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Gender Equality

Committee Background: UNWomen was created in July of 2010, was created to fight for gender
equality and to empower women all over the world. The UNWomen committee has made major progress
in the advancement of gender equality. They have made a landmark agreement like the Beijing
Declaration and Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Empowering women has fueled many rising economies,
advancing productivity and growth within those communities. In the last months of 2013 the UNWomen
committee created and idea that dealt with a series of ads that were all over Google, the ads were a wide
spread that showed how much people actually discriminated women and girls. Slowly but surely
UNWomen have made such a wide impact all over the world. There have already been many protests
organized and have been very successful.\

Topic Overview: Gender Equality has always been an issue that UNICEF and UNWomen both are trying
to resolve for women and girls. It is a big issue because it goes against human rights. These women and
girls are being domestically abused only because they are females. Men think that they have demand and
higher power over them, which is not true. This issue is a broad one because its not only discrimination,
it leads to other major problem like, verbal and physical abuse, education, sexism, forced marriage, and
many others. The inequality towards women and girls are not just concentrated in high poverty places,
this issue is broader than that. It ranges all the way to the high developed countries where women dont
have a voice in the government or economic environments.

Many women and girls that are being discriminated against are becoming insecure and are giving up on
dreams of prospering to have a better life. These girls and women have a fear to speak out and confront
men because they are afraid of what men will do to them. With them not speaking out, the issue is just
sitting there and being left alone.

The UNWomen have been working with many countries to resolve this problem. They have progressed so
much and are doing very well in giving women and girls a voice and not being fearful. They have
organized many projects and protest to really empower women and girls to show that they arent just here
to be no one, but to have a place to speak and be equal to things men can achieve.

Current Issue: Although there have been many partial parts of the issue that have been partially fixed
there is still a big scale in fixing the whole issue. Briefly including that there is a Womens National Day
in March, and many Women rights protests also, that is unfortunately not enough. Even though all these
things have been done and are making a difference the statistic numbers are still very unbalanced. For

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