2017 Industry Partnering Summit

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017 | Michael F. Sorrell Center, Room 2001 (Linder Reading Room), UNMC | Omaha, Nebraska

9:00 a.m. Breakfast & Networking

9:30 a.m. Opening Remarks

Technology & Start-up Presentations

9:40 a.m. Extension sheath for angioplasty Greg Gordon, M.D.

Sympathetic vasomotion monitoring for renal

10:00 a.m.
denervation Peter Pellegrino, Ph.D.
Intravascular cutting system for aortic dissection
10:20 a.m.
Jason MacTaggart, M.D.

10:40 a.m. Miniaturized surgical robots Shane Farritor, Ph.D.

11:00 a.m. Automated REBOA device Alexey Kamenskiy, Ph.D.

11:20 a.m. Wound irrigation system Thang Nguyen, A.P.R.N.

11:40 a.m. Lunch & Networking

1:00 p.m. Fistula maturation system Marius Florescu, M.D.

Detection of disease worsening in COPD

1:20 p.m.
Jennifer Yentes, Ph.D.

1:40 p.m. Intuitool Jake Riggle, M.D.

2:00 p.m. Portable laparoscope Chandrakanth Are, M.D.

2:20 p.m. Networking

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

2 UNMC Startup Improved patient

outcomes & satisfaction
Extension sheath Faster recovery
Decreased costs
for angioplasty Reduced staff needs
Greater sterility
A new medical de- ous X-ray imaging to
vice could transform mark the progress, the
Lower radiation doses
how coronary angio- physician advances the Decreased fatigue &
plasty procedures are tube to the patients stress for physicians
performed throughout heart, where a special Increased site stability
the United States. dye is released to re-
The device, Stand veal arteries that are
Tall, is an external narrowed or blocked
support sheath that al- by atherosclerosis.
lows physicians access By virtue of human
to the preferred route anatomy, the safest,
when performing cer- most efficient route
tain angioplasty pro- is through the radial non-dominant hand, or in
cedures, such as per- artery inside the left awkward and uncomfort-
cutaneous coronary wrist and forearm. able positions that often
interventions. But most physicians lead to occupational inju-
The procedure in- are right-handed, ries.
volves a physician in- which complicates the More often, physicians
serting a small tube, or left radial artery ap- use the more complicat-
catheter, into an artery proach. Physicians are ed approach, which is
in a patients wrist or forced to perform the through the right radial
groin. Using continu- procedure with their artery, despite recent stud-
ies that show the left side is
the superior approach site.
The Stand Tall de-
vice reorients the opera-
tor so that the left artery
approach is every bit as
easy as the right artery
approach. It allows doc-
tors, patients and hospital
administrators to reap the
benefits of improved pro-
cedural performance, bet-
ter outcomes and shorter
procedure times.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

UNMC Technology 3

Sympathetic vasomotion
monitoring for renal denervation
Researchers at UNMC heart rate and the vas- success rate of renal
have developed a device omotion of blood ves- denervation proce-
capable of making high sels. Disruption of the dures.
blood pressure more sympathetic nervous UNMC researchers
treatable by accurately system can contribute have shown that the
measuring the rhythmic to a variety of chron- sympathetic vasom-
constriction and relax- ic diseases, including tion detection system
ation of blood vessels, high blood pressure. can accurately detect
known as sympathetic One potentially ef- renal denervation in
vasomotion. fective way to treat rat and rabbit models.
The sympathetic nerv- high blood pressure is A current study in pigs
ous system controls the to destroy, or ablate, is expected to further
bodys automated func- all or parts of the sym- validate the systems
tions such as digestion, pathetic nerves of the ability and accuracy.
kidneys. The problem, The sympathetic
however, is until now vasomotion detection
there has not been an system is a versatile
accurate, real-time tool that can also mon-
tool that helps clini- itor and detect other

Real-time tool cians determine if the

procedure is targeting
diseases or conditions
associated with the
the proper areas of the sympathetic nervous
helps clinicians kidneys.
UNMCs detection
In addition to their
determine if system non-invasively
monitors sympathetic
work with renal den-
ervation, UNMC re-
proper areas nerve activity in real
time and determines
searchers are also in-
vestigating the devices
if a renal denerva- use as a screening tool
of kidneys are tion procedure was for blood pressure-re-
successful. This tech- lated fainting and
targeted for nology will help sig-
nificantly increase the
non-invasive hemody-
namic monitoring.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

4 UNMC Technology

Intravascular cutting
system for aortic dissection Surgical jet
AquaBlade, a new medical device invented at
the University of Nebraska Medical Center, could
for aortic
provide a less invasive treatment for life-threat-
ening tears in artery walls, also called arterial dis- dissection
AquaBlade is an innovative surgical instru-
ment that uses a catheter to deliver a specialized
cutting tool through a patients artery where it
uses a high-pressure water jet to repair arterial
dissections such as in the aorta.
Aortic dissections occur when there is a tear
or damage to the inner wall or lining of the aorta.
Aortic dissections can lead to the development of
kidney failure, strokes and severe internal bleeding. Current treatments for
aortic dissection often require open-heart surgery, which carries a 15 percent
risk of death and an extended recovery period.
AquaBlade eliminates most of those risks while also minimizing the time of
recovery. It is currently at the conceptual stage, preparing a functional proto-
type for preclinical testing.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

UNMC Startup 5

Miniaturized surgical robots

Virtual Incision is a startup company devel-

oping a first-of-its-kind, miniaturized robot
Robot platform for abdominal surgical procedures.
In March 2016, Virtual Incision announced
features a small, a successful first-in-human use of the device.
self-contained The robot-assisted colon resection proce-
dures were completed in Asuncin, Paraguay,
surgical device as part of the safety and feasibility trial for the
technology. The surgeries were successful and
inserted through the patients are recovering well, according to
a news release from the company at the time.
a single mid- The device is designed for colon resection,
a procedure to treat patients with lower gas-
line umbilical trointestinal diseases including diverticulitis,
pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions of the
incision in the colon, inflammatory bowel disease and colon
polyps that are too large to be removed endo-
abdomen scopically.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

6 UNMC Technology

Automated REBOA device Save

A new automated
bleeding-control sys-
death increases if the
internal bleeding is not patients
tem that can reduce controlled in the first
deaths related to cata-
strophic internal bleed-
hour after the incident.
In the hospital,
ing has been developed
at the University of Ne-
surgeons can stop se-
vere bleeding using a
braska Medical Center.
Internal bleeding is
procedure called RE-
BOA or Resuscitative bleeding
a common result of in- Endovascular Balloon
juries from car crash- Occlusion of the Aor-
es, falls and gunshot ta. In this procedure a
wounds, accounting balloon is placed in the
for more than half of blood vessel near the
deaths in all Ameri- injury site and is then
cans between 1- and inflated to block blood
44-years-old. Depend- flow and prevent fur- this approach is that tra-
ing on the severity of ther blood loss. ditional REBOA devic-
the injury, the risk of The problem with es block all blood flow,
which can lead to per-
manent damage if organs
and tissue downstream
of the device are starved
from their blood supply
for too long.
UNMCs novel de-
vice does more than just
block flow. The innova-
tive design has the ability
to bypass the damaged
area and maintain blood
supply to vital organs and
tissues downstream of the
injury. The automated
REBOA device precise-
ly controls inflation and
regulates the amount
of blood flow to down-
stream tissue, decreasing
user error.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

UNMC Technology 7

Wound irrigation system

Inspired by their
frustrations of repeatedly
plunging a syringe into a
sterile solution to spray a
wound, emergency room
personnel at UNMC
found a way to save time
and energy with a new
irrigation system.
Wound cleaning is
an art where the doctor
or nurse must pour the
sterile saline solution into
a basin, load the solution
into a syringe, and spray
the liquid from the syringe
with the same force and
consistency each time.

Fitted to a sterile This method delivers inconsistent pressures,

solution particularly for deep wounds, which require
Ergonomic design greater amounts of force.
Cost-efficient UNMCs pressurized wound irrigation
system uses a standard sterile solution bottle
Adjustable fluid fitted with a specialized cap that connects to a
pressure uniquely designed irrigation wand. Providers
Continuous wound are then able to initiate the flow of the saline
irrigation solution and adjust the fluid pressure with the
press of a finger.
Improve wound The inventors have also developed a portable
cleansing version that allows the user to clean wounds
Faster irrigation outside a healthcare facility.
process UNeMed is seeking a partner to complete
preclinical testing and help place this irrigation
system in ERs across the nation.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

8 UNMC Technology

better AV

Fistula maturation system

Healthcare providers now have vessels each time.
a better, more reliable way to im- AV fistulas are a complex and
prove dialysis in patients with kid- imperfect solution, even when per-
ney failure. formed by an expert team of sur-
Hemodialysis simulates kidney geons and support staff.
function by filtering toxins from a The problem with creating AV
patients blood, outside the body. For fistulas is that they require weeks
dialysis to work properly, dialysis or months to mature and strength-
machines must filter as much blood en before a patient can undergo
as possible during each treatment. hemodialysis. Many patients un-
An arteriovenous or AV fistula dergoing dialysis are never able to
is a point of entry and exit to the mature a large fistula.
blood vessels that also allows large UNMC physician, Marius
amounts of uninterrupted blood Florescu, M.D., has a new device
flow. This portal serves as a con- that represents the first major
nection between an artery and a improvement for the AV fistula
vein in the patients arm and allows in more than 40 years. His device
the vein to grow large and strong, promotes better AV fistula creation
providing reliable access to blood and maturation for hemodialysis.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

UNO Technology 9

Detection of disease worsening in COPD

Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disorder, or
COPD, is one of the largest
and fastest growing causes
of death in the world.
People that live with
COPD suffer chronic
breathlessness and the risk
of exacerbations: A sud-
den worsening of symp-
toms. Exacerbations are
deadly, and are often only
treatable in the intensive
care unit.
A new invention from
the University of Nebraska
warns people with COPD
about worsening symp-
toms, before they happen.

The device monitors the synchroniza-

Wearable tech tion between breathing and walking. In
enables remote laboratory studies, patients with COPD
were less able to synchronize their breath-
monitoring ing and walking. The worse the disease got,
Novel algorithms the worse their ability to synchronize.
predict symptom Initial results from a national clinical
worsening study matched laboratory results. The in-
ventors are currently working to further
Enables refine the device and improve the analysis.
preventative For the first time ever, a wearable device
treatment has the potential to predict the worsening
Powerful data of COPD symptoms, even exacerbations.
Early detection opens the door to new
analysis system treatment protocols focused on preventing
is inexpensive, worsening symptoms, exacerbations and
scalable costly hospitalizations.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

10 UNMC Technology

Intuitool makes invasive
laparoscopy easier surgery
As the world pushes to make minimally
invasive surgery easier and safer, surgical
procedures need smaller and smaller inci-
made less
Engineers and surgeons at the Universi- risky, safer
ty of Nebraska Medical Center found a way
to meet those needs, while making those for patients
procedures safer for patients and easier for
surgeonsa groundbreaking new surgical
tool called Intuitool.
Minimally invasive, or laparoscopic, sur-
gery is difficult for any surgeon. During a through an opening about
procedure, a surgeon must hold the instru- the size of Abraham Lin-
ment, often at awkward angles, for hours colns copper-plated head.
at a time. The surgeon cant see the tools Intuitool is the next
directly, instead relying on two-dimension- generation of laparoscopic
al video displays. And everything must fit tools, with robust articu-
lation and superior ergo-
nomic design and feel. Its
rod-driven articulation
system conveys the max-
imum amount of power
with minimal exertion.
Multiple publications over
eight years demonstrate
how Intuitool is safer, eas-
ier, and quicker to learn.
UNeMed is seeking a
partner to license a port-
folio of international pat-
ent applications teaching
multiple aspects of the
Intuitool, or an entrepre-
neur eager to arm sur-
geons with better tools.

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468

UNMC Technology 11

Portable laparoscope
One of the greatest advances in emerging economies, one of the
surgery is the advent of laparoscop- main down sides to laparoscopic
ic surgery, now a standard of care surgery is that it requires expensive
in most countries. laparoscopic suites, with state-of-
Looking to extend the use of the-art equipment.
laparoscopic surgery into devel- Dr. Ares portable laparoscope
oping economies, Chandra Are, technology allows physicians in
M.D., a surgical oncologist at the emerging economies to keep up
University of Nebraska Medical with the standard of care and prac-
Center invented a portable system tice laparoscopic surgery. This
that takes laparoscopic surgery be- ground-breaking system takes the
yond the dedicated operating room function of a laparoscopic suite and
and into the hands of surgeons in a reproduces it in a portable system
non-traditional environment with enabling laparoscopic investigation
minimal support. in a variety of non-traditional set-
For physicians and hospitals in tings.

Inexpensive to
manufacture &
Requires minimal
clinical support
Improves access
in emerging
beyond the OR

Simulation graphic: UNeMed

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468


Michael Dixon, Ph.D.

President & CEO
Steve Schreiner, Ph.D.
Vice President &
personnel &
Director Marketing and Licensing
support staff
Jason Nickla, J.D., L.L.M.
Vice President &
Director of Intellectual Property

Matt Boehm, Ph.D.

Licensing Manager
Jeff Andersen, J.D. Val Gunderson
Contracts Specialist Office Manager

Joe Runge, J.D., M.S.

Business Development Manager
Bo Han, M.D., M.B.A. Cori Harsh
Sr. Business Dev. Specialist Financial Manager

Qian Zhang, Ph.D., M.B.A.

Licensing Specialist
Charlie Litton Anne Rivas
Communications Office Associate

Catherine Murari-Kanti, Ph.D.

Licensing Associate
D.J. Thayer, M.B.A Mindy Ware
Director of International & Patent Specialist
Domestic Business Affairs

UNeMed.com | 402.559.2468
The University of Nebraska does not discriminate based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation,
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