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Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92

DOI 10.1007/s11738-017-2391-z


Evaluation of malathion-induced cytogenetical effects

and oxidative stress in plants using Allium test
Divya Singh1 Bijoy Krishna Roy1

Received: 2 May 2016 / Revised: 2 March 2017 / Accepted: 5 March 2017

Franciszek Gorski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow 2017

Abstract The present study emphasized to explore the malathion toxicity. According to the data on the malondi-
toxicity effect of malathion on plants using Allium test. aldehyde content show malathion to be capable of pro-
The experiments explored the mitotic inhibition, growth ducing superoxide radicals indirectly, and to result in
and activity of antioxidant enzymes in roots of Allium cepa membrane damage and oxidative stress.
at different concentrations (50, 125, 250 and 375 ppm) of
malathion under different exposure periods (3, 9 and 18 h). Keywords Malathion  Mitotic activities  Antioxidant
The results revealed that all concentrations of malathion enzymes  Allium cepa
were capable to decline the root growth. Malathion-in-
duced mitotic alterations varying from reduction in mitotic Abbreviations
index (MI), relative division rate (RDR) and phase distri- MI Mitotic index
bution along with large number of chromosomal aberra- RDR Relative division rate
tions. These changes were of varying degree depending on ROS Reactive oxygen species
the concentration and treatment period. The roots treated CB Chromosome break
with malathion (375 ppm) showed significant (p B 0.05) L Laggard
higher levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase than the NB Nuclear bud
control, while the activity of peroxidase was significantly BC Binucleated cell
(p B 0.05) low. At 375 ppm malathion, malondialdehyde MP Multipolarity
content was significantly high (p B 0.05) that was Dist Ana/Telo Disturbed anaphase/telophase
increased with the treatment period. Findings concluded FW Fresh weight
that variations in mitotic index, chromosomal aberrations, CAT Catalase
alterations in malondialdehyde content and activities of POX Peroxidase
antioxidant enzyme could serve as the useful indicators for SOD Superoxide dismutase
monitoring the effects of malathion exposures in the real
scenario. Superoxide dismutase and catalase enzyme play
vital roles in the antioxidant defence mechanisms under Introduction

Pesticides are widely used chemicals to protect crops

Communicated by E. Schleiff. against pests, which increases the agricultural yield. About
one third of the agricultural yields are produced using
& Bijoy Krishna Roy pesticides. In modern agricultural practices, pesticides have
so essential which continuous use for many years are
Divya Singh resulted in various environmental and health related prob-
lems by interaction with biological systems that ends up
Laboratory of Cytogenetics, Department of Botany, Banaras with deleterious effects on plant growth, development and
Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India other metabolic activities (Sengupta et al. 1989; Pankratz

92 Page 2 of 10 Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92

et al. 2003). Some pesticides might undergo various (POX). Generally, SOD regulates intracellular concentra-
changes, and become more toxic. Mutagenic effect of some tions of superoxide radical (O- 2 ) by converting it into
pesticides has been reported in plants, animals and human hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The removal of H2O2 is
(Grigorenko and Larchenko 2000; Bolognesi 2003; implicated by catalase and peroxidase. Catalase converts
Amaroli et al. 2013). H2O2 into oxygen (O2) and water, whereas the excessive
Malathion [S-1,2-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)ethyl O,O-dime- H2O2 is detoxified by peroxidases that generate hydroxyl
thyl phosphorodithioate] is one of the most used pesticides radical (OH) from O- 2 and H2O2 (Sharma et al. 2012).
in the world. In India, it accounts about 65% of all the Therefore, activities of antioxidant enzyme and lipid per-
organophosphorus pesticides that is used to control mos- oxidation serve as important indicator for exploring the
quitoes, insects, flies and animal parasites. Malathion resistance potential of plants under stress conditions.
affects the nervous system of insects and other living Allium cepa has been found to be excellent indicator
organism by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity (Baj- target for environmental monitoring with many privileges
gar 2004; Bonner et al. 2007). Earlier reports show that such as short test time, low cost, ease of handling and large
higher doses of malathion adversely affects physiology and size of the chromosomes for the study of chromosome
yield of Picea sitchensis (Straw et al. 1996). It also reduces aberrations (Leme and Marin-Morales 2009). In the past,
mitotic activity and induces chromosomal aberrations as Allium test lacked general acceptance because plant system
well as several other abnormalities such as irregular pro- is characteristically different from animal system. How-
phase, micronuclei, chromatin material liquefaction ever, the recent studies show that almost similar genetic
abnormalities, chromosome kinetic abnormalities and abnormalities are induced by specific chemicals in both
structural aberrations in root-tips of Viccia faba (Adam animal and plant systems (Teixeira et al. 2003).
et al. 2014). However, continuous and injudicious use of The objective of the present work was to study the
these pesticides may subject the living forms to their effects of malathion on the mitotic activity, growth and
chronic effects. antioxidant system in A. cepa (L.) in order for elucidating
The pesticide induced oxidative stress attracted the the roles of oxidative stress during malathion-induced
attention of researchers during the last decade. It is toxicity.
reported that malathion metabolism produced reactive
oxygen species (ROS) that lead to oxidative stress (Mos-
tafalou et al. 2012). The ROS are byproduct of aerobic Materials and methods
metabolism and cause oxidative damage. The ROS damage
cellular processes by interacting with biomolecules, and Plant material and treatments
result in yield reduction along with plant growth, anoma-
lous developments, and ultimately the plant death. The The bulbs of A. cepa L. (2n = 16) were procured from
increased ROS level interacts with cell membrane causing local market. For morphological changes like growth,
peroxidation of membrane lipids. Lipid peroxidation is bulbs were germinated primarily in a tank containing sand,
highly destructive process that alters the structure and and 23 cm long seedlings were transferred in containers
physiological function of cell membranes by oxidation of having different concentrations (50, 125, 250 and
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). PUFAs destruction 375 ppm) of malathion in Hoaglands nutrient solution
causes loss of fluidity and secretory functions of the cell (Stephan and Prochazka 1989). Hoaglands nutrient solu-
membrane. Further oxidation of PUFAs initiate new chain tion without malathion was used as control. The roots of
by producing lipid hydroperoxides that disintegrate to form twelve bulbs from each treatment were measured and
new free radicals and a wide variety of compounds espe- recorded after 72 h. A graph was plotted between root
cially aldehydes (malondialdehyde, crotonaldehyde and length and concentrations by taking 100% root length in
acrolein). Products of lipid peroxidation may also form control as standard. The point showing 50% growth was
exocyclic DNA adducts (Tuteja et al. 2009). Malondi- interpreted as effective concentration (EC50).
aldehyde (MDA) is a byproduct of PUFA oxidation widely For cytological and physiological studies, bulbs were
used as the important indicators to measure lipid peroxi- grown in sand for 4 days. Then, the seedlings were trans-
dation (Sharma et al. 2012). ferred into 50, 125, 250 and 375 ppm malathion solutions
Plants have several mechanisms to alleviate detrimental for 3, 9 and 18 h. Cytological preparations were carried out
effects of ROS. The antioxidant defence system is one of by fixation of roots in a mixture of glacial acetic acid and
the protective mechanism of plants that constitutes non- ethanol (1:3). After hydrolysis in 1 N HCl (5 min), root
enzymatic and enzymatic components. The enzymatic tips (1 mm) were washed and stained with 2% aceto-
components include antioxidant enzymes, e.g., catalase carmine (Misk et al. 2014). Mitotic index was expressed in
(CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidases percentage by counting cells of different mitotic phases in

Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92 Page 3 of 10 92

total number of cells (*1000 cells per slide). Mitotic was centrifuged at 15,0009g for 20 min (4 C) and
phases were also expressed as percentage of total number supernatant was used for assay. The 3 mL reaction mixture
of cells. Chromosomal aberrations were recorded as was consisted of 0.05 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0),
stickiness, fragments, c-mitosis, laggards, bridges, binu- 0.01 M H2O2 (800 lL) and 200 lL enzyme extract. The
cleated cells, disturbed anaphase/telophase, multipolarity CAT activity was assayed by measuring the decrease in
and nuclear buds, and represented as percentage of dividing absorbance at 240 nm for 60 s (e = 0.036 mM-1 cm-1)
cells. The relative division rate (RDR) was enumerated and expressed in mM of H2O2 utilized min-1 g-1 FW.
using the method of Hoda et al. (1991).
Lipid peroxidation was determined by slightly modified Statistical analysis
method of Dhindsa et al. (1981) and expressed as malon-
dialdehyde (MDA) content. About 0.6 g of roots were All experiments were recited thrice and pooled data were
homogenized in 3 mL reaction mixture (0.5% thiobarbi- tabulated as averaged SD. The software (SPSS 16.0)
turic acid and 20% trichloroacetic acid). The homogenate was used to test significance at p B 0.05 by one-way
was placed in water bath at 95 C (30 min) and cooled it in analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnet t test.
ice immediately. After centrifugation at 10,0009g for
10 min the absorbance was recorded at 532 and 600 nm.
The correction of turbidity was done by subtracting Results
absorbance at 600 nm. The MDA content was appraised
(e = 155 mM-1 cm-1) and expressed as nmol g-1 FW. The retarded root growth serves as monitor for malathion
SOD activity was assessed by scanning the inhibition of toxicity. Although, the increasing concentration decreased
photochemical reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium chloride the root length. The effective concentration (EC50) for root
(NBT) (Fridovich 1974). About 1 g roots were homoge- growth was found at 250 ppm, whereas the stronger inhi-
nized in 2 mL 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.8) bition of root growth was observed at 375 ppm (Fig. 1).
containing 1% Triton X-100, 1% polyvinylpyrrolidone The malathion effect on mitotic index (MI) was varied
(PVP), 3 mM ethylenediamine-tetra acetic acid (EDTA) with concentration and treatment period. The results elu-
and centrifuged at 15,0009g for 20 min (4 C). The cidated that the increased malathion concentration along
supernatant was used for determination of enzyme activity. with treatment periods decline the mitotic activity
The 3 mL reaction mixture was made of 1.5 M sodium (Table 1). The highest concentration (375 ppm) for 18 h
carbonate, 3 mM EDTA, 0.2 M methionine, 2.25 mM treatment induced lower MI (3.41%) than the control
NBT, 2 lM riboflavin, 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH (10.96%). The analysis of results showed great alterations
7.8), 300 lL enzyme extract and deionized water. The in the distribution of mitotic phases during malathion
reaction was started by keeping tubes below 40 W fluo- treatment. The prophase frequency was significantly
rescent mercury tube for 10 min at room temperature, and (p B 0.05) decreased in malathion treated roots than the
terminated by placing tubes in dark. The absorbance was control. It reached the minimum frequency (45.13%) at
recorded at 560 nm. One unit of SOD activity was defined 375 ppm after 18 h treatment in comparison to control
as the amount of enzyme that was required to inhibit 50% (52.29%). On contrary, the frequency of metaphase
NBT photoreduction. SOD activity was expressed as unit increased moderately and reached a maximum of 30.55%
g-1 FW. at 375 ppm after 18 h treatment in comparison with control
POX activity was determined by the modified method of (22.16%). However, the frequency of anaphase was
Britton and Mehley (1955). Roots (1 g), ground in 2 mL decreased with increasing concentration and treatment
0.1 M phosphate buffer containing 5 mM cysteine (pH time, and the minimum value (12.31%) was observed at
6.8), was centrifuged at 15,0009g for 20 min (4 C). The 375 ppm after 18 h treatment. Whereas the frequency of
supernatant was used for the enzyme assay. The 5 mL telophase increased moderately and reached the maximum
reaction mixture consisting of 50 mM H2O2, 50 mM (12.01%) at 375 ppm after 18 h treatment in comparison
pyrogallol, 125 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) and 1 mL with control (8.33%) (Fig. 2).
enzyme extract, was incubated at 25 C for 5 min. The The relative division rate (RDR) was used to determine
reaction was stopped by adding 5% H2SO4. The absor- intensity of mitotic inhibition. The RDR values were negative
bance was observed at 420 nm. The enzyme activity was at each concentration and treatment period. The minimum
expressed as lmol purpurogallin formed g-1 FW. RDR value was observed at 375 ppm (after 18 h treatment),
CAT activity was estimated by monitoring the initial while the maximum was recorded at 50 ppm after 3 h treat-
rate of degradation of H2O2 (Aebi 1984). About 1 g roots ment in comparison to the other concentrations.
were homogenized in 0.05 M TrisHCl buffer (pH 8.0) Observations of cells under light microscope showed
containing 0.5 mM EDTA and 2% PVP. The homogenate various mitotic abnormalities in treated cells. The

92 Page 4 of 10 Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92

Fig. 1 Effect of malathion

concentrations on root length of
Allium cepa. The values are
statistically significant at
p B 0.05

Table 1 Chromosomal aberrations induced by different concentrations of malathion at different time periods
Concentration Total MI (%) SD RDR Chromosomal aberrations
(ppm) cell (%)
Bridge Stickiness CB NB BC c- MP Dist Mean
and L mitosis Ana/ aberration SD

Treatment period: 3 h
0 3059 11.57 0.87b* 0.21 0.21 0.32ac
50 3046 10.67 1.88bc -1.02 1.33 1.33 0.21 2.87 0.43d
125 3032 9.50 1.61cd -2.34 1.67 1.67 0.67 0.33 1.33 5.67 0.89c**
250 3095 7.24 1.30b -4.90 2.33 1.00 1.00 0.33 1.33 1.67 1.67 9.67 0.91bc
375 3061 4.31 1.25ac* -8.21 2.33 1.67 2.00 0.67 0.33 1.67 2.00 2.67 13.21 1.36a
Treatment period: 9 h
0 3096 11.21 1.07ab 0.33 0.33 0.18bc*
50 3036 9.81 1.23a** -1.58 2.00 2.33 0.33 0.21 0.67 6.21 1.04c
125 3049 9.03 0.92d -2.45 2.33 3.00 1.00 1.67 3.33 11.33 0.46bd
250 3012 6.94 1.06c -4.81 3.00 2.00 2.21 1.33 0.33 2.00 2.00 2.21 15.08 0.73c
375 3106 3.99 0.99bc* -8.13 3.33 2.21 3.00 1.67 1.00 1.67 2.21 3.67 18.76 0.38b
Treatment period: 18 h
0 3145 10.96 1.11a 0.21 0.21 0.12a
50 3057 9.54 0.81b -1.59 2.67 2.33 0.67 1.00 1.00 7.67 0.49ac
125 3032 8.97 1.21ab -2.22 3.00 3.21 1.21 2.00 3.67 13.09 0.52d
250 3076 7.24 2.27c -4.18 3.33 2.21 2.67 2.00 0.67 2.21 2.21 2.67 17.97 1.75c
375 3089 3.61 1.25bc** -8.25 3.33 2.67 2.67 1.67 1.33 2.33 2.33 3.67 20.00 1.19bd
The values were significant at p B 0.05, *p B 0.01 and **p B 0.001 as compared to control. Means with the same letters do not significantly
differ at 0.05 level (Dunnett t test)
SD standard deviation, CB chromosome break, L laggard, NB nuclear bud, BC binucleated cell, MP multipolarity, Dist Ana/Telo disturbed

chromosomal abnormalities increased with increasing The concentration of MDA in roots treated with
malathion concentration and treatment period, and reached malathion (50375 ppm) increased significantly (p B
maximum (20%) at 375 ppm after 18 h treatment. All the 0.05) during 318 h treatment. The levels of MDA in
malathion concentrations induced various types of chro- roots treated with 125375 ppm malathion were high
mosomal abnormalities. Among them, bridges and sticki- significantly (p B 0.05) in comparison to the group
ness were the most frequently observed ones, although exposed to 50 ppm malathion. The 1.3-fold of MDA
binucleated cells and nuclear buds were not observed in all level was increased at 375 ppm after 18 h treatment in
the concentrations (Fig. 3). comparison to control (Fig. 4).

Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92 Page 5 of 10 92

Fig. 2 Index rates of mitotic

phases in root tip cells of Allium
cepa after 318 h exposure to
different concentrations of
malathion a prophase index,
b metaphase index, c anaphase
index, d telophase index. The
values are statistically
significant at p B 0.05

92 Page 6 of 10 Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92

Fig. 3 Different chromosomal aberrations induced by malathion in root tips of Allium cepa a bridges, b stickiness, c chromosome break,
d laggard, e nuclear bud, f binucleated cell, g c-mitosis, h multipolarity, i disturbed anaphase, j disturbed telophase

Fig. 4 Content of
malondialdehyde (MDA) in
roots of Allium cepa after
318 h exposure to different
concentrations of malathion.
The values are statistically
significant at p B 0.05

The levels of SOD in roots treated with 50375 ppm A significant (p B 0.05) increase in the activity of CAT
malathion during the entire treatment were significantly was recorded in roots exposed to 50375 ppm malathion
(p B 0.05) higher than the control. The SOD activities in roots compared with the control. The highest CAT activity was
exposed to 125375 ppm malathion were high significantly observed in roots treated with 375 ppm malathion after
(p B 0.05) in comparison to the group treated with 50 ppm. 18 h treatment (Fig. 7).
The level of SOD in the roots exposed to 375 ppm was 2.5-fold
higher than the control after 18 h of treatment (Fig. 5).
On contrary, the POX activity decreased significantly Discussion
(p B 0.05) and to be minimum in roots at 375 ppm mala-
thion during the entire treatment in comparison to the In the modern agriculture, higher plants are being used as
control and group exposed to 50 ppm malathion. The test system to determine the environmental pollution
lowest POX activity was recorded in roots treated with resulting from the implementation of pesticides. The
375 ppm malathion (after 18 h) that decreased by 1.4-fold bioassay tests for determination of cytotoxicity and geno-
in comparison to control (Fig. 6). toxicity of pesticides applied to Tradescantia paludosa, V.

Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92 Page 7 of 10 92

Fig. 5 Superoxide dismutase

(SOD) activity in roots of
Allium cepa after 318 h
exposure to different
concentrations of malathion.
The values are statistically
significant at p B 0.05

Fig. 6 Peroxidase (POX)

activity in roots of Allium cepa
after 318 h exposure to
different concentrations of
malathion. The values are
statically statistically at
p B 0.05

Fig. 7 Catalase (CAT) activity

in roots of Allium cepa after
318 h exposure to different
concentrations of malathion.
The values are statistically
significant at p B 0.05

faba and A. cepa have established very good correlations The mitotic index is a predictable criterion to enumerate
with the bacterial and mammalian system (Gopalan 1999; the frequency of cellular division (Fernandes et al. 2007).
O zkara et al. 2015). Roots are the most delicate and The concentration and time-dependent inhibition of MI
accomplishable part to malathion toxicity and inhibition of described cytotoxic potentiality of malathion. It has been
root growth has been used as one of the primitive mani- seem that the reduction in MI was effect of organophos-
festation of malathion toxicity. The present study revealed phorous pesticides (Lamsal et al. 2010; O zkara et al. 2015).
significant (p B 0.05) inhibition of growth in A. cepa roots The reduction in MI indicates the insecticide interference
exposed to malathion. This inhibition was usually associ- in the regular process of cell division. However, the mitotic
ated with the apical meristem activity (Webster and inhibitions by the pesticide, are remarkably associated with
MacLeod 1996), and cell elongation (Fusconi et al. 2006). the inhibition of protein synthesis, DNA synthesis or
Similar inhibitory effects on growth of Brassica chinensis blocking of G1 or G2 phase (Majewska et al. 2003). In
with other organochlorine insecticides were reported by addition, the disturbances of ROS homeostasis also altered
Chouychai (2012). It has been reported that malathion also mitosis and cytokinesis in plants (Livanos et al. 2012).
reduced the growth rate in the cyanobacterium Anabaena Malathion application changes the frequencies in four
variabilis (Ningthoujam et al. 2013). different mitotic phases. The decreasing prophase index

92 Page 8 of 10 Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92

indicates that malathion was active in obstructing the onset concentration of malathion and treatment period. At low
of mitosis by preventing the interphase cells to enter pro- doses of malathion, the increased SOD activity indicates
phase (Soliman and Ghoneam 2004). However, the activation of enzymatic antioxidant. The POX activity was
increase in metaphase index may be due to the action of the decreased while CAT activity was increased as the mala-
pesticide on the spindle that resulted in the arrest of divi- thion treatment increased. It has been well known that
sion at this stage. This abnormal behaviour of spindle also SOD, POX and CAT are key enzymatic antioxidants in
affected metaphase to anaphase transition that resulted in plants that play important role in impeding the oxidative
the decreased anaphase index. The increasing telophase stress. The SOD catalyzes O- 2 to generate H2O2 and O2. In
index may be a result of delay in the completion of mitotic the meantime, CAT and POX are required to catalyze
cycle (Rangaswamy et al. 1981). Some studies demon- reduction of H2O2 (Wang et al. 2014). The result suggests
strated that the ROS imbalance caused interruption in that the decrease in POX activity in A. cepa roots pointed
prophase transition, affected movement of chromosome, towards the damage of plant capability to manage oxidative
and nuclear envelop dynamics (Foreman et al. 2003; Singh stress under high levels of malathion. Consequently, SOD
et al. 2016). and CAT enzymes are less sensitive to malathion than
Various types of chromosomal abnormalities were POX. A similar response was observed under some her-
monitored in malathion treated roots. Chromosome break, bicides treatment in wheat (Jiang et al. 2010), rice (Jung
laggard, stickiness, bridges, and the disturbed anaphase et al. 2008), and soybean (Moldes et al. 2008).
telophase are comprised the major chromosomal aberra- MDA formation acts as an indicator of lipid peroxida-
tions. Other anomalies like multipolarity, c-mitosis, nuclear tion resulting from ROS action. The results revealed that
buds and binucleated cells were also valuated in the current the intensity of lipid peroxidation was not severe for roots
study. Pesticide induced chromosomal aberrations and exposed to 50 ppm malathion, indicating that the ROS was
inhibition of mitotic division have been reported in both likely removed by the high levels of antioxidant enzymes
plants and animals (Sivikova and Dianovsky` 2006; Teer- (SOD and CAT). The high MDA content in roots exposed
arak et al. 2011). Stickiness indicates toxic, usually irre- to 375 ppm malathion during treatments indicated a serious
versible effects on chromosomes (Fiskesjo and Levan imbalance between ROS production and antioxidative
1993). The reason may be the depolymerization of DNA protection that increased lipid peroxidation and oxidative
and sub-chromatid linkage between chromosomes which stress (O zdemir et al. 2004).
produce sticky chromosomes (Darlington and Mc-Leish In conclusion, the present study revealed that the
1951; Liman et al. 2010). Bridges intimate the clastogenic malathion induces mitodepressive and genotoxic effects to
effect caused by stickiness, unequal chromatid exchange, A. cepa roots that is indicated by reduction in MI and
fusion and breakage of chromosomes (El-Ghamery et al. induced chromosomal abnormalities. The initiation of
2000; Luo et al. 2004). The appearance of nuclear bud cytotoxic and genotoxic effects may be related with the
indicates loss of genetic materials. Besides that nuclear formation of MDA. At the early stage of high malathion
buds are joined with nucleus showing morphological concentration, roots could swiftly activate antioxidant
association with micronuclei (Ruan et al. 1992; Fenech defence system to combat the malathion-induced oxidative
et al. 2011). Other chromosomal anomalies like c-mitosis, stress. However, enzyme expression at the gene level and
binucleated cells and disturbed anaphase-telophase were degradation studies by detecting the intermediate com-
also recorded in this study. Binucleated cells may originate pounds in the metabolism, are the issues for future studies.
during the prevention of cytokinesis in cell cycle (Ateeq
Author contribution statement BKR designed the
et al. 2002). Laggards, c-mitosis, and disturbed anaphase
work. DS conducted experiments, analyzed the data and
telophase might be results of deformation of spindle
wrote the paper. All the authors approved the manuscript in
structure or disturbed microtubules (Haliem 1990; Fiskesjo
its final form.
1993; Bhat et al. 2007). These findings are in agreement
with the reports of other pesticides/insecticides includ- Acknowledgements We are thankful to University Grants Com-
ing anilofos (O zkara et al. 2015), dichlorvos (Eroglu mission for financial support. The authors also thank the Department
2011), chlorpyrifos, alpha-thrin, springbok (Asita and of Botany Banaras Hindu University, India for providing the neces-
Makhalemele 2008), and cypermethrin (Saxena et al. sary facilities.
As the normal physiological respond, plants generate
oxidative stress instantly under stressful conditions that
leads to activate antioxidant defence system and the Adam ZM, Mikhael E, El-Ashry ZM, Ehsan NO, Ali R (2014)
expression of relevant enzymes (Allen 1995). The result Comparative cytogenetic and ultra-structural effects of storing
showed enhancement in SOD activity upon increasing dusted seeds of Vicia faba with insecticide malathion 1% and

Acta Physiol Plant (2017) 39:92 Page 9 of 10 92

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