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Jilliane Lee Jae En S10164920D

Tashia Yang Xiu Ling S10166129E

Ang Si Hua, Sarah S10166493E
Ardelle Jan Tan Si Rong S10166583C
Tan Yi Si Jacquelyn S10164074F

Contents Page

1. Environmental Scan

2. Competitors Analysis

3. SWOT Analysis

4. Survey

5. Key Business Issues

6. Role of Communications

7. Target Audience

8. Perceptual Map

9. Positioning Statement

10. Key Message

11. Campaign Strategies

12. 6-month Schedule

13. Budget split

14. References
Our product is used for hair removal for personal grooming and appearance. A survey was done
in 2011 where women in Singapore spent at least $200 on beauty and their appearance. This
shows that women in Singapore do place emphasis on appearance and this would enable Venus
Gillette to sell their products due to the importance of personal grooming.

The Millennials
A majority of Gillette Venus target audience come from the Millennials, between ages 18 to 34.
Not only are they more open towards the idea of an ideal image, they build the foundation and
habit for future generations to start shaving as well. A study in 2012 showed that, Millennials are
more materialistic, putting more emphasis on extrinsic values such as money, fame, and image.
The statistic below shows that women shave at least an average of 12 times each month and this
shows that they are very conscious of their body and self-image that they portray in public. Thus,
our product will appeal to those who are aware of their public image and want to look and smell

Changes in the role of men and women

77% of the female population felt that countries need to give men and women equality in the
workplace, according to a Pew Research Center survey. Females who are driven and
individualistic would want certain rights or items that men have, to be on equal footing with them.
Thus, Gillette Venus caters to these wants of women, empowering their social standings.
Increasing health conscious
21st Century has made thinking about health a standardization in every country, in which
women are more health conscious than men. Our product targets the female population on the
importance of shaving their pubic hair for health purposes and prevent a bad smell emitting from
their underarms which will lead to bacteria growth is not shaven.

Gillette Venus is ranged from $9.00 to $18.00 and it may not be seen as affordable to the
consumers but each razor that Venus has, is known for its durability and are also refillable. This
will enable the consumers to understand that they are buying for value and for quality as well.
Hence, customers would be able to support Venus Gillette, generating sales. More importantly, it
is able to last for a long time hence our product will not be affected by inflation. However, as the
razors are able to last for a long time, it would also mean lesser sales and it is not able to sell as
well as compared to essential items such as sugar, toilet paper.

Razors are elastic goods

Most females do not see shaving as a necessary procedure, and to them shavers and razors are
non-essential items on their lists. Thus, they will not purposely set aside money for it. Gillette
Venuss goal is to make sure that all consumers are aware and feel the importance of removing
their body hair. Persuading customers that our product is an essential need in their daily lives,
leading to a boost in sales for Gillette Venus.

High Consumer Confidence

Singaporeans are optimistic with the overall state of the economy and personal financial
situation. They are willing to spend more on goods and services to boost the economy. Gillette
Venus will then be bought; there will still be a rise in sales.
(Singapore is the 9th country, on par with New Zealand, with high consumer confidence &
spending intentions)
New Media
Gillette Venus has also been promoted through new media such as promotional videos with a
good cause on Youtube, for example Use Your And Campaign to stand against labels that
affects their self-perceptions and life choices.

An example of how Gillette Venus promotes brand awareness is by collaborating with Tessa
Violet, a Youtube Star. Women are invited to share their spontaneous Wish Id shaved
moments with #InASnap that will inspire a series of music videos based on their submissions. A
screenshot of the Gillette Venus UK account shows them promoting the hashtag on one of their
social media accounts which is twitter.
Word of Mouth
The widespread allows users to spread the word of our product to their social circle. It has
influenced nearly 70-percent of all buying decisions. Customers are more well-informed and
willing to purchase, if their friend and family were to product thm. Thus, our brand name will
spread from one to another. Boosting the recognition of GIllette Venus and in the sales as well.

Social Media
We have grown to become a technological society. Many people are active online, especially on
social media sites. Social media penetration in Singapore is about 70%.
About 3.8 million people in Singapore use Facebook, roughly 2.7 million uses YouTube and 2.4
million uses Google+.
Social Media is a growing trend for both youths and the older generation; Gillette needs to take
advantage of it, to advertise on such platforms. People will then be more aware of our brand and
Gillette will have a larger market reach and be better known.

Traditional Media
Gillette does not just cater to the younger girls but to older women as well. Thus we need to
continue advertising to through a media that they use, such as digital television.
41% of households are able to receive digital signals and digital TV has been implemented in 15
This shows how popular television is despite the growing popularity of new and social media.
Gillette needs to continue advertising on television in order to reach out to a wider consumer
market and be better known among them.

In Singapore, Smartphone penetration rate increased from 72% to 85% in 2013 to 2014. Gillette
needs to take advantage of this to start advertising more on mobile platforms, as it would be
effective in reaching out to a very large audience and increasing our presence in the market. We
also need to start selling on mobile-friendly sites, to provide the convenience that consumers
want so they are more likely to purchase our shavers.

New products such as disposable razors, hair removal cream,waxing strips and hair removal
treatments, makes shaving more convenient for consumers. In order to differentiate ourselves
from the others and attract the more consumers into considering Gillette Venus as their choice of
shavers, we have to think up of newer Unique Selling Point (USP).

High barriers to entry

Razor blades are an industry with high barriers of entry due to high capital requirements,
because creating the blades is an intricate, complicated, expensive process. Since few players
dominate the industry, companies have an advantage of being able to charge higher prices.
Being the bigger brands in the razor industry, most female customers go to Gillette Venus,
directly increasing the sales.

Monopolistic Competition
Consumers have near perfect knowledge of the product and they will choose the best and most
affordable product to get. With many other competitive shaving brands available in the market,
namely, BIC, Schick and other Homebrands, no business has a total control over the market
prices of shavers. Since, the products only differ slightly, it spurs on growing competition, giving
customers more alternatives to choose from.
Patent Law
Gillette Venus blades are patented to refrain people from infringing on their razor blade
technology and invention. In 1904 Gillette received a patent on the safety razor; sales rose to 90,
884 razors and 123,648 blades that year. The brand and its product are unique to Gillette. Thus,
the rise of the sales, as the product is only available with Gillette. Hence, patent law helps give
Gillettes sales a huge boost in the razor economy.

Gillette is a big brand and not many dares to make fake products under its name. Finnish
LA-Laboratories Ltd Oy was brought to court over the unauthorized use of the trademarks
Gillette and Sensor in the label attached to LA-Laboratories razor blades. Gillette will take
actions towards whomever that abuses their trademarks. Thus, consumers can be at ease upon
using the products knowing that it is authentic.

Singapore Code of Advertising Law

Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore does not allow misleading and unfair
advertisements. Gillette Venus advertisements have to be of fairness, decency, honesty, and
truthfulness in Singapore laws. Customers can be at ease, knowing Gillette Venus products that
were advertised are real and effective. Thus, this will attract consumers to the brands honesty.

Our main competitors in the shaving market are Home-brands (namely, Watsons and Guardian),
BIC, Schick. We chose these competitors for they are substitutes for Gillette Venus, also known
as the brands that rule the monopolistic competition in the female shaving industry.

Gillette Venus
Price: Our products are priced from $9.00 to $18.00, which is considerably higher priced as
compared to other brands.
Place: Our products usually belong to a specific column with its own space on the shelf in
supermarkets. They can also be found in convenience stores like Cheers and 7-Eleven.
Product: Our s-shaped product is used to showcase feminine curves. The handle of the product
has a softgrip handle to allow easy handling when using the shaver. There are also protective
cushions to prevent abrasions and cuts.
Promotion: Our brand collaborates with stores such as Guardian, NTUC and Watsons for offers
on Venus razors. One example is taken from the Watsons website and it states that customers
get 33% off by purchasing any 3 razors solely from Gillette Venus.
Benefits: Our product can be found in more than just a specific supermarket and thus can reach
out to more customers. The product is also easy and good to use which will enhance the users
experience when using it.
Weakness: Compared to other brands, our product is of a higher price which may affect the
purchase decision.

Product: This product offers shavers that have curve-sensing blades with unique skin guards that
will reduce irritation on skin. The packaging is different where for each different type of Schick
shaver, they have different vibrant colours to differentiate them. They target females who want
quality shavers, who want to have beautiful legs for all occasions, be it having a beach-ready
body or just for everyday life, also to have smooth and comfortable shaves that hydrates their
skin for long periods of times as well.
Price: Schick shavers are priced from $9.50 to $13.00.
Place: Their products can be found in local drugstores such as Guardian or Watsons.
Promotion: The drugstores will sometimes have promotions such as selling these razors in
bundle packs or at a discounted price.
Benefits: Their product are sold with appealing packaging, which will capture the purchasers
Weakness: Schicks products are priced similarly to our brand, and since Schick is a lesser
known brand, purchasers tend to go for our brand instead.

Price: BIC shavers are priced at $12.00 averagely.
Place: Their products can be found in local drugstores such as Guardian or Watsons and they
can also be purchased online from shopping websites like Amazon, Target or Walmart.
Product: Their product offers flawless radiant skin for the ideal bikini body. The packaging is
unique in the sense that for each different type of Soleil, there is a different colour range for the
shavers. There are different shades of colours like orange, pink, blue and green. The design also
includes floral patterns which appeal to the females. Each type of shaver has a similar mascot - a
woman dressed in beachwear. For each different type of Soleil, there are four razors in the
packaging. Their target audience are women who want to get flawless and radiant skin especially
for those who want the ideal skin for a bikini body.
Promotion: Online purchases usually do not have much promotion and since BICs products are
mostly at a fixed price, the discounts are quite standardised whereby the prices are either
reduced or the product is sold in a bundle.
Benefits: BIC will be able to reach out to a wide range of users since they are available online as
Weakness: The products are set at fixed prices and is considered quite high-priced as compared
to other brands.

Price: Homebrand shavers such as Guardian or Watsons, are priced at $2.00 for a packet of 5 to
6 razors.
Place: Their products are found in drugstores like Guardians and Watsons.
Product: Their product offers easy access and disposability after use. Products such as Ladies
Twin Blade Disposable Razor 6pcs, Disposable Razor for Women. Long rubberised handle
allows for better grip and greater control. Twin blades and moisturising strip provide greater
comfort and a closer, safer and smoother shave. Lubricant strip enriched with Vitamin E & Aloe
Vera reduces skin irritation. It sells in packs of 5-6, making it more convenient for users.
Packagings have bright and feminine colors, like pink & purple. It targets females who wants
convenience while shaving as well as those who want to shave at a low price. Ingredients:
Stainless steel, plastic, lube strip (it is not detailed and super vague, customers do not know
whats present in it)
Promotion: There are instances where the product is sold at 2 packets at a discounted price.
Benefits: Some users tend to go for any brand and usually opt for the cheapest option, so
homebrands are very welcomed by them.
Weakness: Users might feel that other brands are more reliable since they are more known.
Homebrands do not have a specific key message so their intentions might not be well presented
to users, lacking appeal.

Being the biggest shaving brand among all others, it is fairly easy to find Gillette Venus located in
all supermarkets as well as drugstores throughout Singapore. Gillette pretty well known for their
shavers, especially their male products.
Have a soft grip handle which makes it easier to hold the razor while shaving. Their blades are
catered to curve and move around S-lines, shaped in a way that allows it to move easily around
feminine body and curves.

According to our survey, 36% of our respondees (a majority coming from our primary target
audience group) admitted to not have heard of Gillette Venus before despite it being such a big
brand. Although having heard of our brand, only 8.4% of our respondees answered that they are
currently using Gillette Venus, while a large proportion of them uses Homebrands or Schick. This
shows that the brand awareness of Gillette Venus is still low. It also shows that Gillette Venus
does not know their target audience well enough and is unable to attract their interest into
purchasing their shavers.

Personal grooming has grown in importance and significance over the years. It is socially more
acceptable to remove body hair now and it might even be expected of in some societies.
Gillette Venus has the opportunity to have an increase in profits if more people are exposed to
the act of shaving.
Collaboration with different companies for example Watsons, on their website, their whole entire
section on male shavers is dedicated to Gillette products

Possible inflation - in which people will opt to buy shavers at a cheaper price and not go for
branded ones like Gillette
There is also a movement called Movember, also known as No Shave November, where men
are clean-shaven at the start of November and during the month they groom and grow their
moustaches to raise awareness for issues like cancer. Even though it only affects men, Schick
faces the threat of having a loss of profit during the month.

Majority of our female surveyees are aged 15-21, which is at the age where puberty starts and
hair starts to grow rapidly, especially on their underarms and legs. This group of people also fits
the age group of our primary target audience. This survey can then be seen relatable and
accurate since it fits our target group to a large extent.
There are still a number of people who havent heard of Gillette Venus. Proving just how
under-promoted Venus is. We want our brand to be known throughout the female population who
uses shavers.
A majority of our survey respondents showed that they are more conscious of their image, which
is why they shave. Instead of drilling the idea of looking good, we want our users to acknowledge
and feel for themselves that they are perfect. Thus, our tagline Feel Good, Look Good is to
drive home to our audience that as long as they feel good about themselves, they will surely look

There is an significant number of 47% that does not prefer shaving when it comes to removing
their hair. It proves that this survey is conducted in a non-biased manner. Also, it allows us to
promote Gillette Venuss effectiveness as a shaver more, even to those that do not use shavers.
The most used social media platform as seen from our respondents is Instagram. Since many of
them use Instagram, news will be able to spread faster through this application. We have decided
to tie in Instagram into our campaign so that it will be widely known and more people will be able
to find out more about what we have to offer.
Our brand needs to increase brand awareness and we have decided to use outdoor
advertisements (Bus Stops), Beauty Magazines, Separate Booth that is eye-catching (eg. a booth
shaped like a razor) for Gillette Venus In Supermarkets to stand out from the other brands found
in the supermarket. Set up pop up stores at scape for teenagers and central business district for
the adults and showcase Gillette Venus as a gentle and smooth razor. Eg. placing shaving cream
on a balloon and using Gillette Venus razor to remove the cream and show a gentle and smooth
shave that the razor can provide.

Brand Equity - higher sales for product as they are popular/known/recognised for their brand
Sagging Brand Equity
Gillette is a well-known brand throughout households. However, despite its recognition for its
brand, Venus is not as well known among the public as compared to household brands and
Schick. It can be seen from our survey in which there are still 36.8% who has never heard of
Gillette Venus before. With promotions and discounts, other brands like Schick are gaining more
customers with its wide publicity. While Gillette Venus on the other hand, has been experiencing
a decrease in popularity due to rising competitors. Hence, we would want to further publicise and
promote our products through tie-in events, discounts, and loyalty programmes for our customer
to see value in our brand name, reinforcing its recognition to the public.

Why customers will be willing to pay more and how to allow the customers to be willing to pay?
Customers are unwilling to pay more to get the product
Improve our product (with more blades and more conditioning) at the same price!

Aggressive Competition
The percentage of people using Schick, Other brands and Homebrands differ. This can be seen
from our survey, in which 32.9% of our respondents said that they use Homebrands, 22.4%
saying they use Schick. While, 40.8 % use other brands. This is a crucial issue our product faces
as Venus Gillette may actually lose out in terms of sales with such aggressive competitors.
Hence, we have to think of a USP to differentiate Venus Gillette as the better brand amongst the
rest so that we would attract more consumers resulting in higher sales.
1. ROLE OF COMM (how you turn the 4Ps into 4Es)
What is the main thing you want to accomplish?

Product to Experience
KBI: Gillette Venus does not have as many disposable products as compared to other brands.
Some consumers may be looking into getting disposable products rather than long-lasting
products and this might cause them to go for other brands instead of ours.
ROC: We can develop products that are disposable so that it attends to different consumer's
needs specifically.

Place to Everyplace
KBI: Gillette Venus usually takes up majority of the shelf space in supermarkets and is placed at
eye level so that consumers can find it easily. Although our product can be found in local
drugstores, they are not placed well on shelves and it is difficult to locate them.
ROC: We want to ensure that our product remains at this positioning and is available at all local
supermarkets, drugstores and convenience stores.

Price to Exchange
KBI: Gillette Venus is considered expensive to consumers who prefer affordability over brand,
thus causing them to go for more affordable options.
ROC: We provide them with incentives such as the customisation of their own personal razors,
different cartridges as well as free mammograms, it will likely prompt customers to purchase our

Promotion to Evangelism
KBI: Gillette Venus does not have enough commercials targeted at women, so the brand has to
rely more on word of mouth advertisement.
ROC: ing ideas directed at our female consumers only, showing that we want to be involved with
them as well.We will branch out to other forms of media such as social media as well as other
forms of advertising such as magazines.

Solution for Aggressive Competition (product):

We would have to come up with a USP (unique selling point) to distinguish Gillette Venus as the
better brand amongst the rest so that we would attract more consumers and thus, generate
higher sales.
Examples of USP - Customizable razors
Solution for Sagging Brand Equity
Lack of publicity
Publicise on a more popular form of media

We would publicise Gillette Venus through motivating and convincing customers the goodness of
using Gillette Venus instead of other shavers through social media campaigns that feature the
new and improved formula of our shavers and why and how it gives customers more
convenience and satisfaction. By allowing customers the ability to experience how good Gillette
Venus is on the spot, it will enhance their experience and impression of our product. They will
allow an interactive platform for customers to join our social media contests.
For the primary target audience, it would be women aged 15-40 years old. Our target audience
will be split into 2 groups one would be aged 15-21 years old while the other would be aged
22-40 years old. Hence, one group would consists of teenagers and working adults, whereas the
other one consists of mainly the working population and housewifes. In our report, at least 60%
know about Gillette Venus. Therefore, by expanding our market to younger generation opens
more opportunities for us.

Gender: Females
Age: 15 - 21
Income level: Allowance from parents ranging from $100-$500 per month
Education level: Secondary to Tertiary Education
Geographical Location: Singapore

Values: Image conscious
Lifestyle: Would be willing to spend money as long as it improves their image and
make them look good in public
Buying habits: Often buy from wherever that is convenient. And they buy for
themselves most frequent.

Working Adults
Gender: Females
Age: 22 - 40
Income level: >$500 per month
Education level: Varies
Geographical Location: Singapore

Values: Health
Lifestyle: Very health conscious, and also wary of
Buying habits: Tend to buy more often from stores and supermarkets.


Feminism - Female Self-Confidence

We aim to bring out the self-confidence in every female because one should Feel Good before
they Look Good.
Similarly for our product, we want users to think of Gillette Venus when they are considering hair
removal products as we aim to bring customers a fresh and great feeling after they shave that will
only leave them looking good. Our key message for our product is that it is not only effective in
hair removal but it conditions the skin at the same time leaving the user feeling good and in turn
boosting confidence.

Breast Cancer Awareness
1. Customisable Razors Booth (NTUC)
a. Social Media Wall aka Donation Wall
b. Point-of-Purchase Display
2. Bus Stop Advertising
a. QR Code Voucher

Magazine Advertisements
1. Sticker Pack
2. Tearing Leg

Real Beauty Challenge

1. Instagram Contest
a. Hashtags
2. Bus Stop Photo Booth

1. Unibrow
2. Geo-tagging

Womens Month!
1. Venus Run
2. The Sam Willows Concert + Meet & Greet with Sandra Riley Tang
Marketing Strategies - Breast Cancer Awareness

1. Customisable Razor Booth

In line with Breast Cancer Awareness Month during October, we have decided to start-up a
fundraising booth for the Breast Cancer Foundation. The Gillette Venus Booth will be available in
every NTUC stores for easy convenience to our target audience. The first 200 customers will be
able to get a chance to get their names customised on the razor. Whereas the money collected
from the sales of Gillette Venus razors will go into the donations to the Breast Cancer
Foundation. Donations will be shown on the Social Media Wall, and the amount being donated
increases with every sale of the razors in which it will empower the females who have donated.
2. Bus Stop Advertising

In line with Breast Cancer Awareness month during October, Gillette Venus is raising the
awareness of breast cancer among women. The first one hundred women to scan the QR code
on the bus stop advertisement will be able to get the e-statement that allows them to get a free
mammogram. After scanning the QR code, the screen will change to promote our customising
razors booth in local supermarkets.
Marketing Strategies - Magazine Advertisements

1. Magazine Peel-off
By peeling off the sticker, women will be able to clearly see how Gillette Venus will work for them
so they will purchase the product in order to achieve the smooth touch.
2. Sticker Pack

Sticker packs are considered an in thing as many youths in our target group own a laptop. The
trend amongst youth recently is to paste stickers on their laptops in order to decorate it and they
are willing to spend money to purchase these stickers. Therefore creating a sticker pack appeals
to our target audience and can also spread awareness for our product in a more subtle way. It is
not only an innovative way to advertise, but a cost-effective way as well. They generate low-cost
exposure and impressions as well as amplifies and encourages word of mouth marketing.
Stickers also act as an personal endorsement and badge of support for the company and their

Marketing Strategies - Real Beauty Challenge

1. Instagram Contest

We will encourage women to post photos of their bare faces and hashtag it #feelgoodlookgood &
#gillettevenus and the more they post, the higher they stand a chance to attend the run and
receive attractive drawstring race pack. They will also stand a chance to meet our Gillette Venus
ambassador, Sandra Riley Tang. They will also be granted to the concert later with The Sam
Willows, and the first 15 people to cross the finish line will get to attend the meet and greet. The
winners will be further contacted via Instagram and they will be able to meet Sandra Riley Tang
for the
2. Bus Stop Photo Booth

While waiting at the bus stop, consumers can actually take a photo on themselves and edit at the
the photo that they took at the bus stop, They will also be able to upload the photo onto their
social media accounts. However, when the consumers think they have completed editing their
photos, the photo will go back to its original state. Thus, this encourages consumers to be
themselves and ties in with our key message of feel good, look good.
Marketing Strategies - Snapchat

1. Unibrow
Snapchat filters = When people open their front cameras on Snapchat and enable their filters,
there will be filter where itll show you with a unibrow, and when told to raise your eyebrows, a
Gillette Shaver will appear and shave it off. This will engage our target audiences as they interact
with our shavers, at the same time as they post it on their My Story this will continually raise
public awareness of our shavers.
2. Geo-tagging
Snapchat story = Snapchat Discover section, Well encourage people to Snapchat with their
barefaces during the event, and when they swipe for a filter, there will be a Venus Run, Feel
Good, Look Good filter which would allow them to stand a chance to appear on our Venus Run
discover section, at the same time they will empower themselves.

When the users appear on the discover feed of Gillette Venus, they will see themselves there,
which will in turn boost their self-confidence as they will be more confident in their own skin,
without any make up.
Marketing Strategies - Womens Month!
1. Venus Run!
Empowers females to actually take up the challenge of running in a muscle tank and bare faces.
Running makes one healthy and we believe that to feel good, one has to be healthy physically
and mentally. Thus, we organised an all females-only run to raise awareness about their health
and to bring our message across. We want them to know that being healthy will make you feel
good about yourself, and that is when you will look good.

We planned and scheduled our publicity campaigns revolving around important dates for
females. Starting from October 2016, the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month to March,
where International Womens Day is happening.

We decided to kick start our schedule on October, as it is the annual Breast Cancer Awareness
Month! Feeling Good about yourself starts off from being healthy. Breast Cancer has been the
biggest worry for females and the numbers of death caused by breast cancer have been on the
rise in recent years. Thus, we plan to release our ideas to the public during this time to let people
be more aware of this, especially the female population.

After the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the customisable razor will have left an impact on our
target audience. We will then bring in our advertising campaigns to show the effectiveness of our
Gillette Venus razors.

We will start to implement the Instagram contest on december to usher in the new year with their
bare faces and their self-confidence.

And we will end off our campaign with a bang on International Womens Day, that is our Gillette
Venus Run and the Womens Day Concert.

We have decided to spend the majority of our budget on Public Relations, which are namely the
Venus Run and the Womens Day Concert. For these campaigns are the main events that wraps
up our publicity activities. Since we will need to rent a large space for the run as well as invite
local artists to the concert and the run, we will need a significant amount of budget on those.

Advertising is also important for our publicity activities, they are the main attraction that gets our
audience and other consumers to notice Gillette Venus. It will raise the brand awareness and our
key statement to increase the self-confidence of females for our consumers. Which is the main
idea of the whole campaign.

Sales Promotions are our Instagram contest, coupons, vouchers and our point-of-purchase
display booth. In which might spend quite a bit of money on, with the setting up of the booths and
the implementation of them in various NTUCs.

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