Winter Saturday Paragraph2

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Throughout the poem, the poet compares the farmers with

caterpillars. In paragraph form and with reference to the poem,

discuss the development of this image.

In the poem Winter Saturday by Earle Birney, the author uses

an extended metaphor to compare farmers to caterpillars. In the
beginning of the poem the author paints a vibrant picture of
caterpillars [emerging] from wood(2-3) which represents the farmers
finally leaving the security of the farm. The farmers find in the Ford
their cocoon(4) and venture to the city where they seek excitement.
Like moths to a flame, they are drawn to the towns pink cloud (9).
Once there, the farmers visit their neighbours; however, the town did
not meet their expectations as it was less than its glow(19). Met
with disappointment, the farmers return home [again] in chrysalis
folded (20) to the safety and security of the farm.

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