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World Geography Lesson Plan

Title: Human Impacts on Geographic Environments

Lesson Author: Brian Odenwald and Erin Dreelin

Key Words: geography, environments, human impact, resources,

Grade Level: 10th
Time Allotted: 1 hour-1 hour and 25 minutes

Rationale/ Purpose (so what?)

Nature and scope of topic. Why is this significant to the mission of educating future

Exploring how humans impact and interact with the environment

around them allows us to discuss major benefits and dangers
humans pose to their natural neighbors. This activity will also
explore how media can present many different pictures, as well as
can be an important component in preservation of ecosystems
and the environment.

Background/Context: How does this lesson fit into a unit of study? Looking
backwards, looking forwards
This lesson introduces the students to a new, critical viewpoint of how
humans impact the environment around them. By comparing resources and
then examining positive and negative interactions, students will be able to
form a more accurate picture how how human and environment co-exist.
Additionally, it will Segway into deeper discussions about global warming,
and ways in which we can help

Key Concept(s) include definition:

Environment: the natural world, as a whole or in a particular
geographical area, especially as affected by human activity

Human impact: how humans interact with and change the

environment around them

Bias: cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against

someone or something

World Geography Lesson Plan

Ecosystems: all the living things, from plants and animals to

microscopic organisms, that share an environment
NCSS Standard(s)
SOL Information
*As written in the Virginia SOL Curriculum Framework for the grade level

NCSS Theme (s) with indicators:

Standard #2: Time, Continuity, and Change
Teachers can facilitate learners integration of individual stories about
people, events, and situations so that they might form a holistic
conception, in which continuity and change are linked in time and
across cultures. Teachers can help learners to draw on their knowledge
of history to make informed choices and decisions in the present.
Standard #3: People, Places, and Environments
The study of people, places, and environments will also help to
promote learners capabilities to make informed and critical decisions
about the relationships between human beings and their environment.
SOL* :
VA. DOE. WG.2 The student will analyze how selected physical and
ecological processes shape the Earths surface by
identifying regional climatic patterns and weather phenomena and
their effects on people and places;
describing how humans influence the environment and are
influenced by it

Essential Knowledge Essential Skills

(minimum for SOL Resource Guide) (minimum for SOL Resource Guide)
explaining how regional identifying regional climatic
landscapes reflect the physical patterns and weather
environment and the cultural phenomena and their effects on
characteristics of their inhabitants
people and places
using geographic
knowledge, skills, and create and compare
perspectives to analyze problems political, physical, and thematic
and make decisions maps
describing how humans relating current events to
influence the environment and the physical and human
are influenced by it characteristics of places and
explaining how technology regions
affects ones ability to modify the
environment and adapt to it.

Guiding Question(s):

World Geography Lesson Plan

The days big question:

How do humans impact and interact with the natural
habitats that surround them?

Lesson Objective(s): clearly emerges from big question and rationale and
standards and will align with your assessment in Procedure and Process
Obj. 1
Compare and contrast documents that explore human impact on existing
geographical environments
Obj. 2
Analyze multiple examples of human and geographic interactions
Obj. 3
Discuss ways in which humans can protect, enhance, or reverse damage to
geographic habitats

Assessment Tool(s) to be used-

Assessment 1.
Formative Assessment: SCIM-C Form for both articles: creates
comparative notes for students to take with them that can later be referred

Assessment 2.
Summative Assessment: Exit Slip:
Do you agree or disagree that the Great Barrier Reef is dead?
If you agree, explain what human interactions you believe to be the cause of
its death. If you disagree, explain what measures you think can be taken to
restore the reef.

1) JUST DO IT! The Hook:
The Great Barrier Reef Video (Length: 2:39)
Jot down interesting information to share with the class as you watch the

2-3 Minute Discussion about what facts students wrote down as interesting
or intriguing

2) Instructional sequence:

World Geography Lesson Plan

Processing Activity and Check for Evidence of

Procedure include directions, Understanding
question frames, assignment details, to -Either Formal or Informal
be given to students (these should all be e.g. assessments- question
made into explicit materials (e.g. see frames, quiz, choice
Obj # material A) Do you have opportunities for activities, discussion with
See direct/guided instruction and frame and your THATs A
above. independent practice/engagement when WRAP.
appropriate and time estimates. (Checks Essential
Include pace/time for each activities e.g. (5 Knowledge and Skills should
mins) be in line with assessment
tools above)

Informal Check: The main purpose of

Have students watch video on Great the video is to supply additional
information and familiarize the
Barrier Reef and jot down notes
Just do students with their topic before moving
Students will then share what they wrote on to the articles.
it. down as interesting information. (5 Students will additionally share what
they wrote down, ensuring they are
minutes) engaged and understanding before
Students will be split into two teams based on their location in the classroom.
Once split up, students will receive one of the two articles to read. After
Transitio reading, students are expected to fill out a SCIM-C chart for their article. After
n: doing so, they can converse as a group to ensure all members have a
completed SCIM-C form, and select four presenters (each will present a
different part of the SCIM model). (15-20 minutes)
Formative Assessment: As each group
Compare and contrast documents that presents their article, have the
students fill out another SCIM-C for the
explore human impact on existing opposite article. Additionally, ask
Objectiv geographical environments through the questions while students are
e #1 presentation of each groups SCIM-C presenting about how or why they
chose to write certain things down.
assignment. (10 minutes) While they are presenting, it could be
helpful to write down the things they
are saying on a nearby whiteboard.
Work through the activity wrap-up, which poses questions about
comparing the two sources previously presented. Allow students
to share their opinions (5 minutes)
Introduce mini lecture on human impacts and
interactions with the environment around them.
Objectiv While doing so, have students take notes on the Informal Formative Assessment:
provides students with class notes
e#2& back of each SCIM-C model (one page can be
to reference back later and visual
about positive interactions, the other about
3 negative interactions). (20-25 minutes) accompaniments to reinforce
human-environmental interactions

Closure Exit Slip: Do you agree or disagree that the Informal Summative Assessment:
Great Barrier Reef is dead? This exit slip makes students think
If you agree, explain what human back and reflect on the activity, as
interactions you believe to be the cause of its well as incorporate information
from the lecture (methods of
death. helping or hurting the

World Geography Lesson Plan

If you disagree, explain what measures you environment) to justify their

think can be taken to restore the reef. answer. These will be collected
(Response should be 3-5 sentences) (5-10 and graded for participation and
minutes) completion.

3) Closure- THATS A WRAP that goes to opening question- and also in part to
assessment tools at least one key assessment tool. (Do you need a rubric)

Exit Slip: Do you agree or disagree that the Great Barrier Reef is dead?
If you agree, explain what human interactions you believe to be the cause of its death.
If you disagree, explain what measures you think can be taken to restore the reef.
(Response should be 3-5 sentences) (5-10 minutes)

These will be collected and graded for participation and completion. (Graded out of 10 points,
equivalent to a homework or daily quiz grade)

Modifications/Accommodations for Diverse Learners:

Have printables available for all resources, in case
students would prefer to read along.
Have extra copies of all resources ready.
Divide students into teams in advance (for instance, if
the class is easily dividable into two, have students already
aware of their teams from the beginning of the semester).
For students with difficulty writing, have notes already
made or designate a note taker in class.
Designate a reader for students who may have a
difficult time reading on their own, and allow these students
to step outside the classroom to work in a quiet space.
Designate presenters to incorporate students who
might not ordinarily volunteer to share in a classroom.
Have popsicle sticks with each students name handy,
in case the conversation stalls, so that you can call on
students. This also provides motivation for students to be
prepared to be called on.
For students who are absent, prepare and make copies
of each SCIM-C and notes set.
As students are presenting, write the information on the
board or a visible spot so students who may have difficulty
keeping up can maintain a visual aid.

World Geography Lesson Plan

Materials for use: (one resource per page- so it becomes a teacher or

student handout, or overhead directions or ppt presentation. Include photocopies if
need be. Can you provide elements of choices in materials or enrichment or
support/anchor materials for different students?.

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