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NAME: _________________ CLASS: ______________

DATE: _____________

Listen to the audio and complete the table below.

Name Occupation Description

Pandalela Rinong Pamg She is a ______________________________. She is Malaysias

first _______________________to win an Olympic medal. She
won the ____________ medal for _______________. She trained
very hard and she did not ____________. Malaysians are very
proud of her.

Doctor ___________________________ is a Malaysian doctor. She

spends her life __________________________ of all races. She
started ______________________ in 1999. The organization sets
up relief centers to help ______________________________and
other disasters.

Tunku Abdul Rahman Al- Tunku Abdul Rahman Al-Haj was the first
Haj _______________________ of Malaysia. He worked very hard to
get our ____________________. The work was difficult but
Tunku never gave up. On __________________, Tunku became
our first Prime Minister. Malaysians of all races celebrate this
special day every year. It is our ______________________.

Squash Player _____________________________ a Malaysian female

professional squash player. In 1999, she became the
____________________________ to win a World Junior
Championship. Since then, she has been a
__________________________ and one of the most

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