Gap Analysis 01 2017

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GAP Analysis Instruction by TMS rev. 1.12.

According to IATF Transition Strategy (rev.2) from ISO/TS 16949 to IATF 16949 (pages 5-6):

All supporting functions on site or remote shall be included in the transition process in line with the current ISO
audit cycle and shall be included at the transition audit.
-In exceptional circumstances, where the remote supporting function has not completed a transition audit t
to the transition audit at the relevant manufacturing site, the organization shall ensure a complete gap analy
detailed action plan to fulfill the applicable requirements of IATF 16949, is available at the manufacturing sites
- In situations where the organization does not provide the gap analysis and detailed action plan, the audit at th
site shall be considered failed and the site shall be required to undertake a full initial audit.

In case of not having any Supporting Function audited by CB according to IATF 16949 requirements, the mentio
Analysis shall be available at each audited production site supported by relevant Remote Location.
The Gap Analysis should be structured and summarized according to the attached excel form where eventual re
Plan(s) must be mentioned or linked and attached to the Gap Analysis as annexes, at best during audit planning
input for Audit Plan preparation and Documents Review.
The size of cells in the excel file may be adapted to your needs as its going to be reviewed in electronic versio
need of printing it.
Relevant Action Plans may be used in the format normally used by the organization, but must contain clear stat
requirement of IATF 16949 which is not fulfilled and precise action(s) to close the gap with clear due dates and
person(s) for each action.

Please notice: This form is a suggestion for Gap Analysis for Remote Locations according to IATF Transition Str
SD Management Service GmbH and not mandatory to use. Any other form with content according to IATF Tran
may be used by the organization.

TV SD Management Service, rev. 23.12.2016

ction by TMS rev. 1.12.2016
16949 to IATF 16949 (pages 5-6):

ded in the transition process in line with the current ISO/TS 16949:2009

porting function has not completed a transition audit to IATF 16949 prior
, the organization shall ensure a complete gap analysis, including a
of IATF 16949, is available at the manufacturing sites audit.
he gap analysis and detailed action plan, the audit at the manufacturing
red to undertake a full initial audit.

CB according to IATF 16949 requirements, the mentioned above Gap

e supported by relevant Remote Location.
according to the attached excel form where eventual relevant Action
Gap Analysis as annexes, at best during audit planning phase as an

needs as its going to be reviewed in electronic version, without the

y used by the organization, but must contain clear statement about the
se action(s) to close the gap with clear due dates and responsible

is for Remote Locations according to IATF Transition Strategy from TV

use. Any other form with content according to IATF Transition Strategy

TV SD Management Service, rev. 23.12.2016

One excel document shall be used
Name of RL for one Remote Location and must
Address of RL mention all supporting functions of
this RL
Date of GAP Assessment

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ISO/TS 16949 IATF 16949 document of GAP in Company's Due Date
Remote Function to close
Requirem. Requirem. Company's Process for AP
the GAP

Missing definition of
Modification of
1 7.1. 8.2 Process 123 required

Product design
description of Action Plan no.
2 7.3 8.3 requirements for XYZ from
embedded software 10.12.2016

3 Warehousing 7.5.4
4 Laboratory 7.6
5 Supplier management 7.4.
Quality system management Training
Internal Auditors
6 according to GM 1.03.2017

TV SD Management Service, rev. 23.12.2016

TV SD Management Service, rev. 23.12.2016

all be used
and must
unctions of

8 9 10 11 12
Current Current
Date of
Status of Status of Last Internal Last Internal
Transition Audit
AP for AP for Audit date Audit date to
document implementati (ISO/TS) (IATF 16949) IATF 161949
change on

75% 15.07.2017

0% 15.07.2017

100% 15.07.2017

25% 20.09.2016 15.07.2017

TV SD Management Service, rev. 23.12.2016

TV SD Management Service, rev. 23.12.2016
English (a-z) German
Aftersales Verkaufsfolgemanagement
Calibration Kalibrierung
Continous improvement Kontinuierliche Verbesserung
Contract review Vertragsprfung
Customer service Kundendienst
Distribution Versand und Auslieferung
Engineering Ingenieurdienstleistungen
Facilities management Gebudemanagement
Finance Finanzen
Human resources Personalwesen
Information technologies Informationstechnologie
Internal Audit management Management interner Audits
Laboratory Labor
Logistics Logistik
Maintenance Instandhaltung
Management Review Managementbewertung
Marketing Marketing
Packaging Verpacken
Policy making Grundsatz- und Unternehmensplanung
Process design Prozessentwicklung
Product design Produktentwicklung
Production equipment development Betriebsmittelentwicklung
Purchasing Einkauf
Quality system management Qualittsmanagementsystem
R&D Forschung und Entwicklung
Repair Reparatur und Instandsetzung
Sales Vertrieb
Sequencing Auslieferungssteuerung
Servicing Allgemeine Dienste
Strategic planning Strategische Planung
Supplier management Lieferantenmanagement
Testing Produktprfung
Training Schulung
Warehousing Lagerhaltung
Warranty management Gewhrleistungsabwicklung

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