Zero-Based Budgeting

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Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

The popular budget initiative can improve cost perfor-

mance, but truly effective zero-based budgeting also
energizes employees and spurs growth.

By Jason Heinrich, Eric Garton and Brad Martin

Jason Heinrich is a partner in Bain & Companys Chicago ofce and a leader
in the rms Performance Improvement practice. Eric Garton is a Bain part-
ner based in Chicago and leads Bains Global Organization practice. Brad Mar-
tin is a partner in Bains Chicago office and a leader in the firms Private
Equity practice.

Copyright 2016 Bain & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

More companies are turning to zero-based budgeting satisfied with the results as their counterparts who pur-
but enjoying it less. sued limited initiatives. In our experience, the most
successful outcomes use zero-based budgeting in concert
A recent global Bain & Company survey found that a with an approach to organizational and business process
growing number of companies facing pressure to cut simplification that we call zero-based redesign. In con-
costs are deploying this proven cost and capability- trast, companies that deploy zero-based budgeting solely
changing tool. In the Asia-Pacific region, for example, for the lure of cost cutting run a double risk: They can
fully 80% of executives interviewed for a 2015 report said cut into growth muscle and hurt the customer experience.
they expected to implement zero-based budgeting pro-
gramsa huge jump from 13% a year earlier. Globally, When fully implemented, zero-based budgeting can
four times as many companies were anticipating such reawaken a companys ownership mindset, eliminating
initiatives (see Figure 1). But if history repeats itself, the clutter that makes it hard for employees to do their
their rates of satisfaction will be low. Less than half of jobs and simplifying the organization and practices that
all large companies (with more than $2 billion in sales) frustrate results-oriented high performers. A simple
reported success from their efforts. For medium-sized example: Before 3G Capital used a zero-based system
companies, rates were better, with 76% indicating that to clarify roles and objectives, eliminate layers and stan-
they were satisfied or very satisfied with the results. dardize processes at Kraft-Heinz, one manager reported
that he struggled to keep pace with a flood of up to
However, the numbers get interesting when you look at 300 emails and numerous unproductive meetings in a
what led to positive outcomes. Companies that used zero- typical day. Now his inbox collects fewer than 40 daily
based budgeting as part of a comprehensive effort were emails, and meetings are highly focused and efficient.
nearly twice as likely to say they were satisfied or very

Figure 1: Interest in zero-based budgeting has increased dramatically worldwide

Usage rate



40 40
40 38

10 10 10 9

Global 2012 Global North America Europe Asia-Pacific Latin America

Sample size (n) 1,067 406 256 213 192

2014 Use Expected Use

Source: Management Tools & Trends 2015, Bain & Company

Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

A thoughtfully devised, simpler environment should surpassing the average by five percentage points. Yet
energize people, enabling them to improve performance despite these gains, zero-based budgeting did not inspire
and earn financial rewards for their results. Higher employees. We looked at the change in the percentage
employee engagement positions a company to increase of employees who recommended the company before
both revenues and margins faster than competitors over and after the implementation, based on data from
the long term. But our research has found that zero-based Glassdoor. Unfortunately, the percentage of employees
budgeting almost never improves employee engagement. recommending the company to a friend dropped in
And at some companies, even with a smaller organi- nine of the eleven cases, by an average of eight per-
zation, the culture is so ingrained that they need a signif- centage points. Based on hundreds of observations on
icant, separate initiative to energize employees. employee engagement, weve seen such declines occur
as discretionary energy wanes, top talent exits and
We analyzed the experiences of 11 large public com- morale flags.
panies to better understand performance across a trifecta
of success metrics: EBIT margin growth, revenue growth A fundamental shift in thinking
and employee engagement (see Figure 2). Eight of
those companies outpaced their industry in EBIT margin How come its so hard to motivate employeesand
growth in the six to twelve months after they adopted achieve full potentialfollowing an implementation?
zero-based budgetingthe best of them by nearly four Based on our experience, a major reason involves a
percentage points. Seven of the companies beat their failure to anticipate and manage the risks. Again,
industry in revenue growth, with the top performer companies often view zero-based budgeting as a nuts-

Figure 2: Zero-based budgeting helped companies increase revenue and EBIT margins, but hurt
employee engagement

Performance after zero-based budgeting vs. industry average (percentage points)

15 Outperforming on revenue growth; Outperforming on both revenue

underperforming on margin expansion and margin expansion

Industry average 0
revenue growth

Underperforming on both revenue Underperforming on revenue;
and margin expansion outperforming on margin expansion
4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4

Industry average EBIT margin growth

Employee promoters increased Employee promoters decreased

Note: Circles represent 11 large, public companies in the 6 to 12 months after adopting zero-based budgeting
Sources: Glassdoor; S&P Capital IQ; lit search

Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

and-bolts cost-reduction exercise. But in reality, its a about strategic priorities, funding those priorities anew
new capability and a catalyst to help restore an owner- every year to make sure that strategy and insightas
ship culture. Getting the full value requires changing opposed to legacy and inertiaare the motivation behind
a companys mindset around two fundamental ideas. fixed-cost investments.

First, instead of treating overheads as expenses, the best Moreover, it gives companies a repeatable process to set
companies regard the program as an opportunity to aggressive, yet achievable, targets, with clear spending
reframe them as a multiyear investment in building policies and a continuous way to scrutinize every dollar
assetsthe capabilities and human capitalthat can of spending. With strong leadership and involvement
deliver a sustained competitive advantage. These com- from the CEO, CFO and CHRO, and an eye toward risk
panies manage operating expenses (opex) with the same mitigation, zero-based budgeting serves as a catalyst for
discipline they use to manage capital expenses (capex), a cost-conscious cultural transformation. Companies
and actively distort opex investments to build capabilities with strong cost cultures in relatively stable industries
that underlie sustainable sources of competitive advan- seeking cuts of 10%20% can often rely on the savings
tage. This represents a major change in how most compa- from traditional cost-optimization programs. However, a
nies view operating expenses, and its critical for realizing broader, zero-based budgeting effort is especially impor-
the full power and potential of zero-based budgeting. tant when the cost ambition is bolder (20%40% reduc-
tion), such as for companies in consolidating industries, in
lower-growth environments or in industries facing inflec-
tions in the cost experience curve from digital disruption.
Theres a lot of strategic power in zero- But zero-based budgeting is not just for challenged busi-
nesses; it can be an essential capability for high-growth
based budgeting. It ensures that every or innovation-oriented firms looking to maximize and
dollar is a working dollar in service of efficiently deploy their scarce resources.

your strategy. The risk is that there are so many ways to do it wrong.
Our work with clients has helped us identify the five
biggest ways companies fall short on achieving and
Second, companies need to emphasize the central sustaining the trifecta and how to overcome them
human element of building the organizational muscle (see Figure 3).
for continuous cost improvement. By primarily focusing
on the technicalitiescost packages, financial account 1. They fail to align leadership for cost trans-
cleanup, policies and routines, which are essential, but formation and culture change
not at all sufficientthe odds of success drop dramat-
ically. Lasting results require a highly collaborative To be successful, companies have to recognize zero-based
process designed to change long-term behavior and budgeting capability for what it is: an attempt to signifi-
build a new organizational capabilitya new culture of cantly change culture and behavior. As with any major
ownersand that takes time. change, the leadership team must be aligned on the bold
mission, the case for change and the destination: a high-
Theres a lot of strategic power in zero-based budgeting. performance culture with an ownership mindset. Thats
It ensures that every dollar is a working dollar in service virtually impossible to do unless its a top priority for the
of your strategy. It provides granular visibility into how CEO and leadership team, and unless they are willing to
you spend your fixed overhead dollars and a high- maintain the commitment over the long term, serving as
resolution dashboard that strengthens your operational role models and coaches, and sending clear and consis-
control of those dollars. It forces you to think deeply tent messages throughout the organization.

Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

Figure 3: Five tips for winning the zero-based budgeting trifecta

1 Align leadership for cost transformation and culture change

Leaders must agree on the bold mission, the case for change and the destination

2 Link zero-based budgeting to the insurgent mission and specify the investment posture for strategic and customer priorities
Determine how operating expenses should be weighted to areas of the business that provide the best long-term returns and are most
consistent with the insurgent mission

3 Tune the dials to work most effectively within the organization

Tailor the transformation to the companys unique culture, building upon its strengths and addressing its limitations

4 Use a holistic approach to eliminate business, organizational and process complexity

Challenge which activities are performed and how theyre performed

5 Inspire employee engagement throughout the organization

Make a clear case for the change while energizing employees with greater empowerment

Source: Bain & Company

Some companies start the process of creating this align- The ultimate purpose of zero-based budgeting must be to
ment by holding what we call intent workshops, with well- fuel that insurgent mission. This requires the company
trained coaches leading conversations aimed at setting the to understand the insurgent mission and the resulting
ambition for zero-based budgeting and customizing the strategy, spelling out how it differentiates the company in
approach. Others have found it invaluable to rely on a the market. Next, the company needs to assess its cur-
CHRO to lead the process of building alignment (see the rent and past return on operating expenses to inform
Bain Brief The Chief Energy Creator). savings and investment opportunities. The objective is
to determine how to weight opex toward those areas of
2. They fail to link to the insurgent mission the business that provide the best long-term returns and
and align the program with strategic priorities are most consistent with the insurgent mission.

As a practical first step after aligning leadership, compa- From a portfolio perspective, for example, youll identify
nies need to clarifypossibly rediscovertheir insurgent where investments should be pulled back and cost
mission. Our colleagues Chris Zook and James Allen savings realized; where you can more selectively trim
introduced the concept of the insurgent mission in cost to improve the return on opex; and where you can
The Founders Mentality: How to Overcome the Predictable boost growth through greater investment in the strategic
Crises of Growth. At its highest level, the insurgent mis- capabilities needed to achieve differential results.
sion answers the fundamental question: Why do we
exist? It also articulates the strategy that everybody in This investment posture sets the stage for reshaping the
the company should be able to describe. profit-and-loss statement, cost structure, operating model
and capabilities that will enable the chosen strategy. It posi-
tions a company to make better decisions about deploying

Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

scarce resources to reinvigorate the insurgent mission a distributed basis; how to link the incentive systems to
and maximize shareholder value. This posture helps achieve the best results; and at what level of granu-
leaders agree on such basic decisions as which capabilities larity to budget. Companies dont need to take a full-
need to be best in classbuilt to enable and sustain throttle approach to every one of these issues; they can
competitive advantageversus best in cost, and how install the capabilities and accelerate over time.
to reinvest potential savings in employees to improve
engagement. These decisions determine the design of
the zero-based budgeting transformation program.
In the same way that zero-based budget-
3. They fail to tune the dials to work most
ing forces companies to scrutinize
effectively within the organization
every dollar of spending, a zero-
Each organization is unique, and to maximize results,
based redesign enables companies to
a zero-based budgeting transformation must be attuned
to a companys culture, building upon its strengths and revamp their operating models.
addressing its strategy and culture. After the initial steps
of setting the ambition and then determining where to
differentially invest, through the articulation of an invest-
ment posture, a company can turn its attention to the 4. They fail to use a holistic approach to
bespoke zero-based budgeting design. eliminate business, organizational and
process complexity
When designing the zero-based budgeting capability,
the first critical questions to answer concern the scope Zero-based budgeting is highly effective for illuminating
of the program. Will it cover the full P&Lincluding opportunities and for scrutinizing every dollar of spending
selling, general and administrative expenses and cost to identify savings and keep costs out. But when organi-
of goods soldor just indirect costs? Will it cover the zational and process complexity impede efficiency, zero-
entire enterprise or just certain parts? Answers to these based budgeting doesnt tell you how to take out the cost.
questions depend on the overall cost ambition, organi- To do that, companies need a holistic approach that tackles
zational readiness from a leadership and systems per- complexity just as it tackles overconsumption. At its core,
spective, and the degree of change youre trying to reducing complexity means eliminating activities that
achieve. One company may opt to include all of its dont generate value, thus improving efficiency, rooting
costs in all regions, while another may use just a single out duplication and making sure work is performed in
region. Yet another company may opt to address only the most appropriate location. When the best companies
indirect spending, omitting direct or variable spending need structural change to their operating model or break-
(see Figure 4). through ideas to simplify their organization, they apply
a zero-based mindset to the problem.
The principles from the first two stepssetting the
ambition and determining where to differentially invest In the same way that zero-based budgeting forces com-
also cascade to the cost-package and budget-center levels panies to scrutinize every dollar of spending, a zero-
so that the right tradeoffs can be made during the bud- based redesign enables companies to radically revamp
geting and negotiation process. These principles should their operating models by analyzing which activities
inform the cost target at each cell in the matrix of pack- should be performed at what levels and at what frequency.
ages and budget centers. This should then pave the way It also helps them examine how they could perform
for determining how restrictive to make the policies; these activities betterpotentially through streamlining,
how to flow decision rights and accountability into the standardization, outsourcing, offshoring or automation.
organization; which packages to manage centrally vs. on

Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

Figure 4: Design elements can be customized to match strategic objectives, cost and culture ambitions

Lite zero-based budgeting Full zero-based budgeting

Indirect materials Scope Full profit-and-loss

and services statement

Scope Pilot Scope Whole company

Incremental Phasing Single stage

Relatively permissive Policies Highly restrictive

High level Driver granularity Detailed

Install Centralized Budget accountability Distributed

Less than 10% Cost reduction More than 30%

Budget owner Spending authority Cost category owner

Partial alignment Incentives Full alignment

Periodic Monitoring Frequent

Source: Bain & Company

In our experience, zero-basing the work and the oper- 5. They fail to inspire employee engagement
ating model are as important as zero-basing the budgets throughout the organization
for taking outand keeping outcost. If you do not
take the work out, resources and costs come backor One of the biggest dangers of the approach that many
critical work will not get done in a sustainable manner. companies take to zero-based budgeting: losing the hearts,
If you do not take the layers out and streamline decision minds and energy of their employees. To avoid this,
accountabilities, complexity and work come back. Again, companies need to make a clear case for change, linked to
we find that the best-in-class companies take a holistic company strategy, and translate it into meaningful be-
approach (see Figure 5). They reengineer the work havior change for employees. This helps employees
to optimize the cost to serve customers. They adapt the answer the question, What does it mean for me? And
operating model to reduce organizational and business leaders need to do it while inspiringnot destroying
complexity, clarify decision making and accountability, employee engagement. Tighter travel policies and lower
and rebalance the portfolio to discontinue dilutive or per diems dont motivate employees. But with greater
non-strategic investments. This holistic line of attack ownership, empowerment and responsibility, employees
delivers a simplified, flatter organization that empowers can become more engaged to make front-line decisions
employees by clarifying the link between individual for the good of the business and customers.
responsibilities and the most critical value drivers in
the business. And with fewer decision makers, ongoing Companies can further improve the employee experience
zero-based budgeting becomes that much easier. and value proposition by channeling some of the savings
back into investment in employees. The best companies

Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

Figure 5: Zero-based budgeting should be part of a holistic, strategy-driven approach to reduce cost
and complexity

Clean up the portfolio Take the budget away

Refocus the business unit, customer Zero-Bas Reset budgets using a zero-based,
ed B
segment and geography portfolio ud clean-sheet mindset to realign cost
t in with strategic priorities and to force
Define micro battles g
bold thinking
Streamline the product offering to Reconfirm Reset the
strategic budgets Draw on internal and external best-
eliminate profitless volume
priorities practice benchmarks to test cost targets
and drive continuous improvement

Cu l t u r e C h

of strategic
Rebalance people and organization value Take the work out
Align the cost base and capital Realign processes, workflows and IT

investments with what youll need systems with digital strategy


to serve customers in the future

Realign the Reengineer Standardize, consolidate and

Design out organizational complexity, operating the work simplify routines, processes and

bureaucracy and inefficiencies model systems, with the customer in mind

Incorporate Agile principles and structures n ce Simplify ways of workingmore
or ma
Pe r f entrepreneurial, more agile,
more speed

track key customer outcomes through a Net Promoter the change requires extending both ownership and
System, a common gauge of customer advocacy, and incentives deep in the organization. That means en-
an employee Net Promoter System, during major change listing up to 10% of the white collar workforce into
initiatives. Its important to have both leading and coin- the budgeting process.
cident indicators on the dashboard to take preventive
and corrective actions. Sponsors anticipate and mitigate risks, and encourage
teams to speak up when they spot barriers to change.
Again, the CHRO can play a key role in building lasting By soliciting feedback and celebrating successes, they
engagement at all levels of the organization, generat- can establish a fair process that empowers people to
ing support from the C-suite, mobilizing momentum contribute bold ideas and communicate progress.
in the middle of the organization and changing old
habits at the front line. In our experience, the most Instead of relying on broadcast communication from
successful companies also inspire employees to embrace the top, change leaders create a companywide dialogue
change with a strong sponsorship spine, which cascades about what is happening. In an enrollment cascade,
program sponsorship to all levels of the organization. every individual in the organization hears about the plan
These companies dont design their zero-based bud- from his or her direct supervisor and is invited to ask
geting in a back room to be unveiled to the organization questions and provide feedback on the spot. The result-
as a fait accompli. Instead, they co-create it with key ing dialogue allows individuals to feel theyve been
change agents (e.g., the package owners) across the heard, and it offers them a greater sense of control. It
organizationearly and often. Zero-based budgeting also sets goals that are more likely to be realistic.
is not a finance-only exercise. Initiating and sustaining

Betting on Zero-Based Budgetings Trifecta

If you implement zero-based budgeting with a full-value Zero-based budgeting is fundamentally a superior system
mindset and avoid these five pitfalls, it can become a for cost management and culture change. In fact, its
strategic growth tool and culture-changing capability. hard to imagine that in some form, its not the right
As such, its not merely another way to compress costs. system for every company. Why? Because its really a
It can lead to a higher percentage of passionate employee tool for maximizing visibility and accountability while
promoters. And while the old adage that you cant cut aligning fixed cost with strategy through resource dis-
your way to growth is surely true, failing to invest every tortionyou make sure every dollar is a working dollar
dollar strategically and purposefully is the surest way in service to your strategy.
to fail to deliver the full trifecta.
When most successful, it creates a new culture of
ownership within the organization. And feeling like
an owner is something that employees can get excited
If you implement zero-based budgeting about. Companies can achieve this only through strong
leadership, a clear insurgent mission to guide the effort,
with a full-value mindset and avoid these tuning the dials to a companys unique needs, a holistic
five pitfalls, it can become a strategic growth approach that addresses organizational complexity, and
an unwavering dedication to keep employees engaged.
tool and culture-changing capability. This is what separates the companies that establish
themselves as cost, energy and growth leaders
trifecta winnersfrom those that reap no more than
temporary savings.
Why now?

Across industries, companies are struggling to meet the

new and mounting challenges of digitalization and
macroeconomic headwinds. Many are also dealing with
a fallout from digitalization itself: prices are dropping
at increasing speeds, and companies need to adapt their
cost structures to better reflect realistic growth expec-
tations and maintain margins. Meanwhile, the pace of
innovation has intensified, and companies need to free
up funds for investments that will enable them to stay
ahead of competitors. And most companies are in a
constant battle with the rising (sometimes hidden) costs
of creeping complexity in their organizations. Finally,
activist investors are relentlessly pressuring companies
to boost shareholder value.

Net Promoter System is a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

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We develop practical, customized insights that clients act on and transfer skills that make change stick. Founded
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to unlock the full potential of their business. Our Results Delivery process builds our clients capabilities, and
our True North values mean we do the right thing for our clients, people and communitiesalways.
Key contacts in Bains Performance Improvement practice

Americas Jason Heinrich in Chicago (

Eric Garton in Chicago (
Brad Martin in Chicago (

Europe, Andrew Carleton in London (

Middle East Vronique Pauwels in Amsterdam (
and Africa

Asia-Pacic Vinit Bhatia in Hong Kong (

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