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Caitlin Griffin

Dreama ODonnell
Dr. Wilson-Robbins PED 105
20, April 2017

Ages: 9-11
Grades: 4th-5th
Activity: Movement
Academic Subject:Math
Students will be able to: Identify different types of patterns,
perform different patterns, and incorporate movement into this
academic subject.
Objectives:2.8 Algebra and Functions, 2.10 Trigonometry, &
2.11 Calculus:1. Demonstrate an understanding of patterns and
functions by: Extending, describing, and creating numeric
patterns. Describing and writing rules for patterns and using them
to solve problems.
2. Use symbols to represent and analyze situations by: Using
conventional notation to write expressions and number sentences
using the four basic operations. Determining

whether number sentences are true or false. Solving open

number sentences. Writing number expressions and number
sentences to model a number story.Retrieved, April 20th, 2017
Describe the activity and discuss how it could be incorporated into an
academic lesson: During this lesson student will be shown what patterns
are (Ex; star, star, heart, heart). Be able to distinguish patterns from non-
patterns. Students will also get up and moving with different patterns in
the Go Noodle video, and be able to go along with the video. This lesson
would be performed in a regular classroom with either space made, or
students standing in front of their desks while performing the video.
Also a classroom that has a projector for the teacher to show the students
what patterns are, and which ones are not. This is when we will hand out
a worksheet with number patterns and see what the students can and
cant do. Once completed we will go over as a class. This lesson would
be done at the beginning of math time, and before any assignments on
the Patterns chapter. To ensure that each student is comprehending the
subject, and comprehending the movement patterns in the video an exit
pass would be given after the completion of the video. (This will
however be collected for a grade). At the beginning of the lesson the
teacher will have different pictures of patterns, and non- patterns to show
the students as a class and ask them if they can identify which is a
pattern and which is not.
Discuss how you could address a students ability to perform this
activity:Graded on their exit pass that has pictures of patterns and non-
patterns. To see if each student accurately understood the lesson.

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