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Unit 34 assignment 2

Ciaran Morton


In this document, I am going to cover the range on the unit 34 assignment

2 brief. I am also going to cover the additional distinction range.

Appropriateness for chosen style stop frame digital techniques
Alternative available chosen styles (general comments/reasons not
Flip book/animatic/filmstrip/time-lapse photography/sequential
Suitability for resources available (software e.g. Flash etc)
Research campaign already produced link available.
Definition of audience age/gender/interests/subject tastes.
Viewing context (YouTube/Web/TV)
Proposal part 2
Storylines subject to cover with message
Audio (music and voice-overs and narration)
Working within technical limitations

Dope sheets
Consideration of movement
Frames per second
Soundtrack design
Point of view

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton

Research task:

The only software I am going to use is Adobe software, this includes

Photoshop and Flash, I am going to use Photoshop to create the
characters and assets for the animation then I am going to create the
animation on Flash.
The two images to the right are the
Photoshop and Flash logo.
These logos represent the Adobe
programmes I am going to be using to
create the animation, as I mentioned
above, I am going to be using
Photoshop to create in assets
(characters and other assets on screen) and I am going to use Flash to put
all of the assets (image/audio) together to create the animation.
I am using Adobe Photoshop and flash as they are both professional
programmes and is the best software I have available to me. The only
other software I would be able to use would be free-to-use apps on the
Windows store- as these are free they are no-where near as good as the
Adobe software.

To conclude:
Based on the software available to me the stop motion animation is one of
the best styles to go for, this is because I have all of the required tools and
programming in the applications available. If I only had director or a
lesser/free software, I would probably go with a format like Claymation but
as I have most of the Adobe suite, it is quite easy to create characters
using PhotoShop and then segment the different parts of those characters
into their own PhotoShop files, then import these into the Flash auto script

Preliminary Research:

Preliminary research is looking into the animations and characters that

already exist within the same area/genre of animation. The three main
animations based on health and healthy eating are: Change4Life, Healthy
Start and Healthy eating. Below are links to all three of them. Change4Life

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton Healthy Start Healthy
The links above are linked to the main pages
of companies that make healthy eating
animations; the most popular of the three is
Change4Life as this is often featured on TV
and online. The image to the right shows a
screen shot of the characters from

The image shown above of the characters from Change4Life shows some
simple clay models, as the animation is a Claymation with Stop motion
that also incorporates digital animation.
Healthy start is a VERY basic
animation as shown to the
right in the screen shot of
their website.
The website has a very
simple stick man based
theme, which makes it look
appealing to children; the
bright colours also make the
website look appealing to

To conclude:
The preliminary research shows all of the different animators that create
childrens stop motion videos/content to advertise healthy eating. The
examples/links to the examples above were listed on Moodle to guide me
with the preliminary research segment. This is mainly because other than
change4life not all of the others are as popular.
The preliminary research task was made to look into the other people that
have created Claymation/animations targeting children/families on healthy
eating. In this section, I learned about the competition in this animation
segment including what content they include (facts, characters, assets
etc.) and how they present the content.

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton


I have met with the client to make notes on any requirements they had for
the animation. For this project, the client wanted a 30-second animation
that promoted healthy eating to children aged between 5 and 11. This
animation needs to be suited to both genders. The animation size/stage
size needs to be 832 pixels by 624 pixels; the frame rate also needs to be
24 frames per second. As well as this, the animation needs to include an
introduction and an outro.

I am still working on the content of the animation that I am

going to create; I still need to think of the story line,
stage/stages, characters, assets, etc.
After I think of the assets, I need in the animation I am going to
create several dope sheets and several storyboards.


Appropriateness for chosen style stop frame digital

techniques (Flash):
Adobe Flash is a suitable choice of programme for this
assignment as it has all of the required features and assets
needed to create an animation with all of the assets specified
in the brief. The image to the right is of the logo for Flash.
Adobe Flash is a suitable choice of programme as it has many
features including: images, shapes, brushes, pencils, editing assets,
creating motion tweens, text tools, and more. With all this, I am able to
create a moving animation including audio and voice-overs.
Alternative available chosen styles (general comments/reasons not used):
The alternate option to animation would be Claymation or stop motion,
this process involves creating physical models, then moving them very
slowly and taking images of the movements, this then creates a sense of
movement. As the brief specified DIGITAL animation, I cannot do these as
it would go against the brief and I would fail the assignment. Another
alternate animation technique is the flipbook animation; this is not
suitable for the project as it is not in the brief and would not be able to
last for 30 seconds as these are meant to be under 5 seconds long due to
the amount of pages per second.
Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton

I created a Claymation in the previous assignment and now I need to

create a digital animation.

Flip book/animatic/filmstrip/time-lapse photography/sequential

A few of these would not be appropriate for this assignment, these include
the flipbook, collage and the index, this is because they are all too short
and do not fit the requirements on the brief.
Animatic, filmstrip, time-lapse photography and sequential photography
are all animations however sequential photography is just photographs
therefore it would not suit the brief as the brief specified music and the
The only techniques listed here that would work are the animatic and
filmstrip as they are the only two that incorporate music/audio and video
as the brief wants a 30 second animation that includes an animation and
several different types of audio.

Suitability for resources available (software e.g. Flash etc):

As I have access to the most of the Adobe suite, I am going to be using
Adobe Flash auto script 3.0 alongside Adobe Photoshop cc 2015. These
programmes are quite professional and have all of the tools that I need to
create the animation, this includes asset editing capabilities, motion
Tweening, audio support, video file support, image(TIF/JPG/JPEG etc.)
The images to the right are the two
logos from both Flash and Photoshop;
these represent the two Adobe
programmes that I am going to be
The images to the right shows the two
logos from the Adobe software that I
am going to be using.

Research campaign already produced link available:

The links in this document that was already produced are below; these
links are all to the healthy eating animations.

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton
Healthy Start
Healthy Eating

These links are to the animators websites and to key/important

information on the animators behind popular healthy eating animations.


Definition of audience age/gender/interests/subject tastes:

The definition of audience is the people that are watching the content. In
the brief, I was already given the audience that I had to target. The target
audience I was given was aged between 5 and 11, both genders and the
subject was healthy eating.
The age, gender and interests of the audience are quite important to the
content of the animation as the age can be quite restricting on the
content that is available.
This basically means that if I am making an 18+ then I could have pretty
much anything in the animation without going against PEGI terms and
conditions, however I am making a PG so I am very restricted to what
content is allowed in the animation.
As I have already been given a target audience to use, I do not have to
make one for myself. This is both good and bad as I have been given
some, of the work already, (the brief has guided me into a certain genre
and target audience) but now I am not allowed to create my own
animation with the genre that I wanted.

Viewing context (YouTube/Web/TV):

The 30-second clip for healthy eating is quite similar to the 30 second
adverts commonly used online. These are heavily featured on sites such
as YouTube; these are used as promotional material.

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton

TV is another place that will commonly feature adverts; this is where

Change4Life advertises along with online. As the clip is 30-seconds long, it
would not cost that much to have it air on a TV channel. However, it would
be free to publish online and have people watch it on places like YouTube
or other streaming sites or social media sites.
By placing, it online with the right/suitable links the video could be seen
by many people. An example of this is putting the video on twitter and
linking in the most popular hashtags that day/week (#).

Proposal part 2

For the assignment I had to design a few characters to appear in the
animation, these are shown on the storyboards I scanned in below! I
created these characters as they fit in with both the audience and the
brief specifications. These characters fit in because they are bright and

In this animation, I am going to use one background to try to save on
time, as it is better to use my time towards animating instead of trying to
create multiple backgrounds and then go over the story trying to fit in
ways to change the background. I need to focus most of my time towards
animating, as I need to have 720 frames in this animation as the
animation is 30-seconds long and is played at 24 frames per second
30*24 = 720.
The background that I have created is a very simple shot of outside; there
will be a green grass floor and a blue sky in the background. This is so that
the animation will be colourful and suit the target market.

Storylines subject to cover with message

The story line is all about what happens in the animation, in this
assignment the message is about healthy eating as this is specified in the
My storyline idea is going to be a spin-off of the Pokmon show; this is
because it is aimed at children/the-same target audience. In the storyline
there is going to be 3 seconds allocated for the intro and 3 seconds
allocated for the outro, this is so that these are on screen for enough time

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton

to be seen but not too much time. The images below are the dope sheets
that I scanned in.

While I created the dope sheets, I visualised how the animation would
look, as I have kept the characters and the assets quite simple I think that
it will look quite good, as it will not be too difficult to edit the characters
and other assets. The dope sheets are actually quite good help when
visualising the animation. Also, have key information on such as how long
each scene is going to be, what happens in each scene, camera position
and movement. (Camera is not the correct work to use here, as there is
no camera involved as it is all edited together on the computer and no
camera is used in this assignment.)

In this animation, I am going to try to create an animation that is a
Pokmon type spin-off as this show is aimed at the same target audience.
For the script, I will download some audio from a clip online and import it
into my project. I will also credit the channel/http I found/used to get the
audio from

Audio (music, voice-overs, and narration)

The audio is going to be taken from various clips from the internet, I am
going to be able to download them, remove the video aspect from the file,
then edit the audio down to the parts that I need in Premiere pro cc. I am
also going to link to all of the websites I use and videos I use in this
animation in the sources document.

Working within technical limitations

As I have access to various Adobe software and experience with the
various software from Adobe I do not have many technical limitations, the
only real limitation I have is time, if I did not have a time bracket I would
be able to better understand the various software and edit the animation
together better. As I am going to keep the animation and assets quite
simple, I am going to easily be able to keep to the dope sheets I am going
to produce.

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton


I have created several different storyboards and dope sheets for this
assignment I had to use these to plan how the characters, stage,
backgrounds and other assets looked in the animation. The storyboards
are all for individual assets along with a large description for each of the
assets. These two have their own sections below so all of the information
for them will be in their own sections.

The storyboards are used to illustrate the individual assets from the
animation and include a large description of each of them. The images
below are the storyboards I have created for this assignment and scanned
in. The storyboards below show all of the assets I have created and
described. I am going to be using all of these in my animation as the dope
sheets I have created also incorporate the dope sheets I made. All the
dope sheets and storyboards are at the bottom of the document, they are
much bigger at the bottom of the document.

Dope sheets
The dope sheets are all used for planning the animation. The dope sheets
include a space for a brief illustration, and other information such as
scene number, frames in the scene, description of what happens in the
scene, music in the scene.

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton

The dope sheets are on the section above and at the bottom of this
document; I am NOT putting the dope sheets here too as they are already
in this document twice.

Consideration of movement
The consideration of moments refers to the amount the characters are
going to be moving, as I am making this in 24 frames per second I am
going to make 6the movements as small as possible per scene to make
the animation professional and not jittery. By not having small movements
or not measuring movements per image, the speed would be constantly

The definition of Continuity is the maintenance of continuous action and self-
consistent detail in the various scenes of a film or broadcast. This means if the animation is
continually moving or if it has sections where there is no movement.
At the start and end of the animation, I am going to have the characters/set still while I have
an introduction and an outro. I will have the introduction and ending still as this will draw
focus to the intro and outro.

Frames per second

Frames per second is the amount of frames/images displayed every
second, if this number is high then the animation will be smoother than if
the frames per second is lower. The more frames shown means the better
quality the animation but also the higher file size.
In this animation, the brief specified to have a 24 frame per second
animation, this means that the animation will be relatively good, this is
compared to the default 12 frames per second, 30 frames per second and
60 frames per second. As this animation is 24 frames per second it is
quite close to 30 which can be considered HD.
24 Frames per second is good for this animation as it is quite good for this
assignment as it is not too high so I do not have to create too many
frames and it is not too low so it will not look jittery.


Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton

In this context, perspective refers to the way the animation is played, in

this animation I am going to create a 3rd person animation, this is because
I am not going to have a first person animation, I am going to make the
animation with a large stage and characters going on and off stage. The
screen shots below show the dope sheets I made and scanned in for this
assignment. The dope sheets show the perspective of each of the scenes
along with other details like what is going to be displayed, what happens,
how long each scene takes etc.

Soundtrack design
The soundtrack and other audio on my animation is going to be from the
internet, this is going to be credited in the sources document. The
soundtrack is going to be from the show Pokmon; this is because I am
going to use many assets from this show as this show is aimed at the
same target audience as my animation.

Point of view
The point of view of this animation is the same as the perspective which is
third person, this is because my idea is not from a first person perspective
as I want to be able to show the entire stage rather than bits of the stage
at one time with a first person perspective.

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton

in dope

Unit 34 assignment 2
Ciaran Morton


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