My Instructors Manual

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A Cron
This document was created to satisfy Task 3, Part 1 in WGUs Technology
Production Masters in Education course. It is an instructors manual that can
guide other educators in teaching the following instructional unit.

An Instructors Manual
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 1

TAT2 Task 3: The Instructors Manual

This document is to serve as a manual for an educator to implement a plan of instruction

over solving quadratic functions. Specifically, this is (approximately) an eight-hour unit on

solving quadratic functions using four different methods: factoring, completing the square,

extracting square roots, and the quadratic formula.

Overview of the Plan of Instruction

Instructional Goal:

Post instruction, Algebra II students will be able to solve quadratic functions to find

roots/zeroes algebraically by factoring, extracting square roots, completing the square, the

quadratic formula, and identify when one method is preferred over the others with at least an

80% success rate.

Performance Objectives

The following is a list of instructional objectives used in this unit plan:

Performance Objective 1: When presented with a quadratic function with an a term

equal to one, students will correctly factor to solve for the real roots/zeroes of the

function 8 out of 10 times.

Performance Objective 2: When presented with a quadratic function with an a term

greater than one, students will correctly factor to solve for the real roots/zeroes of the

function 8 out of 10 times.

Performance Objective 3: When presented with a non-factorable quadratic function,

students will be able to complete the square to solve for the roots/zeroes of the function

8 out of 10 times.
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 2

Performance Objective 4: When presented with a quadratic function in the form (x h),

students will be able to extract square roots to solve for the roots/zeroes of the function

8 out of 10 times.
Performance Objective 5: When presented with any quadratic function, students will be

able to use the Quadratic Formula to solve for the roots/zeroes of the function 8 out of 10

Performance Objective 6: When asked how many or what types of roots/zeroes a

quadratic function has, students will be able to use the discriminant to determine if the

quadratic function has 2 real roots, 1 real root, or 2 non-real roots 8 out of 10 times.
Performance Objective 7: When presented with any quadratic function, students will be

able to determine which method is most appropriate to solve for the roots/zeroes of the

function 8 out of 10 times.

Performance Objective 8: When presented with real world quadratic function problems,

students will be able to apply their newly learned techniques to solve for the correct

answers 4 out of 5 times.

Intended Audience:

The instructional setting is an eleventh grade, Algebra II classroom covering six different

classes in a large suburban high school located in Tennessee. Students in the intended audience

are quite diverse. Demographics and statistics over the intended audience are as follows: over

the last five school years there has been an average of 34.6% of the almost 2000 students

receiving free/reduced price lunch and in this past school year 29.6% of students were classified

as economically disadvantaged. In this instructional setting, 72% of students are white, 16.2%

are black or African American, 6.3% identify as Asian, 5% identify as Hispanic or Latino, and

the other 0.5% are Native American. With less than 12% of the school population identifying

with a foreign ethnicity it would coincide that the English Language Learner population would
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 3

be fairly small. In fact, there are only 13 such students or just 0.7% of the total in the English as

a Second Language program. A key area with a larger population is students with disabilities.

There are nearly 250 students with disabilities in the instructional settings school, or 13.4%.

Essentially, this instructional unit is designed to reach all types of learners from all walks of life.


This instructional unit is designed to be completed in 10 school days on a traditional

schedule (45-50 minute class periods). Eight of those days are instructional days with six lessons

(2 two-day lessons). Day nine is dedicated to a group project that requires the knowledge

learned over the six lessons and day ten is assessment day in the form of a test.

Delivery Approach:

The beginning of each lesson will begin with a short activity, discussion, or video

designed to do at least two of the following four things: gain the learners attention, motivate the

learner, connect preexisting knowledge to new information, and provide relevance to what will

be learned. After the introduction, all six lessons will have a presentation of new content.

Different lessons have different delivering mechanisms. Most have a combination of lecturing

combined with demonstrations of how to solve the different types of problems. Other lessons (or

parts of two-day lessons) will provide opportunities for students to learn through exploration.

After the presentation of new content, students will have an opportunity to work with the

material and practice their newly learned skills. It is important that students work through and

complete activities while receiving feedback from the teacher. This feedback is especially

imperative for those learners who are having difficulties with the new material. Finally, each

lesson will have a closure activity or discussion that will bring together the newly learned

material with prior knowledge in an effort to enhance retention.

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 4

Instructional Sequence:

This unit is generally sequenced from easier materials/methods to more difficult. Each of

the first four days of the unit will have its own lesson and will cover three of the four methods

for solving quadratic functions. Lesson 1 will address factoring quadratic functions with an a

term equal to one to solve for roots/zeroes. Lesson 2 will be quite similar to Lesson 1, but will

deal with quadratic functions with an a term greater than one. Lesson 3 will teach students how

to solve quadratic functions by completing the square and Lesson 4 will deal with quadratic

functions that present themselves in a different form and students will learn how to solve by

extracting square roots. Days five and six will cover one lesson over the Quadratic Formula (the

fourth method for solving quadratic functions). Days seven and eight will also cover one lesson

(identifying the appropriate method and real world applications). Day nines activity will be a

student led, group project: The Tennis Ball Project. Finally, on day ten, students will be

formally assessed on all skills through an exam.

Materials Needed:

Materials for this unit include the obvious necessities of a math classroom like pencil and

paper. Other basic needs include the textbook and a graphing calculator. Also needed is access

to YouTube to play videos for instructional hooks to gain attention (teacher computer, projector,

Internet). For bell work and daily instruction WorkSpace software used in conjunction with a

Moby Interwrite tablet is necessary. Most daily work will come as problem sets from the

Algebra II textbook. As an assessment, students will receive the The Tennis Ball Project

information packet (Parts 5 and 6). For this project, each group will need a tennis ball, at least

one stopwatch, and a yard stick. To finish this unit students will be given a summative test that

will assess all skills taught. Other materials that will be provided to all students will be a class
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 5

set of iPads for lesson three on day three. The students will need an iPad in order to use

Educreations to create their own video. A few iPads will also be available on day five (lesson

five) for students who do not have their own device to be able to participate in the Kahoot

practice game.

Lesson Descriptions

Lesson 1:

In this lesson, students will be building on their basic prior knowledge of quadratic

functions. Being the first lesson in the quadratic functions unit, it is important that the lesson

begins with something interesting that they are familiar with and will gain their attention. Since

this lesson will be closely related to prior instruction they received in Algebra I, it will probably

be the easiest lesson for the students in the unit. Students will learn how to factor and solve

quadratic functions with an a term equal to one. They will practice this new skill in their group

setting as well as individually.

Lesson 2:

In this lesson, students will continue to build on the skills learned in Lesson 1. The

difference in todays lesson will be that the a term of the quadratic functions will not be 1, but a

number larger than one. These types of quadratics can still be factorable, but are more difficult.

Students will learn how to factor quadratic functions with an a term greater than one. They will

practice this new skill with a partner and individually.

Lesson 3:

In this lesson, students will learn how to solve non-factorable quadratic functions

algebraically by completing the square. Students will come to see not all quadratic functions

are factorable, so a new method is needed to be able to solve them algebraically. One such
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 6

method to do this is to complete the square. Students will learn how to solve quadratic

functions by completing the square and they will practice this new skill with a partner.

Lesson 4:

In this lesson, students will be presented with quadratic functions that are not in standard

form. This is a break from the first three lessons. Instead, in this lesson, the quadratic functions

will look more like vertex form. Students will be asked to solve these by extracting square roots.

Students will learn how to solve quadratic functions by extracting square roots and will practice

this in groups and individually.

Lesson 5:

In this lesson, students will learn that they can solve ANY quadratic function (in standard

form) using the Quadratic Formula. There will be quadratic functions that will arise that are non-

factorable, are immensely difficult to complete the square, and are not setup to extract square

roots. For these problems, we need to use the Quadratic Formula. This will be a two-day lesson

and the second part of the lesson will deal specifically with the part of the Quadratic Formula

called the Discriminant. Students will learn that the value of the discriminant will give critical

information about the solution that they find. If the discriminant gives a value greater than zero,

the there are two real roots. If the discriminant gives a value of zero, there is one real root.

Finally, if the discriminant gives a value less than zero, then there are two non-real, or imaginary,


Lesson 6:

This is another two-day lesson and the last of the new material taught for the unit. On

day one, students will be tasked with deciding which method they could use to solve given

quadratic functions. For most quadratic functions, more than one method and can be used to
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 7

solve. In these instances, students should be able to identify the path of least resistance. On day

2 of the lesson, students will need every resource available to them as the class shifts away from

computational tasks and towards critical thinking and problem solving. Students will see a

variety of problems that show quadratic functions directly and indirectly impacting things that

happen in the real world, and not just the controlled classroom environment. This is where they

will put their newly learned skills to the test and see if they can do things such as: find the

maximum height of a thrown ball, determine how long an object is in flight, and discover the

initial velocity of objects like bullets or missiles.

Assessing Student Performance

Informal, formative assessments will occur daily as the instructor circulates around the

classroom while the students are working on their assignments. In addition to circulation while

the students are working, the instructor will present the students with varying questions to assess

their daily learning. Each days work will serve as a formative assessment that will guide the

instructor where remediation needs to occur. In addition to these various forms of formative

assessment there will be two forms of summative assessment. The first will be a group project

where students must use their own data to create a quadratic function and answer a series of

questions (The Tennis Ball Project). The second summative assessment will be in the form of an

exam that will help in preparing the students for their state test at the end of the year.

Delivery of Instruction

The beginning of each lesson will begin with a short activity, discussion, or video

designed to do at least two of the following four things: gain the learners attention, motivate the

learner, connect preexisting knowledge to new information, and provide relevance to what will

be learned. After the introduction, all six lessons will have a presentation of new content.
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 8

Different lessons have different delivering mechanisms. Most have a combination of lecturing

combined with demonstrations of how to solve the different types of problems. Other lessons (or

parts of two-day lessons) will provide opportunities for students to learn through exploration.

After the presentation of new content, students will have an opportunity to work with the

material and practice their newly learned skills. For most lessons, students will complete

traditional practice problem sets. For other lessons, students will have the opportunity to practice

and reinforce newly learned skills through Kahoot (an online, competitive, quiz-style game). It

is important that students work through and complete activities while receiving feedback from

the teacher. This feedback is especially imperative for those learners who are having difficulties

with the new material. After the third lesson, and probably the most difficult, students will have

the opportunity to use Educreations. Educreations is in iPad application that allows students to

record and narrate their work. Students will be able to assess and critique their peers work.

Finally, each lesson will have a closure activity or discussion that will bring together the

newly learned material with prior knowledge in an effort to enhance retention. In extended

closure activities and on two different occasions over the course of the unit, students will

complete an online homework assignment created on Quizizz. Quizizz is an online program that

students can use to access a private, teacher created quizzes or homework assignments.

Instructional Materials

1. Holt McDougal Algebra II Textbook 2. Lesson 4 Bell Work problems

4. Extracting Square Roots YouTube
3. T-shirt gun YouTube video
5. Lesson 1 Group Work problems 6. Lesson 4 Group Work problems
7. Lesson 1 Exit Ticket 8. Lesson 5 Bell Work problems
9. Lesson 2 Bell Work problems 10. Lesson 5 Kahoot quiz
11. Lesson 2 Quizizz homework
12. Lesson 6 Bell Work Problems
13. Lesson 3 Bell Work problems 14. Lesson 6 Quizizz homework
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 9

15. Class set of iPads with Educreations 16. Tennis Ball Project (parts 5 and 6)
17. Teach Me How to Factor YouTube
18. Solving Quadratic Functions Unit Test
Physical Resources

1. Internet capable teacher computer 2. Projector

3. MOBI Interwrite Tablet (or a device 4. Calculators
that can substitute like Apple TV with
an iPad)
5. Class set of iPads (available for at 6. Stopwatches, tennis balls, and yard
least a day) sticks
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 10

Lesson Plans and Assessments

Title and/or Lesson Plan #: Lesson #1 Teach Me How to Factor

Lesson Overview: In this lesson students will be building on their basic prior knowledge of

quadratic functions. Being the first lesson in the quadratic functions unit, it is important that the

lesson begins with something interesting that they are familiar with and will gain their attention.

Another important aspect, in regards to it being the first lesson in the unit, is that all students are

able to experience some type of success. Since this lesson will be closely related to prior

instruction they received in Algebra I, it will probably be the easiest lesson for the students in

the unit. Students will learn how to factor quadratic functions with an a term equal to one.

They will practice this new skill in their group setting as well as individually.

Resources or Materials Needed

1. Introductory video and Teach Me How to Factor YouTube video

2. WorkSpace software and MOBI Interwrite Tablet
3. Example Problems on index cards for group work
4. Textbook and corresponding problem set
5. Exit Ticket

Performance Objective #1:

When presented with a quadratic function with an a term equal to one, students will

correctly factor to solve for the real roots/zeroes of the function 8 out of 10 times.

Time: One 47-minute class period

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities

As students enter the classroom they will be greeted with a video of a pep rally, like one

they have all attended at our own school. The point of emphasis in this video will be the t-shirt

gun. After attendance has been taken, the video will be paused at a point where the t-shirt gun

was just fired and the t-shirt is midflight. We will have a brief discussion about the arc that
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 11

models the flight of the t-shirt. The following question will be posed: If more information were

provided, could we find the velocity of the t-shirt coming out of the gun? Ultimately, a problem

like this is what we want to be able to solve with our abilities with quadratic functions.

Step 2: Content Presentation

To present the new material to the class the teacher will model working through several

example problems explaining the steps and processes. Using the MOBI Interwrite tablet, the

teacher will be able to move about the room and allow students to take control of the MOBI to

work through and explain a problem to the class in their own words. After working through a

number of problems the class will watch Teach Me How to Factor. This is music video to the

tune Teach Me How to Dougie created by a group of high school students in Ohio. This will

serve to keep the students attention and reinforce the direct instruction.

Step 3: Learner Participation

Some students will get the opportunity to work problems with the MOBI for the class to

see. After instruction, the video, and questions are addressed, students will get into small groups

and work on two examples provided by the teacher. After a few minutes, the groups will take

turns presenting their work to the class by working out, while explaining, the problems on the

white board. This open forum classroom discussion of the problems will provide opportunities

for the learners to receive feedback and for incorrect thinking to be resolved. When this has

concluded, each student will begin working on the problem set from the textbook: page 338-339

numbers 2-6, 12-15, and 21-26. They will be allowed to work with their shoulder buddy on 2-6,

but the rest must be done individually.

Step 4: Assessment
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 12

Informal assessment occurs as the teacher monitors interactions during group work and

partner work. Students will be assessed on their 10 individual problems where they must get 8

out of 10 correct. At the end of the unit students will also be formally assessed on this

performance objective via an exam on day ten (See Appendix A).

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

The following lesson will also deal with factoring, so the new information in this lesson

will be important for the next class. Students will be given an exit ticket with two questions to

answer that the teacher will be able to use to gauge the class proficiency and comfort level with

factoring quadratic functions with an a term equal to one.

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 13

Title and/or Lesson Plan #: Lesson #2 Factoring Quadratic Functions, Part 2

Lesson Overview: In this lesson, students will continue to build on the skills learned in Lesson

1. The difference in todays lesson will be that the a term of the quadratic functions will not be

1, but a number larger than one. These types of quadratics can still be factorable, but are more

difficult. Students will learn how to factor quadratic functions with an a term greater than one.

They will practice this new skill with a partner and individually.

Resources or Materials Needed:

1. Bell work problems

2. WorkSpace software and MOBI Interwrite tablet
3. Textbook and corresponding problem set
4. Quizizz homework assignment

Performance Objective #2:

When presented with a quadratic function with an a term greater than one, students will

correctly factor to solve for the real roots/zeroes of the function 8 out of 10 times.

Time: One 47-minute class period

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities

As students enter the room they will see Bell Work problems being projected onto the

screen. The first few problems will be factoring problems from Lesson 1. Then there will be

two factoring problems where the a term is greater than one (todays lesson). The idea is to

introduce the new type of problem by showing the students that we will still factor, but the

process is different and we can identify this difference based on the a term.

Step 2: Content Presentation

To present the new material to the class the teacher will model working through several

example problems explaining the steps and processes. Using the MOBI Interwrite tablet, the

teacher will be able to move about the room and allow students to take control of the MOBI to
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 14

work through and explain a problem to the class in their own words. This will allow students to

work out an example and share their thoughts on the process. All students will have an

opportunity to ask questions about that students work or about the problems in general.

Step 3: Learner Participation

Some students will get the opportunity to work problems with the MOBI for the class to

see. After instruction and questions are addressed students will begin working on the problem

set from the textbook (page 338-339 numbers 7-11 and 16-20). These problems can be done

with their shoulder buddy. In addition to these exercises, students will also complete a

homework assignment on Quizizz (a web-based, homework/assessment program) individually.

Step 4: Assessment

Informal assessment occurs as the teacher monitors interactions during partner work and

group discussion. Students will be assessed on the Quizizz homework assignment where they

must get 8 out of 10 correct. At the end of the unit students will also be formally assessed on this

performance objective via an exam on day 10 (See Appendix A).

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

The Quizizz homework assignment will serve as a follow-through activity. Also, later in

the unit, students must recall todays skill in order to be able to identify which method to use to

solve a quadratic function.

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 15

Title and/or Lesson Plan #: Lesson #3 Completing the Square

Lesson Overview: In this lesson students will learn how to solve non-factorable quadratic

functions algebraically by completing the square. Students will come to see not all quadratic

functions are factorable, so a new method is needed to be able to solve them algebraically. One

such method to do this is to complete the square. Students will learn how to solve quadratic

functions by completing the square and they will practice this new skill with a partner.

Resources or Materials Needed:

1. Bell work problems

2. WorkSpace software and MOBI Interwrite tablet
3. Textbook and corresponding problem set
4. Class set of iPads with Educreations

Performance Objective #3:

When presented with a non-factorable quadratic function, students will be able to

complete the square to solve for the roots/zeroes of the function 8 out of 10 times.

Time: One 47-minute class period

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities

As students enter the room they will see Bell Work problems being projected onto the

screen. They will recognize the problems as quadratic functions from Lesson 1 and 2. They will

be asked to factor them using the skills they learned in those lessons, but they will not be able to.

The idea is to introduce the new type of problem by showing students that not all quadratic

functions presented in standard form is factorable. This makes for a perfect segue into the


Step 2: Content Presentation

To present the new material to the class the teacher will model working through several

example problems explaining the steps and processes. Using the MOBI Interwrite tablet, the
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 16

teacher will be able to move about the room and allow students to take control of the MOBI to

work through and explain a problem to the class in their own words. This will allow students to

work out an example and share their thoughts on the process. All students will have an

opportunity to ask questions about that students work or about the problems in general.

Step 3: Learner Participation

Some students will get the opportunity to work problems with the MOBI for the class to

see. After instruction and questions are addressed students will begin working on the problem

set from the textbook (page 345 numbers 5-13 and 27). Problems 5-9 can be done with their

shoulder buddy. The others should be completed individually. After students have had a chance

to start and complete most of the exercise, they will choose a practice problem on page 346 to do

using Educreations on the iPad. Each student will have access to an iPad and will create their

video (show their work doing the problem and narrate their work) for their peers to view,

analyze, and critique.

Step 4: Assessment

Informal assessment occurs as the teacher monitors interactions during partner work and

group discussion. Students will be assessed on their textbook exercises, their Educreations

video, and the group discussion that stems from the videos. At the end of the unit, students will

also be formally assessed on this performance objective via an exam on day 10 (See Appendix


Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

At the end of the unit, the student created videos will be revisited and class discussion

will be had about what they would do differently if given this task again. Also, later in the unit,
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 17

students must recall todays skill in order to be able to identify which method to use to solve a

quadratic function.
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 18

Title and/or Lesson Plan #: Lesson #4 Extracting Square Roots

Lesson Overview: In this lesson students will be presented with quadratic functions that are not

in standard form. This is a break from the first three lessons. Instead, in this lesson, the

quadratic functions will look more like vertex form. Students will be asked to solve these by

extracting square roots. Students will learn how to solve quadratic functions by extracting

square roots and will practice this in groups and individually.

Resources or Materials Needed:

1. Bell work problems

2. WorkSpace software and MOBI Interwrite tablet
3. Extracting Square Roots YouTube video
4. Group work problems
5. Textbook and corresponding problem set

Performance Objective #4:

When presented with a quadratic function in the form (x h), students will be able to

extract square roots to solve for the roots/zeroes of the function 8 out of 10 times.

Time: One 47-minute class period

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities

As students enter the room they will see Bell Work problems being projected onto the

screen. Todays lead up problems will include one of each kind from lessons 1-3. Todays new

problems will look so different from these that they need to be introduced by the teacher. So, the

bell work problems will give the students an opportunity to refresh and reinforce skills from the

previous three days.

Step 2: Content Presentation

As a review to prerequisite knowledge that students should have, a YouTube video over

extracting square roots will be shown. Extracting square roots is just part of the process to
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 19

solving some quadratic function though. To present the new material to the class the teacher will

model working through several example problems explaining the steps and processes. Using the

MOBI Interwrite tablet, the teacher will be able to move about the room and allow students to

take control of the MOBI to work through and explain a problem to the class in their own words.

This will allow students to work out an example and share their thoughts on the process. All

students will have an opportunity to ask questions about that students work or about the

problems in general. Besides the first lesson, this is easiest method to use to solve a quadratic


Step 3: Learner Participation

Some students will get the opportunity to work problems with the MOBI for the class to

see. After instruction and questions are addressed students will begin working on the problem

set from the textbook (page 353-354 numbers 7-10, 18-22, and 33). Problems 7-10 can be done

with their shoulder buddy. The others should be completed individually. After the students have

had a chance to begin their problem set, the group activity will begin. Each group will be given

a quadratic function to solve by extracting square roots. They will need to solve the problem and

then go and find the solution posted on the wall (in different locations) around the room. After

this quick group activity, students will complete the rest of their problem set from the textbook.

Step 4: Assessment

Informal assessment occurs as the teacher monitors interactions during partner work and

group discussion. Students will be assessed on their textbook exercises, their group work, and

the group discussion that arises. At the end of the unit, students will also be formally assessed on

this performance objective via an exam on day 10 (See Appendix A).

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 20

The ability to extract square roots will be especially important in the next lesson (Lesson

5) because it is vital that students have the skills to manipulate radicals to simplify answers from

the Quadratic Formula. Also, later in the unit, students must recall todays skill in order to be

able to identify which method to use to solve a quadratic function.

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 21

Title and/or Lesson Plan #: Lesson #5 The Quadratic Formula and the Discriminant

Lesson Overview: In this lesson students will learn that they can solve ANY quadratic function

(in standard form) using the Quadratic Formula. There will be quadratic functions that will arise

that are non-factorable, are immensely difficult to complete the square, and are not setup to

extract square roots. For these problems, we need to use the Quadratic Formula. This will be a

two-day lesson and the second part of the lesson will deal specifically with the part of the

Quadratic Formula called the Discriminant. Students will learn that the value of the discriminant

will give critical information about the solution that they find. If the discriminant gives a value

greater than zero, the there are two real roots. If the discriminant gives a value of zero, there is

one real root. Finally, if the discriminant gives a value less than zero, then there are two non-

real, or imaginary, roots.

Resources or Materials Needed

1. Bell work problems

2. WorkSpace software and MOBI Interwrite tablet
3. Kahoot game quiz
4. Textbook and corresponding problem set

Performance Objectives #5:

When presented with any quadratic function, students will be able to use the Quadratic

Formula to solve for the roots/zeroes of the function 8 out of 10 times.

Performance Objectives #6:

When asked how many or what types of roots/zeroes a quadratic function has, students

will be able to use the discriminant to determine if the quadratic function has 2 real roots,

1 real root, or 2 non-real roots 8 out of 10 times.

Time: Two 47-minute class periods

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 22

Day 1: As students enter the room they will see Bell Work problems being projected onto

the screen. These bell work problems will be a combination of familiar looking quadratic

functions in standard form. They will be asked to solve them using any method done in class to

this point. They will see that they are unable to fully solve them. This will be a perfect lead up

to a discussion about the Quadratic Formula and that it will always work to solve quadratic


Day 2: As students enter the classroom they will see a problem for them to do that looks

very similar to the problems that they learned to do the day before. As they work through the

problem, they will come to see that in one of the last steps there is a computational problem that

many will not know how to work around. This will lead to the discussion of the possible answer

types (type and number of roots/zeroes) that a quadratic function can have. Since the solutions

can vary in degree and number it makes sense to have a way to figure out what they should look

like; thus we have the discriminant.

Step 2: Content Presentation

Day 1: The pre-instructional activity will lead to a class discussion (and perhaps

frustration) about the problems they are running into when solving these quadratic functions.

The teacher will then explain that not all quadratic functions can be solved using the methods

learned to this point, but that we can always use the Quadratic Formula. To present this new

material to the class the teacher will model working through several example problems

explaining the steps and processes. Using the MOBI Interwrite tablet, the teacher will be able to

move about the room and allow students to take control of the MOBI to work through and

explain a problem to the class in their own words. This will allow students to work out an
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 23

example and share their thoughts on the process. All students will have an opportunity to ask

questions about that students work or about the problems in general.

Day 2: The bell work will lead directly into a discussion of what the discriminant is,

where it comes from, how we use it, and what its value indicates about a given function. The

computation used in finding the value is not difficult, so there will be no need for prolonged

direct instruction. To this point in the unit we will have discussed the types and number of roots

for a quadratic function, but now we have a way to find that information up front, thanks to the

part of the Quadratic Formula known as the discriminant.

Step 3: Learner Participation

Day 1: Some students will get the opportunity to work problems with the MOBI for the

class to see. After instruction and questions are addressed students will begin working on the

problem set from the textbook (page 361 numbers 2-11). Problems 2-6 can be done with their

shoulder buddy. The others should be completed individually. After students have had a chance

to complete the first five problems with their partner, the class will participate in a Kahoot game.

This will give the students an opportunity to put their newly learned skills to the test and

compete with their peers. After the Kahoot, students will finish the rest of their problem set.

Day 2: In this activity there will be a lot of moving pieces. Each student will be assigned

as either an a, b, or c term. They will also be given a numeric value. They will meet in

groups of three around the classroom (ensuring each group has an a, b, and c present) and

determine the number and type of roots/zeroes a quadratic function with their values would have.

After a full rotation around the classroom where individuals have met with 6 groups, the class

will reconvene. As a class, we will discuss a handful of the dozens of combinations and then we

will see if any group came up with a particularly interesting solution. Meeting in numerous
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 24

different groups with other students of all ability levels will allow for plenty of opportunities to

receive feedback. If there are questions remaining when the class comes back together, they can

be addressed at that time. After the activity, students will work on a problem set from the

textbook (page 361 numbers 14-16, 30-35, and 42). Problems 14-16 can be completed with their

shoulder buddy and the remainder will be completed individually.

Step 4: Assessment

Informal assessment occurs as the teacher monitors interactions during partner work and

group discussion. Students will be assessed on their textbook exercises, their group work, and

the Kahoot. At the end of the unit, students will also be formally assessed on this performance

objective via an exam on day 10 (See Appendix A).

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

Solving using the Quadratic Formula is the most critical skill students will learn in this

unit. This is because it is a fail-safe. If students did not learn or totally forget how to use the

other methods, this will always work. In the lesson to follow, the problems will get more

difficult and being able to use this method is a must. Also, identifying the type and number of

solutions is an important skill because students can identify what their answer should look like

before they solve for it. They can use this to make sure their solutions make sense.
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 25

Title and/or Lesson Plan #: Lesson 6 Which Method is Best? And Real World Applications

Lesson Overview: This is another two-day lesson and the last of the new material taught for the

unit. On day one, students will be tasked with deciding which method they could use to solve

given quadratic functions. For most quadratic functions, more than one method and can be used

to solve. In these instances, students should be able to identify the path of least resistance. On

day 2 of the lesson, students will need every resource available to them as the class shifts away

from computational tasks and towards critical thinking and problem solving. Students will see a

variety of problems that show quadratic functions directly and indirectly impacting things that

happen in the real world, and not just the controlled classroom environment. This is where they

will put their newly learned skills to the test and see if they can do things such as: find the

maximum height of a thrown ball, determine how long an object is in flight, and discover the

initial velocity of objects like bullets or missiles.

Resources or Materials Needed

1. Bell work problems

2. WorkSpace software and MOBI Interwrite tablet
3. Quizizz homework assignment
4. Textbook and corresponding problem set
5. Stopwatch, tennis ball, and yard stick

Performance Objective #7:

When presented with any quadratic function, students will be able to determine which

method is most appropriate to solve for the roots/zeroes of the function 8 out of 10 times.

Performance Objective #8:

When presented with real world quadratic function problems, students will be able to

apply their newly learned techniques to solve for the correct answers 4 out of 5 times.

Time: Two 47-minute class periods

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 26

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities

Day 1: As students enter the room they will see Bell Work problems being projected onto

the screen. These bell work problems will be a combination of familiar looking quadratic

functions. They will not be asked to solve these quadratic functions, simply asked to choose

which of the four methods they would use to solve them. This will lead to a discussion of how

quadratic functions can present themselves and if one method is better suited to solve it than


Day 2: As students enter the classroom they will again see the video playing that they

saw on the first day of this instructional unit: the video of the pep rally focusing on the t-shirt

gun launching shirts into the crowd. Immediately they will think back to the first day of the unit

and reflect on all the instruction they have received since. Hopefully, they will consider the

question there were asked on day one: What is the velocity of the t-shirt coming out of the gun?

As class begins we will go back to the still shot of the graph created by considering the arcing

line from the t-shirt gun, through the t-shirt in flight, and to its expected landing.

Step 2: Content Presentation

Day 1: With the first part of the lesson there will be little direct instruction. This is

because todays part of the lesson simply builds on previously learned skills. The teacher will

present a handful of problems that will serve as the focus for a classroom discussion about which

method would be best to solve the quadratic function and why.

Day 2: Like day 1, there will not be any new content presented; however, the students

way of thinking about the math problems must be aided in shifting away from a strictly

computational focus to considering what the question is asking and the information it is

providing to assist in finding the solution. To begin, the question from day one will be
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 27

addressed. To answer this question, the students will need to be familiar with the quadratic

function, due to gravity, of a projectile [ h(t) = -16t + vt + h ]. Once an understanding has been

established of this particular quadratic function, the class can consider what it needs to know to

determine the initial velocity of the t-shirt.

Step 3: Learner Participation

Day 1: After the class has come to an agreement about which method is best and why,

the students will begin working on the problem set from the textbook (page 394 numbers 53-62).

The first five can be completed with their shoulder buddy and the last five should be done


Day 2: Todays activity will begin with a demonstration outside in the courtyard. In a

preview of what the students will be doing the following day in the Tennis Ball Project, the

teacher will explain that a volunteer will throw a tennis ball as high and as far as they can.

Another volunteer will use the stopwatch to record the time of the flight. Thinking back to the t-

shirt gun example, students will work in small groups to take the data from the thrown tennis ball

and create a new function that models the flight of the tennis ball (using the same function for a

projectile). After comparing their functions to other groups, they will reconvene in their small

groups and determine the following: initial velocity of the tennis ball, maximum height of the

tennis ball, and how long it took the tennis ball to reach that maximum. For homework, students

will complete a Quizizz homework assignment.

Step 4: Assessment

Informal assessment occurs as the teacher monitors interactions during partner work and

group discussion. Students will be assessed on their textbook exercises, their group work, and
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 28

the Quizizz homework assignment. At the end of the unit, students will also be formally

assessed on this performance objective via an exam on day 10 (See Appendix A).

Step 5: Follow-Through Activities

The skills obtained and used in this lesson will not only go a long way in being successful

in math classrooms, but also being successful in other classes and life. The ability to work

together, think critically, and problem solve are essential skills in todays world. Aside from this,

students will begin a group project (See Appendix B) that builds off the tennis ball demonstration

used in this lesson. For this project, groups will need to work together to create a function for

each individual and compare and contrast initial velocities, heights at varying times, and

maximum heights using various methods.

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 29

Title and/or Lesson Plan #: Day 9 How High Can You Throw a Tennis Ball Project

This will be a student led, group project (See Appendix B) where students use their

knowledge of quadratic functions to create their own data and solve for key features. To do this

project students will need Sections 5 and 6 from the How High Can You Throw a Tennis Ball

Project Packet, a yard stick, a stopwatch, and a tennis ball. They will complete this project as

part of their summative assessment. This project was created by teachers in Whatcom County,

Washington and taken from their website (Whatcom Math Projects).

Title and/or Lesson Plan #: Day 10 Solving Quadratic Functions Test

Test day is the final day of the unit (See Appendix A). This is where students will reveal

how much they have learned over the course of the unit. This is a summative assessment in the

form of a multiple-choice test to be given on the last day of the unit. Copies can be made and

then distributed to the students on test day for completion. There are different types of problems

that cover all objectives taught. There are 15 questions and the values can be adjusted by the

teacher to ensure fair scoring.

Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 30

Appendix A
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 31
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 32
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 33
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 34
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 35

Appendix B

Tennis Ball Project (Parts 5 and 6)

This part of the lesson will require students to work in teams of 4 students; smaller
teams are feasible if you have enough supplies.
Each group will need the handout provided with the lesson, a tennis ball, a
stopwatch, a meter stick and a graphing calculator. Groups should be self-paced
with the teacher monitoring appropriate behavior and helping with any student

Follow the introduction as outlined above.

Introduce the quadratic function relating height and time: h(t) = 16t2 + v0t
+ h0 as outlined in the lesson section above.

Student groups will go outside and perform the experiment. Allow enough
time for each student to throw the ball. This will allow them the opportunity
to build an equation unique to them. If there are enough stop watches,
multiple students could time each flight in order to get a more accurate time.

Before any group begins, model the experiment with one of the groups:
o Have the student approximate the height when they will release the
o Have another students measure this height This is the initial height of
the ball.
o When a student is throwing, start the watch at the point when the ball
is released from the hand (initial height).
o Stop the watch at the instant the ball touches the ground This will
give them a height, h(t), and a corresponding time, t.
o Since the time pertains to the thrower (so that they may build their
own equation), have the students record for each other.
o Encourage the students to practice throwing at least once before
conducting their trials.

After completing the experiment outside, students should return to the

classroom in order to work on building their equation.
o Students should begin with the basic quadratic equation relating height
and time: h(t) = 16t2 + v0t + h0
o Students should plug in what they know: h0 is their initial height, h(t) is
the height when they stopped the watch, 0 feet, and t is the time when
the ball hit the ground (their average of the three times they recorded).
o Students should then solve for the initial velocity, v0
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 36

o This will allow them to build a quadratic to measure any height at any
time based on their data.

Once the students have a workable quadratic and have them check it for
accuracy (by hand or on their graphing calculator).
o Students can check by hand by plugging in zero for the height and the
time it reached the ground.
o Students can check with their graphing calculator by plugging the
equation in and checking the point when the ball hit the ground.

After the students have checked their equations, have them calculate the
maximum height (find the vertex) by hand and with their calculator.
o Students can find the vertex by hand by solving t = b/2a and
plugging this result in for t in the equation and simplifying to find the
corresponding h(t). Refer to the example in Section IV (Lesson).

Once all of the students have found their heights, have them determine who
threw the ball the highest in their group. Have everyone share their data
with the class and talk about the results...
o Which student threw the ball the highest?
o In order to find the actual distance the ball was thrown, have the
students subtract their initial height from their maximum height. Did
the same student still throw the ball the highest?

This extension could be used for classes where stoichiometry/dimensional
conversions are covered or would like to be covered. An example is shown below
uses the same data as the example in Section IV (Lesson)

Have the students use stoichiometry/dimensional analysis/unit conversions in

order to convert their initial velocity from feet per second to miles per hour.
Which student threw the ball the fastest?

Student A threw the ball will an initial velocity of 49.246875 feet/sec
49.246875feet/sec 60sec/1min 60min/1hour 1mile/5280feet =
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 37

The students initial velocity should be between 20 and 80 feet/sec. Their

maximum heights should be between 10 and 100 feet high.

Student Resource Packet


1. Explain why the height as a function of time is best represented by a quadratic


2. The basic equation for an object traveling perpendicular to the earth and being
affected by gravity is h(t) = 16t2 + v0t + h0 with h(t) representing height (as a
function of time) in feet, t representing time in seconds, v0 representing the
initial velocity in feet per second, h0 representing the initial height in feet, and
16 being the gravity constant in feet per second squared.

a. Of the four variables, which can you determine or establish at the start of
the experiment? How can we determine them?

b. Of the four variables, which can you determine during the experiment?
How will you determine it?

c. Of the four variables, which is the most difficult to determine? How will you
determine it?
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 38

3. Perform the experiment a minimum of three times in order to determine the

values needed for part 2b. Record that information here:

Trial # 1 2 3

Time (t)

4. Find the average of your three throws.

5. What values do you now have for your equation? Plug them in and solve for
the remaining variable in order to create a quadratic equation that you can use
to model the height of you ball as a function of time.

Your Equation: _____________________________________

6. Check the accuracy of your equation by hand or using your calculator. Show
your work or explain how your calculator verified your solution.

7. Now that you have a working quadratic to model the height of your ball at any
given time, use it to calculate the maximum height.
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 39

8. Graph your function by plotting a point every .2 seconds (Use increments of .2

seconds on the t-axis, but you determine the best fit for the h(t)-axis). In
addition, label the vertex, x-intercept, and y-intercept.

9. Determine the distance your threw the ball (max height minus the initial
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 40

Extension problem
10. Your initial velocity was in feet per second. Determine the speed of your ball in
miles per hour.
Getting the Maximum Out of Quadratic Functions 41


Whatcom Math Projects. (2009, November). Retrieved from

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