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Lee High School

What skills are needed to be an effective electrical engineer in the 21 century

Electrical Engineering

Carlos Rodriguez Leon

Senior Capstone


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Rodriguez Carlos

Professor Peter Foote


04 April 2017

Electrical Engineering in the 21 century

In the 21st century, being an effective electrical engineer involves having effective math,

science, and IT skills. Effective electrical engineers should have a good understanding of

calculus, physics as well as computer programming. Being an engineer means that you will have

to problem solve a lot being, curious, persistent and last but not least patient. Success doesn't

always happen overnight, sometimes multiple iterations are needed, and your product may only

incrementally improve(Feutz). To be successful in the 21st century as an electrical engineer,

professionals will need the proper educational skill, analytical skills and a basic

understanding of electrical troubleshooting.

Before becoming an electrical engineer, individuals must have a grasp of the basic

principles that relate to the field. In the physics side of things being able to use and apply

Newton's Law is a key factor in plenty of work. Physics push the boundary of what is possible

in electrical engineering, particularly in the areas of materials and devices(Princeton

University). Together these fields provide and lead advancements in becoming a more successful

engineer. While dealing with being an electrical engineering another field that will come across

is high levels of calculus. Plenty of math is involved in electrical engineering, but it all depends
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on what area. For example, theres a lot more abstract math in communication theory and signal

processing, and much more in circuit theory and system design(Princeton University). First

being with basic systems and circuit theory, circuit theory is differential equations. Which is

solving equations involving derivatives, so you need some calculus. And algebra and

trigonometry are basics to understanding it. Every basic circuit element consists of a resistor,

capacitor, an inductor having a related current-voltage relation determined by its impedance.

This is where complex numbers come in. These complex numbers involve: resistor, capacitor,

inductor, voltage, current, resistance, etc. So even in the first area of electrical engineering,

circuit theory, theres already calculus, complex numbers. Next moving on to the more theory of

how electromagnetism works, there is Maxwells equations. These form the basis for electrical

engineering, written in both integral and derivative forms.Now, these two forms are one, integral

which is a branch of mathematics concerned with determining, properties and applications of

integrals and derivative which is a way to represent the rate of change that is the amount by

which a function is changing. That concludes vector calculus, being an electrical engineering

involves high levels of education involving physics and high levels of calculus.

When dealing with electrical engineering issues being able to have great analytical skills

is needed to become a successful electrical engineer in the 21st century. As Well as great

analytical skills I believe an engineer must be curious, persistent and patient (Feutz). While

facing installation for systems in any job or field, you are in a while being an electrical engineer,

in a while you will face problems and while facing those problems, you cant give up. This is

where being curious comes in because an engineer needs to understand how things work, even if

its not in the field of study that an electrical engineer may know. There is a lot to be said about
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applying learnings from one area to another. And, as an electrical engineer, any circuits or

software you create is in response to some real world need. Which is usually a mix of software,

hardware, mechanical, chemical, or user-based needs. Next is persistent because engineering

solutions are not created overnight. They are very often developed over months or years, and

some work can be laborious or repetitive. Last but not least patient, because solutions develop

slowly, sometimes multiple iterations are needed, and your product may only incrementally

improve. Also, this was not mentioned but being literate because engineering involves a lot of

documentation, you need to be able to describe, clearly. In writing what your circuits should do,

how to test them, and how they work.

Basic electrical engineering troubleshooting skills are always needed for the job when

faced with a problem or a wall. Begin with gathering information, the first step of any electrical

system troubleshooting excise involves gathering as much information about the problem as

possible. Instead of immediately diving in and attempting to get the equipment running, first step

back and determine how the equipment is supposed to operate, which technical documentation is

available for the equipment. Is there someone familiar with the equipment which may have

experienced this same issue. Step 2 understand the malfunction and the role the malfunctioning

equipment plays within the entire process. When you understand this, you can better understand

what part does not function correctly. Next, identify what can be measured so that you can

identify items that are outside the acceptable range. Step four identify the problem using

available data and analytical tools to isolate the defective component. Step 5 correct/repair the

damaged component, step 6 verify the repair after completion. Once the repair has been

performed, start the system to ensure it now runs as required. Last perform root causes analysis
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to determine what caused the problem(Brian Olsen, PE ). Thus concluding basic electrical

engineering troubleshooting.

Successful electrical engineers need a various set of skills to be successful in the 21st

century such as educational skill, analytical skills and a basic understanding of electrical issues.

In the 21st century, being an effective electrical engineer involves having great math, science,

and IT skills. These skills include taking calculus, physics and computer programing mostly.

Being an engineer means that you will have to problem solve a lot being, curious, persistent and

last but not least patient. Success doesn't always happen overnight.
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Works Cited

"ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING." Electronic Musician, 1 Oct. 2008. Academic OneFile,


E%7CA185218851&asid=bd51c3e32bfdd6552bc2ba45a3c7405f. Accessed 13 Apr.


Feutz, Gary. "Electrical Engineering." E-mail interview. 24 Mar. 2017.


Web. 12 Apr. 2017.

Princeton University . "Applied Physics." Electrical engineering . The Trustees of Princeton

University, 2013. Web. 12 Apr. 2017. <http://ee.princeton.edu/research/physics>.

"University of Glasgow -Official opening for UESTC Student Centre." ENP Newswire, 2 Aug.



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Apr. 2017.
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