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Biotechnology Letters 21: 849853, 1999.

1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Heterologous expression of lignin peroxidase of Phanerochaete

chrysosporium in Aspergillus niger

Mohamed Sami Aifa , Sami Sayadi & Ali Gargouri

Centre de Biotechnologie de Sfax, BPK3018, Sfax, Tunisia
Author for correspondence (Fax: 216-4-275970; E-mail:

Received 25 May 1999; Revisions requested 24 June 1999; Revisions received 26 July 1999; Accepted 27 July 1999

Key words: Aspergillus niger, heterologous expression, lignin peroxidase, Phanerochaete chrysosporium

The lignin peroxidase (isoenzyme H8) of Phanerochaete chrysosporium was expressed in Aspergillus niger under
the control of plant nopaline synthase (NOS) promoter and terminator. H8 mRNA was produced in this heterolo-
gous system. Western blot analysis showed that the recombinant protein was of size similar to the native H8. The
extracellular lignin peroxidase activity in these primary constructs was positive, though weak (1.12 nKat mg1 ).

Introduction rochaete chrysosporium has been successfully ob-

tained in baculovirus (Johnson & Li 1991) and As-
The ligninolytic system of Phanerochaete chrysospo- pergillus oryzae (Stewart et al. 1996). The transcrip-
rium is comprised of a multiplicity of enzymes with tion of a lignin peroxidase gene of Phlebia radiata
21 isoenzymes having been detected in the extra- in Trichoderma reesei was also reported, but no pro-
cellular culture of the fungus. These represent two tein was detected even by using a specific antibody
types of ligninolytic peroxidases (Leisola et al. 1987): (Saloheimo et al. 1989). In E. coli the LiP H8 (the
LiP (lignin peroxidase) and MnP (manganese per- major lignin peroxidase of Phanerochaete chrysospo-
oxidase). Lignin peroxidase oxidatively cleaves the rium) was expressed as inactive inclusion bodies and
C-C bond of the non-phenolic propyl side chain of the activation was obtained in vitro (Doyle & Smith
aromatic lignin model compounds (Gold et al. 1984). 1996).
Lignin peroxidases also attack methoxybenzenes with The present study addresses the production of a
a higher redox potential than other peroxidases (Ker- recombinant lignin peroxidase (LiP H8) in a tunisian
sten et al. 1990). This property, in combination with a strain of Aspergillus niger, which has the ability to
very broad substrate specificity, makes lignin peroxi- partially degrade the pollutants in olive oil waste
dases suitable for catalyzing the degradation of diverse waters.
recalcitrant aromatic pollutants such as polyphenols in
olive mill waste water (Sayadi & Ellouz 1995).
However, lignin peroxidase production is ham- Materials and methods
pered by several factors such as expression of these
enzymes under nutrient limitation and unbalanced me- Strains, media and culture conditions
dia, and the sensitivity of this basidiomycete fungus to
high shear forces in the fermentor (Kirk et al. 1978), Aspergillus niger F38, a wild-type strain isolated by
besides the rapid inactivation of these enzymes even in Hamdi et al. (1991) and capable of degrading pollu-
the absence of mycelia. tants in olive oil waste water, was used as a recipient in
Optimization of heterologous expression has been the transformation experiments. Mycelia were grown
explored in various hosts. Heterologous expression by inoculating 108 (1 ml) conidia in 1 litre Erlenmeyer
of a lignin peroxidase and Mn peroxidase of Phane- flasks containing 200 ml LB medium (1% BactoTryp-

tone, 0.5% NaCl, 0.5% yeast extract, pH 6). Inocu- precipitated nucleic acids were pelleted by centrifuga-
lated flasks were incubated for 1824 h at 30 C with tion, solubilized in water and either treated by RNase
shaking at 200 rpm. The selection of transformants or precipitated by LiCl to respectively prepare DNA
was performed on a hygromycin B minimal medium or RNA. RNA was separated in formaldehyde gel as
as described by Mohr & Esser (1990). described in Maniatis et al. (1989).
Media and culture conditions of transformants
were done according to Cove et al. (1966) with Probe
glycerol as a carbon source.
Escherichia coli DH5 was grown and manipu- The H8 probe is a PCR fragment of 650 bp by the fol-
lated as described in Maniatis et al. (1989). lowing primers: forward: 50 -CCATGGCCTTCAAGC
Construction of recombinant H8 plasmids GTC, according to the H8 cDNA sequence (Tien & Tu
The H8 cDNA (Tien & Tu 1987) was sub-cloned
in the pMTL23 vector (Chambers et al. 1988) and Protein extraction and analysis
called pMTH8. After digestion by BamHI+BglII re-
striction enzymes, a fragment was released from this Mycelium was frozen in liquid Nitrogen, ground
plasmid of 1.3 kb representing the cDNAH8 which and the powder suspended in 4 SDS buffer (8%
was inserted between NOS (nopaline synthase) pro- SDS, 20% -mercaptoethanol, 0.2 M Tris/HCl pH 6.8
moter and terminator of pGV1503. This expression (Moukha et al. 1993). The crude proteins were ana-
vector was obtained from Pr. Van Montagu laboratory. lyzed by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis. Extracellular
The constructed plasmid was designated as pGVH8 proteins were concentrated either by dehydration in
(7.8 kb). dialysis bags covered by PEG 8000, or by microfil-
Plasmid pCEL40 (Waldron et al. 1985), bearing tration on 10 kDa centricons (Amicon). LiP activity
the hygromycin B resistance marker, was used in the (oxidation of veratryl alcohol to veratraldehyde) was
co-transformation experiments. Five g of pCEL40 measured according to Tien & Kirk (1988). West-
with 20 g of pGVH8 was used to optimize co- ern blotting was carried according to Moukha et al.
transformation. (1993), using a polyclonal anti-H8 antibody.

Transformation of A. niger
Results and discussion
Protoplasts were prepared and purified from mycelia
as described by Mohr & Esser (1990) using Novozym- Plasmid construction and co-transformation results
234 (Novo Industries) at 5 mg ml1 in 0.6 M KCl
Aspergillus niger F38 strain will grow on benzenoid
and cellular debris removed by filtration through glass
aromatics but will not degrade poly-aromatics such
wool. The regeneration frequency was from 27 to
as the polyphenols present in olive mill waste water.
33%. Transformation was accomplished as outlined by
Thus the objective was to transfer the major lignin per-
Wernars et al. (1987). Transformants appeared after
oxidase gene, H8 haemoprotein from Phanerochaete
3 days.
chrysosporium to A. niger F38 which is easier to
DNA and RNA extraction from transformants
The LiP H8 cDNA was inserted into the pGV1503
Transformants were propagated in liquid medium and expression vector between NOS promoter and ter-
mycelia were harvested by filtration through gauze minator, a practical construct previously shown in
before freezing at 70 C. Cells were disrupted by Aspergillus niger (Mohr & Esser 1990). After co-
grinding 1 g frozen mycelia with 2 g alumina (sigma) transformation with pCEL40 vector (bearing the Hy-
and extraction in 10 ml of TE (10 mM Tris/HCl, gromycine resistance marker), several stable clones
pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8). After centrifugation of recombinant A. niger, H8 LiP and HygR positive,
and phenol/chloroform treatment, total nucleic acids were obtained as shown by Southern and PCR analy-
were precipitated with 2.5 volume of cold ethanol and ses. Southern hybridization with a H8 cDNA probe
1/10 volume of 3 M sodium acetate, pH 5.2. The (a PCR fragment of 650 bp) showed a multiple tan-
dem integration of each construction. The digestion

Fig. 2. Northern analysis of recombinant Aspergillus clones. Total

RNA (20 g) was loaded on a formaldehyde agarose gel (1.2%).
Lane 1: F38 as negative control. Lane 2: clone 1 of NOS trans-
formants. Radioactive hybridization was done with a H8 probe (a
650 bp PCR fragment) the hybridisation (left) and the gel photo
Fig. 1. Southern blot analysis of recombinant Aspergillus clones.
Lanes 1, 2, 3 and 4 are pGVH8 clones digested by BglII a single
cut in the plasmid. Lane 5: HindIII DNA marker. Hybridisa- an antibody raised against H8 LiP. Figure 3 shows a
tion was performed with a H8 radioactive probe (a 650 bp PCR
fragment) the hybridisation (left) and the gel photo (right). unique protein migrating at a level slightly lower than
the major band of Phanerochaete chrysosporium ex-
tracellular broth. The polyclonal antibody recognizes
of the transformants genomic DNA with a restriction H8 and other LiP related isoenzymes, which explains
enzyme cleaving a single site in pGVH8 plasmid, re- the appearance of other weak bands in P. chrysospo-
vealed a unique band corresponding to the size of the rium profile (Figure 3 lane P), while no band is seen
linearized pGVH8 (Figure 1). An analogous result was in the F38 control strain (Figure 3 lane 1).
obtained using the HygR gene as a probe, revealing We searched the lignin peroxidase activity in ex-
a multiple tandem integration of pCEL40 (data not tracellular proteins secreted by H8 transformants and
shown). the F38 control strain. Since the amounts of total
Southern and slot-blot experiments (not shown) on proteins secreted by these strains is very low, we con-
transformants genomic DNA allowed estimation of centrated 75 times the extracellular proteins from all
the number of H8 tandem integration events. This glycerol cultures by microfiltration on 10 kDa cen-
copy number is very high showing more than 10 tricon. The F38 control strain was LiP negative and
copies in the clone number 1, Figure 1. interestingly, NOS-transformants exhibited weak but
significant amount of LiP activity: 1.125 nKat mg1
H8 transcription in transformants of protein for NOS-1 and 0.75 nKat mg1 for NOS-2
Each transformant was cultured on rich medium sup- These results lead to two main conclusions: (1)
plemented with glycerol as a carbon source. After since H8 protein is a pre-pro-protein and is found in
three days culture, total RNA was extracted and an- the extracellular compartment of our transformants,
alyzed by Northern-blotting using the H8 PCR frag- this would suggest strongly that its entry in the en-
ment as a probe. The H8 RNA was absent in the non doplasmic reticulum, followed by its cleavage by
transformed F38 (Figure 2 lane 1) and efficiently a KEX2 like protein allowing its secretion in As-
produced from the NOS promoter (Figure 2 lane 2). pergillus has taken the same routing as in Phane-
rochaete chrysosporium. (2) Since H8 is also a heamo-
Recombinant H8 protein detection protein, we conclude also that heam was correctly pro-
vided to the extracellular recombinant active protein,
The NOS transformant, showing the highest H8 inte-
as in Phanerochaete chrysosporium.
gration, was then analyzed by western blotting using


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Moukha is also thanked for the H8 antibody. We thank peroxidase gene in Aspergillus oryzae. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 62:
D.E. Eveleigh for critically reading the manuscript. 860864.
This work was supported by grants of the EEC project Tien M, Tu CPD (1987) Cloning and sequencing of a cDNA for a
contract CI1-CT92-0104. ligninase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Nature 326: 520
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