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Music is a powerful thing. It evokes feelings and has the power to bring people
together. Music is also a way for people to express themselves and share ideas,
whether through poetic lyrics or head-banging anthems. The role that music
plays in our lives is more than significant. I strongly believe that music shapes
cultural movements and unites people within generations more than anything

Nowadays it is often alleged that we listen to music due to boredom or to fill our
time, but there are many studies that state that our tendency to listen to music
most of the time is completely normal and deeply integrated in our behaviour as
a species. Firstly, listening to music triggers almost every part of our brain, but
mostly the right hemisphere, the place where rhythm, holistic awareness,
creative thinking, spatial awareness and daydreaming originates. This idea is far
from new, even thousands of years ago, philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, and
Socrates understood the tremendous influence music has on its listeners (Music
directly imitates the passions or states of the soul...when one listens to music
that imitates a certain passion, he becomes imbued with the same passion; and if
over a long time he habitually listens to music that rouses ignoble passions, his
whole character will be shaped to an ignoble form.- Aristotle).

Secondly, theres music everywhere you go, and theres a reason. From the
buskers songs you hear every time you pass by a station pitch, to the ambient
music in shops and restaurants, from the moment you are woken up by your
favourite ringtone to the moment you unwind to some groovy music after a hard
day, you are surrounded by music, and some people take advantage of that
without your knowledge. One clear example is a BBC study that showed that we
hear an average of 76 minutes of unchosen music a day. Other studies
showed that background music is as important as the sign, the logo and the
decorations in a public space. Using music's tempo, volume, intensity, lyrics
and emotional connections, businesses not only can set a tone and vibe, they
can energize customers or make them relax.

To conclude, the music represents an important pillar in human existence,
through the ability to influence and to induce different human feelings and

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