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Instruction: complete the program without using else

* check the given no is positive

* check the given no is less then 10
* check the given no is greater then 10
* check the given no is 10
* check the given no is even
* check the given no is odd
* check the given no is multiple of 5
* enter the week day(1 to 7) if the given no is valid week day then spell it
...and so on
* enter the month(1 to 12) if the given no is valid month then spell it
...and so on
* check given year is leap year.
* enter char and check entered character is valid digit
* enter char and check entered character is in upper case
* enter char and check entered character is in lower case
* enter char and check entered character is valid alphabet or not.
* enter char and check entered character is valid alphanumeric(alphabet or digit
* enter char and check entered character is non-alphanumeric
* enter 2 no and display lagest no
* enter 2 no and display smallest no
* enter 3 no and display lagest no
* enter 3 no and display smallest no
* enter 4 no and display lagest no
* enter 4 no and display smallest no
1. enter the week day(7day) attendance as 'a' and count no of absent and present
2. enter the marks of 5 subject display grade of the student
0-39 FAIL
40-49 C
50-59 B
60-85 A
86+ A+
3. enter the marks of 5 subject and provide the scolership based on grade, displ
ay grade and scholership details
Marks GRADE scholership
0-39 FAIL 0
40-49 C 2000
50-59 B 2500
60-85 A 3000
86+ A+ 5000
4. Enter the salary of the employee and display employee grade.
1-1000 A
1001-2000 B
2001-3000 C
3001-4000 D
4001-5000 E
5. enter the marks of 5 subject display grade,average,minimum marks, maximum mar
ks, no of failed subject and no of dictintion subjects of the student
0-39 FAIL
40-49 C
50-59 B
60-85 A
86+ A+
6. enter salary of the employees and display his designation based on salary.
SALARY Designation
sal<1000 CLERK
sal<2000 OPERATOR
sal<3000 SALESMAN
sal<4000 MANAGER
sal>4000 PRESIDENT
7. Enter time in form of seconds and display its proper format HH:MM:SS AM/PM
C program for ATM transaction.

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