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t h i rd You Hear You Say

edit ion
Good evening, madam. Hello. I have a reservation.
My names Jennifer Zielinski.
Can you spell that, please? Z-I-E-L-I-N-S-K-I.
For five nights? Yes, thats right.

Can I have your passport, please? Just a secondHere you are.
Thank you. Can you sign here, please?
Thank you.
Heres your key. Its room 306, on the
Elementary Mini phrasebook third floor. The lift is over there. The lift? Oh, the elevator.
Yes. Enjoy your stay, Ms Zielinski. Thank you.


You Hear You Say You Hear You Say
Can I help you? What would you like, Jenny? Can I help you? Yes, what size is this shirt?
An espresso, please. Lets see. Its a small.
Single or double? Double. What size do you need? A medium.
Can I have a latte, please? This is a medium. Thanks. Where can I try it on?
Small or large? Large. The changing rooms are over there. Thank you.
To have here or take away? To take away. How is it? Its fine. How much is it?
Anything else? No, thanks. Its 44.99.
A brownie for me, please... and a croissant.

Content and graphics Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. OK. How much is that?
Thats 12.45, please. Sorry, how much?

2 12.45. Thank you.

And your change. Thanks.
t h i rd You Hear You Say
edit ion You Say You Hear
Excuse me, please. Wheres Sorry, I dont live here. Good evening. Do you have a Yes, a table for two.
the Tate Modern? reservation? My names Daniel OConnor.
Excuse me. Is the Tate Its near here, but I dont know exactly Come this way, please. 
Modern near here? where. Sorry. Are you ready to order? Yes. The soup and the mushroom

Thank you.  ravioli, please.
Excuse me. Can you tell Yes, of course. Go straight on. Go past the Id like the mozzarella salad and then
me the way to the Tate church, then turn left at the traffic lights. the chicken, please.
Modern, please? And its at the end of the street. What would you like to drink? Just water for me.
Elementary Mini phrasebook Sorry, could you say that Yes, go straight on. Go past the church, A bottle of mineral water, please.
again, please? then turn left at the traffic lights. And its Still or sparkling? Is sparkling OK?
at the end of the street. You cant miss it! Yes, sparkling.
Thank you. Thank you, sir. Thank you.


You Say You Hear
Could you call me a taxi, please? Yes, of course. Where to?
To Paddington station. And when would you like it for?
Now, please.

How much is it? Thats 13.60, please.

Make it 15. And could I have a receipt? Thank you very much, madam.

Could I have a ticket to Heathrow Single or return?

Content and graphics Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. Airport, please?
Single, please. Standard or first class?

2 Standard, please. Thats 18.

Can I pay by credit card? Yes, of course.

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