9to5 Eval

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Economic Development and Justice Donor Circle


NAME OF ORGANIZATION: 9 to 5 California

INDIVIDUALS INTERVIEWED: Cathleen Deppe, organizer in LA; Bay Area Treasurer, 2


NAME OF REVIEWERS: Gretchen Sandler, Susan Swan, Daphne Scott

DATE OF SITE VISIT: June 2, 2008

 Describe the overall strengths and weaknesses of the organization with respect to the
strategy articulated both in the proposal and during the site visit. Please include
capacity building needs that could be addressed through technical assistance/training.

Strengths: Strong national organization that provides technical assistance and overall strategic
guidance for the direction of the organization. They have networked with various organizations
on other issues, including CLUW, Tannif, and Parent Voices, and LIFETIME. They have had
some victories working with other organizations on the Minimum Wage campaign and Family
Leave. They develop leaders in their members and use their members’ stories to make their case.
They get fairly good media coverage. Their members are active participants in the organization.
Challenges: Very small organization. Statewide they have about 300 members. Our grant of
$25,000 would be just under 30% of their budget. Their funding is mostly made up of grants
under $5,000. They have one full-time organizer for the entire state and rely heavily on
volunteers from their membership. Their strategic goals are not clearly articulated or at least
they didn’t explain them in an organized manner. The lead organizer who is the one staff person
working for Bay Area 9-5 commutes from LA to San Jose once a month.
 Evaluate the proposed program – Is it a fit with fund objectives? What’s the likelihood
of successful implementation? What impact would this program have on the identified
target population, and/or the larger field? It fits our objective regarding advocacy of paid
sick leave. But with their small size and lack of paid staff, we don’t see them as a major
player in this battle and think it would be better to fund organizations with greater size and
longer history in the area of women’s rights in California.
 What potential do you see in this organization? Assuming they continue to grow and their
national organization (which is primarily east coast) gives more strategic and funding
assistance, they could become an important voice for job rights for low income women.
Daphne Scott said that their strategy of urging women who contact them with complaints
learn to advocate for themselves is an important goal.
 Recommend X Do Not Recommend

If yes, amount of funding recommended? $

EDJe Final Evaluation Form FY 2008 Page 1 of

Please return this form to fax: (415) 837-1144 or email: annabela@womensfoundca.org

Please use the space below as needed to add additional information about why you ARE
OR ARE NOT recommending funding. If you recommend any special conditions of the
grant, explain them here.
With the fact that we have to cut a fair number of organizations, they did not make their
case with enthusiasm or clear strategic objectives.

Which of our strategies does the organization you interviewed meet?

X Building the political will, engaging public support, or increasing media visibility for the
legislative campaign to ensure paid sick days for workers and their families across
 Strengthening and expanding sectoral workforce development efforts in the Bay Area or
across California.
 Support for the Poverty Campaign Impact Initiative.

X Utilization of a gender lens-and an understanding of the particular needs of the women
and girls they serve.
 Viable, well-developed strategies and a concrete and realistic plan
 Experienced and committed leadership
X Serving/benefiting low-income women and girls and ideally one or more target
X Women of color
 Immigrant/refugee women
 Girls of color, particularly Latina
X Young and/or single mothers
 Staff or volunteer of nonprofit organization

 Track record with demonstrable results
 Priority Issue
 Sizeable constituency
 Realistic budget, fundraising plan, and diverse sources of funding
 Strategic and proactive
X Active community participation on an ongoing basis
X Connected or collaborates well with other groups
X Develops new leaders


A = Group has ALL of the primary characteristics and most of the secondary characteristics

B = Group has THREE of the primary characteristics and most of the secondary

C = Group has TWO OR LESS of the primary characteristics and only some of the secondary

What grade do you give the organization you visited? ____C________

EDJe Final Evaluation Form FY 2008 Page 2 of
Please return this form to fax: (415) 837-1144 or email: annabela@womensfoundca.org

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