Essay (The Shifting of Traditional Foods) FIX

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Name : Febi Priska Litami

NPM : 1606925640


The Shifthing of Traditional Foods

Today the world has entered the modern age of globalization. Globalization is very
influential in human life, especially Indonesian society. Many of the changes that have
occures due to globalization such as the entry of foreign culture to Indonesia. Especially in
the interest of Indonesian people who prefer to consume food abroad/fast food than
Indonesian traditional food. So as to cause the shifting of traditional food by fast food at this
time. This is due to several factors that are due to the changing times, the less skilled people
make it, and the more complicated manufacturing process.

It can not be denied that the changng times will occur in all regions of the world
including Indonesia. With changing times, the habits of Indonesian society aldo tend to
change, including the habit in consuming traditional food. Traditional food is typical food of
each region each that has been passed down from generation to ancestors. Each region in
Indonesia must have its own traditional food. Unlike now, in ancient times, the tongue of
Indonesian society is still dependent on traditional food, they will not be satisfied if not eat
the traditional food, and traditional food still easy to find, even there are many people who
are experts in making it. But when compared with now, it is very difficult to find traditional
food that is really original recipe, because the less enthusiasts than traditional food. The
tongue of society now seems to prefer to eat food abroad/fast food is considered out of date.

Another reason is because traditional food is hard to find because the fewer people
who have the skill in making it, most of them are old people who are experts while the young
people of today are more interested in making popular dishes such as spagetthi, burger and
others etc. So that makes the recipe passed down through the generations was cut off and
became scarce. And also because the raw materials or some spices to make a number of
traditional food menu that is difficult to find in the market becomes one of the barriers to
make back the traditional cuisine. So most people just cook the traditional menu that has been
popular such as sayur asem, sambal terasi and so forth.
And the latter due to the more complicated manufacturing process. Such as the
traditional food from Kutacane, Southeast Aceh, the Ikan Pacik Kule. It is a kind of food
from fish that was silenced a few days beforehand, and to make the seasoning requires
ingredients in the form of original Aceh spices. But now, because the process is complicated
and takes a long time then changed so that the fish no longer silenced a few days, but
immediately cooked with marinade. The original Ikan Pacik Kule is very hard to find in the
Kutacane area.

As the people of Indonesia, should the entire society preserve the culture and history
of the region, including traditional food. Because traditional food is the hallmark and identity
of each region. By preserving it the next generation after we can feel and keep it as well, so it
is not interrupted until whenever. Although with the changing times, it is not fitting for us to
forget what has been handed down. So keep the Indoensian tradisional foods so as not to
become extinct by the times.

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