Pec Pragmática de La Lengua Inglesa

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Wanderer 2016-2017

1 .- The conversational-contract view of politeness is the perspective adopted by...

a) Brown & Levinson

b) Fraser & Nolen

c) Arndt & Janney

2 .- The most influential and prominent approach to the study of politeness has been...

a) Spencer Oatey's (2000)

b) Brown & Levinson's (1987)

c) Arndt & Janey's (1979, 1983)

3 .- Lakoff's (1973) three Rules of Politeness are...

a) Be honest, b) Tell the truth, c) Give options

b) Don't interrupt, b) Don't curse, c) Be nice

c) Don't impose, b) Give options, c) Make A feel good

4 .- Within Leech's (2014) General Strategy of Politeness, B's reply in the following ex-
change constitutes an example of the Maxim of...

A: I'm sorry I missed your talk this morning.

B: No problem at all!

a) Obligation pag 140

b) Generosity

c) Sympathy

5 .- According to Brown & Levinson, their strategies of politeness

a) do not apply to all cultures

b) are universal

c) are not related to linguistic behavior

6 .- What is the strategy of politeness being used by Cheryl according to Brown and Levin-
sons taxonomy?

Susan: Come on in! Let's join the rest of the guests in the garden.

Cheryl: Yes, sure. This house of yours is indeed beautiful!

a) off record

b) bald on record

c) on record with positive politeness page 149

7 .- What is the strategy of politeness being used by Alan according to Brown and Levinsons

Wanderer 2016-2017

Shirley: I'm not going out today. I feel like staying at home and reading.

Alan: Would you mind lending me your car, then? My car is broken and I need to do
some errands.

a) on record with negative politeness page 150

b) off record

c) bald on record

8 .-Which of the following combinations of the sociological variables Power, Distance and
Ranking of imposition of the particular culture (P,D, & R) would be the most probable in the
following exchange?

A middle-aged woman to a stranger in the street: Excuse me, Sir. I'm very sorry to
bother you with this, but I've been robbed and now I do not have any money or
credit cards to return to my home by train. I feel terribly embarrased to ask you for
this, but I'm in a desperate situation. I'll give you my phone number and address
and I promise I will give you the money back once I can get back to normal and ac-
cess my bank account.

a) D low, P low, R moderate

b) D high, P moderate, R high page 153 (example 22)

c) D moderate, P high, R high

9 .- Following Culpeper's (1996) taxonomy of impolite acts, say what type of impoliteness is
found in B's utterance:

A: Why won't you listen to me?

B: Because you're stupid. Shut your fricking mouth up!

a) Sarcasm or mock politeness

b) Bald on record impoliteness page 158

c) Negative impoliteness

10 .- Following Kaul de Marlangeon's taxonomy of impolite acts, say what type of impolite-
ness is found in John''s comment:

John and Mary are married and they are having an argument:

Mary: How can you say that to me???

John: Well, I'm sorry Your Majesty! Will her Royal Highness ever accept a criticism?

a) Formally polite act with an impolite purpose page 165

b) Self-impoliteness

c) Involuntary impoliteness

11 .- Within the relational perspective on (im)polite behavior, the unmarked behavior is what
Watts (2003) calls...

a) Appropriate behavior

b) Political behaviour

c) politic behavior Page 168

Wanderer 2016-2017

12 .-Sperber & Wilson's (1989) Theory of Relevance shows agreement with Grice's claim that
an essential freature of most communicative behavior is...

a) acceptability

b) intentionality page 182

c) evidentiality

13 .- According to Relevance Theory, in order to understand ostensive messages or stimuli,


a) ask all kinds of relevant questions.

b) engage in acts of inferential communication page 184

c) have to share the same cultural background.

14 .- According to Sperber and Wilson, the greater the difficulty for the hearer in working out
what someone means...

a) the more relevant the speaker's utterance will be

b) the longer time the hearer will remember it

c) the less relevant the speaker's utterance will be 186

15 .- Explicatures are...

a) explicitly encoded in utterances Page 190.

b) implicitly communicated.

c) part of the non-propositional meaning of utterances.

16 .-Which is the main aspect and process of explicature by means of which we understand
that when the inspector on a train says "Tickets, please!", what s/he means is "Could you
show me your tickets, please?"?

a) Higher order explicature

b) Enrichment Page 192

c) Reference assignment

17 .- From a relevance theoretical point of view, what kind of implicature would be the fol-

Julian: Have you gone to the Plaza de las Ventas in Madrid?

Johnathan: I hate bull-fights!

Implicature: Plaza de las Ventas is a bull-fight ring

a) an implicated premise page 195

b) an syllogism

c) an implicated conclusion

Wanderer 2016-2017

18 .-The interpretation by Sally's boyfriend of Sally's utterance I have a work lunch tomor-
row at 12 pm as a rejection of his own previous invitation for lunch is...

a) a higher-level explicature

b) an implicature page 194, pero no estoy 100% segura

c) an explicature

19 .- Procedural meaning...

a) is the same as truth-conditional meaning

b) does not encode concepts Page 196

c) is similar to conceptual meaning

20 .-The most salient explicature for the noun phrase baby powder in "I will buy some
baby powder later when I go to the shopping mall" is that it refers to a kind of powder...

a) made from babies

b) for babies' skin page 202-203 (baby oil)

c) made by babies

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