass cuvettes should be
cleaned well in order for the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer to detect the absorbance
accurately.The error may be accounted from human errors due to preparations of
the solutions.Other recommendations that can be done is the concentrations need
to be identify well to recognize which one are the solutions that have been
determined the absorbance to avoid wrong result.In order to to that,we need to put
the label of the concentrations on the flasks.

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