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Identify which step of the design thinking process these paragraphs fit into.

Highlight key words that support your choice.

Sinks on top of toilet water storage box (Case study)

Current conservation research has found that 100s of amphibious
distribution areas are shrinking with the receding of water way levels.
Scientists fear that soon the species will have no suitable habitat left and
these species may be lost to extinction.
10 plastic and 10 porcelain toilets were distributed into households for a free
trailing process. This was done to test customer satisfaction.
The water corporation website indicates that over the last 100 years ground
water supplies have been steadily decreasing. Furthermore, over the next 50
years average rainfall is set decrease and water demand is set to be higher
than ever.
200 people in the Perth metropolitan area were interviewed to access how
much people valued being water wise. It was discovered that 73% of
households want to be more water wise and 60% of household already had
water wise shower heads installed in their houses
It was proposed that a toilet could be combined with a sink to save water.
When the toilet is flushed clean water refills the storage box by running
through a pipe out a tap, down a drain and into the storage container. Hence,
people can wash their hands with the clean water before it is used to flush
the toilet during its next use.
Past research indicates that regular toilets use approximately 6 litres of water
every flush. It was further calculated that approximately 36 litres of water
are used per person per day souly in toilets.
Two versions of the toilet were designed and created. One was developed out
of hard plastic and one was developed out of porcelain.

1. Define/empathise
2. Test
3. Define
4. Empathise
5. Ideate
6. Define
7. prototype
Identify which step of the design thinking process these paragraphs fit into.
Highlight key words that support your choice.

Illuminated light switches (Case study)

A light switch was developed with a small yellow led light installed in the
button that light up when the light witch was turned off.

From observation, no light switches on the market have any characteristic

that allows them to be easily found in the dark.

The factbook webpage indicates that struggling to find the light switch can
resolve in unnecessary panic and anxiety or even injuring whilst blindly
searching for a light switch.

The light switch with a led light installed was tested within laboratories and
trailed within 50 households within Perth.

An idea was developed to install a led light in the switch that is activated
when the switch is turned off.

Through self-observation and listening it was found that many people coming
home later at night struggle to find a light switch.

It was proposed that light switches could be made from glow in the dark
material that illuminates to expose the location of a light switch

A light switch was made entirely out of photoluminescent plastic

The photoluminescent light switch was tested in homes and found to only be
effective when they were exposed to enough light during the evening.

1. Prototypes
2. Define
3. Empathise
4. Test
5. Ideate
6. Empathise/define
7. Ideate
8. Prototype
9. test
Identify which step of the design thinking process these paragraphs fit into.
Highlight key words that support your choice.

Transparent umbrellas (case study)

Two umbrellas were developed that were made out of semi-transparent
material and a fully transparent plastic.
Through watching the youtube video why girls hate rain if was discovered
that thousands of people found umbrellas to be bulky and blocked peoples
100 clear plastic umbrellas and 100 semi-transparent umbrellas were
released onto the market to test if there was a demand for them.
After watching a person almost walk into a low hanging branch whilst holding
an umbrella I realised that umbrellas obstruct peoples view
An idea was developed to create an umbrella made out of a full transparent
clear plastic. This would eliminate any obstruction to the umbrella holders
According to the Australian government page 5 harmful incidents a year
occur due to umbrellas obstructing peoples vision.
It was proposed that an umbrella be created that was made of out semi-
transparent material to maintain some sun protection as well as create less
of an obstruction to peoples vision.

1. prototype
2. empathise
3. test
4. empathise
5. ideate
6. define
7. ideate
Identify which step of the design thinking process these paragraphs fit into.
Highlight key words that support your choice.

Water bottle filter (case study)

It was proposed that a drink bottle be designed that had a built-in filtering
system that filtered the water as it travelled through the drinking nozzle.
To assess if there was a market for them, 200 bottles were distributed in k-
marts across Australia.
Scientists discovered that tap water contains ions that are not good for
human consumption in large doses.
According to water co Australia chlorine in tap water can cause cancer such
as rectal cancer, colon cancer and bladder cancer.
Research indicates that tap filters are expensive and often entail an
installation fee. Hence a cheaper alternative is necessary.
From observing and interviewing Perth residence it was discovered that
many people did not like drinking Perth tap water due to its chlorine taste
A clear plastic water bottle was created with a pop top nozzle attached to an
inbuilt cylinder water filtering system.
1. ideate
2. test
3. Define
4. Empathise
5. Define
6. Empathise
7. prototype

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