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General Hospital Psychiatry 33 (2011) e15 e16

Letter to the Editor

An adolescent case with Internet addiction and hacking: the school, a good rapport was built with the patient. He was
how are we dealing with this diverse spectrum of disorder? followed regularly for about 3 months with scheduled
interviews every other day in the first 2 weeks and then once
a week for the rest of the treatment period. His situation was
To the Editor, discussed in detail in each interview. He was a first-year high
We would like to bring your attention to an adolescent school student and failed his classes due to absenteeism. As a
case of internet addiction. This common disorder may be result of this, he became depressed and anxious. Use of the
placed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Internet was the most important thing in his life; he neglected
Disorder, Fifth Edition soon [1]. It has been characterized by everything else to engage in this behavior, and it compro-
inability to limit Internet use despite an awareness of its harm mised most other areas of his life. He also built up tolerance
on academic and social life. The addicted people experience over time, experiencing withdrawal symptoms if he was
intense anxiety when they face any limitation of their unable to use the Internet.
Internet access. This type of addiction has been reported in Outcome variables were evaluated over follow-up, such
the literature since mid-1990s and has been increasing in as his motivation, online time management, improved social
prevalence [2]. relationships, engagement in offline activities and ability to
Our case was a 16-year-old adolescent who was a first- abstain from problematic applications. We assisted the
year high school student and failed his classes due to patient to develop critical problem-solving abilities and
absenteeism. Before the last 2 years, he was a successful and coping skills that would help avoid symptom recurrence. The
bright student in his class. However, he became addicted to treatment successfully stabilized his emotions. Furthermore,
the Internet and had been spending as much as 20 hours per he applied cognitive behavior skills in daily life continuous-
day on the computer. To attempt to help him with this ly, and he did exercise and kept company with an individual
addiction, the family removed the modem and the computer who helped reinforce appropriate behavior. He was directed
from the house. This resulted in his using the Internet in cafs to the social activities and to team sports.
during the day, instead of going to school. This resulted in The psychological treatment was supported with sertra-
continuous conflict with his father, and eventually, he was line, carbamazepine and risperidone. Sertraline was started
brought to our hospital. with the dose of 50 mg per day, and the dose was increased to
In our interview, he showed a total awareness about his 100 mg per day within 1 week. After 6 weeks, he showed
addiction. He was a member of a hacker group that consisted partial remission. Therefore, risperidone 1 mg per day and
of six levels from beginner to competent hacker. He had carbamazepine 200 mg per day were added within 4 days. At
several duties within the group and believed that those need the end of the treatment, he was able to use the Internet
to be completed. The group had a mission of hacking and without any addiction.
destroying pornography and enemy sites. They have Problematic Internet use has been proposed as an
successfully achieved this mission hundreds of times. explanation for uncontrollable and damaging use of the
There was no other idea in his mind but his mission, and Internet [3] and has been described in the psychiatric
he had been awaiting new orders from the hacker's literature. Despite valuable opportunities for psychoeduca-
committee. Because of the possibility of receiving an tion and support, there are many potential dangers associated
imminent order, he had to stay on the Internet. There was with Internet overuse. The young population is the primary
no day in which he decided to be off the Internet in the target of this addiction. It can cause emotional and social
last 2 years. When his father tried to prohibit him from issues and can show comorbidity with other behavioral and
Internet access, he experienced episodes of anger and intense psychiatric disorders and also might show resistance to the
anxiety. He was ready to separate from his father and to treatment [4]. As a result, we believe that Internet addiction
reject other family members if they continue to try to limit has been spreading faster than other types of addiction.
his Internet use. Physicians should be aware about early stages of this
In treatment, we first established a very close collabora- addiction, and strategies should be developed as quickly as
tion with the family. Based on his previous success history at possible to protect the young population.

0163-8343/$ see front matter 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
e16 Letter to the Editor / General Hospital Psychiatry 33 (2011) e15e16

Mustafa Solmaz, M.D. References

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