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Mathematicaltools from quantum theory are being used to develop increasingly complex

financial products that exploit the uncertainties of the markets to make a profit

Paul Darbyshire
EVERYDAY,trillions of dollars are tra- I whereby decisions to buy and sell are
ded on the world's financial markets. I based on the counterintuitive rules of
The bulk of these transactions are car- superpositionand entanglement.
ried out by traders working in banks,
who stakeinvestors' money on financial The path to profit
"instruments" such as the FTSE-IOO Path integrals are essentially a way to
share index or the exchange rate be- add together probabilities, and date
tween two currencies. However, as in- back to the work of Norbert Wiener in
vestorshavedemandedgreaterpotential the early 1920s.However, they are prob-
returns on their investments,this basic ably better known among physicistsvia
trading activity hasbecomeincreasingly Richard Feynman, who in 1948 used
more sophisticated. path-integral methods to reformulate
Modern trading strategies are based the rules of quantum physics.
on financial "derivatives" - financial Feynman suggestedthat when con-
assetswith values that are determined sidering the quantum mechanics of a
by, or derived from, the price of some moving particle, every conceivablepath
underlying asset.This underlying asset could be assigned a certain complex
could be the shareprice of a company; number called the probability ampli-
an exchange rate, or the price of a tude for that path. The probability am-
commodity such as sugar or oil. De- plitude for any event,suchasan electron
rivatives can basically be structured passing through a slit in a screen, can
around anything that has a value that then be obtained by summing the prob-
can vary in an unpredictable way: In- Rocketscience-thedecades-oldpracticeofabilities for every possiblepath between
deed, it is even possible to structure a ~,nputting a"se~o,fmarket vari~blesinto.abasic the initial and final position of the par-
derivative around .a quantity .that does financial ~rlceofa
ticle (figure 1). Furthermore heshowed
not have an ObVIOUS financIal value, bymorerealistic models, someofwhichexploit that the resultIng mtegral can be solved
such as the average temperature or techniques fromquantum physics. to produce a neat mathematical pack-
level of rainfall in a particular country. agecalled the "propagator", which con-
The need for quantitative methods to determine the value tains all the dynamical information about the system as it
of the many different types of derivatives has led to an in- evolvesover time.
creasing number of physicistsand mathematicians joining Many of the techniques developedby Feynman can easily
the lucrative world of investment banking. Most large fi- be adapted to apply to random; or stochastic, rather than
nancial institutions now employ a small number of "quants" quantum processes.The only major differenceis that the con-
(or "rocket scientists" asthey are more affectionately known) tribution from each path will be a real number rather than a
to develop,.among other things, new pricing models to guide complex one, and that the total from all contributions will
traders and help generate bigger profits. representa probability rather than a probability amplitude.
One recent trend in the growing field of quantitative finance The first person to apply Feynman path integrals to finan-
is to apply techniques borrowed from quantum physics to cial modelling was Jan Dash - a particle physicist at the
price derivatives.Chief among theseare path integrals,which University of California in Berkeley who had moved into
were originally developedto describethe interactions of ele- banking - in the mid-1980s. At that time, little notice was
mentary particles. Furthermore, trading activity in the more taken of his radical endeavour, but later many academics
distant future may even take place on a "quantum board", began to investigate ways in which path integrals could be


applied to the financial markets. The certainty and is therefore free from risk.
reasonwas simple: the value of a finan- As a result, it should earn the risk-free
cial derivative depends on the "path" rate of interest that is applicable to safe
followed by the underlying asset. investmentssuch asgovernment bonds,
One of the best ways to illustrate this at leastfor a very short period in time.
is to consider a type of derivative called In banking terms, this meansthere are
~n option, of which there are two types. A B "no arbitrage" opportunities. Arbitrage
~ "call" option is a financial cont~act $ is based on the fact that two identi~al
ISsuedby one party to another that gIves 2 I assetsshould sell for the same pnce
the buyer the right, but not the obli- acrossmarkets:if the prices differ, an op-
gation, to buy the underlying assetfor Inthe1940sRichard
Feynman pioneered
anew portunity arisesto buy the underpriced
a specified "strike" price at a future path-integral
in asset and then sell the identical over-
"maturity" date. The seller or under- quant,ummechanics. ~double-slit
Consider priced asset for a profit. To maintain
. . experiment:
anelectronfrompolntAreaches .. . .
wnter, normally working for a bank, pointBbytakingoneoftwopossible
AS1B the Black-Scholes nsk-free posItIon m
charges the buyer a premium for the orAS2B.Althoughweknowwhere theelectron practice, the stock amounts must there-
opdon up front. If the value of the un- sta.rted
wehavenoi~ea fore be constantlychangedby frequently
. g assetis higher than the strike WhIChsiltltcamethrough.Bytreatln~theflnal.
. . actualpathasa quantumsuperposition, the
. g. or selling. the amount of
prIce when the optIon matures, the probability
canbesummedoverall stock Wlthm the portfolIo (figure 2).
buyer will presumably exercise their possiblepathsthatoccurbetween AandBto From this analysis, Black, Scholes and
right to buy the asset at the lower price determineatotalamplitude.If weletthe number Merton were able to derive a general
. . of slits get very large,then the sum approaches . .J~r' .
and. the.n sell!t at Its present value, re- anintegral-i.e.thepathintegralfromAto B. partial Ullleren.tIal equ~tIon for the value
sultmg m an mstant profit less the pre- Sucha path-integral
showsvery of a stock optIon, whIch turned out to
mium paid to buy the option in the first pr?mising r~sultswhenanalysing derivatives
th$ look very similar to the heat-diffusion
place (seebox on page 27). pricesof whicharedep~ndent onthe path equation from thermodynamics (seebox
A " put " optIon
. IS. a Slffi
. il ar contract followed by the underlYing asset. on page.29) Th e so1utIon
. 0f thIS
o equa-

that givesthe buyer the right to sell the tion led to analytic formulas for the price
underlying assetat maturity for an agreed strike price. If the of standard call and put stock options. This meant that., for
price of the assetis lower than the strike price, the investorwillthe first time, it was possibleto find the fair value of any call
buy the asseton the open market at the lower price before or put stock option by simply knowing the price of the stock,
immediately selling it at the higher strike price to the com- the strike price of the option, the risk-free interest rate, the
pany that sold the option. Again, this will result in an instant volatility of the underlying stockprice, and the time to matur-
profit lessthe initial premium. ity of the option. This value was the price of the option that
Pricing an option is a complex mathematical problerI!,~t was quoted by financial institutions and subsequentlytraded
involves diffusion processessuch as Brownian motion. This around the globe.
random movement, first observed by the botanist Robert Wall Streetwas ecstatic;traders could simply punch in a set
Brown with pollen grains suspendedin a liquid, is frequently of market variables and out popped the value of the option.
observedin nature. Due to the unpredictable behaviour of However,practitioners and academicssoonbegan to uncover
the underlying assets,the derivativesmarkets are similar. the shortfalls and holeswithin the Black-Scholes model due
to its restrictive assumptions.For example, both the volatility
Option pricing and the risk-freeinterest rate are assumedto be constant over
The idea of developing a mathematical model for pricing time, which is clearly implausible in today'sfinancial markets.
an option datesback to 1900,when Louis Bachelier proposed When the markets, in particular the foreign-exchange and
a stochasticprocessto depict the evolution of a stock price. equity markets, act outside the Black-Scholes world, traders
Much later, in 1973,Fischer Black and Myron Scholesin col- are often guided by past experience and rely on "gut feel-
laboration with Robert Merton, while all at the Massachusetts ing". While suchinstincts are useful, they can never compete
Institute of Technology (MIT), revolutionized derivatives with a trader equipped with a robust pricing mechanism.
pricing by developing a pioneering formula for evaluating Without doubt, such models can make a great deal of
non-dividend-paying stockoptions. money, which is why so many researchers are looking for
In order to simplify the analysis,the MIT team devised a new ways to price derivatives.
specialportfolio comprising two financial assets:a "short" (or
seller)position in an option and a "long" (or buyer)position in Quantum pricing
the assetunderlying this option. The researchersnoted that A path-integral description of the Black-Scholes model was
both the stockprice and option value are affectedby the same recently developed by Belal Baaquie of the National Uni-
source of uncertainty; namely the movement of the stock versity of Singapore and co-workers.From this, Baaquie and
price. As a result, over a very short period of time the price of co-workerswent on to devisea quantum-mechanical version
a call option is perfectly correlated with the price of the un- of the Black-Scholes equation to describethe price of a sim-
derlying stock, while the price of a put option is negatively pIe, non-dividend-paying option.
correlated with the underlying stock. In quantum mechanics, the state of a physical systemcan
This meansthat by making appropriate adjustmentsto the be representedby a wavefunction, I'll>, and the expectation
portfolio, the profit or lossfrom the option position is com- value of an observablethat is describedby an operator A and
pletely offsetby the profit or lossin the stockposition. In other is given by the "inner product" < 'II IA I'll>, where <'II I is the
words, the overall value of this specialportfolio is known with Hermitian conjugate of the wavefunction. In the financial


be $500. Now move forward three months. If the stock price is lower
than $100, the trader will clearly choose not to exercise the option
and accept the $500 loss on their initial investment. However, if the stock price S

stock price has risen to, say, $120, the trader would obviously This diagram shows the relationship between the price of a call option, c, and
the price of the asset or stock underlying the option, S, in a special portfolio in
exercise their rightto buy the stock at $100 and could then sell it which the holder has been sold one call option and has bought a certain
immediately at $120, making a profit of $2000, less commission amount of the underlying asset. Ata particular point in time, a small change in
and brokerage fees and the $500 cost of the option. the stock price, i1S, and the resultantsmall change in the price of the call
option, i1c, might be such thati1c=0.4i1S - i.e. the slope or gradient of the
relationship between c and S is 0.4. In this case, the risk-free portfolio would
consist of a "long" position of 0.4 of the stock and a "short" position in one call
world the value of an option at a certain time, t, can then be option. However, this position is attained only for a very short period of time, so
interpreted asthe inner product <II x), wheref is the option to remain risk-free the portfolio must be adjusted using a concept called
dynamic hedging. For example, in five days' time, the relationship between c
price and x is the price of the underlying asset. and S might change such that i1c = 0.5i1S, in which case 0.5 of the stock must
The evolution of the option value with time,f(t), can be be bought for each call option sold. Nevertheless, in a very short, or
written as If(t)= exp(tH) If(O), where His the appropriate instantaneous, period of time, the return from the risk-less portfolio is the
risk-free rate of interest. This argument was central to the derivation of the
differential operator or Hamiltonian and f(O) is the value
Black-Scholes analytic pricing formulas for non-dividend-payingstock options.
of the option at t= O.The path integral for the option then
models the stochastic process followed by the price of the
underlying asset,in the sameway that the Feynman path in- lying assetcan be very unpredictable, and a sudden spikecan
tegral for, say;an electron takes into account all its possible lead to a barrier being hit and an investor losing all their
trajectories. Using simple boundary conditions for the value money; This introduces a discontinuity in the dynamics of
of the option at certain times, a self-consistentquantum~ys- the systemthat can causemajor problems for the trader and
tern for the price of an option can be determined. risk manager.
Baaquie and co-workers used Monte Carlo techpiques - Baaquie and co-workers have modelled barrier options by
in which random numbers and probability distributions are incorporating a potential, V(x),into their quantum descrip-
used to simulate real physical systems- to solve the path tion, which constrainsthe stochasticprocess.The team is also
integral. This involves fIXing an initial point for the underly- studying more complex path-dependent derivatives, such as
ing assetprice on the path, x, while allowing the final point, double-barrier options (the values of which reduce to zero if
x', to evolve over time. Then, by incorporating each price x' one of two barriers is crossed).Initial results show that this
with the option's "pay-off" function - i.e. how far the pricing problem is similar to a quantum-mechanical particle
underlying assetis aboye (for a call option) or below (for a in an infinite potential well.
put option) the strike price - an averageprice for the option Other researchers,suchasKirillllinski of Birmingham Uni-
can be determined. versity in the UK, havetaken a slightly different path-integral
This technique is then repeated for several values of x approach, based on quantum electrodynamics(QED). This
until the value of the option converges,giving its price at the theory treats the force between two electronsas being due to
maturity date (this is analogous to summing all the possible the exchange of a "virtual" photon, rather than the electric
paths of a particle in the double-slit experiment to determine field produced by eachelectronasdescribedby Coulomb's law;
which slit the particle went through). Baaquie and co-workers llinski has shown how QED can be used to replicate the
found that their Monte Carlo method agreed well with the Black-Scholes"no-arbitrage" argumentsto obtain the special
Black-Scholes analytic formulas for simple non-dividend- portfolio suggestedin the original MIT analysis.
paying options. Moreover, unlike the classicalapproach, their In llinski's theory; the financial market is mapped onto
quantum description can easily be extended to so-called the QED model. Particleswith positive and negativecharges,
exotic options. corresponding to securities and debts, respectively;interact
A good example of an exotic option is a barrier option, the quantum mechanicallywith eachother through "electromag-
price of which depends on the underlying assetreaching a netic" fields.llinski makesthe analogybetweenthe virtual par-
certain value during the lifetime of the option: a "knock-out" ticlesin QED that damp the force between a pair of electrons
barrier option is "killed off" when the underlying assetprice and thosetraderswho try to eliminate arbitrage opportunities
hits a certain barrier, while a "knock-in" barrier option within the financial markets.He goeson to showthat there are
comes "alive" when the underlying assetreachesthe barrier. opportunities to make a profit within a "virtual arbitrage"
Although barrier options can be very lucrative, they alsohave world that were not envisagedin the original Black-Scholes
their disadvantages.Movements in the price of the under- analysis.Nevertheless,he is quick to point out that quantum

P.v.",. WnR,n Moy 7nn~

financial methods are not the final word
on modelling the markets,but merely a
step to gaining a deeper understanding
and a better theo~

- - -
As well as the path-integral approach
to pricing derivatives,some researchers
are trying to take advantage of quan-
tum phenomena by viewing the finan-
cial markets as a "quantum game".
Game theory describescompetitive sce-
narios betweena number of individuals
or groups who try to maximize their
own profit, or minimize the gains made
by their opponents, via co-operation
or conflict (see PhysicsWorld October
2002 pp25-29). However, by adopting
quantum trading strategies,rather than
classicalones,it seemsthat players can
make more informed decisions, which may lead to better better of[ To your disadvantage,your friend alsorealizesdlis,
profit opportunities. so you both end up getting five years. Ironically; if you had
Last year,Edward Piotrowski of the University of Bialystok both "co-operated" (i.e. refused to confess),you would both
and Jan Sladkowski at the University of Silesia,both in Po- havebeen much better off with only a three-year sentence.
land, studied trading strategiesbased on superpositions of So what if there were quantum rules?In the classicalpris-
different trading decisions in an abstract vector space.Any oner's dilemma, there is only a singlechoice to either co-oper-
trading activity or strategy is performed via "unitary" trans- ate or defect.JensEisert and Martin Wilkens at the University
formations on the statesin the vector space,which describe of Postdam,along with Maciej Lewenstein at the University
the evolution of the systemover time. of Hanover, have recendy shown that in a quantum version
Recent advances in quantum entanglement and crypto- there is a third option: a superposition of confessingand stay-
graphy could make these futuristic-sounding quantum tra- ing quiet. Moreover, the prisoners' choicescan be entangled,
ding systemsa reality. If two particles such as photons are sothat one can influence the other.
produced in such a way that they are entangled, any dist~b- Eisert and colleaguesdescribea physical model of the pris-
ance of the state of one photon will instandy disturb the oner's dilemma in which both prisoners have secret access
other - no matter how far the particles are apart. Any at- to quantum particles and can manipulate their state.That is,
tempt to intercept an entangled photon in transit would the prisoners become quantum players. It turns out that the
therefore be immediately obvious to those monitoring the best strategy for both players is initially not to confess or
state of the other photon in the pair, allowing ultra-secure remain silent, but to "feel each other out" through strange
communication. Indeed, only last year a quantum financial quantum combinations of the possibleoutcomes and, in the
transaction was performed between two buildings using end, make the choice that best rewards them. It is hard to
entangled photons (figure 3). give a classicaldescription of this strategy;other than to say
Entanglement is also an essentialingredient in quantum that when both players use it they both come off as well as
computation and information processing,which are neces- they possibly can. In other words, this quantum strategy is
sary if quantum trading strategiesare to be put into practice. not only the most rational but alsothe most profitable.
Piotrowski and colleagues argue that such irading activity Clearly th~ extra possibilities offered by quantum game
would take place on a "quantum board" that contained the strategiescan lead to more successfuloutcomes than purely
setsof all possible statesof the trading game. However, the classicalones.This hasfar-reaching consequencesfor trading
researchersare careful to point out that to actually play sucha behaviour and could lead to fascinating developments in
game would require major advancesin technology; quantum-designedfinancial marketsand rule-basedinvesting.
To illustrate this, consider the classical "prisoner's di-
lemma", in which you and a friend are picked up by the police Outlook
and interrogated in separatecells without a chance to com- This article givesonly a flavour of the potential applicationsof
municate with each other. You are both told the same thing: quantum physicsin finance.However,many difficult problems
if you both confess,you will both get five years in prison; if remain to be solvedbefore "rocket scientists" can take early
neither of you confesses,the police will be able to pin part retirement. For example, we need to somehow include addi-
of the crime on both of you and you will both get three years; tional stochasticvariablessuchasvolatility and interestratesin
if one of you confessesbut the other doesnot, the confessor the quantum pricing systemto make the modelsmore realistic,
will make a deal with the police and will go free while the which posesan extremelydifficult mathematical challenge.
other one goesto jail for six years. There are also sociological hurdles to be overcome. De-
Unable to confer and lacking faith in the other's trustwor- veloping and discussingpath integrals and quantum markets
thiness, each prisoner concludes that the best strategy is to with hard-nosedtraders, whosebottom line is to simply make
confess,because,no matter what your friend does,you will be a profit, is not always easy:Indeed, most traders have litde or~


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Further reading
Properties of Conjugated
B Baaquie et a/. 2004 Hamiltonian and potentials in derivative pricing models:
exact results and lattice simulations Physica A 334 531-557 Polymers
F Black and M Scholes 1973 The pricing of corporate liabilitiesJ. Political
William Barford
The aim of this book is to describe and explain the electronic
Economy 8j. 637-654
and optical properties of conjugated polymers.
Z Chen 2002 Quantum finance: the finite dimensional case July 2005 I 272 pages
quant-ph/0112158 0-19-852680-6 I Hardback 55.00
J W Dash 2004 Quantitative Finance and Risk Management: A Physicist's
Molecular Orbitals of Transition
Approach (Singapore, World Scientific)
E Derman 2004 My Ufe as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance
Metal Complexes
Yvesjean and Colin Marsden
(New York, Wiley)
'... an exceptionally
clearteacher [...] This book is so pedagogi-
J Eisert et a/. 1999 Quantum games and quantum strategies Phys. Rev. Lett. cal that it should be a great success and should be used widely
833077 [...] It corresponds ideally to what is needed.'
R Feynman and A Hibbs 1965 QuantumMechanics and Path Integrals O. Eisenstein University of Montpellier
(New York, McGraw-Hili) March 2005 I 304 pages
K lIinski 2001 Physics of Finance: Gauge Modeling in Non-Equilibrium Pricing 0-19-853093-5 I Hardback 39.95
(New York, Wiley)
E Piotrowski and J Sladkowski 2002 Quantum game theory in finance
a a bsl q uant-ph/0406129

Paul Darbyshire is a visiting professor at the Nottingham Business School
in the UK, and an independent consultant and investment broker.


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