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Photoshop log

Preliminary task

By Amy Hannah

Here is my image I will be editing for the front cover of my print magazine.

I then duplicated the layer of my original image

Having hidden the first layer selecting the eye cursor, I then proceeded to make the second layer
black and white using the adjustments tools allocated above the layers

I had then used the magnetic lasso tool to keep the part of the image (the focus) that I wanted to
remain in colour and the rest to remain black and white.
This is the end result of the editing process.

This is an image I will be editing for my preliminary contents page. I have chosen the image in
relation to context and due to the camera angle form the image takes.
I firstly altered the brightness of this image. This would enhance the outlines of the subject and give
key lighting within the image.

Here. I had used the colour balance tool to again enhance and illuminate specific elements of the
image so that audiences can engage with the contents page.
This is an image I will be editing to be placed on my contents page. The image is already lit well due
to the content of natural sunlight. However, I will be altering the colour levels for my image so that it
appears professional for the new released magazine.

Here I had altered the colour balance tool levels as shown above. This way, it has enhanced the key
elements of the image. Making it more visually pleasing for audiences.
Here is an image I will be editing to fit into context. I had chosen this image as it takes a different
camera angle to my other images and fits into the magazine genre context.

Here, I had selected the black and white tool from the adjustments panel for the image. Deciding to
use this kind of fill changes my original idea of editing the brightness and colour balance of the
image. Creating new connotations, the use of black and white connotes the idea of the importance
of reading.
This is an image I will be editing to place into context for my print magazine.

The image does appear on the darker side, therefore I am going to use the adjustments tool to
brighten the image and also alter the colour balance levels.

I decided to firstly alter the brightness, then proceed to use the black and white tool for this image.
The image appears more engaging in these tones. Therefore, tying in with the theme running
throughout the magazine.

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