Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

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Written by Anil Passi

Sunday, 29 October 2006
An article on basics of Descriptive flexfields, for beginners that follow

A training article on Descriptive flexfields, also refered as DFF

First some basic Question and answers, and then we will do screenshots detailing how flexfields are configured.

Question: What does DFF mean?

Answer: DFF is a mechanism that lets us create new fields in screens that are delivered by Oracle.

Question: Oh good, but can these new fields be added without modifying/customization of the screen?.
Answer: Yes, certainly. Only some setup is needed, but no programmatic change is needed to setup DFF.

Question: Why the word Descriptive in Name DFF?

Answer: I think Oracle used this terminology because by means of are describing the structure of these new
fields. Or may be Oracle simply used a silly word to distinguish DFF from KFF(discussed in latter training lesson).

Question: Are these DFF's flexible?

Answer: A little flexible, for example, depending upon the value in a field, we can make either Field1 or Field2 to appear in

Question: So we create new fields in existing screen, but why the need of doing so?
Answer: Oracle delivers a standard set of fields for each screen, but different customers have different needs, hence Oracle
lets us create new fields to the screen.

Question: Are these new fields that get created as a result of DFF free text?
I mean, can end user enter any junk into the new fields that are added via DFF?
Answer: If you attach a value set to the field(at time of setup of dff), then field will no longer be free text. The entered value in
the field will be validated, also a list of valid values will be provided in LOV.

Question : Will the values that get entered by the user in dff fields be updated to database?
Answer: Indeed, this happens because for each field that you create using DFF will be mapped to a column in Oracle

Question: Can I create a DFF on any database column?

Answer: Not really. Oracle delivers a predefined list of columns for each table that are meant for DFF usage. Only those
columns can be mapped to DFF segments. These columns are named similar to ATTRIBUTE1, ATTRIBUTE2, ATTRIBUTE3
ETC. Usually Oracle provides upto 15 columns, but this number can vary.

Question: Can I add hundreds of fields to a given screen?

Answer: This depends on the number of attribute columns in the table that screen uses. Also, those columns must be
flagged as DFF enabled in DFF Registration screen. Don't need to worry much about this because all the ATTRIBUTE
columns are by default flagged for their DFF usage.

Question: Hmmm, I can see that DFFs are related to table and columns...
Answer: Yes correct. Each DFF is mapped to one table. And also each segment(or call it field) is mapped to one of the
attribute columns in that table.

Question: I want these fields to appear in screen only when certain conditions are met. Is it possible?
Answer: Yes, we have something known as Context Sensitive Descriptive Flexfields.

In Order to do this, we will follow the below steps(screenshots will follow) :-

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

1. Navigate to the DFF Registration screen in Oracle Apps and query on Table AP_BANK_BRANCES. Now click on
Reference Field
2. Navigate to DFF Segments screen and query on the Title of the Bank Branch and Unfreeze the Flexfield and add
segments as to Section "GLOBAL Data Elements" as shown in screenshots.

Here are the screenshots......The descriptions are embedded within the screenshots.

We are in "Bank Branches screen" below, that is available in Payables responsibility. We need to add a new field as below.

Once having noted down the table, we try to find the Title of the DFF for that Table. We go to Flexfield/Register

Here we pick the Title of the respective DFF

Query on that DFF Title from Descriptive Flexfield Segment Screen

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Add a new segment under "Global Data Elements"

The options for making mandatory or enabling validations for the new field.

Once you finalize the changes, you will be prompted to Freeze the DFF definition. Click on OK

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

Now, we see the fruits of our configuration

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written by Anil Passi , November 15, 2006
hi raj, please refer to 4th screenshot in this article. You must have left the Display checkbox ON. It is checked
by default...I had disabled it when preparing this article

written by Anil Passi , November 15, 2006
hi santosh,

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

If Oracle does not provide DFF,then do the following....

1. Create a custom screen with custom table.
2. Enable Special Menu in std oracle screen
3. Using Custom.pll or forms personalization, let the user navigate to custom screen to capture the values for
additional fields.
Needless to say, the custom table will have a foreign key towards main Oracle Apps table

written by Anil Passi , November 15, 2006
hi raj, please refer to 4th screenshot in this article. You must have left the Display checkbox ON. It is checked
by default...I had disabled it when preparing this article

written by Anil Passi , November 15, 2006
hi santosh,
If Oracle does not provide DFF,then do the following....
1. Create a custom screen with custom table.
2. Enable Special Menu in std oracle screen
3. Using Custom.pll or forms personalization, let the user navigate to custom screen to capture the values for
additional fields.
Needless to say, the custom table will have a foreign key towards main Oracle Apps table

written by Rekha , November 18, 2006
If the Screen is based on a View i.e (OE_ORDER_HEADERS_V), can you explain how to add DFF to the


written by Rekha , November 18, 2006
If the Screen is based on a View i.e (OE_ORDER_HEADERS_V), can you explain how to add DFF to the


written by kartikey , November 21, 2006
hi Anil,
I m learning Oracle apps and i m very thankful for u r amazing study materials.I want to ask a simple question if any of
oracle (which hv already made and implemented )form does not hv any DFF field then how will i create a option
button on them and make it DFF.Second while creating a new form is there any special button for DFF.
I will be very thankful if u answerd my simple question

written by Anil Passi , November 21, 2006
Hi karthik

For the 1st qns, please see my response to Santosh.

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

For second question, you will need to register the DFF and its segments as Oracle does for the screens it delivers.
Next, in the when new form instance trigger, you must call the API to register DFF against the form being executed. I
dont recollect name of that user exit/api. please let me know if you want me to dig that can also read
application developer guide which details the steps


written by kartikey , November 21, 2006
hi Anil,
I m learning Oracle apps and i m very thankful for u r amazing study materials.I want to ask a simple question if any of
oracle (which hv already made and implemented )form does not hv any DFF field then how will i create a option
button on them and make it DFF.Second while creating a new form is there any special button for DFF.
I will be very thankful if u answerd my simple question

written by Anil Passi , November 21, 2006
Hi karthik

For the 1st qns, please see my response to Santosh.

For second question, you will need to register the DFF and its segments as Oracle does for the screens it delivers.
Next, in the when new form instance trigger, you must call the API to register DFF against the form being executed. I
dont recollect name of that user exit/api. please let me know if you want me to dig that can also read
application developer guide which details the steps


written by Anil Passi , November 22, 2006
You need to look at the columns underneath the DFF Title in Segment Definition screen.
If those columns are ATTRIBUTE1...15..30, then thats the one to use.

GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1..15 are for localizations.

written by kartik , November 22, 2006
Hi Anil,
thanks for u r response but still i m not able to understand the step to add a DFF in a new form or on some existing
form of apps.
Please can u describe them a bit more bcoz as i told u i m new in this.
i will be very thankful if u can answer mean while i will try to find out in developer guide but it will be great if u can tell
me bcoz u r way of explaining is superb..

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

written by Anil Passi , November 22, 2006
You need to look at the columns underneath the DFF Title in Segment Definition screen.
If those columns are ATTRIBUTE1...15..30, then thats the one to use.

GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1..15 are for localizations.

written by kartik , November 22, 2006
Hi Anil,
thanks for u r response but still i m not able to understand the step to add a DFF in a new form or on some existing
form of apps.
Please can u describe them a bit more bcoz as i told u i m new in this.
i will be very thankful if u can answer mean while i will try to find out in developer guide but it will be great if u can tell
me bcoz u r way of explaining is superb..

written by Anil Passi , December 05, 2006
Hi Mrunalini,

Thanks for your generous comments. Indeed it is an ocean, and I am publishing my swimming experiences through
this website. The more I swim, the more this ocean expands, leaving much more to be covered.

Anil Passi

written by Mrunalini , December 05, 2006
Hello Anil,
You might have heard this n number of times, but here it goes again.
Your site is amazing !!!!
Oracle apps is an ocean to me and in your site information on this site is packed in precise content. This saves a lot
of time and energy.
Thank you so much .

written by Anil Passi , December 05, 2006
Hi Mrunalini,

Thanks for your generous comments. Indeed it is an ocean, and I am publishing my swimming experiences through
this website. The more I swim, the more this ocean expands, leaving much more to be covered.

Anil Passi

written by Mrunalini , December 05, 2006
Hello Anil,
You might have heard this n number of times, but here it goes again.
Your site is amazing !!!!
Oracle apps is an ocean to me and in your site information on this site is packed in precise content. This saves a lot

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

of time and energy.

Thank you so much .

written by artur bakhtriger , January 18, 2007
Another Great one

Thanks Anil !!!!!!


written by artur bakhtriger , January 18, 2007
Another Great one

Thanks Anil !!!!!!


written by artur bakhtriger , January 18, 2007
Another Great one

Thanks Anil !!!!!!


written by artur bakhtriger , January 18, 2007
Another Great one

Thanks Anil !!!!!!


written by Anil Passi , January 26, 2007
Hi Ram
You can do this by creating a profile option. The context of the DFF will be profile option itself. Hence in DFF
Reference field, you need to enter :$PROFILES$.XXWHICH_SEG_TO_DISPLAY Next, you can define the context
fields for each possible value of the profile option. For that specific user, you will define the context showing selective
fields. Needless to say, you need to assign the profile option to that user, matching their context code. Hope this is
clear, or else I am happy to explain with example.

Anil passi

written by Ramakrishna Kandula , January 26, 2007

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

Hello Sir,

I am just six months old in this field and i just want clarify one doubt.

How can hide some segments of DFFs depending on login user.

to be more specific if OPERATIONS user logs on then some segments shud appear for that user.
where as for other users they shud appear.

I wud appreciate if u can send me the reply asap.

thanx in advance.

written by Ramakrishna , January 27, 2007
Thanks for ur help anil.

Your site is really informative for beginners.

written by Anil Passi , February 05, 2007
Hi Rajitha,

I think this is like a infinite loop, because Oracle is trying to leave the record, each time you navigate out of the DFF
Field[because it is the last field-as you said]

I suggest you try the below:-

1. Find out the Block Property Navigation Style for that block. Is that set to Next Record?
2. If above is Yes, then in CUSTOM.pll, handle the event WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE for that GL Form. In this
event, use set_block_property to change the NAVIGATION_STYLE to SAME RECORD.

Let me know if that works. The idea is that, this will retain the navigation to current block, hence WHEN-VALIDATE-
RECORD will not fire in tabbing out of the DFF field.


written by rajitha , February 06, 2007
Hi Anil,

Thanks for ur help. i let you know if any doubts.



written by Arunima , March 12, 2007
Hi Anil,
Was wondering, Programmatically(CUSTOM.pll), is it possible at all to make some segments of a DFF Displayed but

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not UPDATEABLE/INSERTABLE as we can do for KEY flex fields using( fnd_key_flex.update_definition) ? If not then
could you please suggest any work around. One of the segments in my DFF is calculated and displayed depending
on the Context value. Regards,

written by Anil Passi , April 17, 2007
Hi Sumit

please see my response to Karthik in comments section, the comment was made 11/22/2006 at 21:40


written by Sumit , April 17, 2007
Hi Anil,

First of all, many thanks to you for all this material that you have posted on this site. I have a question, not sure if you
have answered it earlier: How to add a new dff to a standard form. Say I have already defined and registered the
table and the dff. How to specify the location of dff on the form also?

written by Shiril , May 02, 2007
Hi Anil,

I learn a lot from ur blog... in last couple of weeks......please try to make few more slides on oracle i am
fresher so it is very.. tuff to understand through oracle supplied user mannual...
Shiril Dubey

written by Shiril , May 02, 2007
Hi Anil,

I learn a lot from ur blog... in last couple of weeks......please try to make few more slides on oracle i am
fresher so it is very.. tuff to understand through oracle supplied user mannual...
Shiril Dubey

written by Anil Passi , May 29, 2007
Hi Vardhan

Instead of putting too much logic into valuesets, I suggest you use forms personalization to validate this in When
Validate Record.

I am against using form field references in value sets because those DFFs then do not work in Self Service OA
Framework [if they reference D2k fields]

Also, Supplier screen has been re-written in R12 using OAFwk, Hence it is better to not to have any form field
references with the value sets of Suppler screen in 11i

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

Anil Passi

written by Vardhan , May 29, 2007
Thanks Anil. I tried to personalize Segments Summary (Vendors) form, but I was unable to do that. It would
be great help if you could explain this more. Which form I need to personalize and how to do it.


written by Madhavi , June 22, 2007
Hi Anil,

I started using using ur valuable site.

i tried to dod the descriptive flexfields as per your instructions.
but finally there wl not be any change in my form.for Test Bank there will not be any attributes.but i followed all ur


written by Anil Passi , June 22, 2007
Hi Madhavi

Email me the screenshot of DFF and also that of the screen where you expect to see that DFF


written by raivin , July 06, 2007
hi anil,
ur material hs really been excellent and informative for beginners like me..
i ve a specific doubt..
i ve made two purchasing responsibilities..
and i ve made DFFs in requisition forms of one of them..
nw i want those DFFs to default to iprocurement responsibility..
so my doubt is: how do i default the DFFs of one of the purchasing responsibility i ve defined?
coz i m nt gettin d DFFs in iprocurement,which shows that iproc framework is taking the purchasing responsibility
where DFFs ve nt been defined..
plz help me with this ASAP..


written by Anil Passi , July 06, 2007
Hi Raivin

You haven't mentioned how you made the DFF enabled for one responsibility and disabled for the other.

Anyway, coming to iProcurement, you can include the DFF by using OA Framework Personalization. See the

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Framework Personalization note on Metalink, as it contains examples.

Anil Passi

written by Hariom , July 10, 2007
Hi Anil,
Could you please tell that how can we make any DFF segment as 'Read Only'.
I am trying it to do with FND_DESCR_FLEX.UPDATE_DEFINITION(BLOCK=>block_name,
FIELD=>field_name,ENABLED=>{Y|N},READ_ONLY=>{Y|N}) but what value we have to pass in parameter for
'FIELD'. whether it will be descriptive Flexifield name or Attribute name which is referenced by segment of DFF. And
one more thing where we have to use this FND_DESCR_FLEX.UPDATE_DEFINITION in Form's block lever trigger
or in Custom.pll?
Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.
Have a nice time.


written by APassi , July 10, 2007
Hi Hariom

For DFF, I think FND_DESCR_FLEX.UPDATE_DEFINITION works at DFF level only.

Hence the field is the name of the field, which pops the segments when cursor moves into that field.



written by Aniket Mahajan , August 31, 2007
Hi Anil

Indeed a great site.


written by Lakshman Kalisetti , October 10, 2007
Hi Anil,

I need your expert guidence in implementing address validation in Oracle R12 HRMS form "PERACADR.fmb"
In this form person address is captured using the standard DFF "Personal Address Information".

This DFF is context sensitive. Address Type is the reference field.

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

In case of address types US and CAN, I need to have our customized validation on the segments like City, State,
Country, Zip Code.

All the segments are attached with oracle supplied value sets.

In our case, while populating the list of values for all the above four segments, we need to consider the remaining
three segments.
Based on those three segments we need to do some validations and populate the list with valid data only.

I tried below steps to implement this...

1. Create new value sets based on our custom tables and assign them to all four segments.

2. Write Key-Listval trigger on all the four segments with following code...
a) call our custom procedures to populate the custom tables with valid values
b) populate the LOV using list_values

But after implementing the above changes, we identified that none of our triggers on DFF segments are getting

We tried some other possiblities also, but could not make it.

Could you please provide us your expert guidence on this.

Your earliest reply would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Lakshman K

DFF Validations in Standard Form

written by Anil Passi , October 11, 2007
Hi Lakshman

It is not clear if you attempted to modify the standard form?

You must not do that.

Coming back to your requirement, you can use Forms Personalization or CUSTOM.pll to include additional
validations. Perhaps WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD fires, where you perform cross field validation.
Pseudo Example could be
if attribute_context='CA' then
if attribute4 between 1000 and 9999 and attribute5 like 'XXX%' then
raise form_trigger_failure
end if
end if

Anil Passi

DFF in views

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

written by Ramesha , October 16, 2007

Hi Anil,

I am a functional guy and not much aware of the tables etc at this point in time. However, i tried to follow the steps
above to find / register a DFF for service contracts. Detailed steps are as below:

1. Navigation: Service Contracts Manager, Vision Communications -> Launch Contracts.

2. I went into the Header and found that there is a provision for a DFF. Went to Help->Record History and found that
the table name is OKS_AUTH_HEADERS_V.

3. When I go back to DFF registry form, I dont get this table name at all.


a. Is the DFF registry, restricted to only base tables. If so, then how come the DFF provisioning is available.

b. In this case, how do I make the DFF active at the header level of the contracts.

Kindly help me by clarifying the same.


RE: DFF in views

written by Ramesha , October 17, 2007
Hi Anil,

I found the solution for the above question that I myself raised. The issue here is that Oracle Service Contracts rely
on Oracle Core Contracts. In other words, Oracle Core Contracts (OKC) is the foundation for Oracle Service
Contracts (OKS).

This means that Service Contracts uses the basic features of Core Contracts for various aspects like Headers, Lines
and sublines.

In my above question, I am trying to register a DFF for contracts header. So this should have been pointing to OKC
Headers but I was trying to search for OKS tables.

To correct the same, I have used the OKC_K_HEADERS_B table and now I am able to register and use the DFF.

Anyways thanks a lot as this site provides me with thought provoking stuff and I will keep visiting.


Very good
written by jith , October 20, 2007
I am proud of you!
You are teaching apps for world for free while ppl around the world get 50000 rs to teach anything..
You are very good and kind hearted! You are doing a service for apps community, may god bless you man!


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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

written by sanjay desai , October 20, 2007
Hi Anil

First very very thanks for useful information to novice.

I am a new person in apps so i request you to solve my simple queries .

(1) what is difference between ATTRIBUTE column & GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE column in a table?
(2) If i want to define more DFF than ATTRIBUTE column in a table then what we should do ?

Thanks in advance

written by Anil Passi , October 20, 2007
Hi Sanjay

1. Global_AttributesNN are used by Oracle for localizations. Hence you must not use this at customer site for defining
new Flexfields.
2. You have two options
a. Create a flexfield within Flexfield Segment. I think there is a note on metalink.
b. Create a custom screen that is based on custom table. In the custom table you will have a column that references
the primary key of the main table upon which standard screen is based. This custom screen can then be integrated
using forms personalization or CUSTOM.pll

Anil Passi

Global Attribute16 - 30
written by Venu Gopal Bhagavatula , November 19, 2007
Dear Anil,

I understand that Gloabal_Attribute1 to 15 are used for Localizations. Is there any predefined purpose for
Global_Attribute16 to 30 or can they be used as any normal Attribute column.


create profile option

written by Ramstein , November 19, 2007
Hi Anil,
Can you guide me as to how to create a profile option with a small example. the sql validation text is very confusing
and not understandable for the standard profile options

written by S.kumar , November 22, 2007
Hi Anil,

I created a Line Level DFF in Order management.I want to make the DFF Read Only.
I saw the reply given by you above.But I have a doubt in case of Field(second parameter)

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

/* Arguments that specify the flexfield location */
/* Other optional parameters */

Thanks for the help


written by Anil Passi , November 22, 2007
Hi S Kumar

You need to pass the name of the field that is visible in the form.
Once you navigate into that field, a popup appears.

In most cases, name of this field is DESC_FLEX

However, you can use examine to find the name of the DescriptiveFlex form field.

Anil Passi

Making a DFF segment Read-Only

written by Dhiman , November 27, 2007
Hi Anil,

Is there any way to make a segment of a DFF read-only?

FND_DESCR_FLEX.UPDATE_DEFINITION will not serve the purpose certainly,
as this works as DFF level.And the workaround like restricting the values
in the LOV is not feasible because once user saves, WHO columns will be updated.

Please suggest.

Thanks & Regards,

Dhiman Debnath.

Metro status in personal address information DFF pertaining to India

written by Maheshyogi , November 27, 2007
Hi Anil,

Why the 'Metro Satus' segment is not checked for 'Display' in Personal address Information DFF of style India? What
are the impacts if we check the 'Display' box? Will it effect any customization pertaining to payroll? Pls help me.

Thanks and Regards


How to use reporting attributes in FSG

written by Thulasee Ram , November 30, 2007
Hi Anil,

How we can get a reporting attributes/values defined in descriptive flexfields (say in receivables customer information
(DFF) in FSG? Is it possible? If so could please tell me how this can be done?

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

how to default a value for a DFF

written by Deedee , November 30, 2007
Hello Anil,

i am new to oracle apps and i am trying to create a DFF than would default a particular value(1). After choosing a
number valueset, i choose a default value but When i open the form, the value does not show. i also want the DFF to
be updatable by the user if his requirements change.

i have tried to check online and i keep seeing things like "populateRowWithDFFDefaultValues API in
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAFlexUtils". I dont know what that means and how to go about it.

Please can u kindly help me out. I would appreciate screen shots too.

Can we get DFF info defined at subledgers/customer information level to GL?

written by Thulasee Ram , December 04, 2007
Hi Anil,

Is there a way to get DFF information defined at subledger level/customer information level to GL i.e when we post
the batches GL that has been transferred from GL?

Increasing display size of DFF screen

written by Dhiman , December 27, 2007
Hi Anil,

is there any way to increase the size of DFF display screen so that no need to scroll down to see the newly added

Any pointer to this will be of great help.

Thanks & Regards,


How to make a DFF mandatory for a group of users only

written by Vive , January 09, 2008
Hi Anil,

I have 2 issues while working on DFF

1.How to make a DFF mandatory for a group of users only.
2.In receipts form in PO, I need to get the quantity of an item to be saved onto the DFF(attribute4).


written by Anil Passi , January 09, 2008

You need to create a context sensitive flexfield.

The context of this flexfield will be a profile option.

You can grant this profile option specific set of values, for a given group of users.

Have a look at

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Anil Passi

Variable Parameters for customization

written by Abhishek Parihar , January 12, 2008
Hi Anil,

As a SCM functional consultant-

1. What are the variable parameters(like DFF) for customization/apps extn in oracle apps for me? Screenshots will be
of great help.

2. I will have to prepare/use MD50 docs for apps extension. How can I update my skill on that?

3. I will have to prepare TE-20(functional part) so how can I make myself strong in that? Whether MD-50 & TE-20
docs of other projects will help or is there any other way also?

An early reply would be of great help.

Best regards,


DFF Read only

written by Rinku , January 25, 2008
Hi Sir,

I need to make my form DFF read only when person make query on form and the result which come in form as well
as in DFF can not be updatable.


I need to add the dff in custom form

written by ramarao kothapalli , February 01, 2008
Hi Anil,
Please let me know the procedure to add dff's in custom form.
Give me any suggestions from u r side.

What is the difference between Descriptive Flex Fields(DFF) and Extra information type (EIT) in HRMS
written by Sachin Nanekar , February 14, 2008
I am new to Oracle Apps.

how to attach a lookup to a flexfield

written by kancharla , February 18, 2008
Hi anil, your site is so informative for beginners like me so please help me how to attach a lookup to a flex

All DFFs are used - is there solution oif I need an extra ATTRIBUTE??? (URGENT).
written by Avi , February 20, 2008
Hi Anil,

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Apps - Descriptive Flexfield Basics in Oracle Apps

We have used all 15 ATTRIBUTES for the Order Management - Header Additional Information.
Is there any solution if I need to add another ATTRIBUTE?

Really approeciate.
Thank you!

written by Anil Passi , February 20, 2008
You have two options

1. You can create a FlexField within Flexfield, i.e. reference a Key Flex within one of the segments of DFF
The unique id of KFF will eb stored in attribute column

2. You can create a custom screen on custom table, and zoom to that screen by enabling Tools Menu.
This can be done using forms personalization. the custom table will contain reference to unique key of main screen
[i.e. order header id]


written by Avi , February 20, 2008
Hi Anil,

I had no idea about this site. GOD BLESS YOU!!!

I am very clear about option # 2.

However I am not very sure about option # 1.

Say on Order Management Additional Header Information I have 15 ATTRIBUTES.

Used them All. How can I add another ATTRIBUTE16.
Are you saying to utilize a KFF ATTRIBUTE and use it instead of DFF?
Can you please provide just a bit more specifics / details.

Thank you so much!


written by Shine , February 22, 2008
hi anil,
i have two applications - appA and appB. I have registered a DFF under appA with the name tabB_DFF for the table
tabB and added attribs 1 to 14. Later on I realised that the DFF should belong to appB. I need to use the same DFF
name also. How can i undo my previous registration . Please help
thanks in advance..

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19 sur 19 28/04/2015 15:29

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