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Schoens Second Grade

Classroom Use Policy
In this class, we will be intergrading technology
into the curriculum as much as possible to get
students comfortable with devices and for teaching
purposes. Some of the devices we will be using are;
I-pads, smartboards, computers, CD players, and
DVD players. I understand that children do not yet
understand rules concerning devices and internet
usage. Also, since this could be some of the
students first time exploring on these devices I will
keep the rules short and simple using the acronym
TECH for technology.

Treat each device as it is your own (so that we may continue to use them all year long)
Every app and/or websites used are to be provided by the teacher
Clean hands before using all devices
Headphones must be used when volume is on
Thus, if the rules are broken here is a list of actions that will be taken and can change at any time
depending upon severity of the policy being broken.
1st time occurrence Lose of privilege from all devices for the rest of the school day
2nd time occurrence Lose of privilege from all devices for the next 3 school days
3rd time occurrence Loss of privilege from all devices for 5 school days
4th time occurrence Lose of privilege of all devices for 20 school days
5th time occurrence Lose of privilege from all devices for the rest of the school year

If the policy is broken and privileges are taken away the student will use another
form of learning such as books from library or a paper to do that covers the same
things that we are learning from each device.

Please sign and date acknowledging that you and your child have read and understand the
Classroom Use Policy.
Parent Date
Student Date

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