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Depiction: During the attack upon the Middlesex Meeting-House,
OFFICIALS ASK Sally Dibble Defies the Royalists in Defense of a Young Boy.
JULY 22, 1781, PARISH OF come down from his pulpit. Next, oners were all tied together two by two,
MIDDLESEX (NOW KNOWN AS Frost commanded his men to gather with ropes or by handcuffs made on
DARIEN), STAMFORD—Just after all valuable articles of jewelry from the the spot at a nearby blacksmith shop.
two o’clock today, an armed force congregation and to take about forty Then, the terrorists mounted their cap-
of thirty-eight heavily armed terror- horses belonging to the congregation tured horses and marched their prison-
ists attacked Darien’s Congregational for their march back to the shore. ers back towards the Sound where their
Church during Sunday services. After Then, forty-eight men and boys were armed vessels waited.
a brief scuffle and much confusion, the herded together and marched out of Only four escaped the attack: Deacon
unarmed worshippers surrendered. the Church, with Reverend Mather in Joseph Mather and three young men,
The terrorist leader, a Captain Frost, front. Two other men were captured Stephen Weed, Eli Reed and Noyes
ordered Reverend Moses Mather to outside the Church. The Darien pris- Mather. They all jumped out of a
window. Two guns were fired at them
by the terrorists, who did not think it
prudent to fire any more, as the firing
of three shots was the local alarm that
signaled an attack on the Parish. Young
Noyes Mather, the parson’s son, was
hit in the heel by one of the shots and
dropped to his knees momentarily,
but was able to resume his successful
During the attack, the women and
some of the children tried to reach
their husbands and fathers, but were
roughly kept back by the soldiers with
their bayonets. One of the women,
Sally Dibble, tried to shield a boy from
capture. One eyewitness said that Joe
Smith of Talmadge Hill, and recently
from New Canaan, stabbed Dibble in
her breast with his bayonet.
Within two hours, a state of emer-
gency was declared and the general
alarm was sounded with bells being
rung and drums being beaten. By this
time, the terrorists had reached the
Fish Islands. They set up a rear guard
on the island closest to land. The Mural, Darien Town Hall Auditorium by A. G. Hull, 1939.
Darien prisoners were waded out to
the outermost island as preparation for
boarding on the ships. fled to Lloyd’s Neck on Long Island As previously reported, he captured
Before six o’clock, Major John prior to last winter. A Loyalist is some- the sixty-one-year old Captain Samuel
Davenport and the Militia arrived with one who remains loyal to England in Richards, Jr. and fourteen Patriots at
a rescue party. Over the next few hours, our War for Independence and is also Richards’ home in Rowayton (today’s
Davenport’s rescue party increased in known as a Tory. There, he joined a Pinkney Park). Richards died three
size to over one-hundred men and per- British para-military group called the months later, the day after he was
haps as large as two-hundred-fifty men. Associated Board of Loyalists under released from prison.
Davenport’s men and the terrorists the command of Governor William Hoyt is descended from the same
exchanged fire. One of the terrorist’s Franklin. Franklin is the once adored Simon Hoyt of Stamford as all of the
ships fired grapeshot from its guns. but now scorned son of Benjamin Hoyts around Talmadge Hill. The
Despite his greater numbers, Franklin. He flew the kite in his father’s Talmadge Hill Hoyts are among our
Davenport decided that it was too risky famous experiment with lightning and greatest Patriots, including our highest
to cross the islands’ sand bar while electricity. ranked Patriot officer, Captain Joseph
under attack by the ship’s guns and Hait (just a different spelling of Hoyt)
enemy musket fire. Major Davenport, More details emerge on the attack. and our youngest enlistee, his son,
who has homes in both Talmadge Hill Captain Frost assembled an armed Warren, who joined as a private when
and Stamford, is reported to have said, party of thirty-eight men at Fort he was thirteen.
“We feared for the lives of the good Franklin in Lloyd’s Neck Harbor. As Simon Hoyt was a serial settler who
Reverend and his flock. Many of the darkness approached on July 21, 1781, arrived at Salem, Massachusetts, in April
kidnapped victims were likely to be the Loyalist attack force boarded two 1629, from England. He helped to settle
killed by the enemy if we attacked.” warships, a brig with a dozen mounted Charlestown, Mass., then Dorchester,
The leader of this terrorist attack was guns called the Sir Henry Clinton and Mass., then Scituate, Mass., and finally
identified as Captain William Frost of a sloop with two swivel guns called the Windsor, Connecticut, before com-
Darien. Frost’s wife, the former Sarah Association. They sailed from Lloyd’s ing to Stamford. Simon perfected the
Scofield, lives in Darien with her small Neck Harbor across the ten mile stretch residential real estate game of value
children. She grew up on a farm near of Long Island Sound. enhancement by receiving land grants
the Meetinghouse (that is now the The commander of the Sir Henry upon arriving in each new settlement.
Clinton was recognized as Stephen Upon his departure for his next village,
Goodwives Shopping Plaza). he sold his properties and used the
Neighbors of Sarah Frost reported Hoyt, of Norwalk. Hoyt led the first
recorded raid against us in March 1777. proceeds to buy more properties in his
that Captain Frost is a Loyalist who
new settlement in addition to receiving how his brother, Joseph, was treated. Davenport is the father of Major
more land grants from his new village. As previously reported, Joseph Gorham John Davenport. Davenport serves
attempted to join the Loyalists, but was on Governor Trumbull’s Council
Back to our story: Under the cover arrested and jailed before he finally of Safety, which effectively manages
of darkness, Stephen Hoyt anchored fled to Lloyd’s Neck in 1777. Joseph’s Connecticut at present and had served
in the area of the Fish Islands and half ownership in the Gorham mill as a Colonel in the Connecticut State
Contentment Island. Here, the and his other property were seized by Militia. He is the son of Reverend John
Loyalists lowered four tender boats to Connecticut. Davenport, who was Stamford’s third
row ashore somewhere within Scott’s However, our doubts cannot be minister and an icon of Connecticut
Cove. The boats were concealed and proved and we need his grain, so we Congregationalism, and a great-grand-
were to be used to make a hasty retreat will just keep a close eye on Gorham. son of John Davenport, who founded
if the Tories believed that they might The Gorham family is well to do, the New Haven Colony.
be severely outnumbered or caught by and he purchased other properties General Washington agrees to sup-
surprise. during the war and repurchased his ply troops to protect Stamford. On
The Tory raiders marched about brother’s interest from the State. (In August 31, 1781, Governor Trumbull
three miles towards their target, hiding 1789, Daniel Gorham completed one authorizes the construction of “some
overnight in a swamp eight-hundred of the first of the many future tear- small fortifications to prevent a surprise
feet from the Church. One wonders downs in Darien, taking down the attack from enemy’s horse.” Colonel
whether Captain Frost left his troops original Gorham homestead and build- Rufus Putnam, the architect of West
for a few hours to visit his wife and ing a much large home on Ring’s End Point designs the plans for the fort,
children, or whether such a dalliance Road at what is now called Gorham’s which will be built between October
might have endangered his mission. Pond.) and December of this year, under the
Lookouts kept guard overnight, supervision of David Waterbury. Fort
and at sunrise, Captain Frost led a July 25, 1781—NEW YORK CITY. Stamford will measure one hundred
small scouting party from their hiding The New York Gazette published the thirty-five feet by one hundred sixty-
place towards the Meetinghouse. It British account of the Meetinghouse five feet and can hold as many as seven
is believed that two Town residents, raid today. This Tory gibberish extols hundred men. Parts of the fort survive
Rowland Slason and Daniel Gorham the bravery, coolness and honor of today.
met with Frost that morning to con- armed Loyalist terrorists in capturing
firm his plan to attack during the after- and kidnapping unarmed men while December 27, 1781— PROVOST
noon sermon, when there would be they were praying in church! PRISON, NEW YORK CITY. Today,
more rebels to capture. the Reverend Mather and the eighteen
No one witnessed Daniel Gorham August 2, 1781—MIDDLESEX men and boys who were kidnapped
meeting with Frost or can verify PARISH. Today, terrorists landed at from the Congregational Church on
whether he is an undercover agent Noroton Point to steal cattle. The July 22 returned home. They were
for the Loyalists. Gorham operates Militia exchanged fire, but was out- released in a prisoner exchange and
the grist mill and dam on Pine Brook numbered by the terrorists. No doubt, walked home in the winter cold. James
(at what is today called Goodwives these vile terrorists took advantage of Bell died along the way.
River—the bridge across the dam was the depleted number of men in Town, After being taken from the Church,
built in 1825). His mill supplies grain as a result of their mass kidnapping the Loyalists took their prisoners across
for the Connecticut Militia, and many eleven days ago. Two of our own the Sound to Lloyd’s Neck and then
town residents believe that this proves were killed in action, including young decided to release about half of the
his patriotism. Also, he took the State’s Gideon Weed. We captured Joe Smith men. Twenty-six were jailed in pris-
oath of loyalty on September 16, 1777. but he escaped with the suspected help on ships. Then, these prisoners were
On the other hand, skeptics say that he of Daniel Gorham. Another cattle raid marched to New York City and jailed
sells his grain to the Militia only when occurred later this month at Raymond’s in the notorious Provost Prison, which
the price is good for him. Point, just east of Five Mile River. We was the old debtors’ prison and is now
Others report that Gorham remains killed eight of the enemy. the site of City Hall Park. Dr. Mather
faithful to his Anglican church, and continued to preach during his impris-
he continues to pay his ministerial August 10, 1781—STAMFORD. onment, dealing with daily threats of
tax to his Anglican pastor, Ebenezer Today, Town officials appealed to execution. There was little food and
Dibble in Stamford. Some claim that Washington for aid against these ter- dreadful conditions.
he helped Tory Joe Smith escape from rorist attacks. Abraham Davenport,
town, after Smith was wounded and Stamford’s most powerful public Darienite Jack Gault, who wrote this
captured during a Loyalist raid. By official and its wealthiest landowner, piece, just finished a book about the early
the way, Gorham is married to Abigail writes to General Washington about history of Talmadge Hill and its sur-
Waterbury, who is a sister of Smith’s the terrorist raid on Middlesex. rounding towns.
wife. Also, Davenport refers to a num-
Finally, it has been said that he still ber of other enemy incursions with a
harbors a grudge against the State for request for military support. Abraham
This anonymous map, drawn some time between the establishment of North Stamford Parish in
1782 and of New Canaan in 1801, might have had something to do with a survey of town bound-
aries. Note that the western boundary of Middlesex Parish (which is now Darien) is well east of the
Noroton River. This map was recently on display at the Darien Historical Society.


BY JACK GAULT Connecticut’s Patriots were engaged Neighbors arrested and imprisoned
in battles outside of Connecticut. As their own neighbors without due pro-
Now you know that not all Americans a result, Fairfield County became a cess. Imagine the filth, disease, numbing
cheered heartily for our independence neutral ground where both sides fought cold and starvation diets that killed so
on every July 4th since 1776, espe- for control. many in prisons and on prison ships.
cially here in Connecticut, along the Connecticut’s War for Independence Loyalist families lost their livelihoods
Long Island Sound. In southwestern was our first civil war, a brutal war and homes and were forced to live in
Connecticut, only forty percent or so that was much more disruptive and tents or other makeshift shelters for up
of all the colonists supported the war as divisive than any other American war, to seven years. Imagine living outdoors in
Patriots. About one-third of the popu- including the Civil War that followed freezing winters with newborns and young
lation supported England, and the rest eighty-five years later. Southwestern children.
remained uncommitted, either keeping Connecticut was a hotbed of divid- Men who played together as best
their politics to themselves or hoping ed loyalties in which people did not friends or schoolmates killed each other
that a peaceful compromise might be respect each other’s political opinions in armed confrontations. Imagine hold-
found. religious choices or property owner- ing your dying teenage friend in your arms
With British troops occupying New ship. Bitterness, hatred and revenge after you have shot him with your own
York City and Long Island for almost were common. musket.
the entire war, the people in southern ••• Even fathers and sons and other
Connecticut, Westchester County, the Mobs sought to execute clergymen members of the same family fought
outskirts of Long Island and north- of the opposite faith. Try to imagine on different sides. Imagine yourself as a
eastern New Jersey faced daily uncer- your minister’s head on a chopping block Loyalist father mourning the loss of your
tainty, lawlessness and anarchy. The or in a hangman’s noose. Patriot son killed by your own side.
Connecticut coastline was continuous- Neighbors spied and fought against Our quest for independence was cou-
ly exposed to savage surprise invasions, each other and stole each other’s prop- rageous and magnificent. We should
and the proximity of the British forces erty. Imagine sleeping in your home at never forget the sacrifices and the horrors
emboldened local Tory supporters to night to be roused by cruel villains who of the war fought here in Connecticut.
fight against the Patriot cause. would strip your home bare, steal your
The Connecticut Militia and the livestock and threaten or actually torture Darienite Jack Gault, who wrote this piece,
Patriots guarding the coast were in you until you would reveal your hidden just finished a book about the early history of
short supply, because so many of silver and coin. Talmadge Hill and its surrounding towns.
New York Gazette, July 25, 1781
Copy of a letter to his Excellency a the distance of half a mile from the had great merit in their arrangements
Governor Franklin from Lt.-Col. meeting-house in Middlesex, where in landing, covering, and bringing off
Upham, of the associated Loyalists, they lay concealed until two o’clock the party. I am at a loss for words to
and commandant at Lloyd’s Neck in the afternoon, when the good peo- express my sense of the bravery and
ple of Middlesex were assembled, and judicious conduct of Capt. Frost, nor
Fort Franklin, July 23, 1781 devoutly praying for their great and do I think Lieut. Smith, who assisted
good ally. Captain Frost surrounded him, has less merit. I beg leave to add,
SIR, their Sanctuary, and took from thence that Mr. Stinson and Mr. Fleming, of
I am to inform the Honorable Board, fifty notorious rebels, their reverend the volunteers of New England, who
which I do with infinite pleasure, that teacher at their head. Their horses, served on the expedition as volunteers,
a party of refugees on the evening of forty in number, saddled and at hand, behaved in a manner which did them
the 21st inst. embarked on board the were taken care of at the same time. the greatest honour.
Sir Henry Clinton and Association, The whole were moved in the most When the world shall know that
under the command of Capt. William expeditious manner to the shore, dur- thirty-eight men have marched five
Frost; 38 men of the party landed on ing which the rebels in the vicinity miles through an enemy’s country,
the same night on the rebel shore; of Middlesex collected, and harassed captured fifty men and forty horses,
after which the armed vessel left them, them in their return; notwithstanding and conducted them the same distance,
and fell back to this shore, under an which, every rebel, and every horse through the fire of at least an equal
engagement to return at a time agreed captured, were conducted on board the number of armed men, to their vessels,
on, having left concealed a sufficient armed vessels, which returned to their without the loss of a single man, either
number of boats to have brought off assistance at the time proposed. In the of their party or of the prisoners, I need
the party in case of surprise or superior skirmish three refugees were slightly not comment on the bravery, coolness,
force. wounded. or alertness of the party.
Capt. Frost led his brave party to a Capt. Hoyt of the Sir Henry Clinton,
wood about five miles from the shore, and Captain Thomas of the Association,

A letter to Washington, July 25, 1781

Stamford, Augt. 10th. 1781 & Inclination will retire into the doubt it will be done ~~ Genl.
Sir Country Parsons will
Your Excellency has undoubt- & others will make their peace ~~ inform your Excelly. of the designs
edly been informed The Ardor of of the Enemy against this Town &
of the exposed Situation of this the people /which is to be lament- can give you any other information
part of the Country & of the fre- ed/ has abated in consequence you desire
quent incursions of the Enemy: of their distress so that very little I am with
Several Inhabitants have been opposition is to be expected from Esteem your
killed wounded & near them ~~
Sixty within a short time carried If it be consistent with general Excelly. most Obd.
into confine- good for Serv.
ment & robbed of their property your Excelly. to detach some part Abr am. Davenport
& unless some protection is afford- of the Army as Guards, upon this
ed, those who are of Ability representation I have no His Excelly. Gen. Washington

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