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User Manual

Capella GMDSS Simulator

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

GMDSS Simulator
User Manual

Department/Author: Approved by:

Arnstein Bugge (s) Terje Heierstad (s)


All rights reserved
No part of this work covered by the copyright
hereon may be reproduced or otherwise copied
without prior permission from

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04


Issue No. Date/Year Inc. by Issue No. Date/Year Inc. by

SO-0769-A 28/8/98 ADN/td
SO-0769-B 29/12/98 ABU/abu
SO-0769-C 10/12/99 ABU/abu
SO-0769-D 17/01/00 ABU/abu
SO-0769-E 02-oct-00 SA/sa
SO-0769-F 26-Feb-01 SA/sa
SO-0769-F1 27-Mar-03 BEBA
SO-0769-G 04-Mar-04 ABu/beba


Issue ECO Paragraph Paragraph Heading/

No. No. No. Description of Change
A First issue.
B All document Updating and change of logo
C All document Updating to suit release 2.0
D All document Updating new name
E All document Update to suit release 2.1.0
F All document Update to suit release 3.0.0
F1 Updated logo and company name.
G SB-0347 Change of company name

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual i

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Hazard Warnings
And Cautions

If a fire condition arises emission of toxic fumes can be
anticipated from burning insulation, printed circuit boards,

Dangerous Voltages
This equipment is not fitted with safety interlocks and lethal
voltages are exposed when the cabinets are open. Before
removing any sub-units or component all supplies must be
switched off. No user serviceable parts inside.

Electrostatic sensitive device

Certain semiconductive devices used in this equipment are
liable to damage due to static voltage. Observe all precautions
for handling of semiconductive sensitive devices.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual ii

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

ESD precautions
Refer service to qualified personnel. Turn power off prior to
opening any of the consoles. Whenever doing work inside the
consoles use an ESD protective wrist strap.

Whenever a printed circuit board is put aside it must be put

into an ESD protective bag or on a grounded ESD mat.

Non-conductive items such as synthetic clothing, plastic

materials, etc. must be kept clear of the working area,
otherwise they may cause damage.

Printed circuit boards must be kept in ESD protective bags at

all times during storage and transport. The bags must only be
opened by qualified personnel using ESD protective
equipment as specified in this section.

Computer system
The simulator contains general purpose computers. Running
non Kongsberg Maritime software in any of them will void the
warranty. Connecting other keyboards, mice or monitors may
also void the warranty.

The information contained in this document is subject to
change without notice. Kongsberg Maritime shall not be liable
for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or
use of this document.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual iii

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Kongsberg Maritime AS
Software Licence Agreement
This is an Agreement between the LICENSEE, and the LICENSOR, Kongsberg Maritime
AS. By acceptance or use or both of this SOFTWARE the LICENSEE is agreeing to
become bound by the terms of this AGREEMENT, which includes the Software Licence,
Limited Warranty, and Multi-user Limitations.

In order to preserve and protect its rights under applicable laws, the LICENSOR does not
sell any rights in Kongsberg Maritime AS SOFTWARE. Rather, the LICENSOR grants the
right to use Kongsberg Maritime AS SOFTWARE by means of a SOFTWARE LICENCE
the LICENSOR specifically retains title to all Kongsberg Maritime AS SOFTWARE.

In consideration of payment of the Licence fee which is part of the price of the GOODS
and the LICENSEEs agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this LICENCE,
Limited Warranty, and Multi-user Limitations, the LICENSOR grants the LICENSEE a
non-exclusive right to use and display the SOFTWARE on a single COMPUTER (i.e. with
a single CPU) at a single location so long as the LICENSEE complies with the terms of
this LICENCE. The LICENSOR reserves all rights not expressly granted to the

The LICENSEE shall take ownership of the magnetic or other physical media on which the
SOFTWARE is originally or subsequently recorded or fixed, but an express condition of
this LICENCE is that the LICENSOR retains title and ownership of the SOFTWARE
recorded on the original media and all subsequent copies of the SOFTWARE, regardless of
the form or media in or on which the original and other copies may exist. This LICENCE
is not a sale of the original SOFTWARE or of any copy.
The LICENSEE shall take ownership of the magnetic or other physical media on which the
documentation is originally or subsequently recorded or fixed, but an express condition of
this LICENCE is that the LICENSOR retains title and ownership of the documentation
recorded on the original media and all subsequent copies of the documentation, regardless
of the form or media in or on which the original and other copies may exist. This
LICENCE is not a sale of the original documentation or any copy.

The SOFTWARE is copyrighted. All copying of the SOFTWARE, including SOFTWARE
which has been modified, merged, or included with other software is expressly forbidden.
The documentation is copyrighted. All copying of the documentation, including
documentation which has been modified, merged, or included with other documentation is
expressly forbidden.


Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual iv

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

The LICENSEE may not physically transfer the SOFTWARE from one COMPUTER to
another. The LICENSEE may not distribute copies of the SOFTWARE or accompanying
documentation to others. The LICENSEE may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse
engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the SOFTWARE.
The LICENSEE may not modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based on the
The LICENSEE may not physically move nor erase system files on the system hard disk.
The LICENSEE may not alter or move the icon properties in the program manager or
shortcuts in the start-up menu in any way.
The LICENSEE may not make changes to the COMPUTER operating system registry,
including but not limited to: drive mapping, network settings, and device settings.
The use of the SOFTWARE shall be solely as described in the documentation supplied by

The LICENSEE shall not assign, sub-licence or transfer the SOFTWARE or
documentation to any third party without the prior written authorisation of the
LICENSOR. Any authorised transfer of the SOFTWARE or documentation shall carry
with it all the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT.
This LICENCE granted herein shall remain in effect for an unlimited period unless the
LICENSEE fails to comply with any provision of this LICENCE; in which case, the
LICENSOR has the right to terminate this LICENCE after having requested the
LICENSEE in writing to cure the failure and the LICENSEE has failed to do so within
thirty (30) days of such notice. Upon termination the LICENSEE shall return all original
SOFTWARE and associated documentation and destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE,
including modified and adapted copies, if any, and associated documentation, including
modified, translated and adapted copies, if any.

This LICENCE shall be governed by Norwegian law and shall benefit the LICENSOR, its
successors and assigns. The LICENSEE consents to jurisdiction of the Kingdom of
Limited Warranty

The LICENSOR warrants to the LICENSEE that the disks or other media on which the
SOFTWARE is recorded are free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal
use and service for a period of one year from date of delivery. The LICENSOR warrants to
the LICENSEE that the hardware accompanying the SOFTWARE is free from defects in
materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year from the
date of delivery.


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Should the warranty offered by the Original Equipment Manufacturer be in excess of this
warranty and should the OEM accept transfer of their warranty to the LICENSEE, then
said warranty shall be between the OEM and the LICENSEE.
The use of the SOFTWARE shall be solely as described in the documentation supplied by

Performance deterioration or damage to the SOFTWARE caused or contributed to by
third-party software installed on the COMPUTER without the prior written authorisation
of the LICENSOR shall render any and all warranties by the LICENSOR null and void.

Performance deterioration or damage to the SOFTWARE and hardware caused or
contributed to by computer viruses shall render any and all warranties by the LICENSOR
null and void.

Failure to protect the SOFTWARE and hardware from harmful environmental conditions
shall render any and all warranties by the LICENSOR null and void.
EQUIPMENT must be properly shut down, disconnected, and securely covered prior to the
commencement of any renovations to the building in which it resides.

Multi-user Limitations
At no time may the number of simultaneous users exceed the number of Software Licences
in effect at the site. The addition of COMPUTERS to LAN configurations will require
additional SOFTWARE licences.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual vi

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Section Page

1 INTRODUCTION............................................................. 1
2 INSTALLATION .............................................................. 3
2.1 PC requirement to install the Capella GMDSS simulator .........3
2.2 Installing Capella .............................................................3
3 START AND EXIT ............................................................ 4
3.1 How to start Capella .........................................................4
3.1.1 Starting instructions .........................................................5
3.2 How to exit from Capella ...................................................5
4 HOW TO USE CAPELLA ......................................................... 6
4.1 VHF................................................................................7
4.2 VHF-DSC ........................................................................9
4.3 MF/HF .......................................................................... 12
4.4 MF/HF-DSC ................................................................... 15
4.5 RADIO TELEX (NBDP) ..................................................... 19
4.6 INMARSAT-A ................................................................. 23
4.7 INMARSAT-B ................................................................. 25
4.8 INMARSAT B TELEX ........................................................ 29
4.9 INMARSAT-C ................................................................. 37
4.10 NAVTEX ........................................................................ 41
4.11 EPIRB ........................................................................... 43
4.12 SART ............................................................................ 44
4.13 PORTABLE VHF .............................................................. 45
4.14 2182 kHz WATCH RECEIVER ............................................ 46
4.15 AUTOPILOT ................................................................... 47
4.16 OVER-VIEW BOARD ........................................................ 48
4.17 CLEAR .......................................................................... 50

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

The basic concept of the GMDSS is to ensure that search and rescue authorities ashore,
as well as ships in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress, are rapidly alerted to a
distress incident so that they can assist in a co-ordinated SAR operation with the minimum

In addition to being STCW-95, ITU and SOLAS approved for ROC and GOC training and
examination, Capella is a powerful tool for performing advanced and realistic exercises in
both search and rescue operations and general communications.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 1

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04


COSPAS Space System for Search of Distress Vessels (literally: Cosmicheskaya

Sisteyama Poiska Avariynich Sudov)

DSC Digital Selective Call

EGC Enhanced Group Call

EPIRB Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon

FEC Forward Error Correction

GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

HF High Frequency

Inmarsat International Maritime Satellite Organisation

MF Medium Frequency

NBDP Narrow Band Direct Printing

RF Radio Frequency

SAR Search And Rescue

SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking

SART Search And Rescue Radar Transponder

VHF Very High Frequency

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

(For details see Document SO-0978).
2.1 PC requirement to install the Capella GMDSS

PC with a Pentium 75 MHz processor.

32 MB RAM.
20 MB free hard disk space.
VGA 800 x 600 True colours.
SoundBlaster compatible sound card with a 3.5-mm jack plug for line-in and line-
out (or speaker out).
A free 9-pin serial port (COM1 or COM2 on the instructors PC).
A network card configured for Windows for Workgroups.
PCs installed in a Windows for Workgroups network.
Windows NT .

2.2 Installing Capella

(For a detailed installation see Document ( SO-0978).
The student stations PC screen will have to be configured for a size of 640x480, 65536
colours, 75 Hertz. The instructor will normally configure the screen to be slightly larger
(800x600) for both equipment and control window to show at the same time.

1. Insert installation CD. The CD has to be installed both in the instructor PC and each of
the student PC stations, starting with the Instructor station.

2. Double-click and start the SETUP.(EXE) file to install the Capella program.

3. Follow the instructions for the installation on the screen.

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3.1 How to start Capella
Norcontrol Capella is started up just like any other Windows program.

You will find the program icon Operator.exe which are needed by all users under
c:\program files\Norcontrol\Capella\. The instructor will in addition need to start

Control.exe starts the Instructors Control program in the GMDSS Simulator Control
Panel .

In a normal delivery both the instructor station and the student stations
show up ready to be operated.

The above is the student station.

The Instructor station will also have this window:

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3.1.1 Starting instructions

1. After starting the two programs, the instructor will open a readymade exercise under
File in the GMDSS Simulator Control Panel in the same way as opening any other
file in a normal windows program.

2. Click on Exercise in the menu bar in GMDSS Simulator Control Panel then click
on Connect All. Now a control message will appear on all PCs afterwards as they
are connected up in the simulation. The control message contains information for the
students. You may also click on the connect icon:

3. Click on simulation in the menu bar in GMDSS Simulator Control Panel and then
click on start. Now the simulation starts which is indicated by a clock beginning to
run at the top right-hand corner of the operators program. The start button may also be

The other two buttons are pause and stop simulation.

4. Other shortcut-buttons are:

Send internal message to student.

Exercise members (define operators)

3.2 How to exit from Capella

You exit from Capella in the same way you do with any other Windows based program.

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Capella is PC-based for the maximum functionality and versatility. All operations are
undertaken by pointing with the mouse arrow on the screen and clicking or holding down
one of the mouse buttons. In certain cases the keyboard is also used.
The environment which is shown on the screen is the same as that which is seen by the
officer on watch. The user is standing on the bridge and looking out towards the horizon.
At the top of the screen there is information regarding the position, speed, course and time.

Different equipment is then chosen as required by pointing with the mouse arrow onto
icons at the bottom of the screen and clicking with the left-hand mouse button. If, for
example, the user wants to talk on VHF, he points to the VHF icon, clicks on the left-hand
mouse button, and then the VHF is shown on the screen. The channel etc. is tuned by
pointing and clicking with the mouse.
In this version there are three different icon menus. Two for radio communications and one
for the SAR equipment and navigation and control of the ship. Changing between icons is
done by browsing with the arrows on the far right on the respective icon menu.
Clear will clear the screen for any equipment.
The sound is distributed via an analogue computer-controlled network. In the classroom
environment a headset is used to advantage to get the best results. In a sound-isolated cabin
environment there is also the possibility of using loud speakers and a microphone.

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

4.1 VHF
ON/OFF On and off.

0-9 Channel setting.

Example: Press 2 and 4 to set in channel 24.

16 Quick choice for channel 16.

U.S. Choice of U.S. channels. Used in the USA.

1W Reduces power from 25 watts to 1 watt. When 1 watt, red light
indicator on button.
Range 1 watt: about 3 nautical miles.
Range 25 watts: Default: Antenna height 50 meters on Coast
station and 30 meters on Ship station: Coast to ship: about 52 n.
miles, ship to ship and ship to shore: about 45 n. miles. (Antenna
height for both coast and ship stations can be changed at the
instructor station in Control Panel (stations need to be
disconnected) under Options, Vessel Templates and
DW Dual watch. A watch on channel 16 plus one other channel.
Example: Set in channel 24 and then press DW. The radio now
alternates between channel 16 and 24.
SQ Squelch. Noise suppression. Functional.
VOLUME Adjustment of sound level. (Not functional without extra noise
source, but volume can be adjusted on the loudspeaker icon on the

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TRANSMISSION Point to the telephone receiver with the mouse arrow.
Transmission continues as long as the left-hand mouse button is
held down. Transmission is indicated on the display by the Tx text
changing from white to red.
QUICK There is also a practical function for quick transmission. This can
TRANSMISSION be used for transmission when another instrument is shown on the
screen. The VHF must be on.
Example: The electronic nautical chart is up on the screen. Point to
the VHF icon with the mouse arrow. Transmission continues as
long as the right-hand mouse button is held down.
NOTE. Transmitting is done on the set channel.

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4.2 VHF-
0-9 Figure input.
STOP Interrupts the current process. The display shows the stand-by
Example: You have chosen CALL ALL but instead want to use
CALL ONE. Press STOP in order to return to the standby position
on the display. Then press CALL ONE.
LOG Shows the messages received.
LAST Gives the previous display menu.
NEXT Gives the next display menu.
ARROWS Move the selection cursor on the display.
CALL ONE Call to another individual station.
CALL ALL Call to all stations.
DISTRESS Distress call.
SEND Transmission of call.

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DISTRESS QUICK Point the arrow onto the DISTRESS button and click with the left-
TRANSMISSION hand mouse button to open the red plastic lid (right clicking will
close the red lid). Then using the mouse button point onto the
SEND button and click with the right-hand mouse button, point
on DISTRESS and left click. Now a distress call is transmitted
containing the ships MMSI, position and the time the position
was valid.
DISTRESS Press DISTRESS twice. Once to open the red plastic lid and once
TRANSMISSION to get into distress mode.
The ships position has been updated by the GPS. (The GPS is not
shown in this GMDSS simulator).

Press NEXT. Select the nature of distress by moving the selection

cursor on the display with the aid of the arrow keys.
Press NEXT. Point with the arrow onto the SEND button and click
with the right-hand mouse button. Then using the mouse arrow
point onto the DISTRESS button and click with the left-hand
mouse button. Now a distress call is transmitted containing the
ships MMSI, position and the time it was valid plus the nature of
the distress.
DISTRESS Press the NEXT button if the DSC warns of a distress message
RECEPTION received. Browse forward through the menus using the NEXT
button in order to read the information in the distress message.
In the last menu it is possible to send a distress relay or a distress
acknowledgement. NOTE. This is very rarely done by vessels
and only if no coast station acknowledges.
(It is also possible to see a previously received and to send a
distress relay or distress acknowledgement by using the LOG
ALL SHIPS CALL Press the CALL ALL button. Choose Priority by moving the
TRANSMISSION selection cursor on the display with the arrow keys. Press NEXT.
Choose Additional Message by mowing the selection cursor to the
desired option with the aid of the arrow keys.. If workfreq is
chosen, press NEXT and enter a work channel with the numeric
key on the DSC. Press NEXT and press SEND for call.
INDIVIDUAL CALL Press the CALL ONE button. Feed in the receiving stations
TRANSMISSION MMSI with aid of the numeric keys. If the MMSI begins with 00,
which indicates that it is a coast station, it is also possible to input
a telephone number for ordering a telephone call.
Press the NEXT button. Choose Priority. Press NEXT. Choose

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Additional Message by moving the selection cursor to the

desired option with the aid of the arrow keys.
Position means that the ships position is transmitted.
Work freq means that a proposal is transmitted on the work
channel. This proposal may be accepted or changed by the
receiving station. When finally a work channel is decided, the
VHF transceiver, as in real life, is automatically set up on the
chosen work channel.
Omit means that no further information is transmitted.
Press NEXT. Press the SEND button.

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

4.3 MF/HF
RX Input of the receiving frequency. Point and click onto the RX
button. Feed in the desired frequency. Then press ENTER.

RCL Fetching pre-programmed ITU channels. Point and click onto the
RCL button. Feed in the desired ITU channel number. Then press

TX Input of the transmission frequency. Point and click onto the TX

button. Feed in the desired frequency. Then press ENTER.

0-9 Input of the figure values.

ENTER Carries out the inputs.

TEST Test of the alarm signal.

STOP ALARM Stops the testing or transmission of the alarm signal.

TEST + RED BUTTON Transmission of the alarm signal for 45 seconds. Point the arrow
onto the TEST button and click with the right-hand mouse button.
Then point onto the RED BUTTON and click with the left-hand
mouse button.

2182 Quick choice for 2182 kHz.

PWR Repeatedly pressing this button will make the transceiver change
between LOW, MEDIUM and FULL power.
The MF range is, true to life, depending on time of day and power
Night : 1900 hrs. to 0500 hrs.

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Sunrise : 0500 hrs. to 0700 hrs.

Day : 0700 hrs. to 1700 hrs.
Sunset : 1700 hrs. to 1900 hrs.
Full Power:
400 n. miles (Night)
320 n. miles (Sunrise)
200 n. miles (Day)
270 n. miles (Sunset)
Medium Power:
200 n. miles (Night)
160 n. miles (Sunrise)
100 n. miles (Day)
130 n. miles (Sunset)
Low Power:
80 n. miles (Night)
65 n. miles (Sunrise)
40 n. miles (Day)
50 n. miles (Sunset)

VOLUME Adjustment of sound level. (Not functional, but volume in headset

can be adjusted on the PC).

AGC Automatic Gain Control (is on).

SENSITIVITY Sound/Noise ratio (is adjusted).


TRANSMISSION Using the mouse arrow point onto the telephone receiver and press
down the left-hand mouse button. Tx is indicated in the right-hand

QUICK There is also a practical function for quick transmission. This can
TRANSMISSION be used for transmitting when another instrument is shown on the
screen. The MF/HF must be on. Example: the autopilot is
displayed on the screen. Point onto the MF/HF icon with the
mouse arrow. Transmission continues as long as the right-hand
mouse button is held down. NOTE. Transmitting is done on the
channel/frequency which the MF/HF radio is tuned to.

SSB J3E Transmission classes. You may choose the modulation type for
TLX F1B your transmission. H3E will be used together with 2182 kHz only.
AM H3E F1B with the NBDP, and J3E with all other telephony contacts. By
choosing an ITU channel the J3E will follow automatically.

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DISTRESS Press on 2182 for the quick setting of 2182 kHz, (AM., H3E and
automatic tuning).

Using the mouse arrow point onto the left-hand red button marked
test. Click with the right-hand mouse button. Using the mouse
arrow point onto the right-hand red button and click with the left-
hand mouse button. The alarm signal is now transmitted for 45
seconds or shorter if STOP ALARM is pressed. Distress call,
Distress message and Distress communication on 2182 kHz may
be carried out.
SET THE Press RX. The left-hand display is set at zero. Feed in the
FREQUENCY reception frequency. Press ENTER.

Press on TX. The right-hand display is set at zero. Feed in the

transmission frequency. Press ENTER.

Note: by choosing the RX button (right click) and the TX button

(left click) you are able to set both frequencies for a simplex call at
the same time.

SET an ITU Press on RCL. The left-hand display is set at zero. Feed in the ITU
CHANNEL channel number, e.g. 420. Press ENTER. Both transmission and
receiving frequency will be set. Modulation will be set to J3E

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

4.4 MF/HF-


0-9 Figure input.

STOP ENT Interrupts the current process. The display shows the stand-by
Example: You have chosen CALL ALL but instead want to use
CALL ONE. Press STOP ENT in order to return to the standby
position on the display. Then press CALL ONE.

LOG Shows the messages received.

LAST Gives the previous display menu.

NEXT Gives the next display menu.

ARROWS Move the selection cursor on the display.

CALL ONE Call to another individual station.

CALL ALL Call to all stations.

DISTRESS Distress call.

TEST Test call on 2187,5 kHz. Activated.

SEND Transmission of call.

MF/HF-SCAN Change of scanning. In this version pre-set to scan the distress

MF/HF DSC frequencies


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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

DISTRESS QUICK Point the arrow onto the DISTRESS button and click with the
TRANSMISSION left-hand mouse button to open the red plastic lid. Then using the
mouse button point onto the SEND button and click with the
right-hand mouse button, left click on DISTRESS button.

Now a distress call is transmitted on MF 2187.5 kHz containing

the ships MMSI, position and the time the position was valid. .

DISTRESS Press DISTRESS twice. Once to open the red plastic lid and once
TRANSMISSION to get into distress-mode.

The ships position has been updated by the GPS.

Press NEXT.

Choose the transmission DSC distress call frequency by moving

the selection cursor with the aid of the arrow keys.

Press NEXT.

Select the nature of distress by moving the selection cursor on the

display with the aid of the arrow keys.

Press Next.

Choose the type of following communication.

Press NEXT.

Point with the arrow onto the SEND button and click with the
right-hand mouse button. Then using the mouse arrow point onto
the DISTRESS button and click with the left-hand mouse button.

Now a distress call is transmitted containing the ships MMSI,

position and the time it was valid, the nature of distress plus the
type of following communication.

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DISTRESS Press the NEXT button if the DSC warns of a distress message
RECEPTION received. Browse forward through the menus using the NEXT
button in order to read the information in the distress message.

In the last menu it is possible to send a distress relay or a distress

acknowledgement. NOTE. This is very rarely done by vessels
and only if no coast station acknowledges.

(It is also possible to view a previously received and to send a

distress relay or distress acknowledgement by using the LOG

ALL SHIPS CALL Press the CALL ALL button.

Choose Priority by moving the selection cursor on the display with
the arrow keys.
Press the NEXT button. Choose Additional Message to be
Position, Workfrequency, or Omit by moving the selection
cursor using the arrow key. If workfreq is chosen, press NEXT.
Type of Communication only applies if Distress is chosen as
Priority. Choose still one type. Press NEXT. Enter a work
channel/frequency using the numeric keys on the DSC . Press
NEXT. Press the SEND button.

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04


Feed in the receiving stations MMSI with aid of the figure keys.
If the MMSI begins with 00, which indicates that it is a coast
station, it is also possible to input a telephone number for ordering
a telephone call.
Press the NEXT button.
Feed in the desired frequency on which the DSC will transmit.
This may be one of the international distress or call frequencies or
a national DSC call frequency.
Press the NEXT button. Choose Priority. Press NEXT.
Choose Additional message.
Position means that the ships position is transmitted.
Work freq means that a proposal is transmitted on the telephony
work channel/frequency.
Omit means that no further information is transmitted.
Move the selection cursor to the desired option with the aid of the
arrow keys. Press the NEXT button.
If the option work freq is chosen, the following Type of
Communication menu only applies if Distress priority is chosen.
Still choose one type. Press NEXT. A proposal should be fed in on
the work channel/frequency using the figure keys. This proposal
may be accepted or changed by the receiving station. When finally
the workchannel/frequency is decided, the MF/HF transceiver is
automatically set up with the decided transmitting and receiving
frequencies, as in real life. Press NEXT .

Press the SEND button.

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FILE Creating and editing telex messages.

SCAN Scanning of telex frequencies.

CALL Calling a station that is transmitting a free signal.

ARQ Calling a station that is not transmitting a free signal.

FEC Transmitting in the FEC mode.


CREATING A TELEX Point and click on FILE in the menu bar. Choose NEW.

Type your telex with the keyboard.

Point and click on FILE in the menu bar.

Choose SAVE or SAVE AS. Point and click in the box behind

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 19

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FILENAME. Type your desired filename. Double-click on the

telex folder in the lower right window to position the file in the
right folder.
Point and click on SAVE.
EDITING A TELEX Point and click on FILE in the menu bar. Choose OPEN.
Double-click on the telex folder in the lower right window to get
to the telexfiles. Point and click on the file you want to open.
Choose OPEN.
Edit your telex.
Point and click on FILE in the menu bar. Choose SAVE.
(Use SAVE AS if you want to save the telex with another


CHANGE SCANNING Point and click on SCAN in the menu bar.

ADDING A Choose ADD to add a frequency pair to the scanning.

FREQUENCY PAIR Point and click on desired station. Point and click on OK.
FROM THE Point and click on the desired freq. table. Point and click on OK.
SCANNING Point and click on the desired frequency pair.
Point and click on OK.

DELETE A Point and click on SCAN in the menu bar.

FREQUENCY PAIR Point and click on the channel you want to delete.
FROM THE Point and click on DELETE.

CALLING A Point and click on CALL in the menu bar.

TRANSMITTING A Point and click in the RADIO STATION box if you want to
FREE SIGNAL change station to call. Point and click on desired coast station and
then on OK.

Point and click in the SCANNING box if you want to change the
call on frequencies. Point and click on the desired destination then
press OK. Point and click on desired frequency table then press
OK. The chosen stations frequencies are shown. Press OK.

Point and click on CALL to initiate a contact with the coast

station. The telex will stop the scanning and start to call with the
chosen selcall when a free signal is received.
The telex traffic window will appear and CONNECTED will show
when the telex is connected to the coast station.

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WHO-ARE -YOU Point and click on WHO-ARE-YOU in the menu bar to check the
telex identity (answer back) of the other station.

THIS-IS Point and click on THIS-IS to send your own telex identity.

SEND BELL Point and click on SEND-BELL to pay attention to the other
station. (A bell signal will be heard).

SEND FILE Point and click on SEND FILE. Point and click on the file you
want to send then press SEND. The file will then be transmitted.

OVER Point and click on OVER to change from transmitting to receiving

or vice versa.

END Point and click on END to terminate the telex connection.


CALLING A Point and click on ARQ in the menu bar.

NOT Point and click in the DESTINATION box if you want to change
TRANSMITTING A station to call. Point and click on destination station and then on
Point and click in the FREQUENCY box if you want to change
the call on frequencies. Point and click on the desired destination
then press OK. Point and click on desired frequency table then
press OK. Point and click on desired frequency pair then press
OK. The chosen frequencies are shown.

Point and click on CALL, in the window, to initiate a contact with

chosen station. The telex will stop the scanning and start to call
with the chosen selcall.

The telex traffic window will appear and CONNECTED will show
when the telex is connected to the chosen station.

TRAFFIC Traffic commands will be the same as for a call to a coaststation

COMMANDS transmitting a free signal.


TRANSMITTING IN Point and click on FEC in the menu bar.


Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 21

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Point and click in the FREQUENCY box if you want to change

the call on frequency. Point and click on the desired destination
then press OK. Point and click on desired frequency table then
press OK.
Point and click on desired frequency pair and then press OK.

Point and click on CALL to initiate the transmission.

The telex traffic window appears.

TRAFFIC Traffic commands will be the same as for a call to a coaststation

COMMANDS transmitting a free signal except for Who are you which will not
be present, and Over which has been replaced by Transmit
and Receive modes.

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04


0-9 Digits.

DISTRESS Distress priority.

RECEIVER Telephone off and on hook.

TIME & AUTOTRACK Automatic tracking of a satellite.

BEARING & MANUAL Manual adjustment of the antenna.

AZIMUTH CW Adjustment of the antenna azimuth angle clockwise.

AZIMUTH CCW Adjustment of the antenna azimuth angle counter clockwise.

ELEVATION UP Adjustment of the antenna elevation up.

ELEVATION DOWN Adjustment of the antenna elevation down.

ANTENNA ALIGNMENT Point and click onto the BEARING & MANUAL button. The
ships gyro course and the azimuth and elevation of the antenna
are now shown in the display.
Direct the antenna with the aid of the AZIMUTH and
ELEVATION buttons until the desired azimuth and elevation
value is shown in the display. The signal level received from
the satellite must be higher than 10. (Blue reading in the small
Point and click onto the TIME & AUTOTRACK button. The
antenna is now locked onto the satellite.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 23

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

DISTRESS TELEPHONE Point and click onto the Handset. The Handset will turn around
CALL and be off hook and a signal is heard.

Point and click onto the DISTRESS button. The signal will

Dial the number to a Coast Earth Station, the call will then be
directed to the associated Rescue Co-ordination Centre. If a
number not corresponding with a Coast Earth Station is dialled,
the call will be directed by the NCS to a Rescue Co-ordination

ROUTINE TELEPHONE Point and click onto the Handset. The Handset will turn around,
CALL and will be off hook and a signal is heard.

Dial the number of the desired Coast Earth Station. (E.g. 041
for Eik). A new signal that stops after a few seconds is heard.

Dial 00 for automatic call followed by country code, area code,

subscribers number and the call terminator # for a ship to shore

For a ship to ship call dial 00 for automatic call followed by

satellitenumber to the satellite for the called ship followed by
the called ships Inmarsat A number winding up with the call
terminator #.

An ordinary ringing sound to indicate you are in correct contact

will be heard.

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04



FUNC Selects functions.

ALPHA Selects alphabetic key function. (Not implemented).

ENTER Moves to next choice, or enters selected one.

SHIFT Selects secondary functions.

MORE Displays additional information.

LES Direct access to Default LES selection, and Ocean Region

selection (SHIFT function).

SPEAKER Not in use.

ON/OFF Not in use.

RECEIVER/ESC Toggles hook switch, or reverts to previous position.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 25

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

DEL Deletes last character entry, or complete entry.

UP/DOWN ARROWS & Steps down/up through function menu/choices. LIST scrolls
LIST through choices (SHIFT function).

0-9 Digits.


FUNC 12 There are two user levels built into the simulator. The lowest
USER LEVEL one is called USER, and the higher is called OPERATOR.
Most changes in the set-up of the INM B require OPERATOR
level. The USER level is mainly for normal use of the
To change the user level, press FUNC 12 and then ENTER.
The chosen LEVEL will be displayed (USER or
OPERATOR). To change press ENTER once more, and a
question mark will appear. Choose 1 for USER, and 2 for
OPERATOR and then ENTER. The chosen user level will
show in the display. Revert to idle again with the use of ESC.
IMPORTANT: To be able to try out the different following
functions choose OPERATOR level.

FUNC 26 To start a hemispheric scan for the selected satellite/Ocean

Press ENTER. COMMAND ACCEPTED will appear, and
the display will return to idle mode after a wile.

SIGNAL QUALITY Signal strength will show as one to three asterisks in the
INDICATION display. The actual signal strength may be displayed by
pressing SHIFT and 7. E.g. S/N: 254.
BER (Bit Error Rate) is not built into the simulator.

LES Press LES (Land Earth Station) to check which station is

chosen as default LES for this region. Use arrows up or down
to view the other regions.
To change the setting press ENTER, then DEL(delete)
followed by the new default LES number and ENTER. Use
ESC twice to revert to idle mode.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 26

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

REGION be shown. Press ENTER and use up/down arrows to scroll to
desired region. Press ENTER to select. The antenna will
redirect to the new satellite.

CALL THROUGH Press ESC to off hook. You will get a ready tone, and the
DEFAULT LES default LES will show on the first line. Start with automatic set
up prefix 00, continue with countrycode and subscriber
number. End with # to connect.

CALL THROUGH After unhooking push the number of the desired LES followed
SELECTED LES by *. The chosen LES will show on the first line. Continue
with call as described above.

LAST NUMBER 0 followed by # will show the last number dialled. Modify
REDIALING using DEL, if required, and send number by pushing #.

REDIALLING FROM Use up and down arrows to view the last numbers dialled.
LAST NUMBER LIST Select a wanted number by pressing #. Modify if required and
send by pressing # once more.

FUNC 21 FUNC 21 will give you geographic position. Press ENTER,

GEOGRAPHIC and the position will show. Press MORE and speed and
POSITION heading will show as well.
Press ENTER and LATITUDE will show. To change press
DEL followed by * for NORTH and # for SOUTH followed by
4 digits for degrees and minutes.
Press ENTER to see LONGITUDE only. To update press DEL
followed by * for EAST or # for WEST followed by 5 digits
giving the value in degrees and minutes.
Course may be entered by pressing ENTER and DEL followed
by 0 to 360 degrees
Press ENTER again and DEL. You may enter speed in knots
from 0 to 99. To revert to idle menu press repeatedly on ESC.

FUNC 27 Pressing FUNC 27 followed by ENTER will show you the

ANTENNA ABSOLUTE current elevation and azimuth of the antenna:
S/N 865
To change press ENTER and DEL and the new value of the
Elevation followed by ENTER. The value of the Azimuth can
be changed with DEL also followed by new numbers and
ENTER. COMMAND ACCEPTED will then be displayed.
Revert to Idle mode by repeatedly pushing ESC.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 27

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

FUNC 28 Pressing FUNC 28 followed by ENTER will show you the

ANTENNA RELATIVE current elevation and azimuth of the antenna:
S/N 865
Press ENTER. To change the Elevation up push the UP arrow.
Use the DOWN arrow to lower the elevation.
Use SHIFT to toggle from Elevation to Azimuth mode (and
back). The UP arrow will move the antenna clock wise, and
the DOWN arrow will move the antenna Counter clockwise.
When completed push ENTER.
To revert to idle mode repeatedly press ESC.

FUNC 29 Heading data may be checked by using FUNC 29 followed by

To update press ENTER followed by the correct heading in
degrees from 0 to 360. Enter the value by pushing ENTER.

DISTRESS To get in contact with a RCC take the receiver off, and
make sure you have a dialling tone. Lift the tab and press
the button on the distress panel for at least 6 seconds, and
you will be connected to the RCC through the default
LES unless otherwise selected.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 28

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Edit/Send Under this menu, you may make a new message, edit an
existing message, send a message and make a calling
directory for this station.

Telex mode By choosing telex mode, the screen will change, and we
will enter the telex mode.

Logfile Under the menu of logfile we may view RX and TX

messages log, or delete the RX or TX log.

Configuration Is for setting up time/date, printers and so on. Greyed out

and not choosable in the simulator.

Utilities There are various choices under this menu. Most of them
of no interest for a simulator. The only one we kept is for
deleting own messages.

Procedures It is important that the Inmarsat B telephone is tuned to

the right satellite before using the Inmarsat B telex, as
they use the same antenna.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 29

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Distress Click on Telex mode. Click on the red plastic lid in the
lower right corner. The lid opens. Click and press on the
yellow button for about 6 seconds. Choose LES and
Enter. A distress call is made to the RCC. Press F 8 to
send Distress message.
The Instructor, acting as RCC, saves the received
Distress message and can, if wanted, redirect the Distress
message out to other Inmarsat B telex stations.
The Instructor then, instead of pressing F8, presses
INSERT and chooses the former incoming Distress
message to be redirected.
Making a new message Type in the message as you would like it to be, and
choose EDIT/SEND SEND MESSAGE. You will be
asked if you like to save the message. Choose YES and
ENTER. Accept the automated filename or type in your
own. ENTER
You will be faced with the SEND MESSAGE page, but
may exit this by pressing ESC.

Editing an existing Choose EDIT/SEND EDIT EXISTING MESSAGE,

message and this page will pop up:

Choose the message you want to edit, ENTER and edit it

as you like. Save it by pretending to send it. Choose ESC

to abort the SEND MESSAGE command after having

saved your message.


and this page will pop up:

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Follow the guidance shown at the bottom of the page.

If you are entering a new contact this window will


Enter the contact details and press ENTER.

Save the Calling Directory changes by pressing F10.

Sending a message Choose EDIT/SEND and SEND MESSAGE page.

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When you get to the SEND MESSAGE page press INS

to choose which message/file to be sent. Press ENTER.

Use the TAB button to move to the next position. Press

INS to see the LESes of choice:

Choose your LES, ENTER and continue with TAB and

INS again:

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 32

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Only the 00 will work with the simulator. ENTER.

Continue with TAB, and enter the country code, contact

number and answerback direct, or choose INS to choose
a contact from the call directory.

Send the message by pressing F10.

If a message is longer than covered by the screen, the

whole message can be read by using the up- and down-
arrow buttons on the keyboard.

Telex Mode By choosing this mode you will be able to send and keep
in contact with a station manually.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 33

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Start connecting up by pressing +.

You will be connected through the satellite to the default
LES and await further action:

By entering i.e.12+ you would have been connected

through LES 012 (Burum).

Enter 00 for international call followed by countrycode,

subscriber number and a +.

You will be connected to the other station, who will give

his answerback automatically on connection.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 34

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Normally a contact is started with HERE IS (F5) to

identify yourself to the other station, followed by either a
file to be sent or direct typing. This can be done from
either side since this is a duplex call system. A file to be
sent is done by pressing INS getting this picture:

Press ENTER to send the chosen file.

After transmitting the message, you may disconnect by

using FIVE DOTS or if you would like to send another
message to another station choose five commas to keep
the contact towards the LES, but disconnect the other

After disconnecting from the LES you will get the call

Logfile Under this menu will be possible to view the tx and rx

log as well as clearing the two logs.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 35

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

Configuration Under the first menu Configuration nothing is active in

the simulator. It is only there to show what is normally
there on real equipment.

Utilities Utilities has also all the different parts of the menu
greyed out, except for the possibility to delete own
message files locally.

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FILE Creating and editing of messages.

TRANSMIT Transmitting a message.

LOGS Transmit-, Receive- and EGC-logs.

DISTRESS Transmitting a distress message.

POSITION Manual updating of the position.

OPTIONS Logging IN or OUT of a satellite.


SELECTING A Point and click on OPTIONS in the menu bar.

SATELLITE Point and click on LOGIN.
Point and click on desired satellite, then point and click on

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 37

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MAKING A NEW Point and click on FILE and NEW. Write your message. Click on
MESSAGE FILE and SAVE. Save your message. (Clicking on FILE and
NEW will clear the screen)
EDITING A Point a click on FILE in the menu bar. Choose OPEN.
MESSAGE Choose a message, OPEN and Edit your message.
Point and click on FILE in the menu bar. Choose SAVE.
(Use SAVE AS if you want to save the message with another
MERGE TWO If you have a message on the screen and want to merge another
MESSAGES message on top (i.e. a heading), point and click on FILE in the
menu bar. Point and click on MERGE, then point and click on the
file you want on top. Point and click on MERGE.

TRANSMITTING A Point and click on TRANSMIT in the menu bar.

MESSAGE Point and click in the box behind filename. Type the name of the
file you want to transmit or browse among the previous saved
files. Choose your message and click OK
Point and click on the desired priority.
Point and click if Confirmation on sent message is wanted.
(If confirmation is wanted, this confirmation can later be viewed
in the sendingstations Receive Log).
Point and click on the desired destination.
Point and click on the desired Coast Earth Station.
Point and click on TRANSMIT.
A ringing signal goes off at the Receiving station to tell there is an
incoming message. Clicking on the red button marked QUIET in
the lower right corner quiets this signal.
(For reasons of keeping some radiocommunications not to be
publicly read, the received Inmarsat C message has to be read by
entering the Receive Log or, if connected to printer, on the print
TRANSMIT LOG Point and click on LOGS in the menu bar. Point and click on
TRANSMIT. The log entries could either be viewed or deleted.

RECEIVE LOG Point and click on LOGS in the menu bar. Point and click on
RECEIVE. The log entries could either be viewed or deleted.
If Confirmation wanted is clicked to be wanted, the
confirmation of a sent message comes up here in the Receive log.

EGC LOG Point and click on LOGS in the menu bar. Point and click on EGC.
The log entries could either be viewed or deleted.

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DISTRESS QUICK Mark the left red alarm button with the right-hand mouse button.
TRANSMISSION Point onto the right red alarm button and hold down the left-hand
mouse button for 5 seconds.
The Alarm is quieted with the red QUIET button.
The distress transmission contains the ships identity, position and
the time it vas valid. Type of distress will be undesignated.

DISTRESS ALERT Point and click on DISTRESS in the menu bar.

Point and click on the desired Coast Earth Station.
Point and click on the desired type of distress.
The position, speed, course and the updated time are inserted
automatically from a GPS . Point and click on TRANSMIT.

MANUAL POSITION The position can be manually updated by pointing and clicking on
UPDATING POSITION in the menu bar.

EGC SELECTION You will find EGC Selection under the OPTIONS menu.
By choosing this you will get this page displayed:

All greyed areas are non-changeable. The others may be chosen or


Set NAVAREAS Navareas may be chosen under OPTIONS as well. It is possible to

choose three areas to listen to at the same time:

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 39

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The NAVTEX receiver receives Maritime Safety Information (MSI) on 518 kHz, a
radiotelexfrequency (NBDP), FEC mode.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 40

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

4.10 NAVTEX See also previous page.


POWER Power on. (Previous condition is kept).

OFF Power off. (Used together with Power on button).

A/M Rejection of Area or rejection of Message. (Used together with

PROG button).

E/D Enable or Disable (Area or Message).

ALL Releasing of Rejected Conditions. (Used together with PROG


FEED Feeds the Printing Paper.

MONI Switching off Loudspeaker. (In the simulator it is switched off).

ILLUM Setting of illumination. (In the simulator, pre-set)

STATE Confirmation of Programmed Status.

TEST Self-diagnostic Test.

AL OFF -Stoppage of ongoing alarms (acoustic and visual).

-Used together with PROG button, prohibits Alarms for Message
Category A, B and L.

SAVE Prohibits printing of received message until pressing this key

again. Optional function on real Navtex, here not active.


Setting up a Navtex-
message At the Instructorstation, (In Control panel window, under
Exercise, click on NAVTEX), set up a Navtex message to be
transmitted from a Country and a Coaststation.

Receiving a Navtex- -At a student station, press the POWER button. (On the paper-roll;
message Navtex Receiver is Ready is written. The display is activated.).

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 41

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-Press TEST button. A test message is written out. Press AL

OFF to end alarm.
-Press STATE button. A printout is stating which Areas
(Sending Stations) and which MessageTypes that are disabled.

Programming choice of -Right-click on PROG btn., Left-click on A/M btn. The usual
Sending stations and choice is to program Area first
Message types -Right-click on PROG btn. Left-click on E/D btn. to
Enable/Disable Areas. Use Arrow btns. to scroll to next area.
Areas are numbered from A to Z according to map of sending
-Right-click on PROG btn. Left-click on A/M btn. Choose to
program Message.
-Right-click on PROG btn. Left-click on E/D btn. to
Enable/Disable Message Types. Use Arrow btns. to scroll to next
Message Type. Message Types are numbered from A to Z.
Message types A, B, D and L cannot be disabled.
-Press STATE btn. again. The new printout will show the new
-To be able to read previously received Navtex messages it is
recommended to connect the Navtex Receiver to the printer.

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Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

4.11 EPIRB

In Bracket Launched

The EPIRB is normally the first distress equipment to be launched in an emergency at sea
situation. (Then the SART and the Portable VHF is used).
In this version of the Capella GMDSS Simulator, a COSPAS/SARSAT EPIRB is used.
In real life a COSPAS/SARSAT positioning is to day calculated roughly within a circle
of 5 kilometres. But within distant future the positioning will be accurate, as it will be
connected to a GPS. The present Capella EPIRB is connected to a GPS and gives an
accurate and fast position, but to simulate the reality of to day, the instructor should allow
some time ( absolute worst case is up to 45 minutes) before sending out a message to ship
stations in the vicinity about the distress situation. Also, the instructor should off set the
position with from 2 to 6 nautical miles in the message he sends out in order to realistically
simulate to days reality and also allow for useful training in the use of the SART.

In Bracket The EPIRB is normally located high up in the ship in a place
where it freely can float up and automatically be activated, or
a crew member can manually activate it. For obvious reasons,
the simulator EPIRB can only be manually launched. The
Distress information given to Instructor station would in both
cases be the same.
Launching Point and click within the red rubber circle to remove the
safety pin that locks the EPIRB in the bracket.
The EPIRB turns upside down and is activated.
Once an EPIRB is activated there is no going back neither in

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 43

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real life nor in the simulator. A message comes up at the

instructor station (acting as RCC) with the information from
the EPIRB.

4.12 SART

The SART is normally located in a survival craft, or on each side of the bridge to be
manually used, or it can be float free. The simulator SART is to be manually used. When
put in ON, the SART is stand by until it is activated by another ship stations 3-cm radar.
The outreach of the SART signal is minimum 5 nautical miles when held in a survival craft
about 0.5 meters above water. The outreach will increase the higher the SART is held
above water. The simulator SART outreach is set to 7 nautical miles. When another ship
comes within the circle of 7 n. miles, the SART is activated and on the incoming ships
radar screen the SART is seen as a line of 12 to 24 dots. The range of the incoming ships
radar can be set to 24 n. miles as a starting range and then decreased as the ship approaches
the ship in distress.

Putting the SART on Point and Click on the pin just to the right of the black button
in the lower part of the SART. This will remove the safety pin
that locks the SART in OFF position and the black button
switches to ON. A yellow light indicator comes on to show that
the SART is in stand by mode ready to be activated by an
incoming ships radar.
Activating the SART When an incoming ship comes within the range of 7 n. miles,
the light indicator shifts to green light and the people in distress
know that a ship is coming to rescue.
Putting the SART off As in real life, the simulator SART can be put off.
Point and click again on the safety pin and the on/off button
switches back to OFF.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 44

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04


The Portable VHF has like the other distress equipment a required orange colour and is to
be brought as on scene communications equipment in the survival craft. It goes on
Channel 16 and can communicate with other ship stations regular VHF or Portable VHF,
and the coaststations regular VHF.


Putting the Portable VHF Point and click on the black part of the VHF. A red light
on indicator is shown when transmitting.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 45

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

4.14 2182 kHz The watch receiver opens up for three minutes on every hour
WATCH and half-hour. It also opens up for the alarm signal.


ON/OFF On or off.



Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 46

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0-9 Figure inputs.

+/- Character change.

SET Carries out inputs.

SPEED Change of speed. (Top speed = 18,7 knots).

COURSE Change of course.

MANUAL Manual mode.


CHANGE COURSE Press COURSE. Feed in a new course using the figure keys.
Press SET.

CHANGE SPEED Press SPEED. Feed in a new speed. Press SET.

Manual operation: Press MANUAL

A Astern command

F Forward command

P Port helmsorder

S Starboard helmsorder

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 47

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

4.16 OVER- The over-view board enables search and rescue (SAR) training.
VIEW An activated SART will show on the radar screen.
BOARD Your own vessel remains stationary in the centre of the screen
while other vessels are presented in true motion as on a radar.
The display in the bottom right-hand corner shows the
geographical position of the cursor, the values for bearing and
distance and the scale.

+ Increasing the scale.

- Decreasing the scale.
# Grid on and off.
x-x Bearing and distance between chosen points.
SPEED Changing the ships speed.
COURSE Changing the ships course.
CHANGE SCALE Press + or - in order to change the scale up or down between
0.25 NM and 100 NM.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 48

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

BEARING AND Point with the cursor onto a position. Hold down the left-hand
DISTANCE mouse button and drag the cursor to a desired position. Bearing
and distance are presented in the display.
CHANGE SPEED Point and click onto + or - to increase or decrease the ships speed.
CHANGE COURSE Point and click onto + or - to alter the ships course.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 49

Kongsberg Maritime AS / 04-Mar-04

4.17 CLEAR The screen can be cleared for equipment by clicking on the
clear button.

Capella GMDSS Simulator User Manual 50

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