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TEENVASION Programme Proposal

Class : P208

Producer(s) : Goh Jia Qi Gracia

Jilliane Lee Jae En
Kieren Neo
Lau Jiayu, Greta

Title Of Programme : TEENVASION Body Aesthetics

Duration : 9 minute 45 seconds

Proposed Time-belt & Time : 6pm - Evening Drive Time (EDT)

Target Audience : Youth

Age: 18-24
Gender: Both Male and Female
Occupation: Students
Education Level: Polytechnic

Lifestyle: Fast paced lifestyle, convenience is key
Interests: Trying new and trendy things
Personality: Adventurous

Frequency Of Broadcast : Once a week

Number Of Programmes :

4 episodes in a series. The topics would include:

- Plastic Surgery
- Tattoos
- Piercings
- Body Contouring
Presenters : Gracia, Jilliane, Kieren, Greta

Programme Summary :

Our programme will talk about different types of body modification trends. The first
episode will focus on different forms plastic surgery, such as the growing trend of
lip-fillers as well as korean double-eyelid surgery. The hosts will give some background
information about plastic surgery and discuss reasons why the trend is getting popular
among youths worldwide, and the pros and cons of plastic surgery procedures. With the
hosts being of different genders, this allows two differing opinions on the subject,
making the programme more interesting as compared to opinions originating from just
one gender.

The vox-pop will cover the opinions of Singaporeans on the topic, by asking them how
they feel about the increasing trend of plastic surgery in Singapore and whether they
themselves would be willing to undergo the knife for cosmetic reasons.

The interview with the expert will cover the details about procedures that he does. For
instance, the expert will be asked about the considerations people should have before
undergoing a cosmetic procedure, as well as what one can expect when undergoing
plastic surgery. Apart from the technical aspects of plastic surgery, the expert will also
be asked light hearted questions such as the most bizarre/outrageous request that he
has received from a patient.

Finally, the show will wrap up with the hosts concluding and summarising what was
discussed as well as introducing the next weeks episode.

Information Sources :

Possible Sponsors :

Ministry of Health Singapore


Radio Heatwave Date of TX: 14/11/16

Time of TX: 1800 hrs
Producer: Kieren Neo
Jilliane Lee
Greta Lau
Gracia Goh


Ann: That was Robbers by The 1975 and up next we have your one-stop
entertainment programme for youths - Teenvasion!

Con: CD Body Aesthetics Track 1

In: (Sig tune) Hi and welcome to TEENVASION, your one-stop entertainment

programme for youths! My name is Kieren

Out: This has been Teenvasion, your one-stop entertainment programme for youth
and youre listening to Radio Heatwave, the hottest thing on campus.. (Sig tune)

Dur: 10 mins

Ann: Well, I certainly hope you gained some new knowledge from Teenvasion! Up
next we have


This is four-part programme on body modification trends in Singapore. In this episode, Kieren
and Jilliane talk about the plastic surgery and peoples motivations behind doing it.
RADIO HEATWAVE Date of TX: 14/11/16
Time of TX:
Producer(s): Kieren Neo
Jilliane Lee
Wksp Nos.: P208

(Body Aesthetics)

CON: (Sigtune) (length of sigtune/credit CD if any)

CON: (BGM) By My Side - Craves (1min 16secs)

CON: (SFX) Mouse Clicking (2 secs)

(Kieren): Hi and welcome to TEENVASION, your one-stop

entertainment programme for youths! My name is Kieren and this
is.. eh Jilliane what are you doing?

CON: (SFX) Mouse Clicking (2 secs)

(Jilliane): Oh, and Im Jilliane! Sorry, I was just looking through some plastic
surgery advertisements that I saw online. But Im just short of $800
to get my lips filled at Tiffany Yangs clinic!

CON: (SFX) e.g. Kaching Sound (2 secs)

(Kieren): Heh, as if any amount of money could help you look better. But
moving on, plastic surgery has been getting more and more popular
among the youths.
(Jilliane): Oh my Gosh, excuse you! But yeah, recently Ive seen a lot of
posts on social media, featuring celebrities who have done plastic
surgery. Kylie Jenners new lip job, Bong Qiu Qius latest jawline
reduction and Park Boms double eyelid surgery have been
plastered all over Instagram!

(Kieren): Since when did plastic surgery become a good thing? I mean,
theres so many things that can go wrong! Like infection, severe
bleeding, nerve damage and scarring, just to name a few! In fact, a
study conducted by The Straits Times in 2014 showed that 52% of
JC Students were not aware of the medical risks of plastic surgery!
(Jilliane): Plastic surgery isnt necessarily a bad thing either! I mean, if
everyones doing it, it mustn't be that bad of a thing right? But my
opinion isnt the only one that matters! Lets take to the streets with
Greta to hear what the people have to say.

CON: (SFX) e.g. vox-pop stinger (10 secs)

(Greta): Hi! Welcome to Walk That Bod and this is Greta reporting live from
Scape! Now, lets find out what do people think of plastic surgery
these days. Would you do plastic surgery if you had the chance to?

VXP1: I dont think I will because my body is basically given by my family

so I would like to keep it that way.

VXP2: No because I dont feel that theres a need to.

VXP3: I would not too, because Im afraid of the process.

(Greta): If you had the money to do plastic surgery now, what kind would
you get?

VXP1: Just maybe my eyebrows. Like implant or something like that.

VXP2: I think I will do liposuction because Im a bit fat so I want to be

VXP3: Wah this question...very difficult to answer... I will feel like doing
like cheekbone reduction that kind of thing but then I dont have
the guts to.
VXP4: If theres such thing to make me look taller then...

(Greta): How do you feel about the increasing trend of plastic surgery in

VXP1: I find it okay, you know I feel like people just do whatever that
makes them happy, but unless it is like an addiction, then I think
you know you must know when to stop.

VXP2: Are we becoming like Korea now?

VXP3: I think its quite alright. I mean people want to have confidence I
think its fine.

(Greta): What do you think drives people to go for plastic surgery?

VXP1: Korean stars?

VXP2: I think partly because of kpop

VXP3: Confidence? I think.

VXP4: To me, cause they dont believe in themselves, they dont have
confidence in their own face.

(Greta): What do you think of people who go for plastic surgery?

VXP1: That doesnt change the person that they are inside actually.

VXP2: I think they are just good people who actually just not confident in
their own facial features.

VXP3: Nothing much, just respect them.

(Greta): Hmm It looks like majority of Singaporeans feel that plastic

surgery is acceptable if not overdone. Though, most of of them
would not go under the knife themselves! This has been Walk That
Bod with Greta reporting live from scape! Now, back to the studio
with Kieren and Jilliane.

CON: (SFX) e.g. back to studio stinger (10 secs)

CON : (BGM) By My Side - Craves (1 min 10 secs)

(Kieren): Jilliane, I told you so! Youths arent all for plastic surgery! Im pretty
sure they understand how painful the procedures can be.

CON: (SFX) Ouch (2 secs)

(Jilliane): I guess going under the knife is kind of scary, just the thought of
pain frightens me.

(Kieren): Hey Im no stranger to pain, I mean, I have to host with you

everyday But as they say, Beauty is pain so like Michael
Jackson once said If you want to make the world a better place,
take a look at yourself and make that change!

CON: (SFX) Cymbal Crash (2 secs)

(Jilliane): Wow, thanks for the confidence boost Kieren! Pretty sure, he was
referring to your face and not mine. But even if you diss me,
majority of Singaporeans are still pretty accepting towards people
who want to go for plastic surgery. According to the same study,
one in three youth are willing to undergo plastic surgery!

(Kieren): Fine, Ill admit that Im on the short end of the stick this time. But
the real question is why do they go for plastic surgery? Why do they
want to change themselves? Why are they willing to spend so
much money to look like someone else, when they should spend it
on looking like me?

(Jilliane) Kieren, maybe thats why they have second thoughts about plastic
surgery, coming out with a face like yours!

CON: (SFX) Black guy OOOOHHHH (2 secs)

(Kieren) Well, well see about that! Now, I guess its time for some real body
talk through an interview with Gracia and our special guest!

CON: (SFX) e.g. interview stinger (10 secs)

CON: (BGM) Fly - Feelo (3min 15secs)

(Gracia): Hi I'm your host, Gracia and welcome to Body Talk, the segment
where we interview an expert to find out about their views on the
topic! Joining us today is Dr Leslie Kuek, a renowned and highly
sought-after plastic surgeon in Singapore. Previously, he was also
the former president of Singapore Association of Plastic Surgeons
and the Singapore Society of Cosmetic Surgeons.

(Gracia): So, Dr Kuek lets start with the first question. The Straits Times
reported that the number of clients under the age of 21 has
increased by 30% in the last 5 years Is that a trend that you can
see in your clinic and what do you think of it?

(Kuek): I would agree that there is a trend, but subjectively we do see more
younger people coming to us for cosmetic surgery.

Theres nothing wrong with that as long as people are aware of

what they want to do and certainly, this is not unexpected because
of the fact that there is increased media attention, where I would
say 20 years ago, plastic surgery was almost like, taboo. But today,
is widely accepted in society.

(Gracia): With that said, from a street poll that we conducted, many of our
respondents stated the Korean wave as a reason why people were
more keen to do some form of cosmetic surgery. Do you see it as a
strong reason why people are doing cosmetic surgery and what are
your thoughts on it?

(Kuek): That is certainly a strong reason, 20 years ago it was the Japan
wave. It was J-POP. Today, its become the K-POP wave or the
K-Drama wave, so theres nothing unusual about that.

(Gracia): Speaking of that, Korea is known to be the worlds hub for cosmetic
surgery and its so common there to the point of which parents give
their children plastic surgery as a graduation gift. Do you see
something like that as a possibility for Singapore in the future?

(Kuek): No, I dont see that as a possibility. We are a far more conservative
society in Singapore. To me, it is unlikely that it comes to a stage
where it becomes so pervasive that every parent would consider
giving plastic surgery as a present to their child.

(Gracia): Thats good to know. For our final question, let me ask. If I were a
client interested in getting some form of cosmetic procedure, what
should keep in mind and what should I expect when I come in for a

(Kuek): If you are interested in plastic surgery, first of all, you have to be
clear in your mind what are the things that bother you, about
yourself, that you feel need to be changed, then its a starting point
for us as professionals and as plastic surgeons to then discuss with
you about the feasibility and possibility of creating that change. And
then we have to understand all the pros and the cons and the
advantages and disadvantages and the potential pitfalls of any kind
of procedure.

And then after that we have to discuss the different options that are
available to create the change that you want.

(Gracia): Now I know what to do if I ever decide to get something done!

But unfortunately, this brings us to the end of todays Body Talk.
Once again, wed like to thank Dr Kuek for being our guest on the
show. Its been an honour to have you. Thats all we have for today,
this was your host Gracia and its back to the studio with Kieren and

CON: (SFX) e.g. back to studio stinger (10 secs)

CON: (BGM) By My Side - Craves (1min 05secs)

(Jilliane): I guess I should think twice before going for a consultation. Would I
really want to look identical to my favourite celebrities?

(Kieren): Yeah, with the K-Wave, more and more youth feel insecure about
themselves and undergo surgery to look more like their idols. I
mean, who wouldnt want to emulate the person that they admire
the most?

(Jilliane): Plastic surgery is more than just wanting to look more like your
favourite idols. There are a lot of factors when considering it, like
money and motivations! People should take time to think about it
properly before actually undergoing the surgery. Im already having
second thoughts about that lip filler I wanted.

(Kieren): Same, Im really glad that my parents dont give me plastic surgery
packages as my birthday gift either.

(Jilliane): Guess I have to learn to be content with that Im born with for now!
Im still considering going for plastic surgery, but Ill be thinking a lot
deeper about it now before I actually do it.

(Kieren): Well, thats all the time weve had for Body Aesthetics! Thank you
for listening to me, Kieren.

(Jilliane): And me, Jilliane! Tune in next week, to find out more about the
tattooing trends in Singapore. This has been Teenvasion, your
one-stop entertainment programme for youth and youre listening to

(Both DJs): Radio Heatwave, the hottest thing on campus.

CON: (Sigtune) (length of sigtune/credit CD if any)

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